HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 501; DRAGOJILOVIC; Minor Subdivision (MS)· ~~ .... , , .. ~, _ . ice CITY OF CARLSBAD A P P L I CA T ION FOR A P PRO V A L 0 F A. T EtH A T I V E PA RC E L MA P FOR A MI.NOR SUBIDIV1SIO~_OF __ LAND-(!NTO 4 OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.2 Jt OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FILING FEE: $300.00 /l~v ~~ F I LING FEE RECE i PT NO .~..:;..,,:/_c;f"-'---=-'~_ ~O / ~11 NOR SUBD I V I S ION NO. HS 521 _ -(for office use) TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: q/lW~ _ DATE r/7 (J () I. Request is hereby mude for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. consisting of .25 gross acres, having I lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for property described as : (Exact Legal Description) ~fJT /1/0. ??tS d,r ~A u;STA 50(/7'# tlA/IT /'It). 3 HAP ND. 65~3 C/7Y CJ~ generally located on the ~~~~o=~~u~~~ ___ ~~~ __ ~~~~ ____________ ___ (North, South, East, West) 5 i de of ToR8EJON P~ACc ( Name of St reet) -a-Ftd-LeVANT&' 5r~Eer (Name of Street~ beh~een A Sl;/Ce4fT Loo,P tJr-r tName of Street) ASS E S S OR S PA R C E L NO. -;;:-2..:..;:'1 ~::..------;z.;.-'4':"'()_---i/.;--O_--;--__ _ Book Page Parcel TYPE OF SUBDIVISION ~A?~E.~~~/~O~6~~~/j~~A~~~~ ____ -.-, __ .-.-~~,, ________ __ ( Res ide n t i a 1, C omm e r cia 1, I n d u s t ria 1 ) Are the existing or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivision subject to other discretionary ~pproval (for example, a variance or con- d i tiona 1 use pe rm it)? Yes No x: I ~ • ..., ... PRESENT ZONE we-the unders i gned state that We Aee ( I, We) ( 1 am, We are) ~~Ci.~~~/V~c.=~~s~ __ ~~~~ __ ~qf the property described herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) (Authorized Agent) the give OV~ authorization to the fil ing of this proposed tract ( My, Ou r) map. Wt.= ME (I am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision aware of and have had an opportunity to read Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Deed Deed) Name ---'(~T~y-p-e-d'-o-r~P~r~i-n~t-e~d--a-s--s~h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e-c-o--rd'e~d~D-e-e~d~)----------------------- Signature ________________________________________________________________ __ Name and Address of Subdivider: Name, address and phone number of Engineer or licensed land Surveyor: No. L. s. 2875 c. L. NEVV' "TO/\/ . ,\ ,.. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CHECK LIST INFORMATION ON MAP: Each tentative parcel map shall contain the following information: (Sec. 20.24.040) ~ 1. Name and address of the owner whose property is pro- posed to be subdivided and the name and address of the subdivider; -/ 2. / 3. ,,/' 4. ,,/' 5. ./ 6. ~A. 7. .,/' 8. v 9. Name and address of registered civil engineer, licensed surveyor, or other person who prepared the tentative parcel map; (Note: Final parcel map must be prepared by a registered engineer or licensed land surveyor.) North point; Scale; Date of preparation; The location, width and names of all streets adjacent to the boundaries of the proposed minor subdivisions; Location and width of alleys; Original boundary delineated by heavy blue border; Lot lines and approximate dimensions and numbers of each lot; ~A. 10. Approximate location and width of watercourses or areas subject to inundation from floods, and location of structures, irrigation ditches 'and other permanent physical features; ~ 11. Approximate contours at two-foot intervals; ~ 12. Approximate location of buildings and permanent structures; ~. 13. Location of trees within proposed rights of way to be dedicated; ~ 14. Legal description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision; H.A. 15. .x: 16. ./ 17. Width and location of all existing or proposed public or private easements; Method of sewering each lot (existing and proposed laterals and existing sewer mains shown); Method of draining each lot; 18. Existing street, sewer, water, and storm drainage improvements along the subdivision frontage, including street lights and fire hydrants on both sides of the street within 300 feet of the subdivision. , .' TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP -CHECK LIST Page -2- OTHER REQUIREMENTS: /1. Preliminary Title Report (Sec. 20.24.060) #.A. 2. 3. 4. #.4. 5. N.A. 6. Grading Plan, including approximate earthwork volumes or statement on map that no grading is proposed. Council Policy No. 17 (public facilities letter)* Seven copies of tentative parcel map (Sec. 20.24.030). 300· Radius Map - A map to scale not less than 1" = 200· showing each lot within 300· of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be con~ecutively numbered and correspond with property owners· list. Property Owners· List - A typewritten list on self- adhesive (Avery) labels of the name and address of all persons owning property (as shown on the lastest Equalized Assessment Roll) and persons in possession, if different, within a 300· Radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. 7. Public Facilities Security -Secured Secured Agreement with Application * A letter is required from the appropriate sewer and school district (or districts) certifying that satisfactory facilities exist or arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the district to provide said facilities. . ,\ .-.-----.-............ --.........,;.PREUMI'N,ARYREPORT _ .. _ .. -------- Attention: Dated as of jT~}5f~: S . . . , ~ .. ~ . . . . . . . . ........ ,,~ .. ' .. ( )J,(U.: \ 1\,1 19 ....... at 7 :30 l' .m . Your No. t~fl,M .. ,!flf/V!-e Our No. l31:5','~,.,!1$ In ~esponse to the above referenced application for a policy of ,'tit'le illsurancc, the insurer hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, as af .the da~e heteof,:'·a;·Ca-lifornia Land·Tide Association S:,timdard Coverage, Form Policy of Title Insuran.ce describing the land and ,the estat~ Of' interest therein hereinafter set forth in Schedule A, insuring agJi!instkloss which may be sustained by reason of an,}" defect, lie~ oJ encumbrance' not sho'~"l1 or:,'fe.£erred,.to as an E:x~~l)tion inS~he'duie B or, not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed ScheduleR; Conditions and Stipulai'i6Tls of said polity 'fOI:m. ' ., • . , -'fl, \ . Tbi's report!l{ and any supplemel~ts or ameridments thereto) is i~slled solely for the purpose of facilitating the 'issuanee of a policy of title insurance'~nd ~o liability is assumed hereby. If it is: desired that liability be assumed pl·jor to the is~uaIlcc of a policy of Litle insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. TITL,.E OFFICER ,<" , "I, ,:t, :.)~ , . ,I, ,,'-. , , ""-'~ SCHEDULE A . The estate or interest in the land described or referrcd to in this schedule covered by thi~ report is: Title to said estate or interest at the datc hereof is vested in: .~-.:~ ,1 ~til:'t.~'~ 01~.~t:r).Jl~41~\:-I(~ J\?~}~'" r.E~'trr 1')~),~(I·~i,.J,f,~~~/:jtCt ~,~: e;"·,'-,'t} I~('S.~" 'h~\l~\'e tl\'~~ J'!,~l~·"T r£,J·i\~\r·l&lj~~ The Jand referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of ;1ll;,\l1 ~~U~li;n and is described as follows: tl.!~ n~t I'~+ i.A G~l~~'Tp,\ ~~.:iiJn~ t.ii1i1.l' ~;lO", 3~ H~ t~~~; ~;".I·i.;~ .. n.' Of $.\1.4 tHEJJ~~~ sn:;#I:~5: ~:f t..!i.,t lfo.~;.i!ia,,;> 'I< it\,(;~;'{')~P U:rC 'r'If) ~¥J.I,p~n~.£~ .. !.0~ ~.ro:. Mt~j;~ .i' U,,~'t.< 4;:1>£ .!*~~ R,.:fr~Y:tr.g f..1.1i\' n f C;;P ~~i:rr'( r.~ H)) Iii'.{li\l;t, (lff :');,rt~ b r ~r:'fj C\,,'f( t\,\J"t~(." 1:l'~~'1WY Bf iii l ~ t ~M1" '" , . 't";': p~{; r~;t:RI:.~~P;'C~ ;,lc,U., r:rtn~-fi crt., ~~~l r~;VU:.~':~ ... «~A~r.~ 'f\U!(S,i'," >il.':)11'!~·':t.'L:n'i~'. Afiirl Hi. ji.,nltl~H' ;:;·~.it,iJt'!i~llfe~,(!~ A,n':!! i)'1:'fiHt t·n~'ifi'.1;;M .. $~ 1;;:t('If"f.il'-. At;;,;Y;) tJ~ rtbU:fJ-til.~n;;» is. ;: i' H.~ "'t.:' . on' til; f.'{!t~r..:\. U~il;!:~ Ct.?<ffP~~:i';):·" !~ .. r' 'H.t H .. {: ¥$ n.l~n'n¥.1 :A.'rtt1~i}$ ?l;i~ !~)z:-:tt~~;~~t~H h;\~":):,l:k:t, ,'-'~'t"i;-t-~'t'n i" ~""I(,:'<1I A~t ~'nli, ;·:.n. 2:~~'l~J!L\ (i'1~ (,rnn:.~I. ¥J':!l.f.:~.IrJir,;tr.J({. etTA Preliminary Report Form c f '" ' t '~\., , " , ~.' ~, " . "", \ ,', " ~ \ : . t' 'I!I. SCHEDULE B .. \1. the dUlL: hereof Exceptions i'l) coverage in addition 10 the printed exceptions and exclusioJ1'; contained in said policy toni' .\\·ou!ei~wti1ifelI,i~ S:~~~.t.~t\, CmfJ~l'1 ,a~:lJ ern '1:$,.)tiitS roB; TtlI/' n:~:~'::;%t t'l!Qlfff.. lfi19""19~i'~ .A l", ,n.,:l! ~~OT Y'E r 1'A~~,tlUi .... "1B.J: f J m: ~{t ~:$. ~riJ;t, t . It;q~-ln~ COt1E A~:f~A . MCt41 .. !'t\Ii:Cd .. f';H ~ 2'16. .... 2 (1)(\)...10 'f.,r .. .' lA!;litl ~ 'It i ,. (Jon .. f.lti :n~f"Pf~"'t:~h1JjJX} t $$,~ 1. so. O{'r te ift$l;tliiJl\ t.. .' ~ M-ollt r;:rtr~fl'n t.~~!;f. •. ~~~ 4 t..~~Y OinY£lll; ~.~¥~n't~~~ ~f~fi W'H~~I .l~;lt1il,L.~®:MT :: $3 ~r~7i.~ II 'ttr.t'fJ :lH!;C(}i&.l.l 1.lJ:l;$.1ikt.U6.€~t t $l'~.ll WAJfJlJ 2.. t,*~~;~A)}vl'.iS •. ' f»;mtl.n"~{ijlll$ ~l,f~t~ 'a~~n,"l'l'Crt~ ';n~ tfU~ t\~CL$,;,}!;~,Tn.,w~ ~w .5l'.t$~UC'tl 00it.S ~U,t74~~t'lf,;:.l) f)IG'~.iHi~t~ l..19~M~' JA$ 'flU:' ~)<i< 1!{ll$'l41f ~w ~~l'~I(';,lAl,.a~i:e~~Si l,r:;$1'R1CiIQ~tlil. til .ut'it ~ 1l,~!n111 '00' JilAe:~ ... CQ~,~ tlIELl~O~t: ~a ~t'!~mt~1. r.:i~Ha.~~ AI?,.f, ~urt:ln ... iif,f~ It.i~ t~nt1vttlt, vt~M~ 4 \f!~1l't.f. tl{\\ff. 1~~;(£.Q~ ~.U. .P1;(rr fPi,1!tkt," ~ 1r.~~liF!!\l. n~'t!l:ALIV ~~ :u;~ (11 k<.$i·f .~1~tnt art, ~~ .• , 1'~6$1: ~nf;:' 1~' '~'M.~ rjkrl~ AM,~ :rtH~: Vgfm:, .. J... (;" t¥ltM:'$) ~if t*l\f!~tf -r~ .s~w~;!t ~~ rJilf;<1\l:n'l'E~W\~$~~, ill' :~1~,,$OO ... f;)(t. AlW'(it A~~Y ~.mi:~ '~t~)tt~rrs ~UE ~~ !a'r..~'~t\~ l'.N~i\tltr~Oti:'R,., ... ' . ~~ l'~£l '~A!il't 4;". 'HIll l' " . T~m~:'!'f.)~ . ,. i'&,f,}trS~V lmAa~J~vft lUlUl 1.-a*{S n:m~~~:;'Jt'~1:(i. T.lltl:i'S1.ftl.<l!: qr~ll~:F It: tAtt 1jU~~~lil~ Mi!r ~,);,,~; . , ~, eta.. ~I.tC~jln'l!i'i)t$itIt'}:~' I!. CAL1F,u!t~rA (X)V(tjt~Ttl1lit : C~lrofi;~t~ ',i~1~1I!A.L nl·t:~~tf). ~~~. j.~~!~"s;s~4~'r.n,IW,. ~ ~(~M'J?'!I')~,A r l.(,t~r t ~l!'!ltlL :6.1: 1 IJ11. ~,S t! It&: ~)r).. 11 .... l~$$'~ (Jf cntClaL m:.e;{~ftl~$ -~ .. .,' t \ 'I' ... , jl . \'. '" .,(, .. ' '1" ! -:" A.i., .' ".1" " ."",,' , ~,.' ' ' ·~'"t( .•.. ' :: .. ' .e. J.~ A fiit~£j O,W' l,~i$r 'f.:~ Sl:~Cf~~i~ A\)l: n~Dt'fp.l·~i;,)~tS$ {If ;~H~ll,,*(lntJ .• (}(~:o A~a M~ {I 'tH·lfJ~ Jl.~"1d~~1,'$ J):f$ A~·'tJ, PA 'l~1Il!:,,~ t$.~;m1t;i~Ufml?,ll;lI' ~~IJj.ln~ t liWG~lS'r '1 ~ 19.,·$' ]'1';\1:,$ 100 :: ~~O~iA.' fjB.~J,Mt"'!C J.!.!~ tIWi'liKi. }~ij'J~~~ ~·c. '~US~~l) ~Iti ~ttf~ .AS »U1l' 'n~~~~i~$ 'tRfJSlJ.!:1\: t. UlIS A1>i('~t..iS l'l$1!r Mf]) tfICO$',:r :l!F!{;t:fJ (;{1ilI-H-~A~1' 't F.i .c~LU·qJ,1UtJ;il t."Olt~~Atlt;n~ (:Hi;:~·HCI,!2{t : .£ .• ~ .. ~'1"erA-tf:~ IMjj'~) Qi1@lt:\f!E.J~ ~'* :SI:&t'~~~irZ .. 'n-~~~~fj P.JH) liiI'·l'\~.S s\$ .m .r~T t~~"f.t !'J:.~CORDi"O ~ M,.I{r.US1" 2l,/:. 1 '·i~ A~ fj;l..1t/1N&~ ~l.~. la-)$'li~ $,iU j;'i M'~!il~ {if 1nmt1' rs $t~'lU&Cl.' 1"0-'l'~E 1'J;.~:S:'I A~i~~ $!g't'1~~~ ~ff;_f~t:; {;)1!' n~a'S:T 5 g~)-;;f'iTii .£;r,~OVt" $. .!I. n~~$l or ml:sr 10 ·S~Uif,. A~ .tMt')t;"r~iW"S M' ~~2,,,~,:n,,5a1> ~-w:~ il-j'i''tt tntl~~,\'\ ~\H~)C~1'$ r~}t A$!~ p~rAiif .. S ,!ial~,tt'ti-lt'im)'f!;.~" . f.l£~.l'i;:ta : ~1!(f! 14", 1; '79 11WfHmt 'r ·~Q:!~.~V' ~JM;~ •. tt<W1L~ lU'Ili) t.tiflit~ tlbl:A~t)JMW>!C • ~Mlr?ltUfl:'1' f~ f(:::Clfil'lt~J ~iA~1ii' .Mi~ ·~.t'fr .M .ro :f..l~rr -~~M:Al\1JrS ~ _~~fint: X~\\t ~:lr!;milJ-'l~ c~a\iI~"t.t-r1:IJ'm· ./lilt? A~·~:r~~,&. it ~~!ilil~!%!; .~~~~nMtI'CN . ~"~~lf;'t~lAJJ. n..l~j\liJr.:f, co. ~;w' 1lJOtn'fAitllN Cj1j.t l'Ff)t~!~ :( lf~lli~~' 11)" 191fJl ~ ;P;lU; t!~,,-1~'I!"11l1lq~ -.' · / City Council Policy Number 17 requires that all developers requesting a discretionary action for a project pay a public facilities fee in the amount of two-percent of the building valuation. The fee is computed by the Building Department and p did a. t the tim e the b u i 1 d '; n 9 per m -j tis 0 b t a i ned . 1 nth e cas e of a condominium conversion, the fee is cal~ulated on the building valuation it the time the fee is ,paid and ~he fee must be paid prior to obtaining a final map on the project. In addition to the above, a completed, signed and notarized agreement to pay the public facilities fee must be submitted with any application for a discretionary action. This agreement f 0 nn s h 0 U 1 d bee 0 m p 1 e ted a s f 01 low s : 1. Seleci:'ed the 0.ppr'opriate form for eithe!~ (cd thE! developer and (lWnet' are the same party, or (b) the developer and O\,iI1P.~' ar' e d iff e Y' e n t . 2. Fill in the date the agreement is completed, the name and address of the developer (and owner, if appropriate) and state if et<ch is an ind-ividual ~ partnE:: ;hip) cGr'por'atiot1, etc. 3. Fill in ,the type of project proposed to be Gonstructed such as Ila l2-unit condorninium li or 1130,000 squal'e foot shopP'ing center~1I etc. and the proposed name (if any). 4. Fill in the date the request will be (or was) submitted and the type of request such as lIa tentative map," a IIcondominium permit)1I IIrezon-ing", etc. 5. Fill in the short legal description of the property on the last sheet. 6. Sign the form in the presence of a notary and have the notary attach an acknowledgement of execution to the form. RHA:mmt 2/14'; 80 0.' .... "oJ' 1200 EOj m {We. 'Car7sbad~ C/\ 920080 _rmMEN;r BETWEEN 0 DR'I8LOPE~Ii~1\!ER AND THE CITY OF C2\ELSBl\D F 'HE PAYMENT OF A PUBIJIC FI\CILITIES FEE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this. 7·"so day of 19 dC} I by and betvleen oR#.t}<'9..J(·/f(/ f' ,edrt?}'t/k="' / ~-:-. ~/~~V~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~/~?Z_= __ ~#r~~ __ \_<~/_' __________________________ , (name of developer-owner) a ,hereinafter referred to as (Corporation, partnership, etc.) ilDeveloper", whose address i.s 2~ S f1 7ZJ/.L'rJevv o/QL (street) e#~~'eM,o Cf1. 9200( , and THE CITY OF (City, state, zip code) CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California p hereinafter referred too as HCi.ty", whose address is 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad,o California, 920080 oWl TN E S S EOT H: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of the real property described. on Exhibit o "A" , attached hereto and made a part of this agreement:, hereinafter referred to as IIPropertyll; and NHEREAS, the Property lies within the boundaries of Ci"tYi °and WHEREAS i Developer proposes a development project as follO'ivs ~o --_0 o~/_tv_o ____ O_/_V_/_/ ___ .,;;:..e&._yt/~_O __ ~/v j/ & ,{'r'O/V 0 .. ----------,---------- t t I I "-, , ·)e on said Property; which development carries the proposed name and is hereafter referred to as "Developmentll ; and WHEREAS p Developer filed on the \b~ day of 'SewM~Eb 19 ~_, \'li th the City a request for ~ JIJO UrJ. rr Ct>NDol"l_',;....;N.;....l_u.;...M..:....-__ S;OM\f~.'S.l,o 1-.\ ANt, p~ M;A-£{ltS 501) ___ . (hereinafter referred to as "Request"; and WHEREAS I' th.e Public Facilities Element of the City General Plan requires that the City Council 'find that all public ,facilities necessary to serve a development will be available concurrent with need or such development shall not be approved (said element is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated by this reference; and WHEREAB, Developer and City recognize the correctness of Council Policy No. 17 f dated August 29, 1979, on fil e with the Ci ty Cl el~k and incorporated by this reference" and that the City I'S publ i c facil i ti es and servi ces are at capacity and will not be available to accommodate the additional need for public facilities and services resulting from the proposed Development; and WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to find that public facilities and services will be available to meet the future needs of the Development as it is presently proposed; but the Developer is aw~re that the City cannot and will not be able to make any such finding without financial assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and, therefore, Developer proposes . , 2 . ' to help satisfy the General Plan as implemented by Council Policy No. 17 by payment of a public facilities fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Developer shall pay to the City a public facilities fee in an amount not to exceed 2% of the build~ng permit valuation of~the buildings or structures to be constructed in the Development pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the develop- men-c and shall be based on the valuation at that time. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required pursuant to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A credit toward such fee shall be given for land which has been dedicated for park purposes or for any fees paid in lieu thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad }'v1unicipal Code. -Developer shal~ pay a fee foi conversion of existing buildings or structures into condominiums in an amount not to exceed 2% of the buildiJ1g permit valuation at the time of conversion. The fee for a condominium conversion shall be paid prior to the issuance of a condominium conversion permit as provided in Chapter 21.47 of the . Carlsbad Hunicipal Code. Condominium shall include community apartment or stock cooperative. The terms "other construction permits II , "other construction permitll and "entitlement for use" as used in this agreement, exceptin reference to mobilehome sites or projec·ts, shall not refer to grading permits or other permits for .the construction of underground or street improvements unless no . . . other permit is necessary prior to the use or occupancy for which . 3. the development is intended. Developer shall pay to City a public facilities fee in the sum of $1,150 for each mobi1ehome space to be constructed pursuant to the Request. The fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building or other construction permits for the development. This fee shall be in addition to any fees, dedications or improvements required according to Titles 18, 20 or 21 of the Carlsbad Hunicipa1 Code. A credit toward such fee shall be given for land which has been dedicated for park purposes or for any fees paid in lieu thereof pursuant to Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. The Developer may offer to donate a site or sites for public. facilities in lieu of all or part of the financial obligation agreed upon in Paragraph 1 above. If Developer offers _ t·o donate a site or sites for pu~lic facilities, the. City shall consider, but is not Obligated to accept the offer. The time for donation and amount of credit against the fee shall be determined by City prior to the issuance of any building or other permits. Such determination, when made, shall become a part of this agree-. mente Sites donated under this paragraph shall not include improvements required pursuant to Titles 18 or 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3.. This agreement and the fee paid pursuant hereto are ~equired to ensure the consistency of the Development with the City's General Plan. If the fee is not paid as provided herein, the City will not have the funds to provide public facilities and services, and the Development ~ill not be consistent with the General Plan and any approval or permit for the Development shall 4 .. '. be void. No building or other construction permit or entitlement for'use shall be issued until the public facilities fee required by this agreement is paid. 4. City agre~s to deposit the fees paid pursuant to this agreement in a public facilities fund for the financing of public fac"ilities when the City Council determines the need exists to provide the facilities and sufficient funds from the payment of this and similar public facilities fees are available. 5. City a.grees to provide upon request reasonable assurances to enable Developer to'c~mply with any requirements of other public ag~ncies as evidence of adequate public facilities and services sufficient to accommodate the needs of the Development herein described. 6. All obligations hereund,er shall terminate in the event the Requests made by Developer are not approved . . 7. Any notice from one party to the other shall be in writing, and shall be dated and signed by the party giving such not~ce or by a duly authorized representative of such party. Any such notice shall not be effec~ive for any purpose whatsoever unless served in one of the following manners: 7.1 If notice is given to the City by, personal delivery thereof to the City or by depositing same in the Un {ted States Mail, addressed to the City at the address set forth' here~n, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the City for attention of the City Manager, postage prepaid and certified. 7.2 If notice is given to Developer by personal delivery thereof to Developer or by depositing ~he same in the United States 5. ..le Mail, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to Developer at the address as may have been designated, postage prepaid and certified . . 8. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of, and shall apply to, the respective successors and assigns of Developer and the City, and references to Developer or ~ity herein shall be deemed to be reference to and include their respective successors and assigns without specific mention of such successors and assigns. If Developer should cease to have any interest ·in the Property, all obligations of Developer hereunder shall terminate; provided, however, that any successor of Developer's interes·t in the Property shall have first assumed in writing the Developer's obligations hereunder. 9. This ~greement shall be recorded but shall not create a lien or security interest on the Property. When the obligations of this agreement have been satisfied, City shall record a release. III III III' III III III III III III III -' , 60: f "' -. · ~ " . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in San Diego Coun-ty F California as of the date first written above. DEVELOPER-OviTNER: B (Title) ATTEs'r: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California By___ _ ____________________________ . Ci ty t1anager ALETHJl~ L. RAUTENKRANZ f City Clerk APPROVED _~S TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO r JR .. " City Attorney ---------- (Notarial acknowledgement o-f execution by DEVELOPER-OWNER must be attached.) .. , , 7. ro '" d> ~ !S. .1-tI .a :~ -0 ~.s ~ ..: ul ~ co ",-~G' ,-uUl ~ " ,t: ~ .~ --.. -.-.. '.-.--~--~- m SAFECO the undersigne<P.' a Noaublic in and for said County and State, personally appearedOZj 69 ~~~~ _____________________ , known to me .A subscribed to the tha~...Ju, executed the to be the person ___ whose name within instrument and acknowledged same. ~ ~~LzA£ 8 =--- STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAL SEAL ISABELLE. E GOVEIA NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO COUNTY My comm. expires MAY 7, 1982 >-COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO }ss. c: '" D-E 0 On AUGUST 13 1980 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for u '" += said State, personally appeared * * * LENKE DRAGOJLOVIC * * * * i= c: '" u .~ E ~ -~ ii: Iii ::J " ·S '0 c: T 0 0 C'l E 0 u.. known to me to be the person __ whose name IS ~JV'.""''''~~ ~........." OFFICIAL SEAL subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to f . ,,::. ", ~ MARl L YN D. MILLER . that SHE executed the sa". ir.,e; •• :: NOTARY PUBLIC -CALIFORNIA. ~ . .' '" • Principal Office. San Diego Co. Cahf, ;::' WITNESS my hand and offiCIal sea}. ~ My Commission Exp. Mar. 16. 1981 :: . ~ k. ~.....J ~ ~ PrtYc: ... Y" ... r.oIV' .. ,..,.~"e .. ,/'~" ... .l'.lV'e ...... ,r"'2,,f~', SIgnature // £ --"L. {J MARl YN D. MILLER Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) . -It .,.." , -' .. ~_ 11 - e e ~ .. IN EX H I 13 I T __ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION CA-C t'rC &.,£,A/ r /#-. ~,-e:t::J / N <;. ?O /.-t' 4,,-0 7~ Or-:::- -If C(6 -:1 hC.H.J //v ?7ri:~ {)/iC7'~ ore ~ 6!Jo.-v/y ·~£aE/( /Vfl:JvL7-Lr' 4/M .:5 /9b ~ !h-c ~4?" eeL . /I7LID . /he. /C/.-w,c)"e~J O? 6"JV .LJ/~ C<OV-"'fLf7 E-X~~//MC; ~~A.../.