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PS 05-134; Cancervax; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
li/28/2005 10:01 7604944270 CANCERVAX PAGE 02/04 P7-22-20050UE) 09;<I2 Burnhan Real Estate (F/00858 452 3208 2 P. 001/803 Now 21 05 O&Sla Gate Cmsslcy ATKttLfcfiSjP11'^'* (3*1 *^g"(**' !^ ptoff tuboAted &r t. 2. SMNIKOGRAM RECEIPT NO. IGMft Planning Department 1 eoBSfcr of a mifijmim of a ate plan A. B. D. MUST StfflSCT IHRtt (3} SETS OT SfGNSUB «1AN5. A COMPLETED a weds (s) CO ProCCw* (U Govt/Chmb 0) ?-U/OS2me VJOLIAGEKECBVEIXJPMENTAIIEA. JPomtlO SerisesJlttW 11/28/2005 10:01 7604944270 NOV-22-2006CM) 08:42 Burrham Tteal Estate Nov 21 05 Q8S1a Gate Crosstey CANCERVAX 03/04 (FftX)8S8 352 3206 619-596-4949 P.3 PROPOSED PCEAUNENT SIGNS; Fora 10 02^02 11/28/2005 10:01 7604944270 NOV-22-2005CnJE) 03:42 Burnham Real Estate Nov 21 OS 0&51* Gale Cremtoy CANCERVAX (FW0858 452 3206 619-596^49 PAGE 04/04 P. W3/003 TOTAL BUOLOIKG STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SiGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SJGNAGE (SQ.FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE ATPRESENT HDPOSEDSIGNACE(SQ( FT,) RE?4AJN1NG SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER, PROPOSED SIGN ft. OWNER APPUCANT MAELWGAM3RESS aTYANDSTATB ZIP ZIP TELEPHONE I CEKTtFV THAT 1 AM THE LEGAL OWKERi*»<0 THAT AIL 1ME AJ9OVE (HPOAMATIDN IS TRUE A*<t> LA^A^ -tlON IS T*UB AXD CDK^ TO Tilt BEST OF XV ENQVUBOGt SIGNATU DATE DATE 2. 3. Bdd check by planner. Wiftte ip|«Ti""T'" length, Lscatioo: pole ^signa to be dtecked 'ay Be* Johnson. Traffic Engat^ WheB Approved route copy to D«t> Entry Form 10 02ffl2 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 (OS4R0054484) Applicant: COOPER Description Amount PS050134 45.00 Receipt Number: R0054484 Transaction ID: R0054484 Transaction Date: 12/15/2005 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Check 7216 45.00 Transaction Amount: 45.00 Sign Systems, Inc. PO Box 71O986 Santee, CA 92072-0986 (619) 596-4956 fax (619) 596-4949 TO: Chris Sexton/Gregg Fisher FROM: Gale Crossley Sign Systems, Inc. Date: December 2, 2005 Resent on December 14, 2005 Subject: Permits for: 2^0 Rutherford, 3088 Pio Pico Drive, 2714 Loker A ve. West, A 6010 Ave Encinas. Comments: These are the work orders I need permits for. Check enclosed. Please call when approved. Check #7216 Thanks Gale ignature of Person Receiving Paper Work nr mo D I'D D D '©' Post*