HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 742; MULLINS, WALLACE; Engineering Application. ~ ------=---• CITY OF CARLSBAD • DPDZ(10/85) APPLICATION fOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARC.EL MAP r.R A MINOR SUBDIVISION Of LAND (4 OR LESS PARCELS) , . AS PROVIDED fOR IN 'CHAPTER 20.24 Of THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RECEIPT NO.: ~(~fo-r--o~ff~i~c-e-u-s-e~)~-------MINOR SUBDIVISION NO.: f\-5 lq~ (for office use) DA TE.: 9 / i 0 / 8 6 TO THE CITY ENGINEER Of JHECITY (f CARLSBAD: Request is hereby made for approval of Tentative P'arcel Map of Mihor Subdivision No. consisting of·., .99 . gross acres, haviAg 2 lots, being a pr.oposed subdivision of l~nd for property described as: (Exact Legal Description) the County Recorder, County of San Die,qoz State of Cal if 0 rn i. a, Au g,u s t 1, 1 98·6 generally located on the ____ -..... ___ N_o..,..r.t __ h_-,,-_____ -:--~ __ --- (North, South, East, 'West) side of Chestnut Avenue (N~me of Street) between EJ. Cawj no Real . (Name of Street) , . ..~' , and ____ ~S~e~a~v~j~e~w~ld~a~y~. ____ ~----__ ~~~~~ _____ ---__ --~--~ __ ---- (Name of Street) ASSESSOR',S PARCEL MAP NO • .-L6.l.,..,..... __ ---In~7'-.lO .... ___ "'O.l.l,8~..-....... ______ _ . --aOok f.fage Parcel TYPE .OF SUBDIVISION Res i denHa] (Residential, Commercial; Industrial) . Are the to other Permit)? existing or proposed parcels or. lots in this Minor Subdivision subject discretionary approval (for example, a variance orCoriditional Use YES . NO X . .... ;>. . .~~------~-'------ • " \.f. ~'~~a" ~ -; I , ....... Y f ,.PRESENT ZONE"---'~ ,R":T-l IT ;000 ' .. ____ ~I_·e"1"':!"'~~-------the' undersigned stale that _--r::-"w.:..:e~af¥r..:e==--~_ the (r, We J (I am, We are) __ ~Q~w.r..ln~e .... rl-os"",=, __ ·~~-:"'l"-_-:----:-~_'I""I"'_· __ of the property described herein and , ~ (Owner, OWners~CAuthorized Agent) ~ere",y give : 0" r authorization to the filing of this proposed (my, our) tract map. I;e a re aware of and have had an opportunity to read T Ule 20, -~(~I~a""mU,-liW:o.:-e-a-r-e~)"'I'" -- "Subdivision Ordinance", of theCarslbad Municipal Code. NAME _______ W_a_l_l~a~c~e~G~,.--M-u~l-l~;~n-s~~~------~--~~~~----__________ _ shown on Recorded Deed SIGNAlURE -fs,I.za:s;~~~~~~JUJ~~' iC_ _____________ _ NAME. ______ L_i_n_d_a~~:-.~M-u-l~l~in~s~~--~----~~--~~~~------------_ on Recorded Deed) SIGNATURE~~~~~~~~~~~~~J __________________________ ~ __ . . . : . . " . ''NAME . -I-~--~--(~T~y-p-e~d-· ·~r-.~P~r~i-n~t-ed~.!-a-s--s~h-ow-n--o-n~R-ec-o-~-d~e~d~D~e-e-d~)~-------------- SIGNATURE ______ ----------------------------------------------~ Name and Address of Subdivider: Wallace G. Mullins Lin da a. Mull ins Name, Addr~ss, and Phone Number of Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor: TI£APPLlCANT IS REQUIRm TO APPLY FOR COASTAL ClIIUSSION APPROVAL IF UEATm IN THE COASTAL ZONE. • • SUBDIVISION. lOG • SUBDIVISION NO. :_ ... 7~¥..Iiii:l~ __ OWNER/DEVELOPER: tedLLY .a(hJ.t..IAJJ ADDRESS: ,:J.J<t[p C.t(§7rVvT AvE. STAff ENGINEER: ~~~~~ SUBDIVISION NAME: W/t-LLY /lI1 U '= L/A/S ______ ~C~A~4~L[._-~~~~)~ .. ~ ... aC~6f~;--~~d&a~~~&~ ___________________ ,PHONE: ____________ __ dt1f!.ld..-vSM.lTI-f c~G1 fIRM: .()c.~. . ENGINEER Of WORK: 5,b/ r;ld;-t("M.U~ ; ADDRESS: lIZ"'; 3"£P'FU,fDt'/ ______ ~~~~~~~~~s.~~~~~4~;~I-=C~A~.------------------------------_____ PHONE: ______ ~ ______ _ TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL: I-;Z~~~J' 1ST EXTENSION: ____ _ 2ND EXTENSION: ________ __ IMPROVEMENT PLAN NO.: -----------GRADING PLAN NO.: ___________________ _ "AS BUlL TS" APPROVED: __ ------GRADING PERMIT NO. : _____________ _ EROSION CONTROL PLAN: ______________ __ BONDS AND AGREEMENTS .fAITHfUL LABOR II: MONUMEN-SECURITY AGREEMENT TI TLE EXPIRATION PERfORMANCE ·MATERIALS TA TION TYPE (CASH, COMMENTS DATE BOND AMT. BOND AMT. BOND. AMT. SURETY, LOC) SURETY COMPANY: ________________________________________________________________ ___ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ __ CONTACT : ________________________________________ ,PHONE : ______ ---, ___ _ EASEMENTS USE LOCA.TlON RECORD NO. I REPORTS TYPE Of REPORT STATUS (IN, N/A) CHECKED BY I I Title Report II?2 CI.4.-.-4..R'w I ::IUD ~v~s~on ltuar.antee ...... A"'VV Traverse Cales ~ A'r/&./ tkdraulie Cales _. . Hv droloQY lales sewer [ales Water System Cales So~ls Report WA rER 01 S TR I C T : __ C __ ~ .... nt;;..;.;..w__=LJ ___ / _______ .,.... S E WE R DIS T RIC T : ___ €...;..,.,:..;;e...::;.k.;.:5"&.~~=_ _______ _ SC HOOL DIS T RIC T :_..::c.;;;.:A..;.:.:~:;::u.:::.'4~\1 .. ./J"'_ ______ _ PLANNING AREA: _________________ ___ DRAINAGE AREA: ____ ~6~ __________________ _ SPECIAL ZONES:(ASSESSMENT, THOROUGHfARE, P LANNI NG AC TI ON : ___ .... /V:~t9 ______________ _ BRIO G E DIS T RIC T S : __ ....:;,~~-/!~. ______ ...,..... ____ ..-.; COMMENTS : ________________________________________________________________ _ 4IIt CITY OF CARLSBAD 4IIIt EN6I~EERIN6 DEPARTMENT FEES AID DEPOSITS WORKSHEET PREPARED BY: . W'0Jc-/'C: . DATE:· //-17-$6 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP ..... MAP FEE ( .. d--. • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --;1c...:O::;.;O::;;.-._;-/ d.~t.(~:J. ....,... OF LOT S ). • • _..:.,.LI.;;..tt)..;;;;C>~~/..;;..;.'/J.~/t2~.---.- PARCEL MAP EXTENSION FEE • • • • • • IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK FEE: ... ............. ,--------- DEPOSIT WITH SUBMITTAL __ _ . __ RECEIPT NO. IMPROYEMENT DESCRIPTION BONDED VALUE TOTAL: _______ X=~=~- PERCENTAGE IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION FEE: ill1\. TOTAL: PARK-IN-LIEU FEE (CIRCLE ONE): DWELLING TYPE: tfPOR DUPLEX AREA: 6) 2 3 4 VALUE X PERCENTAGE MF «4 UNITS) MF (> 4 UNITS) 7~ NUMBER OF UNITS: ;< -I EXI57iA/;!. AREA FEEluN IT STREET LIGHT ENERGIZING: 5,800 LUMEN AT 81. 00 = 9,500 LUMEN AT 111.06 = 16,000 LUMEN AT 152.10 = 20,000 LUMEN AT 169.38 = TOTAL: GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE DEPOSIT RECEIPT NO. (EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE ( CUBIC YARDS) · • • · • • · • • • GRADING CASH DEPOSIT • • • • . . . • . • • • · · · · · · · • · · DUPLICATE TRACING FEE • • • STREET SIGN DEPOSIT: . . . . . . . • • • • • • •••• _____ AT = ______ _ _____ AT = __ ...,....., __ --,-_ _______ AT = _______________ __ TOTAL: • • = = #/1 MH = >I 7 B.k> Ilfrf} = /V'4 • • · • = STREET STRiPING DEPOSIT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• __ .~~~/9~. ___ ___ FRONT LINE OR AREA FEES (TYPE _____ ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• _-.>o~~/7~__:;.--- DRAINAGE AREA FEE (AREA NO. A? ) •• 1,124 "<'tt)f'S,t-Y,' • /.4{d. ~'(tI-. /1{..5. /V~ ADDITIONAL TOTAL ACRES: ____ X ____ = /f/~ FEES: TYPE: TYPE: AREA FEE LESS VALUE OF.MASTER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AS NOTED IN MASTER DRAtNAGE PLAN DOCUMENTS MULTIPLIED BY CURRENT INFLATION FACTOR. LINE VALUE X FACTOR = AMOUNT /t.r. II/rTf! X X X TOTAL: DRAINAGE /JJ..t.. .f'c~/1' . . . • • · • • • • • • • • • • • = = = FEE DUE: • • • • • • • • • • TOTAL FEES AND DEPOSITS: • (IN ADDITION, A GRADING PERMIT FEE OF _________ _ ISj;) If~1i1q;i;IN6 PERMIT.) j · i • • · . cz • • · . Fee: $_2;:.0::...;0::...;.:..,:0:..,:0 __ Subdivision ___ MUL2·~L~t!:.!:N~S~Pe.AR~CEL=-~MAP=_ No. 4897 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE ORDE~ NO. 8708550-S ,_FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEES The County of San Diego is located in a sum not exceeding $1000.00 and any City within which said subdivision That, according to those public recordS-which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundClry shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision; the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatu):'es are necessary ~ under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certifi- cates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues and other easements offered for dedication by said map are: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of; .. " SEE LEGAL PESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE' APART HEREOF· Dated: .,_--' ..... JJ .... m..ue;;,.....1 .... 1~,o--.Il ..... 9'""8L1.7_ FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A . . W ORDER 8708550-S ,e POl;.ICY NO. 4897 L WALLACE 'G. MuLLINS ~D LINDA J. 'MULLINS, husband and' wife as community property, as owners 2. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, holder of eas'ememt'''r.ecorded: May 24, 1948 in Book 2811, Page 263 o£ Official Records Said easement canrtot ripen into a fee. LEGAL: Parcel 3 of Parcel Map'No. 14400, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, together with that portion of Ches,tnut Avenue lying adj'acent Southerly of said Parcel 3 as shown on said Parcel Map No. 1.4400, filed ;Ln the Office of the County Recorde·r of San Diego Cou~ty, August'1, 1986 as File No. 86-324982 of Official Records.