HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 635; BIZIEFF- SANDY; Engineering Application.-" • CITY OF CARLSBAD
FOR A MIN OR SUB I D I V I S ION 0 F . LA N D - ( I NT 0 4 0 R L E S S PA RC E L S )
MI NOR SUB D I V IS! 0 N NO. MS b 3 s;-"
. . (for ciffice use)
DATE C>t:::T~ 7 J I ~ S3
I. Request is hereby made for approval of' Tentative Parcel Map of Minor
Subdivision No. h:» consisting of Z'-lH32. S.F. gross
acres, having 2 lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for
property described as :
.( ~xact Lega 1 -Oesc r I pt ion)
~AR.cE'4-B OF: MS 6' h 'I N . 'THIS C.I T'I of
" -CAf?L.~f3,40, <::.QUNr{ E;£ SAN p,StrO I STATE t!2F
genera 11 Y 19cated on the k) E?s T '/ -r(N~o-r~t~h~,~S~o~u~th~,~E~'a-s-~t-,-W~es-t~)~~----------..-------
. Side. of. L\ \ G-l::lJ...4.N~ between T~N\AeA·GK· ( ~me of S1;: r"-'e~et)=;:----. (Name of St reet)
and CHlt-l&uA~lN . , . -rName of Street) I "
. ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. _.zt26 -Z. 6 (;) .. -26 (L00.P.) ,
Book Page parce 1
(Resi'dential ~ Commercial, lndustrial)
Are the existing or proposed' parcels or lots in'this minor subdivision
subject to o'ther discretionary approval (for e)(ample, a variance or con~
d i tiona 1 use pe rm it)?, Yes No . X.
~r the unders i gned state 1;hat .\AlE, 4rcE the
( I ,f:.~ _. ( 1 am, We are J
C2Y2N.~~SC' of the 'property, described ,herein and h'ereby
( Owner, Owners Author i zed Agent) .
give OL>!8 authorization to the filing of this prop,osed tract
{My, Our ' ,
map. 'A.JE.. A~ aware of and ha've had an opportu'nity to read (I am, We are
Title ~O (Subdivision Ordinance) of tb~ Carlsbad Municipal Code.
as shown on
--. "T'"( T=y-p-e-d..,....-o-r--;:P~r-;i,.....n-:-t-e-d:--a-s-s-:-h-ow-n-o-n......,R;::--e-co rded Deed)
Sig.nature _______________________ ~ ______ ~ __ ~----~~~~--~--__ ~-
Name and Address of Subdivfder:
--..._~$~AM:::=oc.-:~E. __________ '___ __ ____,_-------"'----. e. 0, BD~ CA',
.Name, address and phone number of Engineer -or Licensed Land Surveyor:
No. LS 333>B .
i3tLL ~'I LLI N tf.S
I ,;
.,.---.--:---"..--~..".....~~,.....,......" "fl) .....• N AUki f 71 _ "IY: p_
Fee: $ 150.·.0.0. Subdivision :Minor .SUbdiviSion~~=~_~---~" ':~)
Fidelity. National Title
.' : :INSURANGE COMPANY .' . -. '. . ~. "' ,
, ' I '
, ~.:. <
The County of San. Diego an€i:any City within which,'said supdjvi7 '."
sion is located in 'a sum not exceeding $10.0.0..0.0. . ." . '.' ,,:1.' I -, ". ., '.
That, according 1:0 those public r~cords which~'''linder the recording I·aws, impart constructive
• ' ,f', ". " ,11_. :: . notice of matter.s affecting the .. title' to :the I'and'included within the exterior boundary shown
on the map oqhe aboVe referenced subdiyision, th~ only 'parties navingany re.c()'~tl title int~~e~t
in said 'Iand whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map'Act, '
on t-he cet~ifica:tes <;:on;senting t9 th'e f~cord~,tion ,of said map and offering fordediCatipn a.ny
,streets; f?ads',avenues and other e~.sements ~ff~t~.d' forqedicatiofl by said map are,:, . A' :,~,,' "".' ,
OWner: Joseph P. Sandy and, Gordon Bl.Z1eff "'. . . "
• " j " -'. < ~ .1,. . '. , : . • ,
" {, .,' I
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, , ,
" ',1'·
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'The maP herefnbefore referred, to· is a,5ubd'i.vision. of:
. " :' Parcel"B, iq the qity 'of'Carlsbad, County of San Diego, Stat~ of CaHfoI;'ni~
" .: ' i~as-~shown~'on Page 12975 'i1+ 'Boo),t qf PSrcelMap, filed in the of£ice' crf the 'CO~nt:y-R~,?qrde.~~f S-an n:i'ego ~bunty, November,3, 1983.' ;. '
, f ~ ,
, J
Dated: February .:'3.; 1984'·
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" ~. ~ " ~I .'
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The following terms when used in this Guar-LIMITATION OF'ACTION
antee mean: ' A statement in writing of any lo~s or damage (d) All payments under this Gl,lar.antee" eX-'
(a) "land": The land described, specifically for which it i~ claimed the Company is liabl\!-.,....", cept fur attorneys' fees as provided for in para-
or by reference, in 'this Guarantee' and improve: under this. Guarantee shall be furnished. to fhe, -'graph 6(b) hereof; shall' reduce the. amount
ments affixed thereto which by law constit!Jte Company within sixty, days anersuch loss or of the liability :hereunder ,pro tanto, and no
real property; damage shall have been determined, and no payment shall be made with.out producing this
(b) "public records": Those records which right of action shall accrUe to the Assured , G4arantee for endorsement of such payment'
.' impart constructive notic£! of .matters relating lJ.I1der this Guarante.e .until thirty d~ys after sU~h "'. unless thll GlI~rante\l' be. \.05t qt destroyed, in
to said land; statement shall have been furnished, -and no ,.which C!lSe proof of such. loss or. destruction
(c) "date": the effective·date;, recovery shall be hold o¥ .the Assured under. this. 'snail, be -furnished, to the .satisfaction of the
(d) "the Assured": the p~rty or parties Guarantee unless action shall be commenced -Company.. , .,... " . . . "
named as the Assured in this Guarantee, ()r in a thereon Within two years after the expiration of'.. (e) When liability has been' a~finitely fixed in
supplemental wr.itiflg executed by the. Com'pany; said thirty .day period. Failure ,to. furnis.h such .accordance with the, conditions of this GUaran.
(e) "mortgage": mortgage, delld of trust, stat£!ment of loss or damage or to' commence . tee, the loSS or damage ,sbail. be payable wUhin
trust deed" or other security instrument. ' ,such action within the'time herein before spe'ci·' " thlrtY'days theihftel'. ~"'. '
'2. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE fied, shall :be a conclusive bar ~gainst mai~. ) 7. SI1BROGATION'UPON'PAYME!ljT
OF THIS GUARANTEE . ~~:~aCnete~y the = ~s~~~~ ~~ any ,a~t~~ .... nroun~er thl~_". ' ~ -::O~SEt.T,!,.EMENT , --0 "
The Company assume~ no liability for loss or S. OPTION TO PAY S'ETTLE -,Whenev;r-the Compahy shall have settled a
damage by reason of the following: OR COMPROMISE CLAIMSclaitn under t~is Guarant!'le; all right of sUb-.
. (a) Taxes or assessments which are not shown The Company shall have the oplion to payor 'rogation shall vest in the Company unaffectea
as existing liens by the records of any taXing. settle or compromise for or in the name of the by any act of the Assl,lred, amj it shall be' sub·
allthority that levies taxes or assessments on Assured any claim which could result In lo~s ,torogatedto,anej be entitle to all rights and'remedies'
real property or by the public records. the Assured withih the coverage of this Guar-which' the Assured· would have ,had against any
(b) Unpatented mining claims; r.eservations an tee, or to pay the full am'ount of this Guaran-person or properW Ih 'respect to such· claim had'
or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing tee or, if this Guarantee is issued .for the benefit. this ,Guarantee not been i.ssued. ,If the payment
the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or. of a holder of a mortgage, the Company shall does not cover the less of the Assured, ,the
title to water. have the option to purchase the .indebtedness Company' shall be subrogated to such rights'
(c) Title to any property beyond the lines of secured by said mortgage. Such purchase, pay_and remedies lit the proportion which said
the land expressly described' in the description ment or tender of payment -of the full. amollnt payment bears to the amount Of said loss.
set forth in this Guarantee, or title to streets, of the Guarantee shall terminate all liability The' Assured' if requested 'py 'th.e Company,
roads, avenUes, lanes, ways or waterways on of the Company hereUnder. In' the event after shall transfer to the C;ompany all rights' and
which such land abuts, or the right to maintain notice of claim has been given to the 'Company , remeqi.es ag'li~st.\ 'lny .-p,e(:s'9n or ~roperty oece-.
the.rein vaults! ,t~lJlnels, ~ ramp~" 0E-:,u:ly ·oth~r. ~? " by the" Assured,the Qompany·'offer:s. ie;,. purclia~e ... ::ssa~x. ,I?, ord~r to~per.f,!l~J .. g!ch right .of sul;lr.o-
.. sttucture or Improvement; or, .a!!y rights, or. " ~aid :indebte~dnessl JlJ..e_,o~wner, 9,f s,ul<h,..indebtl,ld • .,.:. . -.g~tlon, a,nd s~all ~.epTl!,t \~,~ Company to, ~se'
llasements therem unless'such property:;' 'rights' -hess' shall transfer 'indo assign said' indebted-' . ,the ~am~ o~, the::. i\'sSU(lld 'J~ any transaet!oh
or easements are expressly and specifically set ~. , iies~ ind, 'IDe-Iltprtga'ge sllcuriog'thll sllm-enQ .the, _~. ?r )ltl.g~tl?.n,:"?.v&!lv,"g, 5ut~1!ghts or remedies.
forth in said description. • -Company upon payment of the,purchase price. 8.(iUA~ANrEE .. ENTIRE CONTRACT (d) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims asainst the title as guaranteed or other 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.
matters (1) created, suffered! assumed or agreed PA YMENT OF LOSS
to by one or more of the Assured; or (2) reo (a) The liability of the ·Comp!lny under this
suiting in no loss to the Assured. Guarantee shall be limited to the amount of
3. PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS actual loss sustained by the Assured because cif reliance upon the assurances h¢rejn set fotth,
(a) The Company shall have the rig~t ,at its but in no event shall suc.h liability exceed. the'
own cost to instilute and prosec' te any action amount of the liability stated on the face (Jage·
or proceeding or do any other act 1ich in its •. her~of. ' •
opinion may be necessary or d~table ,estilb·" ~,l':{b), The Company will pay-all costs itnp.os'ed
lish or confirm the matters herei":~u.arMi~~~~~ '·'~p':~ri_tlie,.Assured in litigation carried on by the
and the Company may take any apjili:'v~nll:~.~:· '~G:om~(I¥....for the Assured, and ~II costs and
action u~der the term~ of this Guarantee wH~..tb,er ., attorney's .fees In lit}gation carri~d ?n 'by the
or not It shall be hable thereunder and ~l~ Assured With the written authOrIZatIOn of the
'not thereby concede liability or waive any pro'!!'}! Company. .
vision hereof. (c) No claim for damages shall arise or be
(b) In all cases where the Company does so maintainable under thi_s Guarantee (.~ )if the
institute and prosecute any action or proceedi'ng, C;ompany after having received 'noti~e of an'
the Assured shall permit the Company to use, ,alleged defect, lien .or enc!lmbrance not shown
at its option, the name of the Assured for such as an Exception or' exduded herein removes
purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, such defect, lien or encumbrance' within ,a,
the Assured shall give the Company all reasonable reasohable time after receipt of such notice, or
aid in prosecuting such action or proceeding, (2) for liability voluntarily assumed by the
and the Company shall reimburse the Assured Assured in settling any claim· or suit without
Any action or !letion? or rights of action that
·tlie' Assured may have or may bring against-tlie,
Company arising out of the subject matt!lr:-.
hereof '11U5t be based on lhe provisions 'If. this . Guarantee., .. ·-/",,::' .. r" '
, No, -pr~visio~ ";or c~ndiiioh of thi~ Guatante~
can be waived or changed eXCept by a writjng -
·endorslld or -attached -h'creto signed by' 't,h~' _ .
President, a Vice· President, the SecretarYJ an -,
Assistant Secretary ',or other 'validating .officer-'of .,
the Company. .
All ;lOti<;es required t6 be given the Co~~
pany and-any statementi'n 'writing reqUited to
be furnished the Company shall be addressed
·to its General Office' at 4455 East Camelbaok
·Road, Suite B.130. Phoenix. Arizona 85018.
10. FEE . '
The fe.e specified 'on Pad Two of this .Guar-.
antee is the total fee f.or·title. search and .exami·
. nation and for this Guarant~e. ;,,:
for any expense so·incurred. written consent of the Company •. 1 ... ,,,.0 . Fidellt~so~t~~~ Title
, ,\ . ~ ,-