HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 723; PAHL, BRUCE; Engineering Application'. tITY Of CARLSBAD • APPLICATIO~ fOR APPRQVAL ~f A TENTATIVE PARCE~ MAP fOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION Of LAND.(t\ OR LESS PARCELS) ) AS PROVIDED f.OR IN CHAPTER 20.24 Of THE 'CARLSBAD MUNICIp·AL CODE DPD2(09/85) RECEIPT NO.: SB375' (for office use) . MINOR SUBDIVISION NO.: MS 723. (for office ,(Jse)-'- 1-29-86 . DATE: ----------~~------~-- TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF, THE CIT'tl Of CARLSBAD: Request is he~e~ made for approval of' Tentative Parcel Ml;lp of Minor Subdivision No. '123 consisting of 1.14 gross acres, having 3 ... lots, being a proposed subdivision of land for prop~rty descI;ibed as: (Exact Legal Description) . =----. --__ .. h" . ~ortion of the Southeast Quarter of the' Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 11, Range 4. Wes~" San Bernardino Ba,se and Meridian as shown on Map of Laguna Mes~ Tract NQ_ 1719, in the City of Carlsbad, 'County of San Diego, State of California.' ------------------~---------------------~---. ,-----,------~----------~'------------------------~.------ ------.-.----~----~.------~------~. -----~.~--~~~-~----~~-.------.~.-- ---------~~------------~.~----------------------------- generally located on the __ w_e ... s...,t~_~_-.::-~_-.::"---:----:-,:--~ ___ ~ --rNorth, South, East, West) side of Hiqh1and Drive between.. EOrsat AJ7~~lJe -"';;(~N;:;';a~m -~e:;;";-o-=-f;F;:S-:-=tr;;':e::";e:;'t~)=-------(Name' of Street) -- and ___ ~L~a~s~F~J~o~~~~~s~p~r~l~'v~e~~ ______ ~~ __ ~ ___________ , ___ ~ ___ ~ __ ,~._,~,~------ (Name ofStreetJ ASSESSOR I S PARCEL MAP NO ._~-=--1_5_6 -_1_1_Q;-::-~1;;.;;;5.J,.'.,;.5 .... 7","", ;;;..18~_ ...... --::--______ ..-,- Book Page Parce~ TYPI;: OF SUBD I VI S ION~~. ~R;.;;;e~-s;;.:;}-~· d;;.;e~n;;.;t;.;l;:.;· a~l;:;..'_._~--=-.... --..,::--::--:--;.~~ __ (Residential, Commercial, Industrial) ~ ---_ ........ - Are the existing .or proposed parcels or lots in this Minor Subd~ vision. sUQject to other discretionary approval (for example, a variance or Conditional Use Permit)? YES NO __ x~_ ........ _ -. • PRESENT ZONE ___ R_-_l-..... _ 7_5 ... 0_0''"''''_-'!-._- We the undersigned state that weare . the (r, We) , (ram, We are-f- '. Qwners _ of the property de~cr.ibed herein and (Owne·t~·-OWners) (Authorized Agent) , hereby give' bur. authorization to the filing of this proposed . . (my, our) -----'-, , tract mW!. __ 7"!:""_e--;a::l"r_e_~ ___ aware of and have had an opportunity' to read Title 20, -( I am, We are) "Subdivision Ordinance", of the Carslbad Municipal Code. . '1 NAME Bruce A. Pahl . • " (Typed ot Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) . SIGNATURE ..~SH:;l<lUHi J: @,U' NAME Laura J. Pahl }(SIGNATURE ~I~~::n on Re~orded Deed) .. NAME _______ ~ -rryp-ed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) SIGNATURE --------------------------"-----------------~---.------------ Name and Address of Subdivider: Bruce A. Pahl -----. .... /P. O. Box 399, Carlsbad, CA 9200a _____ ________ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ __ w_ ________ ~.--------_~ .. -------------- Name," Address, and Phone Number of ' Engineer or Licensed Land Su;rveyor: Rodney C. Imming, BRIAN SMI,TH ENG,INEERS, INC. ---. 2656 State ~treet, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (!5l9). 7~Q-898l RCE .3052:j. 'SUBDIVISION LO'G SUBDIVISION NO ...... _7~:l:..-:::::3~_-__ DATE RECEI ENGINEER ~~/I1/<1 S,nFTtf ~/f/6d. OWNER ~/C~tC..!E /411L ADDRESS A ". /Joy, 3 '9.0 c..A;Z"fM~ PHONE 2;)" -., ?-33 ADDRESS iY=5('p s?".,Jft5 S&' ~ "fd-l.~#~~, . PHONE . -;;.er-S98/ ... TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SENT LETTERS ~t~~N'IN~-z:~ . FIRE ~ ___ D ·:~~ti~: .~~~T UTlL/MAINT. r:I CRMWD cr-0 FINAL DUE PARKS ~ LCWD .0 FINAL SENT .R~QUIREMENTS. PLANNING REPORT FOR. __ --rx~_:_:___..__r=~~__. ...... _==~DATE TO DCC DATE TO P.C. ACTION: 0 ApPROVED 0 DENIED --------------- DATE TO C.C. ACTION: 0 APPROVED 0 DENIED [J STREET DEDICATION DEED NO. RECORDED o FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT. TO C.C._-_-_-_-_-..,...-_ .... _--:..-_-_-. 0 APPR~OV~E=-D------,---...,..-,..-o OTHER . ~ C.C. CONDITIONS : _______ ~--------_----.:..-__ ---------- rTENATIVE PARCEL MAP ~IMINARY TITLE REPORT GRADING PLAN t-POBLIC FACILITIES FEE AGREEMENT . ~GHT COPIES OF TENTATIVE PARCEL t·1AP ~O' RADIUS MAP ~PERTY OWNER'S LIST & ENVELOPES IMPROVEMENt PLANS DRAWING NO. OUT ---- OUT PROJECT NO._--...."..,..-. ____ 1st Check I~ 2nd Check IN:"-- 3rd ,Check . I N:....-_ SIGNED BY C.E • OUT""--- SIGNED "AS-BUI':"":L T=m .. -----------· .... · --- ~AEN'ilB.QNMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSt·1ENT GRADING. PLANS ~f>AND sewBR LETTER ~ME EXTENSION AGREEMENT GRADING PERMIT NO. __ . __ ~:;;:---_ 1st Check IN bUT 1ST CHECK IN i-f"'~~ ·OUT ?-'tt~8<=, 2nd Check IN OUT------ ,2ND CHECK IN ""'2c-flb OUT,----.,-.."...... 3rd Check iN OUT ____ _ ~RI1CHECK IN 5"-',27-($4 OUT 6-1i:r-86P SIGNED BY C E ~'ff'~trb l.v~ -~,.-/!4(p -,-IJ,I1. c-.... ". <tiP/Nt-'T'y~~d. .: .---------------- . APpROVEO '1-1 I.(~ B,& \ .J-....:P:...!E~R~· M~'..!.·T--!:' S~S~U:::.··!:.E:::::D.========. FINAL OR PARCEL MAP 1st. Check IN OUT 2nd Check IN OUT·------ 3rd Check IN OUT -- SIGNED BY C. E. ----------....,--.-.,...-.0------rOCITY CLERK RECORDED COP! ES R,'"F:EC1ln'E'T! VmEI1':O---------:-....:--- BONDS ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ . -""-AMOUNT FAITHFUL PERFORt1ANCE MATERIALS & LABOR GRADING & EROSION MONUMENTATI ON IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BONDING CO. , IN .[] 0 0 0 0 0 . ADDRESS ' ------------------- .TITLE REPORT SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SOILS REPORT ENGI NEER'S ESTIMATE TRAVERSE CALC. REPORTS REQUIRED. m/ . [g/. o ~. o Cl IN [9/ .D tJ O· o [J [J . OEPOSITS REQUIRED ITEM AMOUNT PAID TENT. ExAM FEE '{PI!{) .. ~ PARkS-IN-LIEU FEE r6'.$ "7l36. 0 GRADING PERMIT FEE ~. FINAL MAP FEE sTOP. IMP. PLAN tHECK F£E .. 0 .. INSPECTlONFEE 0 WATER CarmECTlON DEPOS.!T 0 STREET SIGN DEPOSIT 0 STREET TREE DEPOSIT 0 GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE 0 . STREET LIGHT ENERGY FEE ~ DUPLICATE TRACING FEE .2)( "3o./fHg ~/,() DRAINAGE AREA. FEE 0 REVISED PLAN CHECK FEE 4cJ [J r::1A- TOTAL DEPOS I TS $. - COMMENTS .OR· PROBL£MS '. 4<£e£J /"fchLJ tf/f.<!J.tttDJ' 4aAr#t&c te~If~4;E' f. ! . 17'1;4-. ; • " , CITY OF CARLSBAD· .<~' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AID DEPOS1TS VORKSHEET • PRO J ECT NAME: _-,..c.t1f,.=.:::5~· ...:.?"""4Z:....-..43 ____ , . ...=.d..::.... g~Lf.-=&_.;::.... ~A...:.l/1,...:...· ,:...:.f(-=L:::;. . ...,.. ..... PREPARED BY: J&(d SLCd'k" DATE: 7,,;/'1-86 tENTATIVE PARCEL MAP ,.,-:-o-MAP FE E ( __ . . . . . . . . i • • • • • • • PARCEL MAP EXTENSION FEE ••••••••••••••• ' .' ••••••• ______ --..,.._ IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK FEE: . DEPOSIT WITH SUBMITTAL _.,---_____ RECEIPT NO. -,. ___ -- IMPROYEMENT DESCRIPTIgN BONDED VALUE TOTAL': .-----X :":p E=-=R:-'::C=E=NT:-:A~G=E---. = IMPROVEMENTINSPECTIUN FEE: .lllli TOTAL:. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE (CIRCLE ONE): VALUE X ~-~~~~--~PE~R~C=E~NT~A~G=E--= DWELLING' TYPE: ~ OR DUPLEX MF «4 uNrrs) MF {> 4 UNItS) MH .AREA: . 6/ 2 3 4 NUMBER OF UNITS: t X 78~ = --------'"--AREA FEE/UN IT STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING: 5,800 LUMEN ___ --AT 81.00 = ________ _ 9,500 LUMEN:, AT '111.06 = _____ _ 16~000 LUMEN AT 152.10 = ------.... 20,000 LUMEN AT 169.38 TOTAL: = GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE DEPOSIT . RECEIPT NO. {EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE· ( CUBIC YARDS) .................. ' _______ _ GRADING CASH DEPOSIT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DUPLICATE TRACING FEE • STREET ~lciN DEPOSIT: . . . . . '. . . . · ... · ... · . . _____ AT ___ = _____ ~ __ _ --' ___ AT -,--__ = ____ -,-:. ______ _ _______ AT ____ ......,.. = __ ------_- TOTAL: STREET STRIPING DEPOSIT FRONT LINE O,R AREA. FEES DRAINAGE AREA FEE (AREA . • i (TYPE NO. . . ) l. . . . • · • • • · • • • • •. · . · I· • • • . · . · . • . · • • • ,TOTAL ACRES: X --'----. ""'A--R E--A---F-E--E ADDITIONAL FEES.: LESS VALUE OF MASTER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTs AS NOTED IN MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN DOCUMENTS MULTI~LIED BY CURRENT INFLATION FACTOR •. LINE VALUE X FACTOR = AMOUNT', X X X = . = TOTAL: DRAINAGE FEE PUE:. • • · '. · · • · · · . ._--------- TYP E : __ .:..F--:../..;..:/j~, ___ -.-_,. • • ,-. • • • • • • • • I • " • TYPE:' .p-Z7p~. ddp'j'{'r .p.t,4;e. itfrd.~ .. . " . . TOTAL FEES AND DEPOSITS: ••• ' • ____ ----.... ,,-------. (IN ADDITlON,'A GRADING PERMIT fE:E OF .....,.0-_________ -'-,,- IS DUE UPON ISSUANCE OF THE GRADING PERMIT.) t:!P/f7{fW . , I' -. - ,--' ~ .. Form ~359 (4/75) CL"rA Subdivision Gua~antee Form No. 14 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SUBDIVISION: MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 723 ORDER NO. 914307-19 FEE $ 200.00 First American Title Insurance Company a corporation, GUARANtEES The County of SAN DIEGO and any City within which said subdivision is located in-a sum not exceeding $1000.00. That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to th.e land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, und~r the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to. the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avel.1ues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED The map her,ein~forereferred to is a subdivision of: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED Dated: February 2Q, 1987 at 7:30 a.m. First American Title Insurance Company _ ~~ • .:' .Eo'.'", -~ ~''''.1 :-""-"'1. <_ .. ~_ ••• '_~'-E._. :;. -: • "-' _ _. EXHIBIT "A" BRUCE A. PAHL AND LAURA J. PAHL, husband and wife as j oint tenants, as record ·owners. CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, Truste~ under Deed of Trust recorded December 31, 1985 as File No. 85-494730 of Official Records. CLAY B. HILL AND MILDRED S. HILL, husband and wife as Joint Tenants,as Beneficiary. under Deed of Trus t recQrded December 31, 1986 as File No. 86-623437 of Official Records. THE SIGNATURE OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, holder of easem~n·t recorded May 13, 1936 in Book 517, page 138 of Official Records, has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, SUDsection (8) (3) (A) (i) of the SubdiviSion Map Act. Their interest' is such that it cannot ripen into a fee ti tleand said signature is not required by the governing body. 4LEG~ DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. 914307-19 A portion of the Sou theas t Quarter of the Sou thwest Quartet of Section 31, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californi~, according to United States Government Survey approved December 27,1870, described as follows: . BEGINNING at a point in the East line of said Southeast Quarter, .distant. North 0-02-00 West 814.85 feet from the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quartet of said Set; tion 31 as shown on the Map of LAGUNA MESA TRACT NO • 1719, said point;. being the Northeast corner of the land conveyed by Olive R. Craig and Chester R. Craig to Benjamin A. Frantz by deed recorded in Book 17]0, .Peige 311 of Deeds; thenc,e continuing along said East line of said Southwest Quarter North 0-02-00 West, 89.00 feet; thence along a line 89.00 feet North of, and parallel to said Frantz property North 89-59-00 West, 348.90 feet to the Wes.terly line of the Easterly 85.38 feet of the Easterly 2 acres of the Westerly 3 acr~s of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, said 2 acres described in deed to Joseph Zubreczky, et ux, recorded May 5, 195'2· in Book 4456, Page 500~ of Official Records; thence along said Westerly line; South 0-02-00 East, 89.00 feet to a pOint in the North line in said Frantz property; thence South 89-59-00 East along the North line of said Frantz property 348.90 to the POINT OF BEGINNING~