HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCP 14-02; Bassam Residence; Administrative Permits (ADMIN) (2)T/ CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPUCATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) Legislative Permits Develooment Permits I ! Administrative Permit I I Coastal Development Permit (*) [H Minor Q Conditional Use Permit (*) I I Minor Q Extension I I Environmental Impact Assessment Q l-iabitat H/lanagement Permit O Minor n Hillside Development Permit (*) I I Planned Development Permit n Residential dj Non-Residential l~l Plannmg Industrial Permit n Planning Commission Determination n Site Development Pian 0 Special Use Permit Q Tentative Tract Nlap/Parcel (Map 1 I Variance Q Administrative (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) r~1 General Plan Amendment r~l Local Coastal Program Amendment (*) n IMaster Pian Q Amendment n Specific Plan Q Amendment r~1 Zone Change {*) I I Zone Code Amendment South Carlsbad Coastal Review Area Permits I I Review Permit r~l Administrative [I| Minor [H Major Village Review Area Permits I I Review Permit r~l Administrative Q Minor D Major (*) = eligible for 25% discount NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 3:30 P.M. A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING ONLY ONE APPUCATION MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO(S). PROJECT NAME: 204-122-120-0 Basam Residence BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Proposed addition to single family dwelling, consisting of a new master bedroom, patio ^ l^ooF Top Defcu. BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Block A, Map 1747, map of Palisades LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE: west 3341 Garfield Street STREET ADDRESS SIDE OF Garfield Street (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST) BETWEEN Sycamore Ave. (NAME OF STREET) AND Walnut Ave. (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) p-1 Page 1 of 6 Revised 11/12 OWNER NAME (Print): Basam Mustafa MAILING ADDRESS: 3341 Garfield St. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carisbad. CA. 92008 TELEPHONE: 760-805-6351 EMAIL ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME (Print): Derek Berg MAlLiNGADDRESS: 2151 Enterprise St., Suite-C CITY, STATE, ZIP: Escondido, CA. 92029 TELEPHONE: 760-390-0007 ext 2 EMAIL ADDRESS: derek@madesigning.eom I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO iSTTTi APPLICANT S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): Derek Berg MAlLiNGADDRESS: 2151 Enterprise Street, Suite-C CITY, STATE. ZIP: Escondido. CA. 92029 TELEPHONE: 760-390-0007 ext 2 EMAIL ADDRESS: derek@madesigning.eom I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APEUCANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND MaBECrmTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. \TURE IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND BIND ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY RECEIVED MAR 2 7 im CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED BY: P-1 Page 2 of 6 Revised 11/12 City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 1408601-2 03/27/2014 149 Thu, Mar 27, 2014 11:51 AM Receipt Ref Nbr; R1408501-2/0014 PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr; 140860102 0014 0015 Trans/Rcpt#: ROl00633 SET #; NCP14002 Amount; 1 8 $729.83 Item Subtotal; $729.83 Item Total; $729.83 ITEMiS) TOTAL; $729.83 (Chk# 1385) $729.83 Received; $729.83 day! City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Uillllil Applicant: BERG DEREK Description NCP14002 3341 GARFIELD ST CBAD Amount 729.83 Receipt Number: R0100633 Transaction Date: 03/27/2014 Transaction ID: R0100633 Pay Type Metiiod Payment Check Description Amount 729.83 Transaction Amount: 729.83 DISCLOSURE Development Services <^ C STATEMENT planning Division P-1(A) www.carlsbadca.gov CITY Of p <|/A\ 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any indivklual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fratemal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdiviston or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part Title A^CkUr Title Address 531 f/tCJ^A/lTAS BCl/D, Address 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agenty ^ Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publiclv-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part Title O\^U0K Title Address Address P-1 (A) Page lof 2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit/T rust Title Title Address Address Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards. Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? I I Yes ^ ^ No If yes, please indicate person(s):_ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. certify that all the above inforojation is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of applioant/date int or type name of-applieant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if api Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent p-1 (A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT DESCRIPTION P-1(B) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECTNAME: Basam Addition APPLICANTNAME: Derek Berg Please describe fully the proposed project by application type. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope and/or operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. Description/Explanation: Proposed additon to an existing single family dwelling, consisting of a new master bedroom, patio and roof deck. The new addition will conform to existing required setbacks. The existing portion of the dwelling currently does not meet current setbacks at the street side sideyard. This application is to address this issue. Existing dwelling: 936 sf Existing garage: 233 sf Proposed addition: 590 sf New Habitable Area: 1,526 sf New patio area: 536 sf New roof Deck: 460 sf P-1(B) Page 1 of 1 Revised 07/10 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 FaradayAvenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.gov/standards. Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary pemnits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent stonn water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction pennits for the project. Please start by completing Step 1 and follow the instructions. When completeci, sign the fonv at the end and submit this with your application to the city. TO BE COMfn.ETEO FOR ALL PROCCTS To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project LIMITED TO constructing new or retrofitting paved sidevralks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet the following criteria: (1) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or other non-erodible permeable areas; OR (2) designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from paved streets or roads; OR (3) designed and constructed with penneable pavements or surfaces in accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance? X 2. Is your project LIMITED TO retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are designed and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance? X If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, then your project is NOT a priority development project and therefore is NOT subject to the storm water criteria required for priority development projects. Go to step 4, mark the last box stating "my project does not meet POP requirements" and complete applicant infomiation. If you answered "no" to both questions, then go to Step 2. E-34 Page 1 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineermg 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov TO BE COMPLETEO FOR ALL HEWQfLftED&ELXJPtKHr PROJECTS To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions: YES NO 1. Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively over the entire project site? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. X 2. Is your project creating or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious suriace? This includes commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land. X 3. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surfece collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant? A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption. X 4. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impen/ious surface collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project? A hillside development project includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater. X 5. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surfece collectively over the entire project site and supports a pari<ing lot. A parking lot is a land area or facility for the temporary paridng or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce. X 6. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surfece collectively over the entire project site and supports a street, road, highway freeway or driveway? A street road, highway, freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles. X 7. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire site, and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? "Discharging Directly to" includes flow that is conveyed overiand a distance of 200 feet or less from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the project to the ESA (i.e. not commingles with flows fmm adjacent lands).* X 8. Is your prpject a new development that supports an automotive repair shop? An automotive repair shop is a facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes: 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539. X 9. Is your project a new development that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)? This category includes RGO's that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b) a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 100 or more vehicles per day. X 10. Is your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and are expected to generate pollutants post construction? X 11.1s your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surfece or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? X If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, you ARE a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) in addition to implementing Standard Stomn Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's. A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be submitted with your application(s) for development. Go to step 3 for redevelopment projects. For new projects, go to step 4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. If you answered "no" to all of the above questions, you ARE NOT a priority development project and are therefore subject to implementing only Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's required for all development projects. A Stonn Water Management Plan (SWMP) is not required with your application(s) for development. Go to step 4 at tlie end of this questionnaire, checic the "my project does not meet PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. E-34 Page 2 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 ^ CITY CARLSBAD O F STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engmeering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STEP 3 TO BE COMPLETED FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS THAT ARE PWOWTY DEVELOPEWENT PROJECTS OHLY Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project: YES NO Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than 50% ofthe surface area ofthe previously existing development? If you answered "yes," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply only to the creation or replacement of impervious surfece and not the entire development. Go to step 4, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and compiete applicant information. If you answered "no," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply to the entire development. Go to step 4, checl< the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information. STEP 4 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX AND COMPLETE APPLICANT INFORMATION • My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storni Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. I understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. ^ My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. As part ofthese requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Applicant Information and Signature Box Address; 334/ Accessor's Parcel Number(s): 204-122-12-0 Applicant Title: Date: Owner Rep This Box for City Use Only City Concun-ence: YES NO By: Date: Project ID: * Environmentelly Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their quivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. E-34 Page 3 of 3 Effective 6/27/13 First Americm Title First American Title Company 3131 Camino Ciel Rio North Suite 190 San Diego, CA 92108 Phn -(619)238-1776 Fax- tlsc.sd .ciistomerservice@firstam .com February 20, 2014 Bassam Mustafa and Ahiam Mustafa 3341 Garfield Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 File No.: DIV-4553394 Property: 3341 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Thank you for your business and trusting First American Title with handling this important part of your real estate transaction. We have enclosed your Policy of Title Insurance and our Privacy Policy. The Policy has three sections: • The Policy Jacket outlines the terms and conditions of the policy coverage. • Schedule A indicates the dollar amount of insurance issued, type of policy, parties to be insured and subject property. • Schedule B shows the items excluded from insurance coverage. A Policy may also have endorsements which add or change coverage. Those may also be attached as needed. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. You may also find more information about us and the services we offer at our website, www.Firstam.com. We look forward to, and appreciate, the opportunity to provide our services to you in the future. Sincerely, Korey Mulvey Title Officer (619)238-1776 tiscsd .customerservice@firstam .com 100' CARLSBAD S (S fATe . It '© 10 ® 6 T- J. 9 © a « 1 12© 07 5 i I3@ i BLK ©6 A \ MIU7 n, 0 ., et 5 5 MII207 ^* ^ ®' 0 4 5 '2© ST TOT II ® ilM. 10 ® .30 SLK '*0 9 @ It) > < ©7 @6 B 0 BLVD .0 ©5 -JIM. 0 4 J km h . O Z h-v\ y r 0 HWY lot) ® SHT^IOF-S 9 CftfiLSBAO SURFSIDE VII I i»5 0Of.6«-2M»" (SEt Silt?) i % Z • COtJOM CARritiO STSEEI UOC92-2iM77 Tccr OUT 51 MAPII340-CARLSBAD TCT NO. 64-21 fraNDM) MAPil267-CARLSBA0 TCT NO 04-16 lOCNOM) MAP |747-PALI5ArjES - BLKS AtB MAP 1661- (HUM LANDS- TCTS 201 i 20?. ROS loeio $»H mn) mum reSi WfMt SM I, I Of 3 MtUD m av.immm.mn.mn BLK OLD MEW ffl /ti. / /* 112 ^ti 112 ^ti gs ($l« WW m ai IIL IZI J!WE Si47 IIL IZI -«s f3 .'^ nr. /I/ tf lit m -«3-« I'fi n no 12? ii illi. r Ult lUkJ"' GARFIELD ST GARFIELD STREET DOC92 - 228977 PARI, PM 16301 ASSESSMENT PAR'IS iri 204-123-05 SUB ID lOlj- 204-12 CARLSBAO BLVD. ASSESSMENT f-n rrri 204.131-16 sue I0(0l]-l09) CARLSBAD S "nfSIDE VILLAS DOC B6-290o75 E.LOT 1 aifiroTs^air®-® WALNUT BEACH-HOUSE DOC 83-170937 ,.PGR. TCT 201 «• 202 UK (XtOOCtlUH'I & © NOTnr.ACH FAR, INCLUDES AN UND. m. IN COMMON AREA AND IS COMPRISED OF 51 TIMESHARES CONDOMINIUM TAMAi^ACK BEACH RESgRT„„„ OOC da-4e443£ * oo-uosooa Lot I . MAP II34D-CARLSBAD TCT NO. 84\2I OOO. pi4P«0( I2SHT.3 mmm nin ustiSMNi PUHPIISU mit 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: FirstAmerican Title WHEN RECORDED MAIL DOCUMENT AND TAX STATEMENT TO: Bassam Mustafa 531 Encintias Blvd #201 Encinitas, CA 92024 APN: 204-121-08-00 TITLE ORDER NO.: 4553394-4 ESCROW NO.: 6788-HB DOcf 2014-0042943 lllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllli JAN 31. 2014 8:00 AM OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECOHDER'S OFFICE Emesl J. Dronenburg. Jr.. COUNTY RECORDER FEES: 1145.50 OC: OC PAGES: 2 •lllllllillllllll THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY GRANT DEED The undersigned Grantor(s) declare that the DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS: $1,127.50 County XX computed on the full value of the interest of property conveyed, or computed on the full value less the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. OR transfer is EXEMPT from tax for the following reason FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Jay H. Bradford, as Tnjstee of Administrative Trust under the CHARLOTTE L. MclNTYRE TRUST established by declaration of revocaible trust dated June 18,1999, as amended HEREBY GRANT(S) to Bassam Mustaia and Ahlam Mustafa, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants All that real property situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Califomia, described as: See attached Legal Description Commonly Known As: 3341 Garfield St, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dated: January 7,2014 STATE OF CALFORNIA COUNTY OF \ 1^ P<n(MXt^ On ^t^AjUjOU-i^ m i^l4 , before me, LU-'ge^QAX^CAO. a Notary Public personally appeared. who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(^whose name(«f Qa« subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ©/shefthey executed the same in @/h«fiftheir authorized capacity(i«6), and that by (fiii/hfiiAheir signature(8)^ on the instrument the person(e), or the entity upon behalf of which the person^ acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my h%nd and Signatug funder the CHARLOTTE L. MclNTYRE TRUST established by declaration of revocable trust dated June 18,1999, as amended Jay H, Bradford, Trs^ee of Administrative Trust i' 1 LUPE GARCIA Commission # 1916385 Notary Pulilic - Califomia 1 )- - "iinnr - Los Anieles County | ^^^^ My Comm. Expires Jan 7, 20151 (SEAL) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Order Number: DIV-45S3394 Page Numben 6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Real property in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, d^bsd as follows: LOT 8, BLOCK "A" OF PALISADES, IN THE CTTY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP NO. 1747 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO OXINTY RECORDER, FEBRUARY 1923. APN: 204-121-08-00 First American We Page 6 14 CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: DIV-4553394 Page Number: L INTERIM BINDER FEE $2,595.00 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, hereby agrees that with the vestee named herein that it will issue, from and after the date shown below, its Eagle Owner's policy of title insurance with a liability not exceeding $1,025,000.00, showing title to the estate or interest described to be vested in the vestee named herein subject ony to the exceptions shown herein and to all of the provisions of the policy; or, if a valid and sufficient instrument aeating an insurable estate or interest in favor of the nominee of the vestee named herein is executed, delivered and recorded within two years from the date shown below, the policy will be issued as of the date of recording the instrument, insuring the estate or interest subject only to the aforesaid exceptions and provisions of the policy and to liens, encumbrances and any other matters which shall have intervened, occurred or attached, or become for the first time disdosed of record between the date stated below and the date of recording the instrument, including those matters which may attach as a result of the recording. This Binder is preliminary to the issuance of the policy of title insurance and shall become null and void 730 days from the date shown below or when the policy is issued, whichever shall first occur. Dated: January 31, 2014 at 8:00 A.M. First American Title Insurance Compsny Dermis J, Gilmore President Timothy Kemp Secretory First American Title CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: I3IV-4553394 Page Number: 2 SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein is: Fee Title to the estate or interest covered hereby at the date hereof is vested in: Bassam Mustafa and Ahlam Mustafa, husband and wife as joint tenants The land referred to herein is described as follows: Real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: LOT 8, BLOCK "A" OF PAUSADES, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP #1747 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER F EB. 1923, TOGETHER WTTH 0.100 SHARES OF STOCK OF THE CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY. APN: 204-121-08-00 Exceptions: 1. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2014-2015, a lien not yet due or payable. 2. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2013-2014. First Installment: $519.25, PAID Penalty: $0.00 Second Installment: $519.25, OPEN Penalty: $0.00 Tax Rate Area: 09000 A. P. No.: 204-121-08-00 3. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. 4. An easement for public utilities and incidental purposes in the document recorded in Book 961 of Deeds, Page 3. First American Title CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: IJIV-4553394 Page Number: .! 5. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements in the document recorded July 29^ 1926 as BOOK 1248, PAGE 144 of Deeds, which provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith anci for value, but deleting any covenant, condition, or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, disability, handicap, national origin, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, source of inoDme (as defined in California Government Code § 12955(p)) or ancestry, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violation 42 U.S.C. § 3604(c) or Califomia Govemment Code § 12955. Lawful restrictions under state and federal law on the age of occupants in senior housing or housing for older persons shall not be construed as restrictions based on familial status. 6. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not shown by the public records. The map attached, if any, may or may not be a survey of the land depicted hereon. First American expressly disclaims any liability for loss or damage which may result from reliance on this nnap except to the extent coverage for such loss or damage is expressly provided by the terms and provisions of the titie insurance policy, if any, to which this map is attached. First Amencan Title '3 PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION. RECORDING REQUESTED BY: AND WHEN RECORDED MAILTO: DOCtt 2013-0652319 I 821 THfS SPACE FOR RECORDER S USEONLY OCT 31. 2013 8:00 AM OFFICIAL RECORDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE Emett J. Dionertbuig, Jl.. COUNTY RECORDER FEES: 22.00 OC: OC PAGES: (Please fill in document title(s) on this line) THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION (Additional recording fee applies) 9/95 Rcc.foim#lU$ > RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAILTQ ^ Jay H. Bradford 3333 Gardenia Lane Yorba Linda, CA 92886 5822 - space Above This Line for Recorder's Use Only APN.: 204-121-08-00 "This conveyance transfers an interest into or out of a Living Trust, R&T 11930" GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS: -0- [ ] computed on full value of property conveyed, or { ] computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, [] unincorporated area; [x] city of Carlsbad, and FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JAY H. BRADFORD, Successor Trustee of the CHARLOTTE L. MclNTYRE TRUST established by declaration of revocable trust dated June 18,1999 hereby GRANT(s) to JAY H. BRADFORD, Trustee of Administrative Trust under the CHARLOTTE L. MclNTYRE TRUST established by declaration of revocable trust dated June 18,1999, as amended the following described property in the city of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California: See Exhibit 'A' attached hereto Document Date: JAYVl. BRADFORD, Successbr Trustee Ofthe CHARLOTTE L. MclNTYRE TPMOST established by declaration of revocable trust dated June 18,1999 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES )SS Notary Public, . who proved to I whose name(fO is/afe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/h«j4beir authorized capacity(ias) and that by his/tiei/lliok signature(^on the instrument the person(9^or the entity upon behalf of which the person(^ acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ^ WITNESS my h; Signature UNDAJ. CASEY CoflMtinlon # 1920682 Npury PuMk - CtlitornU LMAngiltt County 1 LMAngiltt coumy jt rd, 3333 Gardenia Ln.. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 EXHIBIT 'A' . ^ 5823 Lot 8, Block "A" of Palisades, In the County of San Diego, State of California, as per Map #1747 filed in the office of the San Diego County Recorder Feb. 1923, together with 0.100 shares of stock ofthe Carlsbad Mutual Water Company. CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: DIV-4S53394 Page Number: 1 INTERIM BINDER FEE $2,595.00 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation. hereby agrees that with the vestee named herein that it will issue, from and after the date shown below, its Eagle Owner's policy of title insurance with a liability not exceeding $1,025,000.00, showing title to the estate or interest described to be vested in the vestee named herein subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to all of the provisions of the policy; or, if a valid and sufficient instrument creating an insurable estate or interest in favor of the nominee of the vestee named herein is executed, delivered and recorded within two years from the date shown below, the policy will be issued as of the date of recording the instrument, insuring the estate or interest subject only to the aforesaid exceptions and provisions of the policy and to liens, encumbrances and any other matters which shall have intervened, occurred or attached, or become for the first time disclosed of record between the date stated below and the date of recording the instrument, including those matters which may attach as a result of the recording. This Binder is preliminary to the issuance ofthe policy of title insurance and shall become null and void 730 days from the date shown below or when the policy is issued, whichever shall first occur. Dated: January 31, 2014 at 8:00 A.M. f .-• ; ^ * First American Title CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: DIV-4553394 Page Number: 3 5. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements in the document recorded July 29, 1926 as BOOK 1248, PAGE 144 of Deeds, which provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value, but deleting any covenant, condition, or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, disability, handicap, national origin, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, source of income (as defined in California Government Code § 12955(p)) or ancestry, to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violation 42 U.S.C. § 3604(c) or Califomia Govemment Code § 12955. Lawful restrictions under state and federal law on the age of occupants in senior housing or housing for older persons shall not be construed as restrictions based on familial status. 6. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not shown by the public records. The map attached, if any, may or may not be a survey of the land depicted hereon. First American expressly disclaims any liability for loss or damage which may result from reliance on this map except to the extent coverage for such loss or damage is expressly provided by the terms and provisions of the titie insurance policy, if any, to which this map is attached. First American Title CLTA Interim Binder Form A (2-19-81) Order Number: DIV-4553394 Page Number: 2 SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the iand described or referred to herein is: Fee Title to the estate or interest covered hereby at the date hereof is vested in: Bassam Mustafa and Ahlam Mustafa, husband and wife as joint tenants The land referred to herein is described as follows: Real property in the City of Carisbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: LOT 8, BLOCK "A" OF PAQSADES, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAQFORNIA, AS PER MAP #1747 HLED IN THE OFFICE OF TWE SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEB. 1923, TOGETHER WITH 0.100 SHARES OF STOCK OF THE CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY. APN: 204-121-08-00 Exceptions: 1. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2014-2015, a lien not yet due or payable. 2. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2013-2014. First Installment: $519.25, PAID Penalty: $0.00 Second Installment: $519.25, OPEN Penalty: $0.00 Tax Rate Area: 09000 A. P. No.: 204-121-08-00 3. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. 4. An easement for public utilities and incidental purposes in the document recorded in Book 961 of Deeds, Page 3. First American Title FILE COPY cSfsSid NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR A NONCONFORMING CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Notice is hereby given that a Nonconforming Construction Permit (NCP) has been applied for to allow an addition to a single-family residence consisting of a new master bedroom, carport, and roof deck on property generally located at, 3341 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, California, and more particularly described as: LOT 8, BLOCK "A" OF PALISADES, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP #1747 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEB. 1923, TOGETHER WITH .100 SHARES OF STOCK OF THE CARLSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY. If you have any objections to the granting of this Nonconforming Construction Permit or wish to have an administrative hearing to discuss the requested Nonconforming Construction Permit, please notify the Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, in writing within 10 calendar days of the date of this notice. If you have any questions, please call Austin Silva in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4631. CASE NO.: NCP 14-02 CASE NAME: BASSAM RESIDENCE DATE: May 30, 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8560 fax Aa3AV-OD-008-|, Ui03'Aj8Ae-AAiVU\A f „idn-dO(] pjoqai e| JBI^ASJ I ap uye ain\pei\ e\ e Z3!|d3t| ^U3ui36jeq} ap suas T I ®09lS®Ad3AV*l"iBqBB9|Z9S!|!Jn ' J3|3d e S3|pe| seuenb!)^ SAM CAITO 35142 HAMMOND DR CLINTON TOWNS, MI 48035-2247 LAW 802 W JACKSON AVE NIXA, MO 65714-8477 RAYMOND J TOWNSEND 2613 SILVER CLOUD DR PARK CITY, UT 84060-7054 VINCENT J & CLAUDIA PIANO 2120 E NICOLET AVE PHOENIX, AZ 85020-5644 DEAN SMITH 7827 N 3RD WAY PHOENIX, AZ 85020-4052 ELIZABETH KEILEN *M* 1370 W ISLAND CIR CHANDLER, AZ 85248-3700 VICKI L GREENER 14 60 S VILLAS CT CHANDLER, AZ 85286-6210 YVETTE TAUZIN 251 S BEDFORD DR BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212-3722 JACK & ELLEN VOLKOV 3123 LAS MARIAS AVE HACIENDA HEIG, CA 91745-6219 JOSEPH & SYLVIA MARTINEZ 1971 PADDING RIVER RD CHULA VISTA, CA 91913-1626 ANTHONY R HENKINS *M* 438 TAMARACK AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4127 C L & J FRENCH 154 SYCAMORE AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3144 BARBARA J JOHNSON 14 9 WALNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-314 7 CAVINESS 3330 CARLSBAD BLVD 103 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3182 ROBERT N & PAULA PARSONS 3330 CARLSBAD BLVD 5 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3182 COLE 3330 CARLSBAD BLVD 7 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3182 GERALD A JONES 165 SYCAMORE AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-314 5 JO A CIVALLERI 151 SYCAMORE AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3145 138 CHESTNUT LLC 138 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3106 CHESTNUT BOARDWALK LLC 140 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3106 BAXTER CANYON VISTA LLC 158 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3106 THOMAS R REEDY 164 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3106 AARON & DIANE MARCY 184 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3106 WILLIAM & M DEERING 3375 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3129 IDA M TREJO 3363 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3129 GRUBBS 3257 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3126 JANET L WILSON 168 WALNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3193 TOLO MANAGEMENT INC 3360 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-8101 PHILLIP D & THERESA REED 3355 LINCOLN ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3133 FRANCES S GLIDDEN 3375 LINCOLN ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3133 I »i096S (§>AU3AV I I I Mia6p3 dn-dod asodxa 01 auj| 6uo|e puag ©OSIS 3»B|dui9i g/jaAV esn siaqei ®|3ad Aseg AM3AV-OD-008-I. uiorAieAe'A/vAuvv f Midn-dod pjoqaj 3| jajaASj I ap ui^e ainqseii e| f zajidau ).uauia6jei|3^ ap suas • ©0915 ©AUaAV lueqeB a| zas!|!»n J3|ed f S3|j3e^ seuenbi)^ JAMES A WATSON 3283 LINCOLN ST 87 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3131 DORAN 3288 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3125 3405 GARFIELD LLC 3405 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3239 FRANKLIN R MORAVEC 155 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-3107 MARY A SCHERR 3244 MEADOWLARK LN CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2024 ANDREW & LAURA REYER 1155 HOOVER ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008-4230 180-190 WALNUT PROPERTIES LLC 1641 AMANTE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4041 SMITH 7172 AVIARA DR CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4 900 CHANDHOK 12808 VIA LATINA DEL MAR, CA 92014-3730 SUNBIRD HOLDINGS LLC 445 MARINE VIEW AVE 300 DEL MAR, CA 92014-3926 RAFAEL D AGUILO PO BOX 518 CARLSBAD, CA 92018-0518 BASSAM & AHLAM MUSTAFA 531 ENCINITAS BLVD 201 ENCINITAS, CA 92024-3773 KAPUT FAMILY 2104 KIRKCALDY RD FALLBROOK, CA 92028-54 07 GLOUCESTER WALK INVESTMENTS ] 915 HAVENHURST DR LA JOLLA, CA 92037-6802 DENNIS R & JEAN BAUERN 314 9 COACHMAN CT OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-3602 VOERTMAN 3341 TERRACE LN OCEANSIDE, CA 92056-3118 JAN KAUFMAN 411 E CARMEL ST SAN MARCOS, CA 92078-4338 ROBERT L & MONICA FLORA 2208 EASTBROOK RD VISTA, CA 92081-8325 CHRISTOPHER WARD 504 FORTUNA AVE VISTA, CA 92084-2666 WALNUT BEACH TOWNHOMES LLC PO BOX 12508 SAN DIEGO, CA 92112-3508 FIECHTER 33945 RUSTRIDGE ST TEMECULA, CA 92592-6509 KAREN J HARTMAN 5791 PRICE DR HUNTINGTON BE, CA 92 64 9-4 932 GERBER MELVA PERSONAL RE *M* 28 911 DRAKES BAY LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677-4654 WARD 5 FIRST AMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92707-5913 ROBERT W & JEAN OHARE 528 9 E RURAL RIDGE CIR ANAHEIM, CA 92807-4619 MERHAB 1001 EADINGTON DR BREA, CA 92821-5215 SHARON L RICCA 58 94 SALISBURY LN SAN LUIS OBIS, CA 93401-8263 MICHAEL A & DENISE SOUZA 873 UPLAND RD REDWOOD CITY, CA 94062-3043 JANE & WILLIAM SONNEMAN 52 EL SERENO CT SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127-1816 MARY COMER 1154 WINSOR AVE PIEDMONT, CA 94610-1049 I »x096S ®AU3iW f Mi3Bp3 dn-do<| asodxa I Oi auji 6uo|e puag jaded paad • ®091S aiBjduiei ©AiaAV esn siaqen g^\eed Aseg T AM3AV-OD-008-1 ^ f „idn-dod pJoqaj a| ja|aAaj ^^Insual^'^k ^ ®09l.S ®AM3AV IMBqeB a| zesnun ! iuo}-Aj8Ae'Juuvuvi • ap u^e ainqseq e| e zaiidati y ^ ' ja|ad e se|j3e^ sauanbup KENNETH R & PATRICIA GROSSMAl RONALD C & LISA JACKSON DIVALERIO 580 COLLINS DR 690 S AUBURN ST 21269 SE 40TH ST MERCED, CA 95348-3121 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945-7533 SAMMAMISH, WA 98075-5238 *** 63 Printed *** . notice has been mailed to all property owners/occupants listed herein. , , Date: Signature: - '"^ /W--^ T nocc....i.i!!i^M-r f „ia6p3dn-dodasodxa jadedpaej f ®09lS3»B|duiei®Ai3Avasn j W1096S ©AelBAV yW) 1 oj. aun 6uo|e puag ^^^^ y I s|eqen ^|e3d Asei i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TUC -^^ACHI^MT «1- APPUCATION NAMB AMO NUMBER DATS: CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: MARCH 27, 2014 PROJECT NO(S): NCP 14-02 REVIEW NO: 1 PROJEa TITLE: BASSAM RESIDENCE APPUCANT: M. A. DESIGN & DRAFTING SERVICES/DEREK BERG TO: 13 Land Development Engineering I I Police Department - J. Sasway 13 Fire Department - Greg Ryan [3 Building Division - Will Foss I I Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian r~| Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Morgan Rockdale r~l Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque I I Public Works Department (Traffic) - John Kim I I Public Works Department (Design) - Patrick Vaughan I I SANDAG (Any huge/major development) 401 B. Street, Suite 800, San Diego CA 92101-4231 •^ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS 0 Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs [~1 Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko • Public Works (Water)-Eric Sanders 1 I Water/Sewer District n Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA r~| School District I I North County Transit District - Planning Dept. I I Sempra Energy - Land Management I I Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) FROM: PLANNING DIVISION Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the PLANNING TRACKING DESK in the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, bv 4/17/14. Ifyou have "No Comments," please so state. If vou determine that there are items that need to be submitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail) to let them know. Thank you COMMENTS: Signature ^111 S'it A Date PU\NS ATTACHED Review & Comment 02/14 f^^ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW AND COMMENT MEMO DATE: MARCH 27. 2014 PROJECT NO(S): NCP 14-02 REVIEW NO: 1 PROJECT TITLE: BASSAM RESIDENCE APPLICANT: M. A. DESIGN & DRAFTING SERVICES/DEREK BERG TO: • • • • • • • Land Development Engineering Police Department-J. Sasway Fire Department - Greg Ryan Building Division - Will Foss Parks & Recreation (Parks/Trails) - Liz Ketabian Parks & Recreation (Trees & Medians) - Morgan Rockdale Public Works Department (Streets) - Nick Roque Public Works Department (Traffic) - John Kim Public Works Department (Design) - Patrick Vaughan SANDAG (Any huge/major development) 401 B. Street, Suite 800, San Diego CA 92101-4231 •ALWAYS SEND EXHIBITS I I Public Works (Storm Drain) - Clayton Dobbs r~l Public Works (Wastewater) - Don Wasko (~1 Public Works (Water) - Eric Sanders • Water/Sewer District I I Landscape Plancheck Consultant - PELA I I School District r~1 North County Transit District - Planning Dept. I I Sempra Energy - Land Management I I Caltrans (Send anything adjacent to 1-5) FROM: PLANNING DIVISION Please review and submit written comments and/or conditions to the PLANNING TRACKING DESK in the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue, by 4/17/14. If you have "No Comments," please so state. If vou determine that there are items that need to be submitted to deem the application "complete" for processing, please Immediatelv contact the applicant and/or their representatives (via phone or e-mail) to let them know. Thank you COMMENTS: PLANS ATTACHED Review & Comment 02/14 ^ 4,^^P CITY OF ^ CARLSBAD Memorandum April 11, 2014 To: Austin Silva, Project Planner From: Steve Bobbett, Project Engineer Re: NCP 14-02- BASSAM RESIDENCE Land Development Engineering has completed the first review ofthe above-referenced project for the application's completeness and for engineering issues of concern. The application and plans as submitted are complete as submitted. Land Development Engineering has no comments or issues with the application. If you or the applicant has any questions regarding the above, please contact Steve Bobbett at extension 2747. cc: File Community & Economic Development 1635 Faraday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2710 I 760-602-8560 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov *^CAilLSBAD f'LE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov June 3, 2014 Derek Berg Suite C 2151 Enterprise Street Escondido, CA 92029 SUBJECT: Srd REVIEW FOR NCP 14-02 - BASSAM RESIDENCE Dear Mr. Berg, The above referenced project was deemed complete on April 16, 2014. The issue of concern with the project that was identified in the correspondence dated May 15, 2014 has been resolved. A public notice describing the project has been sent out to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. Once the 10 day public notice period has elapsed, a Notice of Determination will be sent informing you and the applicant ofthe city's decision on the application. Please contact me at (760) 602-4631, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your application. Sincerely, CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:AS:fn c: Bassam Mustafa, 3341 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Don Neu, City Planner Steve Bobbett, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ^^CARLSBAD FILE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov June 3, 2014 Derek Berg Suite C 2151 Enterprise Street Escondido, CA 92029 SUBJECT: NCP 14-02 - BASSAM RESIDENCE - CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) APPLICABILITY/PROCESS DETERMINATION AND TARGET DECISION DATE CEQA Determination: This is to advise you that after reviewing the application for the project referenced above, the City has determined that the following environmental review process (pursuant to CEQA) will be required for the project: The project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Categorical Exemption for Existing Facilities (Section 15301). No environmental review is required for the project. A Notice of Exemption will be filed after approval ofthe project with the San Diego County Clerk's Office which involves a filing fee. Please submit a check to the project planner in the amount of $50.00 made out to the San Diego County Clerk. The check should be submitted approximately one week prior to the City Planner decision date. Target Decision Date: In the interest of expeditiously processing your application consistent with the State Permit Streamlining Act (California Government Code Section 65950), an administrative decision to approve or deny the project should be determined by June 16, 2014. For additional information related to this CEQA applicability/process determination or should you have any questions regarding an application extension or would like to withdraw your application, please contact Austin Silva at (760) 602-4631 or by email at austin.silva(5)carlsbadca.gov. Sincerely, DON NEU, AlCP City planner DN:AS:fn c: Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Steve Bobbett, Project Engineer Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® *^CARLSBAD FILE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov May 15, 2014 Derek Berg Suite C 2151 Enterprise Street Escondido, CA 92029 SUBJEa: 2'"' REVIEW FOR NCP 14-02 - BASSAM RESIDENCE Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Division has reviewed your Non-Conforming Construction, application no. NCP 14-02, as to its completeness for processing. Please note that although the application is now considered complete, there may be issues that could be discovered during project review and/or environmental review. Any issues should be resolved prior to make a determination on the project. In addition, the City may request, in the course of processing the application, that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the basic information required for the application. At this time, the City asks that you provide two (2) complete sets of the development plans so that the project can continue to be reviewed. The Citv will complete the review of your resubmittal within 25 davs. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Austin Silva, at (760) 602-4631, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. Sincerely, CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:AS:fn c: Bassam Mustafa, 3341 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Don Neu, City Planner Steve Bobbett, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue. Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® Ce.l4-g^- BASSAM RESIDENCE Planning: ISSUES OF CONCERN As the property is located in the Beach Area Overlay Zone, pursuant to Chapter 21.48.050(A)(3) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, two off street resident parking spaces shall be provided in locations specified in Chapter 21.44.060(A)(4), Table E. Pursuant to Chapter 21.82.060 (C) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, one visitor parking space is also required. Please revise the plan to add either an additional resident or visitor open parking space where permitted per Chapter 21.44.060(A)(4), Table E. However, the space shall not encroach into the street side yard setback. The parking space, if located in the rear yard setback, needs to be screened from Sycamore Avenue. ijM.A.Design I & DRyxFTiNG SERVICES'-' 2151 Enterprise Street, Suite-C Escondido, CA. 92029 www.nnadesigning.com 760-390-0007 RE: NCP 14-02 ; ,, . Basam Residence / ''\\: ' 3341 Garfield St. Apr. 30, 2014 ^ ^ , „ " Response to Comments; Item #1 T-l, A-2 Side yard setback has been changed to show 5'-0". Structure was reduced in width to accommodate the change. Item #2 T-l, A-2 The new steps in the side yard are for only a 30" max. height change between the existing grade and the existing side yard patio. See elevation markers on the proposed floor plan. Item #3 T-l, A-2 The correct rear yard setback now shown. Item #4 T-l Per telephone conversation with Chris DeCerbo, parking in the driveway is acceptable. Austin left a massage stating it was ok as shown on 4-8-14 i'^ c o FILE COPY Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov April 16, 2014 Derek Berg Suite C 2151 Enterprise Street Escondido, CA 92029 SUBJEa: 1st REVIEW FOR NCP 14-02 - BASSAM RESIDENCE Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Division has reviewed your Non-Conforming Construction Permit, application no. NCP 14-02, as to its completeness for processing. The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the basic information required for the application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. These issues must be addressed before this application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Division will begin processing your application as of the date ofthis communication. At this time, the City asks that you provide two complete sets of the development plans so that the project can continue to be reviewed. The Citv will complete the review of vour resubmittal within 25 davs. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Staff Planner, Austin Silva, at (760) 602-4631, to discuss or to schedule a meeting to discuss your application and to completely understand this letter. Sincerely, CHRIS DeCERBO Principal Planner CD:AS:fn c: Bassam Mustafa, 3341 Garfield Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Don Neu, City Planner Steve Bobbett, Project Engineer Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst File Copy Data Entry Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 0 ISSAM RESIDENCE ^age. ISSUES OF CONCERN Planning: 1. Pursuant to Chapter 21.16.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the interior side yard shall have a width of not less than five feet. Please revise the plans so the addition complies with this requirement. Please show the dimension from the property line to the existing and proposed structure. 2. Pursuant to Chapter 21.46.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, stairways may project two feet into a required yard. The proposed stairs project more than three feet into the north side yard. Please revise the plans so the stairway complies with this requirement. 3. Please correct the required rear yard setback to 10 feet (twice the amount of the required side yard) (C.M.C. 21.16.060 (A)(1)(b)). 4. The property is located in the Beach Area Overlay Zone. Pursuant to Chapter 21.82.060 (C) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, one visitor parking space is required. Please revise the plan to add either an additional residential or visitor open parking space within the rear yard setback. However, the space shall not encroach into the street side yard setback. The parking space needs to be screened form Sycamore Avenue.