HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 755; SCHLEHUBER, CLARENCE; Engineering Application• CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIvE PARCEL MAP FOR A Hl:NOR SUBDIVISION OF LANll (4 OR LESS PARCELS) AS PROVIDED FOR IN CHAPl'ER 20.24 OF, THE 'CARLSBAD lWNICIPAL CODE RECEIPT NO.: ,82LJ/8 (for office use) ,f""7~C, MINOR SUBDIVISION NO.: __ /_\V~CU~_ (for office use) TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE ClTY CF CARLSBAD: Request is hereby ma~~for approval of Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision No. 7~6 consisting of .09 gross acres, having 2 lots, being a .proposed subdivision of land for property described as:' ' (EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION) Lot 32 of E1 Camino Mesa Un;i.t NO.5'," in the City of C,arlsbad" County . of San Diego, ,State 9.f, Californj,a, according to Map 'thereo:f No. 6693, fil$d in tpe' 'Office of the C(:mnty E.eco;t:'~er of San P:!-ego 'Cou,nty; July' 24, ,1970. , m. generally Iodated on' the , Wes t s.ide of (North,' South, East, west) ~S~i~e~r~r~a~M~o~r~,e~n~a~~~ ___________ between. Chestnut (Name of street) (Name of Street) and Chestnut' ' (Name of Street) . ASSESSOR'S PARCEL 'MAP NO. -'"!' __ ... 1_6 .... 7~ __ ....... 2 ... '7~0~_-... ...... 3_2 _____ --,!O _____ _ BOOK PAGE PARCEL TYPE OF SUBDIVISION:~R~e~s~i~d_'e~n~t_'l~'a~l~ __ ~~~ ______ ~~ ____ ~ ____ ~~ __ ~ (Residential,' Commercial,. Industria'l) ,Are theexist.ing or propos~d parcels or 'lots in this Mino.r Subdi'vi- .. sion subject, to other .discretionary approval (for exam,ple, a variance or C'onditional Use Permit) ? XX YES NO i ! , i I I PRESENT ZONE: R-1-10,OOO ~------------------------ ____ ~~= _______ , the undersigned, state that __ .~w~e~a_r~e~ ________ __ (I, WE)(I am, we a~e) the OWners of the property described herein and, (Owner, Owners) (Authorized Agent) hereby give our authorization to the filing of this (my, our) proposed tract map: We are aware of and have had an opportunity to read (I am, we are) Title 20, "Subdivision Ordinance", of the Carlsbad MUnicipal Code. -~ . NAME: __ ~Myiwc~h~a~e~'l~J~.~S~c~h~l~e~h~u~b~e_b~ ____ ~ ______ ~ __ ~~~~~~ ________ ___ Typed or Pr' on Recorded Deed) If /I ,~ SIGNATURE:~~~C4t~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________________ __ NAME: Patricia J. Sch1ehuber (Typ.e~ or Prin;:~ :hOwn SIGNATURE: ~''1~ . on Recorded Deed) NAME: --------~----~----~--~------------------~~----~------------(Typed or Printed as shown on Recorded Deed) SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ ~------------------- NAME AND ADDRESS OF SUBDIVIDER: Michael Schlehuber and patricia Sch1ehub,er . . 2720 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad~ CA 92008, NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF ENGINEER OR LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR: Alton Ruden 2733 Mesa prive, Oceans.i,de,' CA 92054 (619) 757-3112 THE APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR COASTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL IF LOCATED IN THE COASTAL ZONE. .... , '.' , .' ••• SU.BDIVISION lOG '. STAFF ENGIN'EER: C-l.;fOE-' IAltc..~ / . " ,.:~UBDIVISION NO. : __ (..:..:.5;;;..;5:..:·~_ SUBDIVISION NAME: .gt cJLA-Qc~re 'S,c:.I4lA;;:.w-~ , ,::ciWNER/DEVELOPER :_.....::G~(""Nl&~~g-t-.:):.;.,:.;CJG;:;;;;.~---........:;<3=G;;.:.H~ . ...;t.....;:&;;.... ~b:\"'-\J_ . .;..::i';;.;:ErrS.~--:-____ ---.. __ . ___ '_",,-- ', •• > .' '. ADDRESS: ------------------------------------------~----------------------- , . ______________________________________________________ PHONE: ______________ _ . . ENGIt(EER Of WORK:' LVA=Nlez :IJovV\e~ fIRM: ~".',.~": ApDRESS: 9:38 WR.eM WA'I :. _______ ---1I5~AN~-M....IO.AA~Ci:::>e:J=' --.-, ;-1 e..-,A;....--.. _9 ..... 1._.o&___.Ft:..-_...-__ ---PHONE :..-________ _ ,' .. <lEN·TATIVE MA,P APPROVAL:~ .. 2~,-~~ 1ST EXTENSION: ..................... ---2ND EXTENSION:...._._"""-_- ... IMPROVEMENT PLAN NO. : _______ _ GRADING PiAN NO. : ____ ....... -----....... ---- . ,.."'AS BUJL 1,S" APPROVED: _____ _ 'GRADING PERMIT NO. : _________ .,...... ....... _ EROSION CONTROL PLAN: ________ _ , , " , .. ' BONDS AND AGlEEMENtS , I fAITHfUL L'ABOR & MONUMEN-SECURITY AGREEMENT TITLE EXPIRATION PERfORMANC.E MATERIALS TATION TYPE (CASH, COMMENTS DATE ' BOND AMT. BOND AMI. BOND AMT. SURETY, LOC) , , I .... , , .' , , I . I J , I : . I I ! j f i .. .. , SURETY COMPANY:_-:--_________ ...:..-_________________________ --------- ", ADDRESS: _________________________________ ....... ~----....... --------~--~------- :, CONIAC T : ______________ ~--------------------------,PHONE : _____________ _ , . . EASEMENTS USE LOCATION RECORD NO. -- .. CC>\I@\\~~~ or~l\seMa.nc ~\Ne~ fA~ l ~2.. -.. , -.. , - REPORTS . ',-: .. TYPE or REPORT STATUS (IN, N/A) , CHECKED BY Title Report \t-.l ~\. -\ . ::iUO.01V1S1on {juar'antee IN ~ . " Traverse Cales 'N _ .. ~1 Hv dr,aulle Cales ~ 4 HVarOIOQY I.: ales f\.Z .S-ewer l: ales t-. Water System Cales \' 501lsReport .~ , ... WATER DISTRICT: _ efl... /VI IN" D --~------~------~-----5 CHOOL Dis T RI C T :_--:;;;C;;:.:fI' .. fI,.._,;...:;~;:;o~~ _____________ _ SEWER DIS'TRICT: CAIt.("'S6t9-J:' PLANN ING AREA : __ .-;;;;;2.;;;,..-__ ....... _____ _ DRAINAGE AREA: Nowt --~~~------------------SPECIAL ZONES:(ASSE~~HENT, THOROUGH~ARE, PLANN I NG AC TION : _____________ ....... __ BR lOG E DIS T RIC 1'S-:.-.;_ ~~ ____ .-+-___ -'"" • CITY OF CARLSBAD .. I ENS I lEER I IS DEPARTPfEI'1 -,' FEES AID DEPOSITS WORKSHEEI PROJECT NAME: L:LA1(~~ PREPARED BY: CJ:-IO'E \N\~~HA!Yt DATE: 1-'£.6-88 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... ·4ro°~io. MAP FEE ( LOTS)(PARCEL MAP/FINAL MAP NO. OF LOTS -____ ) ••• -,--=--=:-'----.,.i--' . --(EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) ¥ '2..00.2.. J'~'" 17. 'f. F. n- PARCEL MAP EXTENSION FEE . . . . . . , . . . . . . • • • • ...... -.....-----.............. IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK FEE: DEPOSIT WITH SUBMITTAL \-J '4_!.-_ ~E I PT NO. _____ ____ ·B~~ IMPRgYEMENT QESCRIPTION TOTAL: IMPROVEMENT iNSPECTION FEE: l.Wl. TOTAL.: ~ ____ X=~~~_ PERCENTAGE VALUE _______ X:="=-:=~~:-"- PERCENTAGE. ,. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE (CI~ ONE): DWELLING TYPE: ~~DUPLE~ MF «4 UNITS) MF (> 4 UNITS) MH AREA: 1 2 3 4 NUMBER OF UNITS: ----------X -:"A:":R E:"":A:--:'F=:E E~7r.u:":':N-:-:I T STREET LIGHT ENERaIZING: 5,800 LUMEN _____ AT 81.00" ______ _ 9,500 LUMEN AT 111.06" _______ ~ 16,000 LUMEN . AT 152.10" ------------20,000 LUMEN AT 169.38" _~ ___ _ TOTAL: GRADING ~LAN CHECK FEE DEPOSIT RECEIPT NO. (EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE ( ___ 'CUBIC YARDS) ••••••• t, •• GRAD I NG CASH DEPOS IT • • • • • DUPLICATE TRACfNG FEE • • • • • STREET SIGN DEPOSIT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ AT ___ ,. ___________ _ _____ AT _____ = ________ _ _____ AT ___ ,. ________ _ TOTAL: . . ,. = STREET STRIPING DEPOSIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . ,----------FRONT LINE OR AREA FEES (TYPE ____ ) • . . . DRAINAGE AREA FEE (AREA NO. ._----) , ... t • • • . . . . . TOTAL ACRES: ______ X _. ___ ,. _____ _ ADDIT 10NAL FEES: AREA FEE LESS VALUE OF MASTER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AS NOTED· I N MASTER ORA I NAGE PLAN DOCUMENTS . MULTIPLIED BY CURRENT INFLATION FACTOR. 1.1HE V!I.UE X E!'IoB ,. !f:loUHI X ,. X ,. X ,. TOTAL: DRAINAGE FEE DUE: • • ., TYPE: __________. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _________ _ TYPE: __________. • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • _________ - TOTAL FEES AND DEPOSITS: .... __ ........ ------ (IN ADDITION, A GRADING PERMIT FEE OF ________ _ IS DU~ UPON ISSUANCE OF THE GRADING PERMIT.) I ! ... ------------------------------------~---:-------------. • • GUARANTEE NUMBER PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE Liability $' 1, 000 • 00 Fee $' JOO. 00 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE" THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STiPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS .GUARANtEE, b! COMMONWEALTH lAND . TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY (a stock company) PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA a corporation, her.ein called the Company, • GUARANTEES THE CITY OF CARLSBAD . herein called. the Assured, against loss not exceeding $1 ,000 ,which.-the Assured shall sustain ·by reason ·of any incorrectness in the assutancewhich the·Company hereby gives that, according to the':public records on the date stated below, 1, The title to the hereindescriped estate: orinterest was vested in the vestee named, subject. t6 the matters shown as .. Exceptions herein, which Exceptions' are not neces.sarily'shown in the order of their priority; and 2. Had said Parcel Map been recorded in the office of .the County Recorder of said county, 'such map' would be . . 'sufficient for use as a primary reference in legal de~cripti0ns of the parceI~ within its boundaries. Date~: JULy ,15,1988 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLEINSURANCE COMPANY Coun~)p '. 0'_ By .J:? ,IU~.A.- Authorized Officer or. Agent M"", ~J J)~ fi {/ . _' Secretary CLTA Guarantee Form No. 23 Part 1 (1-13-78) ORIGINAL .. Form 1076-1 ,"."," • CXJR N).: 400142-04 PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE N).: 312-003537 dlb • The Estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Guarantee is a fee. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: MIClIAEL SOiLEHUBER & PATRICIA SOiLEHUBER, as Joint Tenants and rx:>t as Tenants in Comon. The Land included within the boundaries of the Parcel Map h,ereinbefore referred to in this Guarantee is described as follCMS: Lot 32 of El C8min::> Mesa Unit N). 5, in the City of carlsbad, County of San Diego, state of Califo:rnia, according to Map thereof NO. 6693, filed in the Office of th~ County Recorder of San Diego County, July 24, '1970. EXCEPTIN3 therefran all oil, gas and other hydrocarbons lying 500 feet below the surface of the land described above, but without the right of entry to renove same. • am ro.: 400142-04 PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE N:>.: 312-003537 dlb SCHEDULE B EXCEPl'IONS : • 1. MIOIAEL SOILEHUBER AND PATRICIA SOILEHUBER" as record owners. 2. TIcx)R TITLE INSURANCE cn1PANY fonnerly TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST cn1PANY, as trustee under Deed of Trust recorded AUgUst 22, 1985, as File NO. 85-303872, of Official ReCords. r II) III .. oJ oJ en X oil ., U) IL. 0 W to ' t; 0' Z D. « ~ .. ~ 01, Z .1--- .,.-:-.... e , (t I, z:: tv) c:r-." I '-.J) '-.0 I I I I I I I ! i . I ::J 0 Z -2 « U ..J La.J L _____ . __ ! If IIU, '1 } ." .. . ~ . .~ -DlIII r·~ '.«»~"."" ~-~ ! .. ~ <f i ~~ .. ~ B 1: III <f ;) ~h ; .,,'\0 ; ..... !-, • ,,,:.' ----' ·u .... Itt) {rj 0 0 i Z -'-. ~ i <t lJ 0, 0 ..... .?'A .J ...... I.t/ ",t-~.o' '8 I ~~ ~a / :.1, .. -e ,( GUARANTEE NUMBER PARCEL MAP GUARANTEE 312-003536' , Liability $J., 000. 00 Fee $300.00 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY, AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE, Ii ' ' I! COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY (a stock company) PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA a corporation, herein called the Company, GUARANTEES' THE CITY OF CARLSBAD " herein called the Assured, against loss not exceeding $1,000, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records on the date stated below, 1.' The title to the herein described estate or interest was vested in the vestee named, subject to the matters shown as , Exceptions herein, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority; and '2. Had said Parcel Map been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, such map would be sufficient for use asa primary reference in legal descriptions of the parcels within its boundaries. Dated: "MAY 5; 19$$ 'COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By , CO?!,~~ ~ By~ ,~' __ _ Authorized Officer or Agent President BERNIE ,COLEMAN etTA Guarantee Form No. 23 Part 1 (1-13-78), Form 1076·1 ORIGINAL -·e OOR ro.: 400142-04 PARCEL MAP OOARANI'EE ro.: 312-003536 dlb ~ Estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Guarantee is a fee. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is· vested in: MICHAEL SOiLEliUBER & PATRICIA SOiLEliUBER, as Joint Tenants and rx>t as Tenants in Col1lD1.. The Land irx::luded within the l:xx.1OOaries of .the Parcel Map hereinbefore referred to in this Guarantee is described as follows: Lot 32 of El camirx:> Mesa Unit ro. 5, in the City of carlsbad, County of San Diego, state of california, accordi.n:;J to Map thereof No. 6693, filed in the Office of the ca.mty Recorder of San Diego County, July 24, 1970. EXCEPTlN3 therefran all oil,' gas and other hydroca.I:i:xxl lying 500 feet below the· surface of the land described 'above, but witlx:x.1t the right of entry to :renove same. ·e OUR NO.: 400142-04 PARCEL MAP WARANrEE NO.: 312-003536 dlb SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIc:N) : 1. MICliAEL SOILEHUBER AND PATRICIA SOILEHUBER, as record owners. 2. TICOR TITLE .INSURAl'a cx:lv1PANY fonnerly TITLE INStJRAN:E AND ';['RUST a:MPANY,as trustee under Deed of Trust recorded August 22, 1985, as File No. 85-303872, of Official Records. . I----.~---~-I w 1" r .. ,~: () '\) 1"-» 8 I i ~ I ., ... t -e / ',' 41 .. -....---.f'~ / , ~ '? //.'-.,r------JUI!;; ... !\ .. ~.L __ _ " A // l.o? .. i,,',4 .Q'~~~ ..... y~ 0 N III' ...... ·n'4d .. ~I:!."'", •• 111111 . ~ III , -, • 111,;..,,1 • • ... M .. ·'t-a· .... • . '.~ Co l> ~ ... g .,,: 0' ~ ., l> r ~ i i :.\ () ):> ,. • ", ~ .. t t. ' ...... Z 0 0'"" $ ~ ( ~ .s: ~ ; . ..., c.n ". l> • -~;I f;':(-t ' C ~ Z ---I' Z 80 ~ l> -a t Z '," .0 '" -; N en 0 m 'II '" I/' CO T .. .. <II ... III I I .-----.------------'-------,------~-J i i I I I I I' I i I I