HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 601; PETERSON; Engineering Application• CITY OF CARLSBAD APPL'ICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL ~1AP FOR A MINOR SUBIDIVISION OF LAND-(INTO 4 OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 20.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE F I L. I N G FEE:, .$.3 0 0 . Q 0 . FILING FEE RECEIPT NO. ~\" '2\~\S3 jpc",.. TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: MI'NOR SUBDIVISION NO. MS ~ -(for office use) I. Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. ~I _ consisting of 0.94 . ___ gross acres, having 4 lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for . pr?perty described as (Exact Legal Description) All that l?ortion of Tract 123 of Carlsbad Lands, in the City of Oar1sbad., County of San Diego, StatB of California, according to Mal? thereof Wo. ]661, filed in the County Recorder of San Diego County. March I. 19l5~ generally located on the West , -rNO~rt~h~,-S~o-u-t~I'l-,~E~a-s-t~,-'W'e-s~t~)r---------------- side of Jl§uev Street betvJee Oak Street . Ti\iame or S tree t ) ---( Name of S t rest) and Has swo Q d A. Ye.-L-:-J7"'::::::;::::;;;==~==:::~~--':----( Name of St ree ASSESSORS PARCEL N . TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Res i dent i a 1 , Are the existing or proposed parcels br subject to other discretionary approval ditional use permit)? Yes Commercial, Industrial) lots in this minor subdivision (for exam~le, a variance or con- ," No no =--- PRESENT ZONE wr ( I, We r ~-1-.y500 the undersigned state that • We are.., the --~(~I~am~,~wH-e-a--re~) r-=-___ Q'""(iiWn~"..e ...... r=s_...___r_.___:_;_-_;_of the property described herein and hereby (Owner, Owners) (Authorized Agent) give Qlll1r authorization to the filing of this proposed tract (My, Ou r) map. We are ( I am, We are) Title 20 (Subdivision aware of and have ,had an opportunity to read Ordinance) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Name David L. Peterson . Type~~/rin~~ Recorded Deed Signature __ ~~~~~ ____ ~~;~_~~ I~~~~~~~_____ , _____________ ~ ________ ~ __ __ Name Walburg a S. Peterson (TYEjd or Printed~s S i gnatu re Q R.QU&=ta a.... /J ~owp on, Recorded Deed) dL~~~-----__ ---------------~--- Name --~(=T~y-p-e~d~o-r~P~r-·i-n-t-e-d~a-s--s~h-o-w-n-o-n--R'~e-c-o-rd~e-d'-D~e--e~d~)--------------~----- Signature -------------------------------------------------------- Name --~(~Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) Signature _______________________________________________ ~ __________ __ Name and Address of Subdivfder: Davie). L. & Walburga S'. Peterson, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants. '1531 Basswood Ave., Carlsbad, ea. 92008 Name, address and phone number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: , No. R.C.E.271542 ,,' _J~o_s_e~p_h_K~._L_u_k_o_s_k_i~, ______ ~(~6~1=9~), 729-4340 P.D.Box 1733, Carl=s=b~a~d~,_C~a_=9~2~0~0~8 ____________________________________ ___ e CLTA Guarantee Form No. 23 Yax;t".l. . ;t.,-1.3~78. PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE Parcel Map Fee: $125.00 Reference: PETERSON PARCEL MAP No. 343059-D SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUS I.ONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE, LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called "the Company", GUARANTEES THE CITY OF CARLSBAD herein called the Assured, against loss not exceeding $l,OOO,which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records on the date stated below, 1. 2. Dated: The title to the herein described estate or interest vested in the vestee named, subject to-the matters shown as Exceptions herein, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority; and was Had said Parcel Map been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, such map would be sufficient for use as a primary reference in legal descriptions of the'parcels within its boundaries. May 27, 1983 at 7:30 AM By Authorized Signature " <. CLTA Guarantee Fonn No. 23 Part 2 1-13-78 No.: 343059-0 The esta~ or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Guarantee is a fee. A FEE. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: DAVID L. PETERSON and WALBURGA S. PETERSON, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants. The land included within the boundaries of the Parcel Map hereinbefore referred to in this Guarantee is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Secured prcperty taxes, a lien not yet payable, for the fiscal year 1983-1984. 2. The rights of the public to use for road puxposes the Northeasterly 30 feet of the property herein described, said Northeasterly 30 feet being included within Valley Street, as herein referred to. 3. An easement over said land for poles, wires and incidental purposes, as granted to the San Diego Gas and Electric Canpany, by deed recorded July 10, 1956 in Book 6172, Page 49 of Official Records. The route thereof acrcss said land is nore particularly described as follCMs: tvitrJ.n the Nor-Jr~es'i:erly 6.0 feet of the Northeasterly 300.0 feet of :the above described propety. 4. A deed of trust dated Decenber 3, 1968, to secure an indebtedness of $11,000.00, recorded January 7, 1969 as File No. 2802. Trustor: David L. Peterson and Walbw:ga S. Peterson, husband and wife as joint tenants. Trustee: Oceanside Finance Canpany, a corporation. Beneficiary: Oceanside Federal Savings and Loan Association, a corporation. TIP: RP::it COMP: ./ ?' 343059-D 01-31-83 '. • All that portion of Tract 123 of Carlsbad Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 166i, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, March 1, 1915, described as follows: COMMENCING at a concrete monument marking the intersection of the Genter lines of Basswood Avenue and Valley Street, as shown on Map No. 1681 of Thum Lands, on file in' the County Recorder's Office; thence South 500 0:,t' 20" West (Record- South 50°05'20" West) along said center line of Basswood Avenue, a distance. of 517.77 feet; thence North 31°12'20" West, 499.53 feet to a point in the Southeasterly boundary of that portion of said Tact 123 conveyed to Fr~d A. White and Katherine J. White by deed dated December 4, 1924 and recorded in Book 1121, page 236 of Deeds, said point being the TRUE PO.INT OF BEGJ.NNING'; thence along said Southeasterly boundary of said land so conveyed North 55°28'10" East, 34.64 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence along the Southeasterly boundary of that portion of said Tract 123 conveyed to Nancy E. Maltby by deed dated May 6, 1926 and 'recorded in Book 1i83, page 498 of Deeds, North 55°28'10" East, 451.95 feet to a point in said center line of Valley Street; thence South 34°31'50" East (Record -South 34°33'00" East} along said center line, a distance of 89.02 feet; thence South 55°28'10" West parallel with the Southeasterly boundary of said land as conveyed to Maltby, 492.09 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a line bearing South 31°12'20" East from the True Point of Beginning; thence North 31°12' 20" Wes't, 90. 0.0 feet, more or less, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. ~ ,-'" t,.,. .-_. 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