HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 00-04; Carlsbad Airport Center Lot 24; Planned Industrial Permit (PIP) (3)City of Carlsbad
December 12,2000
TO: Mike Grim, Planning
FROM: Jeremy Riddle, Engineering
The Engineering Department has completed a review of the above subject. We have reviewed
the application for completeness and have determined that the application and plans submitted
for the project are incomplete and unsuitable for continued review due to the following
incomplete items:
It is our understanding this project will require the installation of onsite fire hydrants.
Please meet with the Fire Marshal to establish a preliminary layout of these hydrants. All
fire hydrants are to be served by public water mains. On the site plans, depict the limits
of a proposed public waterline system required to serve the project. Indicate a
preliminary horizontal alignment per Carlsbad Municipal Water District Standards, latest
On the site plan, complete the date of preparation of the plans.
On the site plan, add a typical street section for Dryden Place.
On the site plan, depict all easements listed in the title report (see item 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11
of preliminary title report). Add record data for all reference easements on the property.
On the site plan, identify horizontal distances between the proposed driveway centerlines
and adjacent driveways (intersection spacing).
Provide a hydrology report that address how water is intercepted, conveyed and
discharged across the site. Ensure that NPDES requirements are met (see engineering
concerns below).
Provide a recent Soils Report identifying specific recommendations for this project. The
Report should identify the limits of any anticipated onsite remedial earthwork.
On the site plan, include the quantities of earthwork (cut, fill, export, import, remedial), if
Additionally, staff has conducted a review of the project for engineering issues of concern.
Engineering issues, which must be resolved or adequately addressed prior to staff making a
determination on the proposed project, are as follows:
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The updated National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is
nearing approval, and would involve significant changes to this project and other
projects processed throughout the San Diego region. It is our understanding that these
changes will not include a grandfather clause for projects. This means that this project
and all other projects will be impacted pursuant to the approved NPDES requirements,
no matter what stage the project is in. We encourage you to review the draft permit
requirements (www.swrcb.ca.rrov/-rwcacb9) so that you understand the nature of our
comments when they are made on projects. In order to facilitate compliance of this
project, the following are some criteria that should be incorporated into the design of the
a) Post development storm run-off flows and velocities should not exceed pre-
development storm run-off flows and velocities during a IO-year, 6-hour storm
event. This shall be proved via engineering calculations in a project
hydrology/hydraulic report. Revise the site plan to incorporate all measures
required to detain any increases in flows.
b) Include additional BMP measures to capture pollutant from the parking lot. In
general, grass-lined swales should be utilized to filter storm water before
entering inlets. These tend to be the most efficient, long-term pollutant filter.
c) Offsite and downstream siltation would not be permitted at any time during the
project (long term or near term).
d) For project disturbing more than 1 acre of soil, submit a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that addressed both construction and post-
construction phases of the project. The SWPPP will be required before permit
If a westerly portion of the proposed parking lot will drain into the existing drainage
(swale) system, a portion of the swale may have to be demolished and rebuilt as a
grass-lined swale to filter pollutants from the proposed development.
Add a legend to the site plans to differentiate between existing and proposed items.
Revise the site plan to include the application "PIP 00-04" in the upper right-hand
Include all proposed surface elevations (top-of-curb, finished surface, flow-lines,
drainage arrows, etc.) to demonstrate how storm water will be conveyed from the
Depict existing topography at least 50-feet from the north property line.
Depict the location of all existing driveways adjacent to the site and across the street.
Include the driveway slopes as they approach Dryden Place.
Include minimum IO-foot vertical curves on all driveway approaches to soften grade
breaks just beyond the property line.
Provide 5-feet offsets at parking lot corners to allow for vehicles to back up.
Depict the turning radius for trucks entering and exiting the site from Dryden Place to
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verify that vehicular movements do not conflict with opposing traffic. Consider
widening the driveways to 30-feet to address rear tire tracks.
The proposed waterline system must be looped and both connections should be
located in the proposed driveway entrances. The waterline should be located within
the paved drive aisles.
If improvements for lot 23 and lot 24 (PIP 00-04 and PIP 00-05) are constructed
simultaneously, then one connection to Dryden Place could be required for each lot
at the discretion of the District Engineer, versus two. In this scenario, the
southwesterly driveway on lot 23 would have a street connection and the easterly
driveway on lot 24 would also contain a street connection. The system would still be
looped. If the projects were constructed independently, then each of the lots would
have to stand alone as an individual looped system.
Ensure the proposed waterline includes a stub for future connection to the west to Lot
Depict a proposed 20-foot waterline easement to the Carlsbad Municipal Water
District that encompasses the proposed waterline system. The waterline should be
centered within the easement.
Clarify the location of the irrigation service using the legend symbols and identify the
approximate demand (in gpm) at the point of connection.
On the site plan and landscape plan, depict the line-of-sight and both project
entrances using Caltrans Standards. Verify no conflicts exist (see entry monument).
Add earthwork totals, EDU’s (sewer), GPM (potable), and GPM (recycled) to the site
Include any new water services (and/or irrigation services) to the rear portion of the
site to allow water circulation in the new looped water system for water quality
A redlined check print is enclosed for the applicants use in making the requested
revisions. This check print must be returned with the plan revisions to facilitate
continued staff review.
If you have any questions, please call me at 602-2737
c: Skip Hammann, Senior Civil Engineer (w/o attachment)