HomeMy WebLinkAboutPIP 98-08; Corte Del Cedro; Planned Industrial Permit (PIP) (13).
- City of Carlsbad
September 2 1,1998
McArdle Associates Architects
Suite 105-472
6965 El Camino Real
Carlsbad CA 92009
Thank you for applying for Land Use Permits in the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Department
has reviewed your Planned Industrial Permit, application no. 98-08, as to its completeness for
The application is complete, as submitted. Although the initial processing of your application
may have already begun, the technical acceptance date is acknowledged by the date of this
communication. The City may, in the course of processing the application, request that you
clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise, supplement the basic information required for the
application. In addition, you should also be aware that various design issues may exist. Please
find attached a list of items that need to be addressed. These issues must be addressed before this
application can be scheduled for a hearing. The Planning Department will begin processing your
application as of the date of this communication.
Please contact your staff planner, Van Lynch, at (760) 438-1 161, extension 4447, if you have any
questions or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Director
C: Gary Wayne
Chris DeCerbo
Frank Jimeno
Bobbie Hoder
Fi,le Copy
Data Entry
Planning Aide
2075 La Palmas Dr. - Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 - (760) 438-1 161 - FAX (760) 438-0894 @
NO. PIP 98-08
&te plan keynotes are not labeled on site plan. Items 5 and 6 are similar. Item 13, landscape,
conflicts with sitehoof legend for landscape. dicg /S 4 WGp@'€ /?&, &6 /J F LEVEL
ditelroof legend contains parking details that are inaccurate. A standard parking stall is 8 ?4
minimum width and 170 square feet of area. Compact stalls are 8 feet by 15 feet with no
overhang permitted. It appears that no compact spaces are provided on the site plan. fm/dG /NP,mW &&A+@ MNflEP; 0- TWMG &?&& @m
Hhe number of parking spaces required is based on the square footage of the use, rounded to the
next highest whole number. The number of warehouse spaces required value needs to be shown
as 11 spaces. /WVW& ~CWV& *€ BEBJ PCVJB~ kM N&H JeW
wvlfl6 flm,. pr6f MYMPf f?sFf wt&h
;, N#&96FJ m~ pJIJpw 0' 7b *s Nu!#F
Narking provided table shows total parking provided as 54 where it should show 74.
&lace PIP application number in space reserved. p/p 4 &sp
701705 $WN& E4v 61 (.3".t€f
Landscape responsibility (private or common).
Percentage of site used for landscaping (copy from site plan).
Show man doors on north elevation. - /HW "00p-f EO/M/&~~ ncDM MpwJlbE
Provide Water Conservation Plan.
&n building elevation plans, please provide:
A cross section of the building showing how the roof parapet win screen future roof
equipment. cpdr JECPNS @*F 7Q mw7 43.2
Show roof beyond on elevation plans. - @PM 7s EeyWodJ
Provide information on heights of proposed or possible roof mounted equipment
(HVAC). ffifoJW W~Jf&dT 36' fWL Jm d 7XB E@"/y!&V r47BPm
dhow man doors on north elevation on civil drawings. - AW BbN ~LIA+/,v~~ mM NoflmdbE
The Public Facilities Fee (PFF) Agreement shows the Daum Family Trust as the Owner whereas
the Title Report shows Mercotac, Inc. Both the PFF Agreement and Title Report need to match
in regards to ownership. Enclosed is another blank copy of the PFF Agreement to be executed. $= tppH 7/7k&/?E/s/r7 W4W ?p1/57&f OWN&
4 0.
Hl .
The Title Report shows Mercotac, Inc. as owner of record. Please clarify.
Add project site address to site plan.
Calculate and show in the site plan the Average Daily Trafic (ADT) generated by
this project. S@@d /A/ W& u!@6#L J.1725 ~EG!D
mfl @t= &!M mfi PPfl &?we7
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Identifjl the City of Carlsbad easement per item 7 of the Title Report (PTR)
document 76-067033, the SDG&E easement per item 9 of the PTR document
80-338477, and the Pacific Telephone easement per item 10 of the PTR document
80-40058 1.
Show the existing Corte del Cedro street cross section in the grading plan.
Show the existing driveways adjacent to and across the street from the project.
Increase the driveway width to 30 feet.
Please show a 25-foot triangular sight view corridor at each side of the driveway,
measured along the face of curb at the street and the driveway. This sight view
corridor must be free of any obstructions in excess of 30-inches in height.
Move the sewer clean out of the driveway apron.
pb@P Pm
Dimension the parking stalls next to the east side of the building. All parking
stalls need to be at least 170 square feet in area.
Access to the trash enclosure and the loading door at the northeast corner of the
building does not work. Show truck circulation. Show concrete apron in front of
the trash enclosure. m& &&aM?$ FEDWP $ &&/N @ BO'/Cf
Move employee eating area out of the slope and the equestrian trail easement.
Show a cross section through the slope. Hf%')'LrE mdG AZO-
Consult with the Fire Department regarding the need for new fire hydrants. Then
coordinate the design of the water system with the Carlsbad Municipal Water
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cpfJJ&77..N Of rn"4?P@ @ WING w
District. F;rzE BHT ONJJ'Wj rcJ?bPWT @*J/7E
Show top of wall, top of footing and finish surface elevations for the retaining
wall at the east side of the property.
Show a cross section through the building and slope at the north side of the
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building. J"im+N &9g9 ON tf&&7" dk/
&5. The site plans show doors at the west end of the north side of the building, the
grading plan shows a ditch. Coordinate. PDoflJ EU~/NWZ.@
H'7. Clarify status of trees shown at the north side of the building. If they are existing
trees, state their disposition. mm Ffl3Pd6: @j tcl/u 46 pHN&.
/WZ &DAW 7a JYZ€ ?W
L.y8. Show how drainage water flows through planters at the south side of the parking
area. PWmFs GVT SW e ~(l/z@ /~tlmp
19. Clarify the existing ditch shown at the east side of the property. Show what it
drains into.
go. Indicate how National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System criteria will be
met. Show parking lot water flow through vegetated swales or through a filtering
system prior to discharge into a storm drain. Also, any loading areas located in a
sump must have pump facilities to direct drainage to a pollutant mitigation area.
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dhow how circulation (turn around) will function for the last loading door and trash pickup at the
rear of the building. PW- UP' pb#p flEbbWB 7p Pp&WE &W-up Feok;l
77%2kL%WUW.5 pP~dq~5~ rn cap@ bf PWWAG Ldr
drovide top of wall and bottom of wall heights of retaining walls at the rear of the lot. Retaining
wall in the easement area will not be allowed or process an encroachment permit with the
Engineering Department. ~D.N. 4 7: 6.f @IG~ ad -/..e /@ &vd,.
To reduce/eliminate the retaining wall heights, the building may be moved closer to the street.
The required building setback is an average of 35 feet with a minimum setback of 25 feet.
The trash enclosure Ad mk doors open up to the'slope on the north side of the lot. Show how
the grading/drainage will work for the man doors and consider alternative side entry design for
the trash enclosure. Deviations from the GS-16 trash enclosure design are permissible.
Consider adding a pedestrian walkway along the front of the building.
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