HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 94-05; Asymtek Lot 9; Planned Industrial Permit (PIP)-. h A - CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION FOR PAGE 1 OF 2 -.- I) APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Master Plan Specific Pian Precise Development Plan Tentative Tract Map Planned Development Permit (FOR DER USE ONLY) 0 General Plan Amendment 0 Local Coastal Plan Amendment 0 Site Development Plan 0 Zone Change Conditional Use Permit I USE ONLY) Non-Residential Planned Development Hillside Development Permit Condominium Permit Special Use Permit Redevelopment Permit Obtain from Eng. Dept Administrative Variance Environmental Impact Assessment Variance Planned Industrial Permit Coastal Development Permit Planning Commission Determination Administrative Permit - 2nd Dwelling Unit List any other applications not specificed ) LOCATION OF PROJECT: ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LOKER AVE . I (NORTH, SOUTH EAST, WEST) (NAMB OF STREET) BETWEEN DOLPHIN CT. I I BLUE WHALE CT. I (NAME OF STREET) (NAME OF STREET) 3) BRIEF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-9 CARLSBAD TRACT 74-21 CARLSBAD AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER, CARLSBAD, CALIF. 4) ASSESSOR PARCEL NOW. 209-081 -09 1 5) LOCAL FACILITIES DESIGNATION 6) EXISTING GENERAL PLAN 7) PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN Ip’1 MANAGEMENT ZONE DESIGNATION 8) EXISTING ZONING I PM I 9) PROPOSED ZONlNG 11) PROPOSED NUMBER OF 12) PROPOSED NUMBER rl 13) TYPE OF SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL UNITS OF LOTS (RESIDENTlAL, COMMERCIAL ,INDUSTRIAL) 14) NUMBER OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 71 UNITS 15) PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL OFFlCElSQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE 16) PROPOSED COMMERCIAL - r A - CITY OF WBAD LAND USE WEW APPLICATION FORM PAGE 2 OF 2 L7) PERCENTAGE OF PROPOSED PROJECT IN OPEN SPACE 19) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC . .. I 383 I 20) PROJECT NAME: I ASYMTEK LOT-9 21) BfUEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: I OFFICE, MANUFACTURING AND WAREHOUSE USEtTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION WILL BE CONCRETE TILT-UP. BUILDING HEIGHT WILL BE 26' 'CLEAR HEIGHT. 22) IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWlNG THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, CIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND SENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS 24) APPLICANT HAMANN CONSTRUCTTON Cn- MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 475 W.BRADLY AVE. 2421 2 SARGEANT RD. PROGRESSIVE IMAGES IN ARCHITECTURE CIIY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE ELCAJON, CA. 9202 440-7424 RAMONA, CA. 92065 788-9648 FOR CIlY USE ONU FEE COMPUTATION: APPLICATION TWB FEE REQUIRED I I 1 t I I I DEC 0 8 l994 " CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 _- - 434-2867 ACCOUNT NO. RECEIPT NO. 15679 @ Printed on recycled paper. DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT I I I h, I NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY CASH REGISTER TOTAL I I i I I ! I 1 I t ! .. . 5, J ( -.?- I* ' . .:; ,: -1 I, !. -. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAt VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, GALIFORNIA 92008 " "" , 434-2867 ACCOUNT NO. RECEIPT NO. 15747 @ Knted on recycled paper. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I I I I I I I I I NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY TOTAL CASH REGISTER .. ~ .. /" PLEASE NOTE: "4 Time limits on the processing of discretionary projects established by state law do not start until a project application is deemed complete by the City. The City has 30 calendar days from the date of application submittal to determine whether an application is complete or incomplete. Within 30 days of submittal of this application you will receive a letter stating whether this application is complete or incomplete. If it is incomplete, the letter will state what is needed to make this application complete. When the application is complete, the processing period will e of the completion letter. Applicant Signature: iz Staff Signature: Date: . To be stapled with receipt to application . Copy for file DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AtOLlCANr'S STATEVENT CF '3lSCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON ALL APPLICATIONS WHICH WILL AEQ.jlRE ' 2lSCRETIONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL OR ANY APPOINTED BOARD. COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. I ! :Please Pnnr) The followmg information must be disclosed: List the names and addresses of ail persons having a financial interest in the application. HAMANN INVESTWT, GE-Tl PARTNERSHIP ELCAJON. CIA 92020 2. 3. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. - SAME If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership, JEFF & GREG HAMANN L4%v A&? 4. If any person idanMod pursuant to (1) or (2) abovo is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of any person sewing 83 officer or director of the non-protit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the trust. FRM~13 8/90 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. California 92009-4859 (61 9) 438-1 161 Disclosure Statement f Over) Page 2 5. Have you had more than 5250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Bcarcs Commisslons, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes - No If yes, please indicate person(s) I 1 Psrron It dofinod u: ‘Any Individual. firm. copwtnorrhip. jointvonturo. urociation. social club, fratomd organization. eorporatlon. ostato. trust. reco~vor. syndicato. thlt and any olhor county, c% and county. cq mun1crp4lrty. dirtrid or o$”Ior polRlcal subdivlrton, of my othor group or comblnrtlon rctrnq as a una‘ I 1 1 (NOTE: Attach additional pages as necessary.) Signature of applicant/date HAMAN-fi”C*NSTR” CTION Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant PROJECT DESCRIPTION/EXPUNATION PROJECT NAME: ASyMTEK LOT-09 Please describe fully the proposed project. Include any details necessary to adequately explain the scope andor operation of the proposed project. You may also include any background information and supporting statements regarding the reasons for, or appropriateness of, the application. Use an addendum sheet if necessary. DescriptionExplanation. THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS LOCATED ON LOT-09 OF THE CARLSBAD AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK OFF OF LOKER AVENUE. THE PROPOSED BUILDING WILL BE APPROXIMATLY 41,625 S.F. WITH SOME OFFICE SPACE, MANUFACTURING AND REFLECTED GREEN GLASS, LINTAL PANELS FOR SUNSCREEN AND ARCHITECTURAL INDENT FEATURES, ALSO SOME SAND BLASTING TEXTURE. LOADING DOORS FOR TRUCKS ARE LOCATED TO THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY FOR SCREENING. ALL ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT WILL BE SCREENED.BUILDING HEIGHT WILL BE 26’ ABOVE FINISH FLOOR. THE COMPANY MOVING INTO THE BUILDING WILL BE AS YMTEK . WAREHOUSE SPACE. THE CONSTRUCTION TYPE WILL BE CONCRETE TILT-UP WITH . ProjOom.frm concurrently with this application. The following materials shall be submitted for each application or for ed applications on a single project: Ten (10) copies of the proposed site plan on a 24" x 36" sheet(s) folded to 8 1/2" x 11" size. Fifteen copies of the site plan shall be submitted by the applicant upon request of the project planner prior to approval of the project. Each site plan shall contain the following information: I. GENERAL INFORMATION k B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Name, address and telephone number of the applicant, ower and Engineer or Architect who prepared the plan.. North arrow and scale. Vicinity map showing major cross streets. Date of preparatiodrevisions. Project Name and Application Types submitted Name of sewer, water and schogl districts providing service to the project. AU facilities labeled as "existing" or "proposed". A summary table of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Street address and assessors parcel number. Site acreage. Existing zone and land use. Proposed land use. Total building coverage. Building square footage. Percent Landscaping. Number of parking spaces required/pmvided. Square footage of required employee eating ma. Square footage of proposed employee eating area (interior and exterior eating area). Page 1 of 4 *o k General !3"-- 1. Approximate location of existing and proposed buildings and permanent structures on site and within 100 feet of site. 4 Y 2. Location of all major vegetation showing size and type!. 3. Location of railroads. 4. Bearings and distances of each extexior boundary line. 5. Distance between buildings and/or structures. w 6. Building set backs (front, side and rear). ra, 7. Location, height and materials of walls and fences. Indicate top and bottom and worst condition elevations for all walls and fences at each end and in the middle of the wall. 8. Indicate on site plan improvements and ammenities in the interior/exterior employee eating areas. (Le., Benches, tables, trash cans etc.) B. Street and Utilities 8/ 1. The location, width and proposed name of all streets within and adjacent to the proposed project. Show street grades and centerline radii. w 2. Name, location and width of existing adjacent streets and alleys. Include medians and adjacent driveway locations. ff 3. Typical street cross sections for all adjacent and streets within project. w 4. Width, location, and use of all existing and/or proposed public or private easements. e 5. Public and private streets and utilites clearly idded. w 6. Show distance between all intersections and medium and high use driveways. W 7. &dy show parking stall and isle dimensions and truck turning radii for all parkingareas. "%- 8. Show access points to adjacent undeveloped lands. 9. Show all uisting and proposed street lights and utilities (sewer, water, major gas and fuel lines, major electric and telephone facilities) within and adjacent to the project 0 10. Show location of all fire hydrants within 300 feet of site. D&Je yG 300 I FRMm5 lo/= Page 2 of 4 "- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Approximate contours at 1' intenmls for slopes leu than 5%, 2' intervals for slope between 5% and lo%, and S intends for slopes over 10% (both existing and proposed). Existing and proposed topographic contours within a 100 foot perimeter of the boundaries of the site. Existing onsite trees; those to be removed and those to be saved; Earthwork volumes; cut, fill, import and ezport Spot elevations at the comers of each pad. Method of draining each lot. Include a typical cross section taken pdel to the frontage for lots with leu than standard frontage. Location, width and/or size of all watercourses and drainage facilities within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision Show location and approximate sue of any proposed detentionhetention basins. Clearly show and label the 100 year flood line for the before and after conditions for any project which is within or adjacent to a FEMA flood plain. Ten (10) preliminary landscape plans prepared on 24" x 36" sheet(s) folded to 8 1/2" x 11". A. Landscape zones per the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. B. Typical plant species, quantity of each species, and their size for each planting zone (Use symbols). C. An estimate of the yearly amount of irrigation (supplemental) water required to maintain each zone. D. Landscape maintenance responsibility (private or common) for all areas. E. Percent of site used for landscaping. F. Water Consemtion Plan. Ten (10) building elevation and floor plans prepared on 24" x 36" sheet(s) folded to 8 1/2" x 11". The Building Elevation and floor plans shall include the following information: A. Floor plans with square footage included. B. Location and size of storage areas. C. AU buildings, structures, wails and/or fences, signs and exterior lights. D. Screening of roof equipment. Show roof parapet and any roof appurtenances (ie., mechanical equipment, ventilating fans etc.) that extend above the parapet.) E. scale F. Indicate the height on all building elevations. FRMm5 1w92 Page 3 of 4 d7. I 8/ 13. One (1) COPY Of 8 1/' 1' location map (suggested scale 2r icinity maps on the site plan -4 - are not acceptable). Environmental Impact Assessment Form (Separate Fee Required). Public Facility Agreement: Two (2) copies: One (1) notarized original and one (1) reproduced copy. (Separate fee required). Three (3) copies of Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six months). One copy of colored elevation Plan. For projects with an average daily traffic (AD") generation rate greater than 500 vehicles per day - or 200 or more peak-hour vehicle trips: Submit two (2) copies of a Circulation Impact Analysis for the project. The analysis must be prepared by a Registered Traffic Engineer or Registered Civil Engineer. The analysis must show project impacts to all intersections and road segments identified as impacted within the included Local Facilities Management Plan or as otherwise determined in discussions with staff. The following minimum information should be included with the study: a) 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" plats showing zone impacted roads, background and project AM and PM peak hour impacts and traffic distniutior~ b) Project traffic generation rates and traffic assignment. C) Necessary calculations and/or analysis to determine intersection and road segment levels of service. d) Any proposed mitigation requirements to maintain the public facility standards. e) On Coi.lector streets and above, an analysis of the need or a traffic signal will be required. "Largea projects: AXIY project which, upon its completion will be expected to generate either an equivalent of 2,400 or more average daily vehicle trips 200 or more peak-hour vehicle trips, including large projects that may have already been reviewed under CEQA but require additional local. discretionary actions, is defined as a "large project' under the SANDAG Congestion Management Program (CMP) and will be subject to enhanced CEQA review as specified in the CMP. ~epending upon the complexity of the project, the City of Carlsbad rcsuw~ the nfit to nquire a traffic study on any project. Provide color board showing material and color samples of glass, reveals, aggregate, wood etc. Provide roof plans (plan view) indicating the location and height of roof appertenances, vents, mechanical equipment etc. Completed "Project Description/Plxplanation' sheet Deposit for Publication of Notices - See Fee Schedule for amount. moo05 1w92 Page 4 of 4 PRELIMMARY REVIEW APPLICATION DESCRIPTION OF P OPOSAL (ADD AlTACHMENT IF NECES w, 6 z5 WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORALLY PRESENT YOUR PROPOSAL TO YOUR ASSIGNED STAFF PLANNEWENGINEER? PLEASE LIST THE NAMES OF ALL STAFF MEMBERS YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY SPOKEN TO REGARDING THIS PROJECT. IF NONE, PLEASE SO STATE. I k 6~Cw.d t -3 ns= rrr~~ FOR CITY USE ONLY PROJECT NUMBER: ?Lw c?P y6 NUV 1 7 884 FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: c3 CITY OF CARLSBAO RECEIPT NO.: / 5% 0 PUWNlNG DEW. RECEIVED BY - ." CITY OF CARLSBAD j,! , 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT I I I I I I I RECEIPT NO. $56: 0 Printed on recycled paper. NOT VALID UNLESS VALIDATED BY CASH REGISTER TOTAL I