HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 572; HIRCHBERG-ELIAS N-S OF JUNIFER E-O CSBD BLVD; Engineering Application• • CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR A /'t1INOR SUBIDIVISION OF LANO-(INTO 4 OR .LESS PARCELS) AS PROV IDEO FOR IN CHA PTER 20.24 OF THE. CARLSBAD.MUNICIPAL CODE F I LING FEE: --$300.00· r.--- F I LING FEE RECE I PT NO. 1,,1-1 i-f-:) - . ~I~OR SUBDIVIStON NO. MS '. -(fb.r: off ice '·use )-- 10 THE CITY ENGINEER OF. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DATE Z/IG/81--. I • ~--"--.---- I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. consisting of. .144 gross acres, having .i3~Wlots, being a prop.os'edsubdiYisio·ii-of land for property described as : (Exact legal Description) Lot M in Block 2 of PALISADES HEIGHTS. in the City of Carlsbad,.-Co~1Oty . of San Diego; Stat~ of California, according to MBp thereof t.b. 1777. f:i,leg in the~ office of the County Recorder, J~l1ary 11, ]924. generally located on the (North, South, East, West). sid e of JUNIPER STREEI' TName ·of St reet) between CARIfBAD' BLVD •. ·· . . Name of Street) and GARFIELD ~(~N-am--e-o-f~S~t=r~e-e~t~)~--------------~------ ASSESSORS .PARCEL NO. 204. -232 =-. 09 . I I I f" --• ,f PRESENT ZONE __ R_-_3 _____ _ WE, -the unders igned state that ,,' WE are " the ( I , We') , (I am, Weare) Owners' " of the property described' herei n and hereby, (Owner, Owners) '(Authorized Agent) " ' give our author i zat i on to the f i 1 i ng ,of th is proposed tract (My, Ou r) map. We are , aware of and have had an oppo-rtm71 i ty t,oread ( I' am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance) of the,Carlsbad Muni~ipat Code. Name --~=---~--~~~~~---s~h-o-w-n--o~n~R~e-c-o--rd~e-d~D~e-e~d~)-----------~~~----- Name --~~~~~~~~--'-a-s--s~h-o-w-n--o-n~R~e~c-,o--rdTe~d~D~e-e-d~----~~--~--------- Name and Address of Subdivider; .:;rim IIirschberg- 138 Juniper 'Street, Carlsbad 92008 Na~e, address and phone number of 'Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: No. i I I I 1 i t 1 L I , I .~ • ... ~.---.. .:...--.. ~---_ ... ,._------.- TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CHECK LIST • INF.ORMATION ON MAP:, Each tentQ.tive' parcel map shall contain the following informa-tion: (Sec'. 20.24,.040) --- -C-. -' . '., 1. Name and address of t·he owner ":'whose ·property.is pro- posed to be sub~ivid~d and the name and address of the subdivider; 2 . N am e and a d·d res s 0 f reg i s t ere d c i v i 1 e ng i n eer , licensed surveyor, or other person who'prepared the. tentative parcel map; (Note: Final parcel map must be prepared by a registered engineer or licensed lQ.nd surveyor.) , 3. 4. 5. 6 • 7 • 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. North point; Scale; Date of preparation; The location, width and names of all streets adjacent' to the boundaries of the p~oposed minor subdivisions; Location and width of alleys; O.riginal ,bou,ndary del ineate.d by heavy blue horder; Lot lines' and approximate dimensions and numbers of e'a ch lot; Ap pro x i mate 1 0 cat i on and wi d tho f wa t e r c 0 u r's e s 0 r ateas subject to inundation from floods, and location of structures, irrigation ditc'hes and ,o~her perma'nent physical f~atures; Approximate contours 'at two-foot intervals; Approximate location of b~ildings and permanent s t r u·c t u res ; 'Lotation of trees within proposed rights,of way to be dedicated; legal description af the exterior boundari~s of the ,subdivision; Width, and location of all existing or proposed-public or private easements; , Method of sewering each lot (existing and propose~ 1 ate r a 1 s and ex i s t i ~ g s ewer m a ins s how n ) ;, Method of draining each lot; Existing street, Sawer, water, and storm drainage imp r 0 vern e n t salon 9 the sub d i V. i ,s ion fro n t'a 9 e , inc 1 u din g s t r e e t 1 i g h t san d f; r e h y dr ant son bot h . sides of the street within 300 feet of the subdivision. -i ,', j >. , . ~ 1 .1 i • ",+ f • j ': I ,. -; • • j, TENTATI'VE PARCEl MAP CHECK LIST Page -2- , ' OTHER REQUIREMENTS: l- 2. __ 3. 5. 6. - 7. ,8 • ..-- 1.,1' e .: .. Preliminary Title Repnrt (S~c. 20.24.060) Grading Plan, including approximate earthwork volumes or st~tement on m~p t~at no gra~in~ is proposed. Council Policy No. 17 (Public Facilities letter): A letter is required f~om the appropriate sewer arrd school district (or districts) certifying that satisfactory faci lities exist or arrangements haye teen made to the, satlsfacton o~ the district tci provide said faci Iities: Sevencop~es o.f tentative.parcel map (Sec. 20.24.030). 30 0' . R ad i Lt· sMa p - A ma p to s c a·1 e not I e $ s t han I It = 200 ' showing each lot within 30,0' of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Each of these lots shall be con sec uti vel y n \.l m,b ere dan d cor re s p 0 n d with' p 'r 6 per t y owners' list • . Property. Owner~' ,List A type~ritten list on self- . adhes i ve (Avery) I ab~ I s of the nC!me -and address of al I persons owning'property (as shown on the lat~st Eqcial Ized) Assessment R011 ") .. and per'sons In posse:ss Ion" ,'i f d i ffere:nt, within "a 300'~.ra:dius of the exterior boundari~s of the subject property. Public Faci I itle's 'Agreement~' Completed, sig:ned and properly notarized <individual, partnership or corporate notary with a legal description attach·ed). Two copies needed--I orig'.,1 photocopy. --, 9. Time Extension Agreement signed if concurrent application processing --~ , is desi red'. ." 1 l , I I , t " f f . \' , : r . t .' . " t I ,t -, , , • • STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty (50) day '~ime restriction on Engineering Department pro~ cessing. This time limit can only be extended by the mutual . concurrence of the applicant and the City. By accepting appli-. cations for Tentative Parcel Maps concurrently with applications for other approvals which are prerequisites ,to 'the map; i.e., Environmen:tal Assessment, Environmental Impact Report, CondomihiUm Plan; Planned Unit Development, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits are G,ften exceeded. If you wish' to have your application processed concurrently, this agreemeht must be s~gned by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, . the City will hot accept your application. for the Tentative Parcel MCiP until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved.' " The undersigned understands that the'processing time required by the City may exceed, the time limits;, therefore, the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for City Engineer action and fully concurs,with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete to properly review all of the CiPpli~atiohs. ~ ... Name ! , ' . ' Re J '. , , " • • SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRELIMINARY PARCEL MAP REPORT Juniper Beach Limited 2942 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 attn: Jim Hirschberg No. S-626397 Dated: June 3, 1982 '.' as of 7:30 A.M. PARCEL MAP: Hirschberg, Elias and Vernon For. the benefit of the County of San Diego, any City within which the subdivision is located, the Subdivider and the Subdivider's Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor. A preliminary examination of those public records which', under the " -, i.... ., recording laws, impart constructive notice of mattets affecting the i", title to the land included within the exterior boundary shoWn on a map of the above referenced subdivision received on '" , .' ,., ,-by ( " SAFECO Title Insurance Company, herein called the--CQmpani~-discloses , that" at the date hereof, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose sign~tures are necessary, under :the" requirements.' of the Subdivision Map Act, on the map of said subdivision' to be filed with the County Recorder of said County are set forth in Schedule A. This report is furnished as an accommodation, for the sole purpose of preliminary planning and facilitating the compliance with requirements necessary for the issuance of a Subdivision Gua;rantee. It is understood that the Company's liability is soiely that expressed in such Guarantee, and that no liability separate from or other than the Company" s liability under said Guarantee is assumed by this Report, except that if flQ Guarantee' is issued under this Order the amount paid for this Report shall be the maximum liability of the Company. PRELIMI-NARY SUBDIVISION REPORT P-28 6 ( G • S • ) " -SAFEriTL~rlE COMPAm . ~h/~ B .. , ... CARL . WEIDNER ..... -.... y---_._ .. _ ... --........ --....... ~.----. -----'., Title Officer m SAFECO ---------------,-_._.------,~--,,---.--... ----:::----~ - -----~-,. f : • • S A F E C 0 TIT LEI N SUR A N C E PRELIMINARY PARCEL MAP REPORT-SCHEDULE A No. Dated: S-626397 June 3, 1982 as of 7:30 A.M. PARCEL MAP: llirschberg, Elias and Vernon The map hereinbefore referred to is a proposed subdivision of: Lot M in Block 2 of PALISADES HEIGHTS, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1777, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 11, 1924. The parties hereinbefore refer;red to are: VESTING: JIM S. HIRSCHBERG, an unmarried man as to an undivided one-fourth interest; MIGUEL A. ELIAS, a single man as to an undivided one-fourth interest; and WAYNE VERNON AND MARY M. VERNON, husband and wife as joint tenants as to an undivi,ded one-half inter~st. EXCEPTIONS: 1. General and special district taxeR, a lien not yet payabl~, for th~ fiscal year 1982-83. l~~ t'-~ -i ,--~ 2. An Easement affecting a portion of said land, for .thepu'I"poses' .: I r-: /1 n ' stated herein and incidental purposes in favor of the San Diego 'Gas.&' I r, t ,,' ,t. , :" . . l ' I r' Electric Company, For: P.oles and wires ~ ,r.' (', 1) Recorded: November 21, 1950 in Book 3870, ,page 105 of Ojff~c~al' Records . Affects: A po;rtion of the herein described property. , : -, r-: j', i 3. A deed of trust dated April 24, 1979 to secure an indebte4ness of $27,000.00, and any other obligations secured thereby, recorded May 4, 1979 as File No. 79-183736. Trustor: Trustee: DENICE L., SANDE, an unmarried woman MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, INC. Beneficiary: OCEANSIDE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation SAFE~ L -----~---~------~----~---- ---------- , I . I \ '. -.. , ' S-626397 Page 2 4. A deed of trust dated November 7, 1980 to secure an indebtedness of $27,000.00, and any other obligations secured thereby,reco;rded November I 13, 1980 as File No. 80-381500. Trustor: Trustee: 'Benef iciary-: DENICE L. SANDE IMPERIAL BANKCORP., a California corporation FIRST FIDELITY THRIFT & LOAN ASSOCIATION, a California corporation 5. A deed of trust dated June 22, 1981 to secure a,n indebtedness of $95,000.00, and any other obligations secured thereby, ;recorded June 26, 1981 as File No. 81-201400. - Trustor: Trustee: Beneficiary: JIM S. HIRSCHBERG/CAROL L. HIRSCHBERG.AND MIGUEL A. ELIAS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, a California corporatiqn DENICE L. SANDE 6. An Agreement between Developer-Owner and the Ci-ty of Carlsbad for the Payment of a Public Facilities Fee by and between Juniper Beach Ltd. and the City of Carlsbad recorded November 10, 1981 as File No. 81- 356525-. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. 7. An Agreement between Developer-Owner and the City of Carlsbad for the Payment of a Public Facilities Fee by and between Jim S. Hirschberg, Miguel A. Elias, Carol L. Hirschberg, Wayne Vernon and Mary Vernon and the City of Carlsbad recorded May 18, i982 as File No. 82-~49057. Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. NOTE: Tax Figures for 1981-82 Is tIns tallment $511. 64 paid 2nd Installment $511.64 paid Land $62,424.00 Improvements $36,414.00 Exemp1;ions $7,000.00 Tax Rate Area 9000 Parcel No. 204-232-09 ca -, I' " , I I , - " i' , ~ t-\m f-:-' ,.-. SAfECD , ... " ~. " ~:~ 1 ',~-. -. -, ',~ , :,_ f" • . Oc ealt. AireI(e~ty' .. .. 31'Z6 Carl~·~d"Blvd, .. > ',.' Oarlsbad:, 'CA '-9'2008 I' attn:.. j,:tm: H:f,.rs'Ch.})e·x:g , ',~ • • -,". Y, -',. ,. , . " 1,' ~ . " S;...6~9391' : N~ .• · Dated: , • r '~' . ;O(r~Qger2.7~ 19,82 ~ . " . . , '.-'--.' , -~ ,- :,"; : . . " ~:,' . , " j. ~ .' ~ 1~~' , • ", ' , :' If • . , " .' ':.- , .,' '.~,. ," -" . , , :' ' ", • t -.'t, ., 0-' , . .' lARea MAP: " as .(,i·:·7::.~O AI')( • . " . , ' .' ,.. ~ ,;;. . :'. \ , ", ,.. :-.-" . , , .~ " ',' .' ,'. , ,'. , ." '.' .. ' . ., " . N , ": ~'t .. : .. ' . >. "', -' ,~ '~'" , -:. ~ " ~ '.' -., " .' , _ • .t .~ ~"'; • " '. -.~: .. '. -, 1. .... , ~_':., ~:.-~. , •• ' ~~ ,'J' ',.' ..••... ;, • ' .. :-.. " " 'm" ':::'. -, . ,,' . .' '. ~ . -'" ".,' '," -:' , , .', .. " ...•..••• ,. r. 'SAFeco .. '.~ ... :, , ' -• _ -'. 1 ' ~ ~:. . , . • J ' ',,.' I, ,.'-::,' .... , '.'_.~::;;.:,~ .. ",n, ••. J' " ,~ . "., "', r .":'c' " r:' ', __ ,r .. I. I I, 1- ~\ " ,"r' .' ~ :'.'. ,", ' " 1 : ":,:. ~:' . , '. , ' ,.' , .. ; " ':: -. ,~ . > \' '* ~, t.~ 1 • ,.'. " }. ~' '-. -i _ .. , ....... ., .. '.' , .. , .~.:.' ", -; ". .. ..• '-f"" .• , , -, , . " ' .. , . PARCEL:MA,p GUA,RAN1;"~&-SCR~V·L~:·-'A-: " ," . ,,:.~ ":."<' '.~ . " ,,-' ~ '.' '., ',; ," "_.' , -: No., ~Q:'Z6397 ~ -': ' Dil-ted: .. " " .':"'l'Aac~t;..,MAtJ'l' Hii:clibi;tg'f'~:' " • ',' E1'1.'as .ltli'Vernon -', .-' : I -, !98'2.a~.-·o~·-7:lO:X.M~'.-",', :. ,): " I', t,,'" .: -:.". ,~ :: ~ . -Tne map' her~·:ifibefQi:,~ 'r~'ieri~Q ,to: ,ti,a'.ubdlvi..~-()rt 'Qf:: " , " .' , ' ~, ' ': -.' -. ~'." . . • -,,>. " , " ... ... :"~' . -,"',::' ~ -, ,~ .. ', '. :'~.'I~ . "'-:":' ' . . ~. ".~ '. {-J -." , , ,', , '. ". :. ..' .' ", i , ',', .' ,,' ;;. -•• ' • , V(t8t~e·S::·.mt s .. ltIRS~BER¢~ Ht~U!!t,'~. ~~s, J~AtNE:,:Y'E~ON~ND MAR'f l\i; VE'RN-ON ~. . " ' -''-',-:' .- " ,- " .. "'" ~ .~.; .... ". -- ',,\ '", .- -, , ,'. . t..'.~. . . .,.,' •• ,'-t-t, ;' • .'." . , ,.. .~, ... '. ;, .' • ,1 ~ '. ~".' ,--" '1::~. , -:~~ .' ' .. ~1-t .~. " ,"/ ",~ " " , 1 . '. ~. ' .' .' -, :' -' .. I ·-f" -' "',' : . " ri t , .. ~' l' , , -".,.', , -. , :_1 '.' ~ . -'-... "." . ~, -. > . " J. :' ,t' -'" . '. '" .< ,,~ • f .. " oJ', .,"', 'ie,' , ,- " " " ~,', " ,': -('f .' , . ) .:~. . " ,-- '''' '," ..' .,,' ~ ~ . : ,:-.. -; ~ ; .~ , " ,.., , .• \,,"! i. <: ... ~\ .. .---~----------------------------~--~~-----------------------.~'~~~.~ I' ~\ -.OJ __ r-"o . , . • • PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE Fee $150.00 No. Dated: S-626397 June 3, 1982 PARCEL MAP: Rirschberg,Elias, Vernon as of 7:30 A.M. SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE. COMPANY a corporation GUARANTEES The County of San D~ego and any City within which said subdivision is loca.ted in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which under the recording laws, impart constructive no·tice ·of matters affecting the title to the la~d included wi~hin the exterior boundary shown on the maP of the above referenced subdivis~on, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdiv:i,sion :Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easeine-p.ts pffe.red for dedication by said map are as set forth in Schedule A. BRUCE ;M. JONES Secretary An AuthoriZed Signature SUBDIVISION' GUARANTEE CLTA Guarantee Form No. 14 P-35 (G.S.) Rev. 3-75 W.R. LITTLE Preside-p.t .(iJ SAFECO " - :.J'::, I I· -........ -----~~-------....-,-----~~-~-~. -. -.~- , :\ '; \ ., "'-', ' ,. ~...J:/ ' - ,/ S A F E COT I 'T LEI N SUR A N C E C O,M PAN Y No. Dated: PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE-SCHEDULE A S-62.6397 June 3, 1982 as ·of 7:30 A.M. PARCEL MAP: Hirchbe-rg, Elias and Vernon The map hereinbefore referred t.O is a subdivision of: Lot M in Block 2 of PALISADES HEIGHTS, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1777, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, January 11, 1924 ,I The parties hereinbefore reterred ~ to are: 'i '\ Vestees: JIM S. HIRSCHBER~, VERNON. r ~ }\ MIGUEL-A. ELIAS, WAYNE vERNO~ AND MARY M. . ' ! . (i ... ~ .', , r " 1 ') m· SAFECO DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES o Assistant City Manager (714) 438-559!! o Bulldlng Department (714) 438-5525 ~ Engineering Department (714) 438-5541 o -Housing &, Redevelopm~nt Department 3096 Harding Sl. (714) 438-5611 o Planning Department (714) 438-5591 March 18, 1982 James Hirschb~rg '2942 Harding Street Carlsbad CA 92008 Qtitp _of Qtarlsuab PROPOSED MINOR SUBDI,VISION, NO. 572 • 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 A preliminary d~cisiGn has been made, pursuant to Sectton 20&24.120 of the Ci'ty of Carlsba,d Munici'pal" Code, to approve the tentat.ive map of the proposed minor subdivision,'s'ubject to the following con- d i t i o'n 5 : 1. Final parcel map shall comply with the Planning staff 1 s condo-, ,m i ,n i u m ,r e p 0 rtf 0 r C P -205, d ate d Mar c h 1 2., 1 982 ( cop y a t t a c h e d) '. 2, The subdivtder shall provide separate water, gas, and electric services with meters to each of' the 'unIts, 3. All required fees and 'deposits shall be paid prior to "(inal parcel map recordatton (see attached list). 4 •. The tentative parcel ·map·approval sh"all expire one year from the d ate 0 f the 1 e t t e r 'c on t a in' i n g the fin a 1 dec i' 5 i' 0 n f 0 t ten t a - tive map approval. 5. This approval is' expressly conditioned on the payment by the .applicant at a p~b1 ic factI ities fee as required by City Coun- cil Policy No. 17, dated. August 29,1979; on file with the' City Clerk ~n~ incorporated ~erein by reference, and according to the agreement execuied by the appl icant for payment of said fee. 1f said fee is not paid as promised, thi~ application .will not be con.sistent wi'th the General Plan and the project cannot proceed and this a~proval shall be void. 6. The subdivider shall offe~ for dedic~tibn t~e wes~erly 5 feet of the subject property for roa~ purposes. ---,-"-~ r"-' ",... James Hirschberg March 18, 1982 Page Two (2)- -'"., ,. 'e- 7. Th~ appl icant shal'l improve the westerly 5 "feet of the subject property in accordance' 0ith C~ty of Carlsb~d"standards fOr all e y s and: a s r e,qu i red by the Cit Y Eng i n e er • 8. The applicant may request a review of the conditiohs"inwriting within ten days of the date of this approval. ~,0n(L CLYDEICKHAM '"" -::.. . Assistant"Civil Engineer CW: 1 s At tac,hmen t s I " I I'-.-, .. I .- ,-.. -: -, " • • FEES AND DEPOSITS MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 572 LOT __ ~~ ____ ~ __ ~----------- . 1. Final Hap (',leek Fee 2. Park-In-L{eu Fee .3. Duplicate Tr~cing Deposit .. .TOTAL • I 0 • . . f:. $' 100·.00 $'-~,392.00 $ 50.00 $ .1 ,542.00 .. - ~"" ,I " ' .. ~ ',' '1~' of,. -•••• " , j: • • ' .'~,., , ".-, ." "-_.' ' -, '. ." -. ~ .. ' . OC'e~m :A:l~e: R~alty, 311'6 Carlsbad, .B:1vd., "·:Ca.r.l:sba~l, .C'A .92:006' .:- . .4 tt(1;. ..Tim, Hirschberg c-...... " ' . ",' ,. '. ' .. ! ;:.t .' . ", ;' .: .' ';' .' \ : ~ ,,;' '" ~-" . , -.~. ',~ -. .,.-... .7., . . .,~. :AMENDEl? <: >~ '. ", ' •. !,"'., Jr '," ~', '.' " .,', ".". ' ~ :. . '.' .' "-" . " ,',.-,"-:; , ", . -~ <: ':' ',-' "-", . ,~ " '. ',r' .. :. , ~, .', , . . , ,\;., , ... "'.~ : .:. ~~', ",'.,; .. ?~", ",',. ",:,~ :'. ,~ ",. (JI-';:-:.: :: ',,' ... ~ , .... 4 " '''i " . -,'., " , \' , '. . , '. . if,~ :.", ~~i' ", s).', ' '.;.' "" " .; . , ' , '.. -.' ' . 'w~:~~~.¢~~~":· , " , " .. NQ' •.• ' ' S-6~6397:': ;' " · . Da ted; O¢ tobax' 27,., ,198·2 .~ .'.' , ,:'., . '-, . '~,a:~~'l1on"$E ': '. " .... as of 7;30 .! '~' ,:: t,'1 \. .. ,.": ".,:, ',', ,:i:-:'! , . " . , ,,~ . ' . . ~)'" , ," . -'" '. ,:- ,',,,~ " :,! " ,'~. ,:' " " 'For :the,. ben~flt"Qf'the Gou~l:y ot:,S~I\ Die~a. allY C~~Y:'~~i~' wh~~~ '~he ' ," ,,~::., subd~Vis'to'n i~ .1ocated,~ ·th~ sub<li\i;ider ,and, 'the' SJlbd.{.'Vid~l't.'8 ,;RtJgi1ltextld, ", ~ . ' . C1v:tl :Engf'n~er .. or '~icens~dLan4 Su~e:yp'r'~ ',' . : ,,' ,: ,. " ,', ,~,." :, ::. , ", -~. ~ , :''; , '~' r ~ , -'.., " ,.'. , .... " -• ' ".,'; '. '-.. • "., -! ,~ •• -.,---' •• ' .. ~, -."~-,:: -~ :. • ',., ,: ':- -,':7 , , : A· px:.elitti1p~Y'·eXam~,t:fon: 'of di~8e. ,pu'1rl~~.' t'ec~r.as~·:wliie;n.t ~ .Ui1d~r:: ,the. '~ " ",' ':, :r'~co+d1:bg.'l&WS~ 11ilpai-'t:, c.ol)$tr,~-ct·~venodt~ ·Qfm~;t~~:r5·.f,fectlng :th~: : ': '."'. ':, " .. , 'I ',: ; ; _, .... : J I .. t1:tle.1:0 t:h~, ~nd:fn¢1u.ded'·'·w1~hin 'th~ :at~ri9r,: 'bo~pdtl);1·. *AoWnQU; a'map ...... . .. 'of tbe.above ;r~~eJ)~nced ;subd:1vi$1on. 'recej.v!id ·on .o~tbbet· '2·5~· '1982 'hy" ': .. ; SAFECO Title. In,u:r~rtce.. >Compa~1"~ 'herein· catled tq~ Compi(ni t' d1.aclpses .\ ":>, ., · .dlat:j, ~n:"~he. dat~ hel'e.Qf' •. tl\eQn:iy p:~t':t1~~,h1,lVtnl any'.req:o~d tltl~ ~., : :;. " fJ:lterest1:fi ~a:'i~f l;a:qd whos.e s:J..gri~tur~s a're .jt~ee.,B~ty.; l,\'J\~er 1:h~ {t'equi;l'~inen~,:;il ~ '~' o'fthe'Stibdiv:!sl,-.:on ~p Ac,t" Oll the 'DI!llp:.'of.s~dd"lfu't)diyi.s1on ':-':0 be" £'i:1;ed .. ,. '\' : ~. 'wi-~h t.he~ county: aeCf.ord~;i' o.;f saicl-Cpunty 'ateS:~t. :f~r:~n i1\ -$c~~du.1e, A. '," ,_ , .: "'thiS r·e~~r.t':i$ ;fq:~shed '~'~'~n.,' a¢e0r4~d8.;~io~, £o,r ~he' s~i~:P~;P~~~':;Of .. :. ~. ' .,' ,', .' ~i-e+1m;ln~ry . planntng' ~nd~~ fa(,Uf.,ta.ting ;,ihe-' .~QlUpii.nce" wfth r~q~i:r~e.nt.· ,' .• ;~ . : necessa·ry· fo~. :th~ 'issuance df a,Sl,lbdi:,ri'sj:()n~~~l"an~e~~,:lt. ,is ,un~ •. ~8tpod' .',.". ""~>. 'that the·qomp~nyt8, ltabil,ity .. is sole~y :tha.t, .e;Kpl:e$$'ed in, s(;i,ch: .Qtiara~tee; .. :'.' ' ",'j , an4~~atno li.ab11:lty .. ~ep;;l'r4·t.\!frOlll. 9£,othe~ than:~he~9ntpahY':$ 11~ab~1~t.Y . '\ ,.:' ':/ .. , untlEf,r saldGti~:rante~~ts .s~med1;)i·.·th11l1 ~epol;'~* :except that if"no (';ua~antee ' . ':, .~ ! ' 1 .. 1fSBUed unde~·1:hi.~Or.det ,the·amount.' paid/.,.f9t th'i,s:'Repait'sha),1,be' ,~li~'i . ,:~.">' · ~J,:imu.m: Iiab'i:li. ty 0.£ the Company. ,:0 :, . . ~ '. .: ,':. ',' '.. . . '. .~ ,#,. 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"','~ ~4e~ of tr~.,t, d~;tt:~' APt!f.l';~4t t?i9 '. tQ s~cqr::~,".1i· "1ti~ebt.dJies~ ,~t' ~';' " :,~: > :-~: '7~ ~ .. ,$2'7 ,'O,OO·~ '0'0', ana: any Qf.net' obliga-l'1;,O~ seeur.,;d, ther~"by ,. recorded ,May 4, '~' " ' , } 9·19, ~s :Fil~ liQ~ 79 ... 1~J'736 .. ' . "::";"" >~:.: ','" '. ,,:' ' "', , ' , '~,' .".' i ,:,",'-,))-;f 17," -I ,', -,,' 1 ~,' • :-+. " ,,"'I' " •••• • .. _, 'ci'. l:, Tr'us,tQ~: :', ' . .'·njui;IcE, L~' 's:AND~. an u .. ir~ed WOlll4~ '\", ,.', ',. ' i' '.,' "; '" Tr.'u8t.e~r. m V;tSTA. FI.NA:N~m.t INC .. ' . ", " , ,,' "' .. ;",. ',. e; .. ,BelJ.e.f1~:1~iy:;'" fA(J1.'IG:~DERA;L, 'SAVJi.NGS'4ND L,OAN,AssOCtAT.ION., l6RME~l " ,.:., ";' , ,:.' ':"; ., ' .. ." "' .. ' ."', KN'~ AS OC'~SIriE, FEPERAL". SiVIN:GS ~D -to~ ',ASS~~TfO~' .' "($)'" . < '::,:, .' .. '" 'a: C9~1)9r.a:~t9n. . ': . , " .. " '.1 • ' "'1,','.: ~ l .. , ,'~, . I " '.,',':;:' .,' .," . . '. (~ .. ; '. , . ',;-"S·ft~ECO· ",:: ,:' . '. "-' """~~ '," '~:.~ .. HI"": -.' 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In.e.o;qior-",t~d~· 8;' Cal-Uo·t~~ ... c'OrpQt'at;ton ~:. '~p:b .. t;:tut~d' .' .. :. ,"~' ". '\ .. ".' .•• tr.~tf!e .11~d.r 'the ~eral" -Of •• :Ld d'!!!ed ;Qf ,t.tlqJ':t~ .. : .~ . . -.' .... ~.. ..•... .' .. ' • , , .' ' • , .~ ~.,..,' • ... .. .\,." • :. ~ :~. ' .' , '.: _ ) ~ ", :';. • • •• :~' _. 'F, ~,' '_ ,.' '~., .... ; "~. " 4.,.' 'A deled' of t'r;u.$·i aa.ted Jun • .22,.l9'81' t.o .. ·aeo ... te·ai;:, :i:nd~bt;_nesl'. of. ::' .~. ,\ .. ', $9.·,·,000.:0(:), 'and: 'any,' pt;ne.r· ob11gat.},tin.· ·' •.• ¢ut.a.ther,eby, r.e¢Qtde(LJun~ ~~",,"~" .. ~:,' ;;..;:_ >. ,'" i'981 fl" t'ii.' NO\t·,8.i .... 2·014,O:O~ .' .' .:., '"., ':,:, : .. :~:. : .•. ,::'. "c ':, •...• ~ ... ' •• '. .:-;-:', " ~,~ • ,..!, ; ,.\ .' ..'" . • "'" __ ':.' ',: :,:. "..,-• t "': _;!..- . . 'l~~t:QJ;;:_ . ,.' '"JIM':S'~: :'lllRs'GllB~Mj-QARQL', 'L,_ 'RI1\SCImEM ·~·1.iiGuEi. a, .• ' i~tA-S·'.'· .. ' ,.' .' :~~~;~ "T~~ t~e t. . .r I$E tNSURANCE AND, TaUS~ C:OMP~ i .;.a::.ea:l4-fot~:ta. .~O,tp9't.tton. ",.' .. 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