HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 626; DAON CORPORATION; Engineering Application{ , CITY OF CAHi.:SBf>,l) /\PPLICATION FOR APPROVAL or-t\ TEiH,\TIVE PAP-eEL 1·1AP .. _-_..... ._----------_._-" -~¥ ... ---- r:"O~6~·MI NOR SUS ~DlYl.?J~~·J OF LANJ2..::..U}~}O:_.!:L~R~L~.s PI'~RCE1··SJ P-.S PROV t DED FOR I ~.r CHF, PTER 20. 2.4 OF THE CARLSBAD t"iUNIC I'PAL CODE FILING FEE: $300,,00 FILING FEE gtCEIPT NO. 33Jc(O 1"'\l'NOR SUGD IV'IS ION NO. t'1S ·b2..~ .. (for office. use).·---- TO THE CllY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: DA T E _ . .$Y'--C./_'1-,-:3_-,-_ I. R.eq~lest is hereby made for approval of Tent;;ltive Parcel Map of j"''linor Subdivision·,No •. _ .. ·consisting of _. . __ ,gr955 . ucres,~lg ______ ~_lots, being a. pr~)p()sed. subdivision .of iane! for P ro~e~Y---r:1'Er'SC r i bed as: .' (Exact Lega 1 DeSCT ipt ion) . . Portions of Lots 4 & 9. of . the ·subd'iv·isiQn. o;f t11.e R,a,.nch,o :L,as Enc':i,na" ----,.-,----------------------------.~.-~---.--. ....,.-,.;--•... in the City of Ca:r:lsbad, County of 'San Diego; State of Ca:lij:'ornia, . . -----._-----_._ ... -.... -------_ .......... - ___ ac_<?ording to Map thereof No. 848, f i:-.:_~_i_n~_t_h_e _____ O_f_f_i~_~ of' __ ~_~e cO"::~~Y -Ij ----·--i~f~-.. ---- ?~~ ~':: Recorder of San Diego County, June 27, 1898. .-._-_._--------- -------------------------_ .. _----. <--;-_._--. I ----.,..,--------.. -----'---------,--- ----'-------_._-,,-- --------_._---------_._-----------_._-,------- ge ne ra 11 y 1 oca ted on the East -nro r t ~S-(;Ut1;·~·--Easf-> . ""e sTf-·----·-· .. ~-.-.-.. ---- side of Rancho Santa Fe Road betV'Jeen sou.th of Mission Estancia -( N5rne ofS-t feet) ---. -----rNa~'e 6':[=-' Street r----' --_.-'-.-,- and . . ·"·fN,:mll? ··of S-E.-eet)'--·-------·-------·----, AS'SESSORS P.~RCEL NO. ~.;. 03/-07 .' -Soor--Pae·e -P31-ccT-----• .1 TYPE OF SURD i V,I SiaN CommerciaJ::LResidertt:i~l _____ ._. __ ·_ _ ____ . __ _ ---rR c s i cI c n l: i C) 1, C (Y;~nl ere i a 1 ,1 n d II 5 t ria TJ ' f\re the existin~j or proposed parcels or lots in this minor subdivisiol) subject 1'0 other discreticHlary c:1pfJl'oval (for c>~ample, a VariClrlCe or (.on- d it i onz."l·1 use pc I'm it)? Yes . ...,. __ . ____ No -,2~_ , • • I , , >:N PRES E.NT .ZONE PC f,' 'We the undcTs i gned state that we are the " ." , (I, We r: , ~Iam,' 'fie a'r€)" ~. Authorized Agent. _of the pro'per~y d'es'cr ibed here,in and hereby !lOvJner, Owners) U\uthorized Agents) l Qive our authorization to the fi 1 ing o·f this proposed tract 7. " (My, Our) , , rna p. . ,we are ' 'aVJa re of a nd have had an opportu n i ty to read Dam, We are~'-- Title 20 (Subdivist6n O,·d'nance) of the Carlsbad t,riunicipal Code .. \' Na~e._Daon Corporati on, ~ , (Typed' or i , 'I\S, gnature. ___ .£L.....::::..,~~-=::~~c:...=--_J:.~'!# ________ ~. ____________ . \ Vice President \, Name Michael 'R~ Ryan, Vice Pres;aent ) -,~~~--.~--~~~~~~--~~ ) , "j I ' ' e orded Deed ' ·X~ignatur~_'~~~_~~~~~~ ___ ~_~_~~ ____ , ______ ~ __ ~ __ y. , -'. Nan~e'_---r-;.".--. __ (Typed or Printed as shON-1Il on Recorded D-eed) S i gnatu re __ _ Name'_--r: . (Typed or ·Pri·nt~d as shown on Rec6raed Deed} -----'--'-'-- . Signature ._------_ .. _-...,,_ ... _-----_. Name a nc:l Address of Subd·j v r de r; Daon Corporation, 1241. Elm Avenue, Carlsbad,California 92 0 OJi ____ . '-.-~""!"~-------... --- Name, address and phone number Of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: LS::, No. 3-;<..:8=<-.;1"-7'--____ _ Rick Engineering Comp?-ny, 3088 Pio Pic<?, Suite 202, Carlsbad;, California .~9~2~0~0~8~ ______________ ~ ____ , .. . , .. , . .. ~ .. . , . ,.V .. ,~". .' .: . .... . i • '. . ~ . . ' ... : ·4 ". . , . . ' , . .' , e' .. '. .• STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT", . TENTATIVE PARCEL MA'P, ,CITY OF CARLSBAD .... .' . .0 " " " . . , , . , "0 • ' ... , .' . . The subdivision Map Act and th~'Carlsb~d Hunicipal Code sets a fifty (50) day ~irne restriction ,on Engineering Department pro- cessing. This time limit can only be extended .by the mutual concurrence of the applicant and the City. By. accepting appli- cations for Tentative Parcel Maps concurrently with application$ for other approva,ls vThich are prerequisites to the map; i. e ~ , , Environmental Assessment, . Environnental· Impact Report, Condo~inium Plan, Planned Unit Development, etc:, the fifty (50) day time . . lima. ts are often exceeded.. . If you "vish to have your application . process~d concurrently, this agreement must be signed py the : applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, ,the City ".jill not accept your application 'for the Tentative Parcel Map' until all prior necessary enti tl.ements . have been processed and approved. ,,' 'The under'signed understands that the prqcessing time required by tne City may exceed,the time limits; therefore, the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for City E~gineer action and 'fully concurs with any extensions of time up to one·year from .. the da1;:e the. application' "vas accepted as complete to properly , ·review all of the a}?plications. . .' ,,~ .' . . '. . . .. . . . -- ':," ... .. i'. . '. . .' • . . .' ~~~~~~~~L~~~~'" .:~ 0: oo~:~' ,g'i-i~ti.3: .. Date '. .' ' ..... , ; ,Ii " ~ . :. ;. I , • to f • , . . ' \. \ . .~ . . ' . . ' ... -.. · 'p' :'~ ":,, , '.'~.: ;., .... AG~;3r..: ,': . . -. Re at~onshlp to Appllcatlon· . ,(Property Owner-Agent) '. .' -,: . ' . • .' . ' . , .. • ' . . . --.. _. __ ._ .. _-_ .. ,..;;... .. -.. _-