HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 387; GORDON LOT 193 LA COSTA MEADOWS #1; Engineering Application• . ', e, .52-78' .. ;C ITY OF CARL.SBAD· APPLI.CATI·ON FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP' FOR' A M I NOR:SUB 10 IVIS ION 'OF ·LAND-.( INTO 4 OR LESS· PARCELS ).' ·A.S·PROViDED FOR IN CHA'PTER20.24 OF THE .' . . . CARLS,BAD HUN I CI·PAL CODe: . FILING FEE: $175.00 FJLI~G FEE RECEIPT NO • .".---......-,.....,--',MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. MS 381 . '~.( for 'Office use)· .. . :'DAT.E November 6, 1978 TO THE city ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLS~AD: I. -l! ' Request is hereby m~de,for approval of Tentative Parcel MaP of Minor Subdivisi.on No. . consist.ing9f . 0·.38 ,gross acres, having . one lot~, being ·aproposed, subdivision of land for '. p·roperty descr i bed as (Exact Legal Description) . . . Lot 193, La Costa Meadow~ Unit No.1; in the County of San niego f Stat'e. o.f California, according to Map thereof-No. : 6800; filed i:n the Office of' the County Recorder of San Diego~ County, December 9, 1,970. - I . . ! ! ------------------------~.~.-~~~'-.----~~------~---------------- .j , f ge nera 1 1 Y 1 oca ted on the -r....---:-;--~s~o-u_:_th;--· -;::--:---....-r---:-r------------ (North, SOuth, East, West) -'. :s i de of Luciernaga Court ..... between Luciernaga Place ( Name of St reet) t·· ... (Name of St reet) and --r":":"A_r..:::;g_on_a_u-;;!'·t_a';::'"S_t_r_e_et~ _________ 7~-.~~ ___ _ ( Name of St reet J ; "".' f ASSESSORS, PARCEL NO. 215 -250 -: 35' . . ,' ~ '. ~ ,~, -.' ., Book Page; Parcel TY PE OF SUB D I V IS ·1 ON _~R_es_i"":,"d-;en_t_i,:""a .... 1-+-(C_o",":~;:;-do_m_i_n .... iu_m....:;),.--,;--",-.---;---:~.......-;~ _____ _ (Residential;:Co~mercia], 1ndu5trial) Are the existing or proposed parcels or, lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary approval (for 'example, a variance or con- ditional use permit)? Yes No __ ~N~o ____ __ -.. ~ -. -f!l . "."_ .. ~-: . ?-.: .:;,. , 'r ._--""!: i , ," ". , .. /~:' PR,ESEN.T ZONE • ' 'R-2, " . , , . -,~.'. ~" -':--.... We the under$ i gned. stat'e that We ,are the ( I, We) (I am, We are) .....,.-=--_o_wn_er=s __ ......... -r~-:-...,...--:-of the property desc r ibed he·re i ~ a nd hereby ( Owner, OWRers) (Author i zed A.gent) ~ive our'authorization to the filing of this proposed ~ract (My,' Ou r) map. We are ( I' ani, We are) Title 2G (SubdivisJon aware of and have had an opportun i tv to read . .... ~ ,~-. - Ordinance) of the 'Carlsbad Municipal Code • . -'--:.. ;;, ... Name __ ~~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~ ____ ~4-~~~ ____ ~~~~~~ ____ ~ ____________ __ own on Recorded Deed Name Darla A.c. Ausman , (Typed. or ~~nted ?I~ 'shown on RecQ,rded. Oeed) Si'gnatLlre ~~. . .Name (Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded ,Deed) , S j gnatLl re Name. (Typed or Printed as shown oli Recon:led Deed) 'S'j gnatu re' ,Hame and Address of SubdivTder: Same as owner i' -- t ,. , ·'Name, ~lddress and phone number of . I -.'-' -------:-'---~.... ..... Land Surveyor: No. 3654 Arian qnd Willess; Inc. 1570 West Linda Vista Drive San Marcos,California 92069 '!.,.~: . -.... - ~~-'---.-'--."" .... '::-:.' . . '. ..... .,~~~~ ..--: "." .. .... _.- --'-~ .. ' ... -.,., (, .. I 'I· i I t • "fARCEL MAp, GUJ\;RANTEE • TItLE I~~URANCF AND TRUST COMPA~Y ACORPf1RATION GUAQ.ANTEES FEE OR DEt<. NUl'1BE R : REF ER E f\l C E : $50.00 1050294 A LOT 193 LA COSTA MEADOWS THE COUNTY 0F $A~ DIEGO A~D CITY WITHIN WH[CH SAID ~U80IVISION IS LOCA TED I N A SU.M !\JOT EXCEEDTNG-$1, 000-eJO. -. --~--. -_i~=-=--C' -' •• -'--.--'--=-.--- THAT, ACCORDING TO THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH. UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS, PWART CONSTRUCTIVE .hOTICE nF MATTERS AI=FECTING THE TITLE TO THE LA~O HEREINAFTER D~S(RIBED,TH~ ONLY PARTIES HAVING ANY RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN SAID LANO WHOSE SIGNATURES ARE f\JeCE.SSA.RY, UNDER THE REQIJlRE.~~Ei'lTS OF THt: SUBDIVISION f-,lAP ACT. ·ni-.J TH·E C~RTIl=ICI\n:<; , CONSENTING TO' THE RECORDATION OF tHE PA~CEL MA·P .oF SAID LAND AND OFFEP,ING F'OR DEDICATION ANY STR,EETS, ROA'{)S, A.VE:[\IU~S A:f\ID OTHEi~ EASEMENTS OFFERED FOR DEDICATJON BY SAID~1?ARCEL MAP ARE: 1 • F R A 1\) K. A lJ S M M,J AN f) RON A LODE W 0 L F A S mm E R S • 2. TRA"l::''7'·Cf1A$T SERVICES, .INC. t A CALIFOK~!IA CORPORATIOt\], TP!JSTEE UNOER DEE: D f) F T PU S T R E COR D E 0 '--1 A Y 3, un 9 lJ N 0 ERR E COR DE R 'S F 1 L E / D A'GE NO. 79-1~ZL~3 'IN BOOK 1979 OF O~FICIAL RE:CORDS. THE TRACT HEREIN·t3EFORE R~~FERRED TO IS-A SUBDIVISION OF l.Af\lO'S DESCRIBED AS: LOT 1 9 3 0 F LA COS TAM E ADO ~I SUN I T NO.1, I NTH E CIT Y 0 F CAR L S t3.A D, 1 NTH E C O.U N T Y 0 F 5 AND lEG o. ST ATE 0 F CAL I FOR N r A; A -CC OR 01 i'{(1 'TO-r.A-'4-p~T+I-::-R ...... t::..g~.J.Q"+~~~_ 6800 FILE~ IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN OIEG0 COU~TY. DEC E'-1 F3 E R 9, 1 9 '7 0 • DATE[)~ JULY 17, 1979, AT 7:30 A~~. '. TITLE IN SIJRANCEMIO TR UC; T COMPANY BY ASSTSTANT SECRETA~Y 1 0 5 U '2 '} 1, -A 'L