HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 440; HAASL LOT 57 SHELTER COVE; Engineering Application. i . ! .; 1 , . ! 1 '~ . , • '. :h:.": -. -_ • " . CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPKOVAL .OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR A t'lINOR .SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTO 4 OR l.ESS PARCt:LS} AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHA.PTER . .20.24 OF THE 9ARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COcrE . ,FILI·NG FEE:·~300.00 , F I LING PEt RECE IPT NO • .J.d.50/& 16 THE CITY ENGINEER OF TKE C~TY OF CARLSBAD: M I NOR SUBD"I V I S ION NO. MS '0/ L/b -(fo r of fi ce u s.e ) --, • . , 'DATE I., Request is hereby made for approval of Tentativ(e Parcel Map)of M·inor. $ubd i vis i on No.' ....... ..!:t.. 'o/C> cons i st i hg of ~ II if z.,.. ~97}~)r1:;~'-gross . acres, h,aving . I _lots; 'being a propO'sed subOlv~"Oh of land for ,property described as : ' {Exgct L~sal Description} generally:;at;d .:. t~e_IN~t,west) . sic;ie'of (./.~~ betwe.en ~ ~ , ·<!.a~..: of Street).A ;~ (Name of Street) and :L:?"L~~~' (Name of Street) . ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. ;;<07-ISO -:-' ',YI Book, Pa,gYi3_rcel _-" TYPE OF SUBDIViSiON ~L~..c.R' ( Res ide n't i a 1, C omm ere i a 1, I n d u s t ria 1 ) Are the eX'isting or PI-oposed parcels or -lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary apprO'val (for example, a variance or con ... d i tiona 1 u·se permi t)? Yes NO' ____ ~r ______ _ • PRES E NT Z ON E _--r{<._._W _____ _ tJ~ ( I, \1e)' . the undersigned sta~e that .. ~ of. the property described ..' ... ~~he (I am, We are) her~in and h~reby ( Owner,owner5)(Author i zed Agent) . give ~ author i zat i on to the f il i ng of th is" propose;:d k t rac:t : '( My", Ou r ) . map. . W-c--~ aware of and have had an 0pPQrtun.ity to read ( I am, We a re-) ", Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the'Carlsbad Municipal Code. Name A-.IV IV /-1/14 S L:... . (Ty"p~ed or'Printed as sho.:fLn"~~rc!ed Deed) SIgnature . , . c:: ......... .-/ ~-__ " " Name ---(r.T~y-p-e-d~o-r-=P~.r~in-t~e-d~a-s~s~h-ow--n-o-n~··~R~e-c-o-r~d-e~d-D~e-e-d~)~.----~------~~--~ Sig~ature ______ ~~ ________________ ~ __________ ~ __________ ~ ____ ~ Name ---r.(T~y-p-e-d'-o~r~P-r~i-nt~e-d'-a~s~s~h-ow~n-o-n-rR'e-c-~-r~d-e~9-=De~e-9~)r-~------------~-- S i gnatu re---.. _. _____ -..,... ________ -'--___________ ~,__---- Name and Address of S·ubdivi"der: ~Y:1,~~~4~ "' " If-J9-A So L- Name, address and phone number of Engineer.or Licensed Land" Surveyor: No. t 1J.3~ / " LtL-...tf.~1Cce/ ~.'&-.7~~'. '. JC;;L.d -?b ~ 6e. ~ ~I eJ. 9' ~6 ?;;;V" 7" Y ~ ¥7 J;" .. d:2-f//" _ PARCEL MAP LOG MINOR SUBDIVISION NO.' ~~~ --~----. DATE RECE:1VED . -tPi. -.dB -acb-- ENGINEER 1.-v"/2.:.l..,A-'1'7 . 4YEA d£l/l//9. #c::or4o..ADDRESS ~dla .A/',. EL-<:.AM111",../d>-A!!.E"#L • .:s'dA/ -. }' PHONE ~9d-3,;?~J--7c::.~~q-__ ~ OWNER' 'I-IA& 5b ' ADDRESS ~ J,fIJ VMl c?.e .L A PHONE 7;,5?l-'7.3 W' TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SENT DATE ,:5 -; ;:-8.::> PLANNING a- UTIL/MAINT. [3-- PARKS r;r-- FIRE ~_-,--_O. CMWD 0 .0 LCWO 0 . LETTERS PRELIM. DUE PRELIM. SENT FINAL DUE 'FINAL SENT 'I-a -Be!)' REPORT FOR~ __ ' ~C~P=:-----, __ ~~=-____ "=,=",=-:DATE TO Dec, DATE TO P.C. __ --'--___ ACTION: o ,APPROVED 0 DENIED -------------'- DATE TO C.C. ACIION: 0 APPROVED 0 DENIED o STREET D=ED=I=C=AT=I=ON~--DEED NO. ______ RECORDED [J FUTURE IMPROVEMEN=-T-'A~GR"""'E=EM=E=NT;:-.-TO C.C. _____ --'-, 0 APPR'=OV=E=D------,----.,--- ,D'OTHER C.C. COND~IT=I=O=NS~:--~~--~--------~---------------------~~------------ TENTATI'VE PARCEL MAP 1st Check IN2-28 OUT 2nd Check IN 0 ,----'\ 3rd Check IN 'OUT APPROVED -- 1st Check 2nd Check 3rd Check SIGNED BY C.'E. FINAL PARCEL MAP IN (z.-31 OUT t ~:z;.. IN. (-S":'b\ ,OUT,..----..~ IN OUT_-,--- PICKED UP BY TITL~ CO. RECORDED. -------- -COPIES RECEIVED --------------------- , BONDS ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE '$ -"-',AMOUNT FAITHFUL PERFOR~1ANCE MATERIALS & LABOR GRADING,& EROSION MONUMENTATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BONDING CD. IN :.' o .. 0 0: ._.0 ' _0 ,0 : ! ADDRESS ------------- TRUST ACCOUNT NO: , DATE PAID -,----A ... M=O""UN=T=----;RECEI PT NO. ,$ . REPORTS REQUIRED TITLE REPORT SUBDIVISION .GUARANTEE SOILS' REPORT ENGINEER" S ESTIMATE , , TRAVERSE CALC. / ,£9 ...... 19 o 0, '.0 " o· ·0 IN D _0 , ,0 .. -0, '.-0, .D" o IMPROVEMENT PLANS DRAWING NO. --~-OUT PROJECT NO. 1 s t Chec k -----,I=N,.-.-..- 2nd Check IN . OUT:--- 3rd Check' . IN~--OUT --'-SIGNED BY C .E. ' SI GNED IIAS-BUI-:-:L T=II'--, ------------ GRADING' PLANS GRADING PERMIT NO.,, ________ ~=~~ 1st Check IN OUT 2nd Check IN OUT'----,- 3rd Check IN OUT ,..--- SIGNED BY' C.E~ ------~--~~----~--,PERMIT ISSUE.D DEPOSITS REQUIRED ITEM TENT. EXAM FEE >'- PARKS-IN-UEU FEE ~ JfIiIJ' GRADING PERMIT FEE ' . FINAL PROCESS. FEE~ IMP. PLAN CHECK FEE INSPECTION FEE WATER CHARGES . SEWER CHARGES STREET TREE DEPOSIT MONUMENTATION DEPOSIT STREET LIGHT ENERGY FEE DUPLICATE TRACING FEE PAID , [37 0' ~ _D- O: O· o D- D/ ~~'. Form 1359-(4/75) -CL TA Subdivision Guarantee Form No. 14 • SUBDIVISION GlJARANTEE SUBDIVISION: PARCEL MAP ORDER NO. 811837-6 FEE $ 50.00 First American Title Insurance Compllny a corporation, GUARANTEES The County of San Diego anci any City within which said sllbdivisi'on is located in a 'sum not exceeding $1000;00; That, according to those public records which, under .tile recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the, exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said la,lid whose -signatures are necessary, under the 'requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering 'for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Dated: December 8, 1980 First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT .y~jiA- RAL~~~DER ' • EXHIBIT "A" RALPH J. HAASL AND MARYANN HAASL as record owners. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, as holder ·of easement recorded July 8, 1963 as File No. 118498 of Official Records and March IT, 1967 as File No. 36713 of Official Records. PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, as holder of Easement recorded July 19, 1963 as File No. 127076 of Official Records. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY as Trustee for Deeds of Trust recorded December 20, 1977 as .File No. 77-524969 and December 23, 1977 as File No. 77-531996 both of Official Records. LEGAL DESCRIPTION • All of Lot 57 of SHELTER COVE, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of .california, according to Map thereof No. 5162", filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 23, 1963, being more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at the most Easterly corner of said Lot 57; thence along the boundary of said Lot, South 53°53'20" West 115.42 feet to the most Southerly corner thereof, being a point on the are of a 275.00 foot radius curve" conc'ave Southwesterly",a radial line bears North 53,°53' 20il East to said point; thence Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 7°30'00" a distance of 36.00 feet to the most '~ester1y corne~ thereof; thence North 46°23'20" Eas't 113.08 feet to the most Northerly corne+, thereof; thence South 46°08'27" E'ast 9.23 feet to the beginning of a tangent 269.00 foot radius curve Goncave Southwesterly; ,thence Southeaste:t1y along s'aid curve through a central angle of 8°54'17" a distance of 41.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 1'flE (JlmKr~3IG;,jEJ HEREBY CERTIFIES TEAT 'mIS irS I mmm Dil CORRECl' COFY OF THE LEGAL :DESCRIPTION ON .~ Tenative Parcel "Map '"s _." s---= __ TXT 527---;;r_'i:~,