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PD 06-17; PALOMAR AIRPORT BUS PARK; Engineering Application
OC:T-06-2006 09:09 FRDM.:MPA ARCHITECTS INC 61923605!:>( i-•• :v.:i ! i I I • l?Sl?J59SBS0i P. 1211219 : : .. . : ... PROJEcr ADDRE;.SS: aos-2 .c.c,@:C"it CO"iH-tJo f::iA\: , LOT NO(S),: ______ MAP NO.; ______ APN(S).: ;?l \2-o '=a\-~~ NUMBER OF LOTS: NUMBER OF ACRl;:S: a.,. ~-S oWNER: ~12-T"e t»1=ai..-. ~ APPLICANT: cw,l:'-::..;..!· !=l:l9!L!!• Sii:H!.OtL..J::E~ M~iling Address: 7pb$ EL--· 4':i'oel '§1.)f t;> Malling Address: \O'S. J g, MH,·•&s: At:$ Ph011e·Number: lp\9,) ;_ ~WP -\fe39 f=ax Number. EwMail: r d!rtify that l ani die legal OWP8r and l.l'lal all the: 11boVe V\UA: , cA • · !'.la,2'1 · l'hone Number: <.,7 ,. «>) Sq_ &\-2 S I'!.:. ,, Fa:ic Number: -E-Mail: ~fnnni,tlc)h I~ ,rytd f"'ed to the. best 1>t 111V knowleclge, ! ·1,..:~i;:gn:,:a;.:tu:,nl.i:,:·,::l . ·= ~fk=al=~====:.:D:.:a:te~;~tf=!:;!;;-l-.;;;S;,;:i9:.:;"a;,;;tu:r:e~;_;;;;;;=========D:ate=..: ===-J i CIVIL ENGINEER: tt\ ~9gg1} 4,AN<,M,\ SOllS£NGINEER: !=:f:t~'t\b:N ~t:)s~ I FIRM: a..t.w \\,;--et561N@'@:~ 78S'<'-.r-l FJR.M: (2\R\!..:Df.!r' e-IB@fiYffl,, St:M'-,\~§IEJS: ~di I MalUng Address: t QS 1 · 1,V,:Art.SQ . b!(J&:, Mailing Ad~ress; 4:gacs MtzBS&2iN s~ S'T 1 ~us:r:&:., M· '1 AP s, gfrt,.\ "l)~pt;ao., e:•4QU\l ! I -1 r ! . Phone 1\11,m1ber: (;7.s.o) '5"'!'5 -1i'S::SS ·Phone Number: t_g:S~ M,G-:,.,-~ _ FaxNulTlber: (.'.loe) SS\"'\ .,... 98:o C Fl!lx Number: c_~5R). A:~, -:-3:1$8 E-Mail; ms@ ~» §191' IC.CM E-Mail: State Reglstratiop Nt.Jrnber: c A-"'1 ao:a $!:ate Registration Number: ADDmONAL COMIYIENTS: lMPllOVEMEl'fT VALUATION 1. What vr.rter dfstrld: ii; the propo.sed project located in? (dieck one) [ij6r,1sbad Municipal Water Dillrlct ·Qonvenhain i. 11' in the carlsblM:I Mqntcipal Wlltcr Dl5tl'ia:, what Is the tct;.11 Cci5I: estlmare, lndudil'lg the 15% contingency fett, for walm' atld rec:lalmad war imprqwements, 111CWcr (tor caitsbad HunJclpal 'iU ~01\'fl)r m-. ,a\c. ~ffltA\'M\) \~ alld \n\p\\Dft1 al\d dta\Ml}e \ffl\law,~U. \\~. cut-ZS:O Cf fill .J;;a.9_ ey GRADING qu~rriITJ.ES . remedial _. . -Cf import_~ cy - ..