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PS 05-47; Papaya; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)602-4610 PLANNING REC'D BY DATE ICATION # SIGN FEE c SIGN PROGRAM FEE . RECEIPT NO. REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT Planning Department All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: ADDRESS OF PROJECT:: 5 fa Pel <\Ue f 1151? , Q ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER:l^\\" 0 i l^ j, I" RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a^ Residential (Q$ Commercial (c) Office/Industrial (d) Hotel/Motel SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Yes Q VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesQ SIGN ORDINANCE: YesQ COASTAL ZONE: YesQ Form 10 Revised 12/04 (e) (f) (g) 00 Service Station Prof. Care Theater Govt/Church (i) Public Park (j) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (1) P-U/OSZone Specific Plan Number Requires VR Approval No Page 1 of4 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE Pole Monument Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: No Date TYPE Pole** Monument** Wall Suspended Directional (gifnopy^-—^!^. Freestanding** (Project Identity) MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED — — .^"^b NUMBER PROPOSED / t MAXIMUM SIGN AREA ( PROPOSED SIGN AREA _^~— ->. ST (3+. (> t J V ^/ 'jjj^ MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT m "21 PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT ( PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE Construction** For Sale** Banner MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right-of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. Form 10 Revised 12/04 Page 2 of 4 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Traffic Engineering Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. Show building/s P/L \ /1 •i • Show all prop erty lines ] ; i # : .•* S curb line f ~JSs*~~ Sight Visibihty : i Sight Distance Requirement 1 1 1 how setbacks from all cu I 1 1 1 Street Name(s) 1 i irbs © North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. Form 10 Revised 12/04 Page 3 of 4 EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGN /r ft. 3 ¥-.6 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. OWNER NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS7 CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS OT.O 0, Sla^jffv\ /\\^o. CITY AND STATE L/\ CA ZIP TELEPHONE 323 -2X\ -1333 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMA- TION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: »J» In right-of-way •> In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Traffic Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entr APPROVED: Planner:Date: Form 10 Revised 12/04 Page 4 of 4 CHtLSEA PROPERTY INC Fax:9494615808 Mar U P. Ul Sign Approval Memo TO: Jeyoung Jun Re: Papaya - Suite #115B Carlsbad Premium Outlets FAX: 909.629.4468 Ph: 909.629.8500 Date 3.22.05 Number of pages including cover sheet FROM: Diane Dunham Chelsea Property Group, Inc. 27702 Vista del Lago #A-11 Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Phone 949-461-7189 Fax 949-461-5808 CC: Caren Buksbaum via fax REMARKS: D Urgent Q For your review Reply ASAP Q Please Comment ATTACHED PLEASE FIND THE LANDLORD'S APPROVAL AS NOTED OF THE STOREFRONT SIGN DRAWINGS AND BLADE SIGN DESIGN FOR PAPAYA IN SUITE #11 SB, CARLSBAD PREMIUM OUTLETS. ACTUAL LOCATION OF STOREFRONT SIGN TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD WITH CENTER MANGER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PAINT 2" STAND OFFS & ALL CONNECTIONS TO MATCH FASCIA PAINT COLOR. TENANT IS REQUIRED TO PROPERLY PATCH AND REPAINT STUCCO SIGN AREA IF REQUIRED BEFORE INSTALLING NEW SIGN. Prior to installing "hooks" on top of tenant's blade sign, verify condition & design of existing blade sign bracket, as well as distance between existing attachment "eyes". Please let me know if you have any questions, SIGN CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED BY LANDLORD TO REVIEW ONS/TE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF TENANT'S SIGN. SIGN CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO CONTACT GENERAL MANAGER 48 HOURS BEFORE ARRIVING TO INSTALL SIGN. SIGN CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE GENERAL MANAGER WITH A COPY OF THE SIGN PERMIT PRIOR TO INSTALLA TION OF SIGN, AND A COPY OF THE SIGN PERMIT SIGNED OFF B Y THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT UPON COMPLETION OF THE SIGN INSTALLATION, MflR-22-2005 17=36 9494615808 P.01 .CHELSEA PROPERTY INC Fax:9434B1bdUb ;>;/ §£H < Tl ,0] Approved or Approved'As Noted - fabrication/installation may be undertaken. If approved as noted, must conform to all landlord comments. Q Revise and Resubmit - fabrication/installation may not be undertaken. In resubmitting, limit corrections to tht items marked. • Installation of sign to be coordinated with mall management, not to disrupt business. • Must provide mail i.ianagcment with copy of permit St. insurance prior to.installation. • Mall management must sign off on sign installation when complete. Chelsea Property Group Tenant Management By MflR-22-2005 17:35 9494615808 P. 02 CHELSEA PROPERTY INC Fax:9494615806 Kar 22 2Q05 1 ;/ 'M . V. U4 om s o I j?J Approved or Approved'As Noted - fabrication/installation may be undertaken, n ^ approved as noted, must conform to all landlord comments. 1 1 Revise and Resubmit - fabricaiion/installauon may not be undertaken. In resubmitting, limit corrections to the items marked. • Installation of sign to be coordinated with mall management, not to disrupt business. • Must provide n«U management with copy of permit & insurance prior to installation. • Mall management must sign off on sign msiailation when complete. Chebea Property Group Tenant Management By Date 3- MflR-22-2005 17=36 9494615808 76X P. 04 int rax:s«s«bi:,ami • .1-. uo ~r\ § n w \s' aKl Approved or Approved'As Noted - fabrication/installation may be undertaken. If A approved as noted, must conform to all landlord comments. Q Revise and Resubmit - fabrication/installation may not be undertaken. In resubmitting, limit corrections to the items marked. • Installation of sign to be coordinated with mall management, not to disrupt business. • Must provide mall management with copy of permit & insurance prior to installation. • Mall management must sign off on sign installation when complete. Chelsea Property Group Tenant Management - "• ' By Date . MftR-22-2005 17:36 9494615809 .,.76*P. 03 CHELSEA PROPERTY INC Fax:9494615808 Mar 22 2UU5 ,.;J.7:32 P. Ub SOOz <m CO D 5 m r# Is J0 Approved or Approved As Noted - fabrication/installation may be undertaken. If approved as noted, must conform to all landlord comments. ; CU Revise and Resubmit - fabrication/installation may not be undertaken. In resubmitting, limit corrections to the items marked. • Installation of sign to be coordinated with mall management, not to disrupt business. • Must provide naH;management with copy of permit & insurance prior to installation. • Mall management must sign off on sign installation when complete.' • Chelsea Property Group '•• ' Tenant Management MftR-22-2005 17:37 9494615808 76*P. 05 fe I 1^50 $ "a o £o APPROVED BYzoy w E $5 £" Sg a a. UJ IQ UJ Q Z 0 *3OT 5Q SHEET NO..9-, II r- •4 a o ,9-, II ,81 0. * O UJ i o aUJi£ IO aUJ 1 I ccQL z:oto CL. i §I E UJi UJ to in *Oil •HOJCO1 OJ 0% CO1 OJ rT> CO1 OJ o^ OJi ro Co UJ Oa:LL t>0'd dncuo •3j;(duioo uatj* uoijiHKS'Ji uS;s uo yo uSis isms )uaui32TUBra ypsj^ ut oj lopd spu^jnsui 75 iirasd jo Kdco ID;A\ lasjircSEuc'.'t iusuq jdnjsip 01 jou 'juswaSBUSOi flBUi '^}i« psjsuipjooo sq o) u3;s j •pa^jsui sow!; 3!() o] SUOIPSJUOO jnuij •nusunuoo pioipuej n« M UUOJUOD jsnui 'poiou aq ^etu uo;iE[[Ksui/'uoijE3uqEj - paio^ sy paivo;ddvJO pSAOJddy I 2 <w Si* O- O j£ O.LL 0zI I g ^rj 1 ,. IU V) I I!I 2 I f— B \I 1-1 s 1 CD</> 3Sa. 0 w <Q iw o:—. o "- 559.0 HI ii5^w ji Q. =< ^O ?= LU LU Q CO LU 2 O LL r- - | ,:T, , ••--—••—-mrtJlC» ...JJ! > *, "j .4 « » .* » » » *i «. »' ,» »f! ?l ij i| ft H «?t U f*fSB*l f«? * K * s -' ( a »i i-A-n* * */ ••¥. . a* "'" : ALUMINUM REVERSE CHANNEL LETTER W/ BLACK GALVANIZED MIDDLE WHITE BACK LIT ) : APPLE GREEN REVERSED FLOWER xi WHITE BACK LIT : YELLOW POWDER COATED DECORATIVE SIGN BACKGROUND PROJECT LOCATION: #115 B / CARLSBAD PREMIUM OUTLET, CARLSBAD, CA 5620 PASEO DEL NORTE, #115 B, CARLSBAD CA, 92008