HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 494; SWAB; Engineering Application• • CITY OF CARLSBf\O J\ P P LI C A T I 0 l~ FOR A P PRO V A L. 0 FAT E N Ttl. T 'V E PA RC E L IvJA P FOR A MINOR SUB/DIVIS!ON OF LANO-(INTO 4 OR LESS, PARCELS) AS PROVIDED FOR !N CHAPTER 20.21+ OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE: $300.00 F! LiNG, ~'EE RECE I PT No.~N~ () .. . f-1/iV' HiNOR SUBDIVISION NO. /vJS'/eJl./ -(for office use) DATE August 4,,1980 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: ! . Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. 4ctlf consisting of' 1.36 gross ac res) hav i ng ....... ~4'i;-___ 1 ot s, be i ng a proposed subd i vis i on of 1 a nd for property describea as (Exact legal Description) The land referred to he'rein i~ tit~~ted in t.ii;ti~t~' (jf' '~l1ifbrnia, county of San Diego, and is de8cribed a~ foll~! ~ That portion of Tract 121 of cati~*t)~d La1'1'd~~' ,:t~:f~}rt!' '~rl~ at Carlsbad, county of San Diego, State of Califo:trtia, aCObrftlnt,; to Map thereof No. 1661, filed in the Office of the county Re'C orde't '6f San Diego County, March 1, 1915, described as follows! J .. , ~w~r: Commencing at the most. 8outheriy; ~o'tn@r of U{\§ ~ra~~. f'~i; thence North 34°33'00" West along the S~tithwesterly lifie of tJAid' '1'ract 121, a distance of 260.00 feet to the most Westerfy eorner' of fhat land conveyed to Charles A. Anthony.and wife,'by de~d 'recorded August 19, 1944, in the Office of County Recorder of S~n Di~go Courtty, in Book 1718, Page 485 of Official Records, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein described: thence along the Northwesterly line of said Anthony land North 55 0 27' 0'0" East to a line that is parallel with and 324.83 feet Northeasterly from the Southwesterly line of said Tra'Ct 121: thence North' 34°33'00" West along said parallel line 271.19 feet to the Northwesterly line of the land conveyed to Augusta D. Rush, by deed recorded February 19, 1934, in the Office of County R@corder of San Diego County in Book 271, Page 213 of Official Records: thence along said North:'" westerly line South 5'5 0 27' 00" Wf!st to said Southwesterly line of said Tract 121; thence along said Southwesterly line South 34°33'00" East, 271.19 feet tQ the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Excepting therefrom the Southea~ter1y 88.50 feet .... i 0;; co ...... subject to other discretionary approval (for example" a variance or co~- ditional use permit)? Yes X ' No JVariance .. ~I • PRESENT ZONE R-l (10,000) I I,am ( I, We) the undersigned state that ( I am, We are) --r-=-'Q..t.lwlY..JnL.L.!e;::..r.l....-c;:::--__ ~_r_;:__:__;____._o f the prop e !~ t Y des c r 1 bed her e ina n d her e b y (Owner, Owners) (Authorized Agent) the give my authorization to the fil ing of this proposed tract ( Hy, Ou r) map. I am ( I am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision aware of and have had an opportunfty ~o read Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Name --~~--~--~~~--~----~++----~e-c-o--r~d-e~d~D-e-e-d~---------------------- Name --~(~T~y-p~e~d~o--r-=P-r~i-n-t-e~d--a-s--s~h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e-c-o-r~d-e~d~D~e-e-d~)~--------------------- Signature ________________________________________________________________ ~ Name ---,~(~T~y-p-e-d.-o-r~P~r·i-n~t-e'd--a-s-'-s"h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e-c-o--r'd-e'd~D~e-e-dn).---------------------- Signature _________________________________________________ ~ __ ------------- Name --~(~T~y-p-e-d.-o-r~P~r·i-n~t-e'd--a-s--s·h-o-w--n--o-n~R~e-c--o-r~d-e'd~D~e-e-d~)~-------------------- Signature ______________________________________________________ ~----------- Name and Address of Subdivfder: James R. Swab 2924 Hig'hland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. RCE 13,817 , E. Brian Smith @ BRIAN SMITH ENGINEERS, INC. 2656 State Street, Carlsbad, eA. 9n~t-8~--Phone: 729-8981 n .Gvv