HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS 792; FALCON HILLS INC; Engineering Application. _ .... sf{' • City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drtt-;re " ~Carlsbad, CA 92009 "(619) 438-1161 •. ~:; .' ?-" ~~'G DEPARTMENT .Ie-Family" Variance OUler Variances $150.00 .. )420.00;.. VARIANCE APPLICATION (~~~ Complete Description of Project (attach additional !iheetsif necessiilry) A tentative parcel map for 4 lots at the end of the existing Falcon Driv~ Location of Project· 3160 Falcon Driv~, Carlsbad, CA Legal Description (complete) IJot 7 in FalQon Hills Unit No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Die~o, State of California, according to M<;lp thereof No. 44'15, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San ,Diego County, December 11, 1~59. Local Facility Management Zone I. . Zone RA-10 Proposed Zone No change General Plan RLM Proposed General Plan No Change Assessors Parcel N""mber 167-:-112-07 Existing Land Residential Site Acreage 2.2 acres Use Owner Applicant Name (Print or Type) Name (Print or Type) Maureen Eileen Ro~ick FalcQn Hills, Inc. i Mailing' Address MaiUng Address i 110 S. ·Pacific 1015 Chestnut Ave., Suite A3 I City and State Zip Telephone City and State Zip Telephone Oceanside, CA 92054 434:"',6054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-60$4 ! '-:-, -::C=E:r:R:-:;T;:';'I-;:F~Y--'T=H;-;-a-A-::;::T"""I~A~M:-:;:T'-;-;H=E,-'-L~E=: G.;:O;-A7"'L~O~ 1W"'N:-:;E=R~---"+-----I;-'-:::;C;;::E:-;:;R~T"'1 -='Fyt;-· -=T;::;HofA7"'T,.....,-;,r-&'A .. M;--:;:T7'7HO=E-:O;o;;W=NEr::r::;-R'" 'Sri-. AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INF.ORMATION REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL I·S TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION I"S TRUE MY KNOWLEDGE. AND. CORRECT TO THl; BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SI,..ATURE ~¢G~. DATE /2~o;g8 SIGNATURE DATE ht~rf'~ 1?~ /Y2~/~8. Recei~t No. ~cPf3~ Date Application Rec'd Received..J3y' /-5-%1· ~ PROJECT NUMBER (5) /YlS-79 c:2 ,. ' JUSTIFICATION FOR VAANCE By' law a Variance may be approved only if certain facts are found to exist. Plecise, read, these re.quirements carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each .'G.t. these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary. 1 ) Explain, why there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions· applicable to the property or to the intended use that do not apply generally to the other property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone: ' A private road at the end of the existing Falcon Drive is not acceptable to City staff. If a public road is to be extended to serve this project, it should conform to the existing road design criteria. Widening the road and building a cul-de-sac . t() neet the new City design criter:L~ would create an incanpatable design. 2) . Explain why such variance, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone but which is denied to the property in question: . All the-existing property owners on Falcon Drive are served by a 50 foot r~ght- of -way public rood. If this pr()Ject were required to widen the right-of-way to 56 feet and build the new style cul-de-sac it would be denied the use presently enjoyed by the surrounding property owners. 3) Explain why the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property. is located: This developnent, as proposed, woul~ have less :i.rrpact on the. public welfare, property and irrproverrents in the v:Lcinity with a.50 foot right .... of-way as opposed to 56 foot right-of-way. 4) 'Explain why the granting of such variance will not adv.ersely affect the comprehensive plan: The granting of the variance will have no affect on the carprehensi ve plan. I ,I • DISCLOSURE FORM APPl,.ICANT: Falcop Hills, Inc., acalifomia corporati9n AGENT: MEMBERS: N.me (jndividu~l, partner$tiip, joint venture, corpor~ti(;m, syndic~tionl 1015 Chestnut Avenue, SUite~, carlsbad, CA 92008 Bu,ln •• , Address 434-6054 Telephone Num~t . Brian Smith Engineers I Inc. Name 2656 State Street; Cqrl~d, C'A 94008 Business Address 749-8981 .. T~lephon~ Nlfinber David Rorick-President Name (individual, p~rtner, joint venture, c~rporCiition, syndic;:~tionl Hom~ Adqr~$s ' 1015 Chestnut Ave., Suite A3, Carlsbad,CA 920Q8 B",siness Address· 434-6054 T~lephpne-Numper Telephoh~ Nlfmber Sally Roric~-orlando, secretary Nam~ Home Addr~ss 1015 Chestnut Ave .• , sUite A3, Carlsbaq, CA 94008 . Business Address' 434-6054 Telephone NumQer , Telephone Number Pet~ M! peFrospe+is, Treasurer $ame addre$s and phone no. (Attach more sl1eets if nec;eS$Cilry) I/We understand that if this project is located in the Coastal ion~, 1/ we willapp,ly . for Coastal Commission Approv~1 prior to develQpment. ItWe acknowledge that in the process of reviewing this application, it may be necessary for -members of City Staff, Planning Commissioners, Design Review Board members, or City Council members to i,nspect and enter the property that is tl1e sJJbje~t of this application. I/We ccmsent to entry fortnis purpose. . I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the jnformation contained in this disclosure is true ~l1d c;orrect and that it will remain trlfe and corre~t ~nd may pe relied upon as being tru~ and correct. ",ntil amend~d. \ ,.-' SUBDIVISION lOG SUBDIVISIQN NO.1 STArr ENGlNEERI c: . W'\OSHA:b(L SUBDIVISION NAME I.-'fA LCOhl '1;l kkp IN.G. OWNER/DEVELOPER: __________ --------------------------------________ ~ ______ ~-- ADDRESSI~----------------------------------__________________________ ~ __ __ __________________________________________ ~PHONE : ________ ............. _ ENGINEER Of WORK: f.:J~\b..~' fJM\\H . ADDRESS: 11pSCr> ~~"\e -m: ~~~~~C~~~~~~~+I~~~-~·-94~~4~~~~~~~~~~~_PH~NES '~~85~\~ TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL: ____ _ 1ST EXTENSIONs ______ _ 2ND (XTENSION 1__.------ IMPROVEMENT PLAN NO. : ________ _ GRADING PLAN NO. s _________ _ "AS BUlL TS" APPROVED: _____ _ GR AD I NG PE RH IT NO. s _ _._---------.; ____ [ROSION CONTROL PlAN:_"""-_____ ....... __ ~ BONDS AND AGREEMENTS fAITHfUL LABOR & HONUHEN-SECURITY AGREEMENT TITLE EXPIRATION PERfORMANCE MATERIALS TA TION TYPE_ (CASH, COMMENTS DATE BOND AHT. BOND AMT. BOND AMT. SURETY t LOC) - " SURETY COMPANY: ________________________________________ ~ ________ ~~ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ __ CONTACTI __ ---------------------------------------.PHONE:------___ --- EASEMENTS USE LOCA TlON RECORD NO. , REPORTS TYPE or REPORT STATUS (IN, N/A) CHECKED BY Title ReDort Subdivision Guarantee Traverse Cales Hv draulie Calcs Hv d.roloijy Cales Sewer Cales WATER DISTRICT: 6.g:MW Q. SCHOOL DISTRICT:..,.s_. _____ ----___ ----- QR A UfMi' AR~ AI llilillil., ",1IIi&1IIII1 _IiIliWIlliI=URIIIII' _ .... ___ ---==JJ:. PLANNING ACTlON: ______ ~------- ... -~----..-+------""-"------....... SE WE R 0 1ST RIC T 1 __ --, ___________ ___ P L ANN I NG AR E A s ....... _____________ """------..... ~P~~J~~ ~pN~S!(~SStSSHENI, THQROUGHfARE, BRlpG£ blsrAtctS~ & COHMENTSI __________________________________________ ~ __________ ~ ______________ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD £N&INEERII& DEPART"EIT fEES AID DEPOSITSYOI'SHEET . PROJECT NAME: fk,\..@.l !1\ ~<b, \'NG, PR,E PAR E D 8 Y : --=~~~~::..:L __ J" OAT E : """'--.;..;..~---!:::...:::.. ___ --/ TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FEE • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • .... MAP FEE (. LO.TS)(PARCEL MAP/FINAL MAP NO. OF LOTS ___ __..) ••• -----.l~!:--~~;;4 (EXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDITED) P~RCEL MAP EXTENSION FEE • • •••••••••• IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK FEE:.:t-• • • • 'tf~ ~f;)' · ---:'-H;"":"'-,........,-I DEPOSIT WITH SUBMITTAL..p 'l .. W (1 :? R',E'cEIPT NO. CI''r}"{11 X~' TOTAL: IMPROVEMENT I-NSPECTlON FEE: .1.tta r::'t\ [..,.l.rf~1\ 1 OP.. ,v~ . ' I b\ (7r?/l \J~r)1 ~-rS , ".. I. TOTAL: PARK-IN-LIEU FEE (C~E ONE): DWELLING }::!f~: Q!jOR DUPLE~ AREA: (J..; 2 3 " NUMBER OF UN ITS: , I • BONgeD Y'ALUE ~ ~ .. ~'-j}O X 0. f)~ , !or' ;pc 'i' PERCENTAGE MF (eq UNITS) MF (> 4 UNITS) a" •• ~(d&.:l ,X 100.-. AREA FEE/UNIT ST~~:IGHT ENERGIZiNG: __ • ~ .~~,>:i' ~ 5,800 LUMeN __ ~ __ AT 81.00· .;;;;.....,....m':'~~_. r---~--......" 9,500 LUMEN . L AT 111.06· Hli f)~ PJ't'''ti!! 16,000 LUMEN AT ,152.10 • , 20,000 LUMEN tAT 169.38· __ ___.--- <t.;;. ",.rOT AL : DEPOSIT ':--, 5"'0, Of) RECEiPT NO. Cf707;( GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE • • GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE GRADING CASH DEPOSIT \1 (eXPEDITED/NOT EXPEDIT.ED) (;;) 1Ae"! dO; !0 r; cu II C Y AR os) .'UiOC)J$'. ? t5. -: ~. .;~ P. ~'""--"!'~~-l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -.;;....,...::..::..;.-.:..::;;:.~"..,! . · So 'f.. z.... · · . . . · . · ~ · · · ......:.;.;o~---~~~~ • DUPLICATE TRACING FEE • . . . . . I AT • __ ~1~3r.-:5~_ "z.. ~v STREET SIGN DEPOSIT: n AT '@~. p .. "l:.r lUT~4t ~ ...... ' AT ~; t~~"pnc:... '\(:~t'~r ~~, '1'"O:r"'A'!:':"" '.' ".--..... = ~? STREET STR I PING DEPok IT • • • • • • • • • .0?t1P ",Jt if. ;" :2-"t:f,t~ (J,. • ----~~-...,.~ FRONT LINE OR AREA FEES (TYPE ) • • --;. • • • • • • • • • • • •• ........ .........:=t:t=:...J ORA I NAGE AREA FEE (AREA NO. 4:·)..........Il······· .-,...;----------/ TOTAL ACRES: 2..0 % X l['fJp~· :;, ~Q~, ~\( A~EA FEE ~ . LESS V:Ai:Ui: "c;,<:::::-:~ -:t',. T.U~," '~'H~nVf"'FMT~ AS NOTED 1~ ~~~iER DRAINAGE PLAN DOCUMENTS MULTIPLIED BY CURRENT I,NF-LATION FACT-OR. LINE VALUE. x X X X fACTOR • AMOUNT • • • TOTAL: DRAINAGE FEE DUE: •• ADDITIONAL FEES: "J,-T,.) 0. .. } .. ;-( k1~, TYP,E: .. r . . . . . t·. . . . . . . . ." ~~~/ TYPE: 'f'U'0((t. f/ff{ tt.-rtn:1'i;t. p'C~.'-~ fft~'O. . ~ • . . . .!p, .~~".:;;..:.,z.,J f TOTAL FE~\JND DEr\OSI[S: • •• \ ·....--~~1 .... il (IN ADDtTiON~ A iGiUD1NG PERMIT FEE OF t~u r Lrt;v -:::'t\l" 0 IS DUE UPON ISSUANCE OF THE GRADING PERMIT.)' ~ ·0' CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY' • 1301 Third Av~. t4t San Diego, California 921 (619) 232-4031 ,cr Fax: <-619)235-7279 PARCEL MAP GUARANTE:E Order No. 905187 -51 Dated: September 2S, 1990 at 7: 30 A.M'. Subdivision: FALCON a:ILLS Fee: $500.00 Map No: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES The County of and any City within whlch'ssid subdivision is located ina sum not exceeding $1,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, Impart constl1.!ct;ive notice of matters affecting the title to th.e land Included within the exterior boundary shOWn on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest!n said land whose signatures are necessary. under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, oothe certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets~ roads, avenues, and other easements offered: for dedication by said map are asset forth in Sched!,.de A PMGFACE-l'1./21/aa Thomas J. AdaIw!, Secretary Order No: 905187 -51 ". '" Da ted: September 25, .90 ~~bq:iv\sion: FALCON HILLS . _ . at7:30 A.M. SCHEDULE A The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: .MaPNO: Fax Number: (619)235-7279 Lot 7 in FALCON HILLS UNIT NO.1, in the Ci~y of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Californi~, according to Map thereof No. 4415, filed in the ·Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County., December 11, 1959. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT PMGOrv A -12/72/" )/.> , F01iq No. 905187 Page 1 OWNERS: EXHIBIT FALCON HILLS, INC., a California corporation LESSEES: NONE TRUST DEED HOLDERS: NONE EASEMENT HOLDERS: • (A) The signature of SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC, Owner of an easement'as disclosed by deed recorded February 3, '1949 in BbOk 3100, Page 418 of Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection , (~)(3)(A)(i) of Government Code, their interest is ~uch that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is n9t required by the governing body. (B) The City of Carslbad Holder of an easement as (Dedicated) (Granted) on MAp No. 4415, filed December 11, 1959. Said easement cannot ripen into a fee. eC) The signature of PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY , Owner of an easement as disclosed by deed recorded February 8, 1960 as File No. ~581~ of Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 664~6, Subsection (A)(3)(A)(i) of Government Code. their interest is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body. EXHlB1TB -12/72/8 " • Order No. 905187 -51 Dated: August 10. 1990 Subdivision: FALCON HILLS CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 13(j1 Third Ave.. San Diego. California 9"210P' (619)232-4031 Fax: (619)235-7279 PARCEL 'MAP GUARANTEE at 7:30 A..M. Fee: $ 500.00 Map No: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES The County of and any City within which said subdivision is located in a sum not exceeding $1 ,000.00 that, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matters affecting the title to the land included within the exterior boundary shown on the map of the above referenced subdivision, the only parties having any record title interest in said land whose signatures are necessary, under the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, on the certificates consenting to the recordation of said map and offering for dedication any streets, roads, avenues, and other easements offered for dedication by said map are as setforth in Schedule A. Thomas J. Adams Secretary Richard L. Pollay President ~./. i.. A ~"" ~u. .......... ".;:J7.-u ...... ~ . . thorized Signature C/ PMGFACE •• 12/21/88 Order No: 905187 -51 Da·ted: August 10, 19.a SU~iV~ion: FALCON HILLS ~ • at 7: 3Q A.M. eMaPNO: Fax Number: (619)235-7279 SCHEDULE A The map hereinbefore referred to is a subdivision of: Lot 7 in FALCON HILLS UNIT NO.1, in the City of Carlsbad, County 9fSan Diego, State of California, according to ~p thereof No. 4415, fil~d in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 11, 1959. The parties hereinbefore referred to are: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT PMGDIV A -12/ZJ./88 Polk~No. , \ '1 .;page 1 905187 EXHIBIT OWNERS: FALCON HILLS, INC., a California corporation LESSEES: NONE TRUST DEED HOLDERS: NONE EASEMENT HOLDERS: (A) The signature of SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC , Owner of an ea-sement as disclosed by deed recorded February 3, 1949 in Book 3100, Page 418 of Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (A)(3)(A)(i) of Government Code, their interes.-t is such that it cannqt ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body. (B) The City of Carslbad Holder of an easement a~ (Dedicated) (Granted) on Map No. 4415, filed December 11, 1959. Said easement cannot ripen into a fee. (C) The signa-ture of PACIFIC TELEPHONE ~D TELEGRAPH COMPANY , Owner of an easement as disclosed by deed recorded February 8~ 1960 as File No. 25813 of Official Records of San Diego County has been omitted under the provisions of Section 66436, Subsection (A)(3)(A)(i) of Government Code, their interest ,is such that it cannot ripen into a fee title and said signature is not required by the governing body~. EXHIBITS·· 12/22/88