HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 422; ROY WARD LAKE CALAVERA HILLS ASSOC; Engineering Application'., ,~p , , .• '. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPL"lCATION FOR APPROVAL, OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR A MINOR SUBIOIVIS'ION OF LANO-(INTD 4 OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROV IDEO FOR IN CHA,PTER 20.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CO~E FILING FEE: ·$3GO.BO FILING FEE RtCEIPT NO. M I'NOR SUBD I V I S I ON ~lO'. MS ,4-Zz... -(for office use) --,----- DATE ~anJlCj,ry 2, 1980 'TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentati'ie Parcel Map of M'in6r Subd i vis i on No. cons i st ing of 165-9 ross atres, having lotS, being a proposed subdivision of la~d for property des~ribed as : (Exact Lega 1 Desc r i pt ion) '. . . Portions of Lots D ~ E and J of thed R,ancho Agua Hedionda in' the ~i ty of Carlsbad,; County of San, Diego, . S:t;:ate of Cali -fornia according to Map thereof No~ 823 on -Pi 1 e in theof.fj ce of' the County Recorde+ of Said County. gene ra 11 y 1 oca t ed ·on the -r~E:-a_s...,.t-:----:::_-._-=---..,.._~_...--_---,----,_-.,-____ _ (North, South, East, West) 'S ,i de of El Camino Real (NarDe of St reet) between Tamarack Avenue .(t~ame of St reet) .... 'l Y'" = and ~~E~t~m~',~A~~~e~'n~'u~'e~_~ _______________ ~ ____ ~ __ (Name of 'Street) ASSESSORS PARCEL'NO. 167-10-1-12 an~ 17 l68~04-04, 07 and Q8 Book Page P~rcel . TYPE OF SUBDIVISION __ -=~R~e7s~id~e~n~·t~i~a~1~~ ____ ~~~~ __ ~~~ ________ ~ ( Res ide n t i a 1, C omm e r cia 1, I n d us t ria 1 ) Are the existing, or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary approval (fo.r example, a variance or con- ) Y 'No x d i tiona 1 use pe rm it? es _____ .,.. __________ _ -. . .'\. . .J f., > .~ PRESENT ZONE __ P_.C_. ____ .....,..._ I the unders i gned state that . I am the . . ( I, We) ( I a-rh, We are) Owner of the property described herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) (Authorized Agent) _ give My authorization to the fiiing of this proposed tract ~~(~M-y-,-O~u-r-)~--~ map. I am ( I am , We are) aware of and have had an opportunity to read Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the Carlsbad MUhicipal Code. Name' __ ~~~-' __ ~~7-~~ ____ ~ ______ ~~ __ -'-'~~~ ______ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ __ (Typed or as shown. on Recorded D'eed) Signature_' __________ ~ __________________ ~ ________ ~ __________________ ~ __ __ Name Lake Calavera Hills Associates, a Limi ted Parb:~ersb ip and DoI). N. Bb~l'1cer", , (Typ~d or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) '. ~*~~ ~s Trustee of the ~1artha Killefer Trust, nnder Ti'mst ~grQ9mQnt Name . dated~FebrUary 2i, 1962~. . . . (Typed ~ow~) Signature ~------;--- Name and Address of Subdivfder: , . Roy J. Ward, General Partner 1207 EimAve. Suite D -Cartsbad, CA.' 92008 Name, addre~s and phone number of Engineer ·or L~censed Land Surveyor: No. x Hap preparer -Robert G. Thompson 1207 Elm Ave. '-Suite D, Carlsbad, CA. 92008'