HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 02-03; Carlsbad Office Park; Planned Industrial Permit (PIP) (8)MEMO 16842 Von Karman Ave., Suite 300, Itvine, CA. 92606-4927
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DATE: April 30,2002
TO: Mr. Gary Wayne, Asst. Planning Director
c/o Ms. Saima Qureshy
Planning Department - City of Carlsbad
FROM: Ron Sakahara
cc: Richard Boureston - Boureston Development
Jim Schreder - Danjon Engineering
Charles Trowbridge - Charles Trowbridge Assoc.
Wayne Edwards - Diffenbaugh
Steve Gossett - Diffenbaugh
Greg Holzem - Diffenbaugh
Michael Heinrich - Leesak
Chor Chow - Leesak
RE: Prelim. Review Comments from the City of Carlsbad dated 4/10/02
PRE 02-09 Carlsbad Office Park
L.S. #Y1051
APN: 21 3-061-25
The following is a response to your April 10, 2002 letter:
Item 1. Planned Industrial Permit (PIP) required.
Item 2. Submittal package to be forwarded to the Airport Land Use
Commission for review.
Item 3. Building “D” has been shifted to the west, along with the parking
between Buildings C & D. Building “C” has also been slightly
rotated. The top of slope line has been more accurately
confirmed from a top0 map.
Mr. Gary Wayne I c/o Ms. Saima Qureshy
Prelim. Review Comments
City of Carlsbad, California
Item 4.
Item 5.
Item 6.
Item 7.
Item 8.
Item 9.
April 30, 2002
Page 2
A. Building “D” is now setback from the east properly line by
approximately 44 feet versus the 31 feet from the original
site plan. The distance of the building to top of slope has
significantly been increased (see revised site plan).
The employee eating area located within the 50’ required front
yard has been relocated. All of these areas are in a private area
and incorporated with landscape.
The landscaped area, excluding the required setback area is
53% of the parking area. In addition, minimum of 3% of the area
shall be planted with plant material on the Official City list.
All HVAC roof mounted equipment shall be screened from public
view. See attached sight line sections.
Landscape strips have been provided at the standard stalls
adjacent to the retaining wall. This bumper over-ride strip shall
be planted with a climbing vine type plant material to cover the
retaining wall. Where compacts spaces are adjacent to this
retaining wall, and code does not allow bumper over-ride
landscape strips at compacts, we have provided plant “niches”
for the climbing vine. These niches are placed at every other
parking stall at the compacts. Refer to the revised Site Plan.
A six feet high retaining wall is proposed to gain the additional
pad to assure that we obtain significant landscape adjacent and
between the buildings. The six feet high wall will not require
special engineering and is still low enough to create a human-
scale look. This retaining wall will be eventually fully covered
with a climbing vine to create a green wall that will blend in with
the slope.
Additional exterior elevations, including the ones facing Camino
Roble and Code Del Nogal will be submitted. In addition, soil
prep, plant types, sizes and location, irrigation system plans, and
a full site lighting plan shall be submitted.
Item 1. The driveway approaches on the opposite side of Corte Del
Nogal have been shown. Due to the perimeter slopes on this
street and the existing SDG&E EasementlEquipment, the access
driveway into our site is limited to the location we have shown.
t Mr. Gary Wayne / c/o Ma. Saima Qureshy
Prelim. Review Comments
City of Carlsbad, California
April 30, 2002
Page 3
Item 2. Parking stalls at the corners where back ends of the spaces are
adjacent to each other, have been revised.
Items 3,4,5,6,8 (See Civil Engineers Comment)
Item 7. The trash enclosures shall meet the City Standard #GS-I 6.
Item 1. A recent Preliminary Title Report shall be submitted.
Item 2. We are aware that the formal project application submittal
constitutes the actual package for City review.
P:\2001\Y1051 - Carlsbad Ofiices\Project Data\lnfo\RS.Wayne-Pre.Rev.Comflls.doc
- James D. Schreder 71 45726850 Monday, April 29, 2002 4;Ol PM -
April 29, 2002
Profesnioiial Civil Engineering Services
33 1-005.1
hlr. Gary Wayne
&si ytant Planning Director
City of Carlybad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlubad, CA 92008
Subject: Pre-iYe ## 02-09 - Carlubad Office Park
APN 213-061-25
Dear Mr. Wayne:
Thank you foi- reviewing the pre-file application, t-he following is DANJON’R renponlre to the
city‘s civil engineering comments:
1. Item # 1: BR divcuvned with David Rick. tlie driveways alignment can‘t be aligned due to
grade reasons and the driveways are over 100-feet apait. Thus there is no conilict given
the minimum traffic flow on Corte Del Nogal.
Item # 3: A public water line system will he deqignetl around the huildinge.
Item # 4: The project will comply with the RCXQCS San Diego Region Order e 200 1-
4. Item # 5: The inta-hection eight didance is shown on the conceptual grading plan.
5. Item # 6: The building WAY move to accommodate drainage at the top of slope.
6. Item # 8: All driveways are lehs than 12-percent.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or need additional infoimation.
James D. Schreder, P.E
895 E k’nlba Luda Blvd , ## 202, Placeritla CA 02870 Ipns@danjc?nenpeemg corn fan (714) 572-6850 I (71 4) 572-6800