HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 89-04; Davison-Jones Development Lots 37B & 37C; Planned Industrial Permit (PIP)Jll ly 7, 1909 Wesley Okanloto Banzuelo/Rierson/Duff 4501 E. La Palwa Avenue, Suite 202 Analle iw, CA 92807 I: PIP 89-4 for developlent located 011 Lots 37B and 37C of Carlsbad lract no. 74-21 southeast corner of Loker Avenue East and Sea Otter Place. 1. ‘The site indicated by the Planned Industrial Perulit is adequate in size and shape to accorllnlodate the proposed use for the following reasons: a. All required setbacks have been maintained per Specific Plan 200 (SP 200). b. Adequate parking has been provided for the proposed use. C. L.antlscaping has been provided per- SP 200 and tile requit*elllcr~ts of the P-1.1 Zone. Landscaping is 24.9% of the site for Lot 37B and 32.9% of t.he site for Lot 37C, including setback areas. (1 . I ilctl lo1 has a total buildirg coverage of 33% while SI) 200 allows up to 50% 1 ot coverage. Wesley Okarnoto July 7, 1989 Paqe 2 Conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approval is granted for PIP 89-4, as shown 011 Qhibits "/\'I - "II", dated July 7, 1989, incorporated by reference and ntl f'i le it1 I tlp I)Intlltitq Department. Developnlerlt shall occur srll)starltinl ly as sl~own ut~lcss otherwise noted in these conditions. Prior to issrrartce of terlant itnprovwwnt s ar~d/o~* l)trsi~lrlss 1 ic(!IlTos for interior building space within this projtlct ertlichc!vt?r conws Iirst, t.tte proportion of office, nlanufacturing, and warehouse IISPS for. each bui Idiny must conforrn to'the approved proportiun of uses listed in Fxt1it)il.s "A" - "ti", so as to not increase parking delnarld accot-di rq t.o C i I..y codes. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to provide this inforrrlation wtlcrl tenant improvements and/or business 1 icenses are subrni tted. General Plannirw and Leqal Conditions: 6. If any condition for construction of ally put)l ic itttl)~.ov(ltttl~tlts 0). rnci 1 il.ics, or the payment of any fees it1 1 iecr t,hcrwf', itttpo5r'fl t),y t hi ;~ppr~)val or imposed by law on this project are chal icrlgcci t.hi c, nppt,ovn t shnl I t)e suspended as provided in Governnwr,t Code Scct ior, 6591 3. 5. I I nrly such condition is deterrnined to be illvalid this approval sttnl 1 I)P ittval id trrlless- the City Council determines that the project wi tllout tlte cotldi tio~ contpl ies with all requirements of law. Wesley Okamoto July 7, 1989 Paqe 3 Specific Onsite Conditions: 8. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed Ily n six loot. high Ittnsorlt-y wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Locat ion of said t*cceptacIes shal 1 be as shown on Exhibits "A" - "H". Enclosure shall t)e of sinti lat- colors and/or materials to the project to the satisfactiorl of the I'lannirq Di rector. 9. All roof appurtenances, including air corldit.ioners, shall be architecturally integrated and concealed fwn view alld thf? sou~~tl t)rrffered from adjacent properties and streets, pursrrarlt, to Hcri ldim~ Ikpartrttent Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfaction of the Directors of Plarlrling arid Building. 10. No outdoor storage of lllaterial shall occur or~sitr 1111I(>ss rcqIrir*c!tJ by the Fire Chief. In such instance a storage plat1 wi I1 be suhitt,r~I for. approval by the Fire Chief and the Planning Director prior to a11.y out.door st.oracJp. 11. Any signs proposed for this developalerlt sllall nt a ttti~1illl~tltl 1)~ tl~sigrwd it) conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shal 1 reqrrit.o revicw arid approval of the Planning Director prior to irlstallaf io11 of srr(-h ~iqtls. 12. Building idelltificatiotl and/or addresses shall tw pl~(;~d ot1 nl I rt(!w arid existing buildings so as to be plainly visible front the st,r-wt. or access road; color of identification and/or addresses stla11 1 collt.,.nst to their background color. 13. Truck loading areas identified on Exhibits "All - "t1" shal 1 be labeled and marked with pavement graphics prigr, to issuance of certificates of occupancy. 14. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and irrigation plan referencing PIP 89-4 which shall be srlt)rrlit,t,ed to a11d nppt~ov~d t1.y the Planning Director prior to the issrrntlct! of. q1.a(iityl I))' hrti l(Ii11cl 1)ot~tIli t.s, whichever occurs first. This laodscapc plan shal I also show ttow the outside employee eating area shall be developed. 15. All parking lot trees shall be a alirlirttrlul of 15 !J:II 101)s it1 si~ct. 16. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healt,lly and thriving condition, free frotn weeds, trash, and debt-is. Wesley Okamoto July 7, 1989 Paqe 4 17. Unless otherwise stated, this project shal 1 bc! (.ollsistr:tlt wit.11 al 1 standards identified in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Flur~icil~al Code arid all standards and conditions identified in Specific Plan, SI’ 200. Enq i neeri nq Condi ti ons : 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Pretreatment of the sanitary sewer discharge fro~t~ 1tt is pm,jpcl, nlny be required. In addition to the reqrrir‘enlents for a sew~t- conrlectiorl permit the developer shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 13.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The developer shall apply for an industrial waste discharge perlllit concurrently with the t~r~iltlirly pr?t.nliI for 1.11iT 1)tx)ject. No Certificates of Occuparlcy for the p1-ojr?ct, will IN> issrtr~(I l)(>f(~t~l the industrial waste discharge permit appl icatiorl requireltlerlts have been met, all applicable fees paid and the per-mit issued. Prior to hauling dirt or construction materials to any proposed construction site within this project the developer- shal I FIJ~IIII~~. to and receive approval fronl the City Engirlcct. for thp p~wpo~vd hatll l.olrtr?. Ille developer sllal 1 con~ply wi ttl a1 1 cotid i t iorls arid t.(!qLt i1.mwtlt.s t.tlr! City Engineer may impose with regards to the haul ing opct-al.ior~. Additional drainage easenlents and dkainage stt-uctrrt-es shal 1 be provided or installed as may be required by the City ErlcJirlee1.. An additional ’onsite fire hydrant is t-equired for- this pr-o.jpct.. lhe developer shal 1 pr.epa1.e water- systorn irttl)t.ov~lrtlr~tll. plans nrld I)IJI)I ic. w;ll.cr easement to the satisfaction of the City E11girlcet- nt~tl t.hc W;ll.cv Histrict Engineer prior to the issuance of a hrrilding pcmit for Ihc project. Appropriate plan check fees shall be paid at~d scc.\r~*it.ir?s po~l,r~d. The developer shal 1 instal 1 a wheel chai t’ t-arnp at AI 1 street. cot-ller-s abutting the project in confornlance with City of Carlstlad slantfar-(Is prior to occupancy of any buildings. Additiorlal riglll of way rnay IIC t-~lrl~rited for this facility. Wes 1 ey Okarnoto July 7, 1989 Paqe 5 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Unless a starldard variance has beet1 issued, 110 variar1c.c frutr (:it.y Staldar*ds is authorized by virtue of approval of this site plat,. The developer shall cornply with all the rtlles, t-(?guIatior1s atld dcsiyn requirements of the respective sewer and water agerlcies recJar.dit1y services to the project. This project is approved specifically as 1 (sirlglc) 1)tlasc. The developer shall be responsible for coordination with S.D.G.&E., Pacific Tel ephone, and Cab1 e TV author i ti es . The applicant shall agree to utilize reclairrled water., in lype I form, 011 the subject property in a1 1 conlrnon areas as approved by the C i ty Engineer. Irrigation systenls to accormodate future reclairrled water sltal 1 be desiyrled consistent with Title 17 of the California A(lnlir~isl.t.a1,ive Code. Offsite future reclaiuled water distribution systelrls shorrltl tw ant icipatetl by the installation of adequately sized sleeves at crossing poin1.s 1.0 minirni7e street excavat i.011. Fire Conditions: 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Prior to the issuance of 1)uilditq perwi t s, cotltplrt (3 t)IIi ldirlcl ~)I;III~ shal I be submi tted to arid approved by the fire lJepat'tlnert1. All required fire hydrants, water rtlains and ~~)~)~~t.l,etlatl(.~~~ shal 1 be operational prior to conlbustible building mater.iaIs h~inq Iot:attc(l OII the project site. Additional public and/or onsite fire hydrants shall be provided if deerued necessary by the Fire Marshal. The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site plan stlowirlg locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants and or\sitr ,.o;\(lc atld (l1-ivrly 1.0 I.ho Fire Marshal for approval. Proposed security gate systerrts shall be provided wi I It "Knox" key operated override switch, as specified by ttw Fire [)Ppnrl.rnc?nt.. All fire alam systelns, fire hydrat\ts, ~xtinquishi11g s.ysI,~!~n~, arrlottratic sprinklers, and other systents pertinent to the? project shal 1 tw srrl~tr1iI.t.cd to the Fire Department for approval prior to const.~.~~t:t.ior~. All roof-top appurtenances shall be archi tectrrral ly irtt.cgr-atcd into the design of the building and shielding to prevent noise and visual itnpacts, subject to approval before issuance of per-rni t. Wesley Okamoto July 7, 1989 Pacle 6 38. Building exceeding 10,000 sq. ft. ayyreyale floor nt.va shall 1 tw sl)r-itlkIered or have four-hour fire wal Is with 110 openirlys tllercirl which shal 1 split the building into 10,000 sq. ft. (or less) areas. If you have any questions, please contact Eric N. 19uiioz, l’t-ojnct Plalltter, at (619) 438-1161. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER Planning Director MJti: ENM/af c: Clyde Wickharn - Engineering Dept. Gary Wayne