HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 363; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK; Engineering Application.' :... . . " •. ).c:~,;;,:j::k'«?:;;:;~/. 3~:: / ~::'., .~, ..... . .. :i .. . C I TV OF CA R LSBAD. . ~" ... ;S~;>;';:)/ ,; :;~~":'I,'>:: .>;': APPLICATION FOR APPROVA~ OF A TENTATIVE PARiC.EL:·MAP·;, .,,·· ... L. :'; .. -:' "'·.::-:;~!i< , FOR A M I NOR SUB I D I V I S ION OF 'LAND-( INTO 4 'OR LESS PARCELS') '>.:'~'.. / .' : > ~t •• " -'-~ , ",' AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.24·OF THE ' .. ··;~··· .. :'·· .. ~.-;~t:::·:;:'~?!'~··~::.-. ::','~<; CARLSBAD MUN.'C I PAL COnE '. ' .. <.'.:~0~+:·" >.... ',.' FIl.-·ING F.EE: $175.00 ''''D'. .' .. ,". .' : .... : .fILING,rEt: RECEIPT~ NO., Ifc:;.2 -': MINOR S'tjBDI'V'ISION NO.' Ms3~3. I' 'ACCOUN'r NO.' 1-22 . '. ' (for office use) .' 'D'At~ Q/io/z 7 '. TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE , . CITY OF CARLSBAD: I .. Reques't: is hereby . S u bd i vis i -0 n No. made for approval of Tenta~ive Partel Map of Minor : consisting of 8.2.,7... Ac~. ' gross . acres, having ~ ' .. property described as. ~=----~ lots, being.a. proposed subdivision of landfor . . . .. (Exact Legal bescriptJon) . . . i' Lot 4, Carlsbad Tract 73-49'-'in City of carisbad.,. c~unty 0'£ San' DiegO, ) .State of California, as per map thereq i·Nb.·'S()'54. filed in: the Office of the County Recorder. .: '1 • 4" • _ ' . . .-, ., . .' -' '. .' " .. . . . . ' .. .. . ... C'·· .' ......... ---------------..-------------------- l " ~ ', .. , '. .' ' . .' ~~ ne ra 11 y . 1 oca t ~~: on t he --r~~N:--o-r_::t::_h-. ~-_;::_~-_:_:_~~---..,------­(North, South, East, West) .. :":: .:-: ":~" side. of (~~~ien~oli~t'r:~fte between El Cami R] , lN~%e elf Street) and Yarrow' Dr. (Name of Street) A~SES~ORS PARCEL NO. 231 -05'0,.... 10' Book 'Page Pa rce 1 .. " ~ .' .... ~ . ... ~:' , .' ., -. . '. . 'TYPE OF SUBD I V i's ION Industrial -T(~R-::e~s~id~·e~'n~t~ia~·l~,~C~o-m-m-e-r-c~,r-a~l-,~I-n~d~u-s~t~r~ia-rlr)--~~--~ ,Are the .exis'ting or proposed p'arcels or lots,'in this minor subdivision·' subject to other discretionary apprOVed ·(f'or example, a vari~e or con- dit iona1 use permit)? Yes, No --F-~----- .w;. • ----: :-( '.' i . .,. et; PR-ES EN'T ZONE , . Name ~'~'~(~T~y-p-e-d~o-r~P~r-o~ln-t-e-d~a-s---s~ho-W--h--O-n-=R-e-c-o-r-d~e-d~D~e-e-d~)~----~~~--~------ Signature ______ ~ ________________________ ----~~~~----~----------~-------- .' Name ~~(=T~y-p-e.~d--o-r~P~r~i-n-t-e~d-a~s--s·~h-ow-.-n--o-n-=R-e-c-o-r~d-e~d-=D-e-e~d·~)~--~--------------- ~ignat~re ____________________ ~ ________ ~~ __ ~ ______ ~ __ ~ __________ ~~ __ _ Name ---~(=T-y-p-e~d-.-o-r-=P-r~i-n~t-e~d.-a--s--s~ho~w--n-o--n-R~e-c~'o~rd~e-d~D~e-e-d~)---------------------- Signature ____ ------------------------------------~--------------------'-··-- .. . ," :. . .' '·.r·, Name and Address of Subdivfder: ... '" Palomar Airport Business Park, a·Partners.bjp· . ~ .6231 Yarrow Dro, Suite C Carlsbad, CA 92008 : .. ':' . ~~'1' ... -. "'j;;i: 'Name,' address ·and ph~~e number of Epg-i-neer or 'Licensed"'La~d Surveyor: No. 239-8171 :' Municipal. Engineers, Inc. . 0" 615 .?\sh St .. , Suite' 202 San Pieg0,;, CA . 921'0'1,' ' ...... . , . . . . ~. ' .. ' -,' ... . :';,: '; : ' .. " r· .... " " " ~ ~. '.' . . /' .. -..... . .. ,', .~ '" .. '; ,:'," .... . ' . . ",. '. " ., . ~ '.' . " ~ ::' ., • -:;' T" : .. ;" .,. \ .. ," ..... , ,.:: ...... , .: ' ...... . . , " ".: -~: . ~ :!,,; , ~ -" ~'." >' -.. \ . . .1l .,'."-" , .. ' ',' '0-.. . . ' . ' " • , .' < ~ • , . ::.), .', . ", .~,'~-.,~,:,' :.. .~.:~., ~." ;., ..'! -~ -, ~' .. :~~. '\, :~;:f .. . ,. , . ,·t:' , ~.""'. ' .. ·:·~l· , ~ . ".' . .: ~ . • :;.!" -. t ':~1? , -. i1~ . -.} . .' ~ ~ •••• .... - PARCEL MAP CHECK LIST , MinOr Subdivision No. %"3 __ Property Owner (s) fb~~dI~ g,hV~t!Jr't:... , ~ as.".'l..1 o(!! $>' .' _.B._Q_'~_~ _____ ._~._' ........0.-_ . , . Date Received f .... Cbh 7? -'---'----- Addres.s _. ,G Z ~/ _~~~ ~.";"""",,,,,,;~=---~--,,,--, __ , __ _ No •. of Lots e. ---------------- Fi.1ing Fe? Phone _'f..:S 8 -2. 5""5.;.....: _2-__ .,.--......_. ,.- Tentative Hap $ 17 t:;>.=-, Date PdG e;",?6°·77 Rec. # ~~_!_ Eng!:'o Final Map $ Date Pd. Rec. fr. ----l-i.dc1r. ---- ~t4'Jf;~/~!. ~~ ;. ~$"' ~'ii..~41·_S:P.J ~ (. ~, Phone ZS'l;':' 6/71. ~: Variance Req'd. St. Ded. Reg'd. B'ut. St, Agr. Date before P.C. ___ .,..--_ on map Date Of C.C. Appr. -------- Other Reg.s Separate' DOG. Rec. Date & #_ .. ____ _ r ____ Rec. Da~ jlJo pa..vk f ~~. fr2z~~ -r-Tr"--.------:------,Pe:.--oJ· ~. 1/ -/-7-7 Te·n·t. Map 1st check In Out Improvement Plans ,-~-:---------.-.---.--- Final Hap Is-l:-check In Out --D'Vvg.· # Proj.# 2nd check In Out 1st: check; In Out: _._-------~.- 3rd check In Out 2nd check In Oi:.1·t P:i,.cked up by 'I'itle Co. .Recorded Bonds 1mpr. Agr. $ Fai. t.hful Perf. $ Materials & Labor $ B<?nding Co. Address Hplding Account Number --------~--..,...--- Date paid Receip:t No. ------_.-_ ... -.. --.... -.-- 3rd check In Out. ---_._-- Signed by City Engineer' --. ---.-----~- City Deposits Reg:'d •. .--------_._-- 1. Plan check (imp. plans) $ 2. Plan check· final map 3. Parks·,...iil-1ieu fee 4 •. Sewer cos·t· 5. ir\Tater cost $ $ $ $ $ $ 6. Street b:ees' deposiJc $ 7 .. Monumentation depoQit $ 8 •. Inspection fee $ ~. StDeet light deposit $ Street light energy fee $ . 10. Duplicate tracing deposit$ TOTAL PEPOSITS' $ 3-1-7/ --.~-.--, ----------,;. ... ---_. __ ._-,--- --'""- -.=== ----_. __ ..... , l • SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE . , AS TO ~HOSEITEMS WHICH CAN RIPEN TO A FEE ONLY FEB: $100 .. 00 NO. :,' 103·0517 -AMEND TRACT NO: LOT 4 CARLSBAD TRA~T '73-49 TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM~1\NY A CORPORATION G U A RAN TEE S THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND ANY CITY WITHIN WarCH SAID SUBbIVIS'ION IS LOCATED IN A S.uM NOT EXCEEDING $1,000.00 .• ' THAT, ACCORDING TO THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH, UNDER THE RECORDING ,LAWS, IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF,MATTERS AFFECTING. THE TITLE TO . THE LAND HEREINAF~ER DESCRIBED, THE ONLY PARTIES HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN SAID LAND WHOSE SIGNATURES ARE NECESSARY, UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF 'rHE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT" ON THE CERTIFICATES , . CONSENTING TO THE RECORDATTON 'OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP OF SAID'LAND AND OFFERING FOR DEDI.CATION ANY STREET$, ROADS, AVENUES AND OTHER EASEME'NTS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION. BY SAID SUBDIVISION MAP A~: 1. , PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP,wHO AQUIRED TITLE AS CC&F PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK,' A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AS OWNER. ' THE TRACT HEREINl3EFO:RE'REFERRED TO IS A SUBDIVISION OF LANDS DESCRIB.ED AS: LOT 4 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73·-49 (CC&F .PALOMAR AIRPOR.T BUSINESS PARK 'UNIT NO.1), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN D'IEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8054, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. DATED: .JANUARY 5" 1978 AT 7: 30 A.' M.