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PS 09-38; Bank of America; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 602-4610 PLANNIN' REC'D B DATEr3/i PLICATgN# SIGN PROGRAM FEE RECEIPT NO. REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT Planning Department AU plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following infonnation: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4;00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: ADDRESS OF PROJECT: ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S) TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (b) Commercial (c) Office/Industrial (d) Hotel/Motel (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Station (i) Public Park Prof. Care (j) Produce Stand Theater (k) Nursery Govt/Church (1) P-U/OSZone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA YesD No • Specific Plan Number VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesD No • Requires VR Approval SIGN ORDINANCE: YesD No • COASTAL ZONE: *************** Form 10 Revised 3/08 YesD • • • • No • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• Page 1 of 4 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument WaU Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes • PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: No • Date TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Pole** Monument** WaU Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner **Prior to approval, aU proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibUity issues. Additional information must supplement this appUcation showing how the proposed signage wiU not encroach into the public right-of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 iUustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. Form 10 Revised 3/08 Page 2 of4 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Traffic Engineering Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. Show building/s Show all property lines P/L curb line P/L ^ Sight Distance Requirement Show setbacks from all curbs Sight Visibility Street Name(s) I 0 North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. *************************************** Form 10 Revised 3/08 Page 3 of 4 EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGN ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATrVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMA- TION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: • In right-of-way • In visibility triangle at comer 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Traffic Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: Datec^"" Form 10 Revised 3/08 Page 4 of 4 Authorization and Consent Form LandioFd/Ownen Kelly Corporate Center, LLC Leased Premises: 6005 Hidden Valley Road Carisbad, CA 92009 Landlord Contact: O^^IST/fUi^ ^ ^A-Z/H e/SSA/^^gHUBr Telephone: ^f-^?^^-/^^/ Re: Countrywide - Bank of America Sign Conversion in my capacity as Landlord's official representative, I do fiereby authorize Bank of America to perform all worit associated with the sign conversion, i further authorize CB Richard Ellis or their representatives to obtain in Landlord's name all permits for fhe sign conversion hereby consented by Landlord. Costs associated with permit acquisition and signage replacement will be at tfie bank's expense. appiovai is as fblkws - K have reviewed the attached Sign Recommendation Book and have initialed the cover page indicating my approval. I have reviewed the attached Sign Recommendation Book and offer the foltowing comments: I am returning this Authorizatton and Consent Form, the initialed cover page of the Sign Recommendation Book, and any other pertinent documentation to Stephanie Lieb via fax (312-601-1283) or email (stephanie.lieb@am.jil.com). Landtord/Owner . . . . „ , Authorized By: ---t^u.-™' - - --^^x/*', Cmu^ Date: 1. This approval is subject to compliance of all City ofCarlsbad sign S#e C^ 1153 ordinances and granting of all appropriate pennits. 2. Ilieapprovalis contingent upon aUp»aetiations from the removal ofthe old signage being properly repaired and installation of tiic new signage being properly sealed. 3. All monument, directoiy and door signage 10 comply with building Standard. City of Carlsbad 163 5 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92 008 Applicant: SIGTECH Description PS090038 6005 HIDDEN VALLEY RD CBAD Amount 56 . 00 Receipt Number: R0074030 Transaction Date: 03/18/2009 Transaction ID: R0074030 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Check 56.00 Transaction Amount: 56.00 Home Loans Monuments Channel Letters Wall Cabinets Overeiew These documents are for design intent and shall be used only as a guide lo produce the finished sizes, appearances and functions shown. Nothing contained in these documents shall l>e construed as a design for any engineered element. The fabricator/contractor shall be responsible for all structural, electrical, mechanical and foundation infonnation contained on these pages shall not be engineering. See General Specifications for additional reproduced, copied or utilized except tor the specific requirements. These documents were not produced project for which they were created, without previous under an architectural seniices agreement. These written autttorization from Monigte Associates, Inc. drawings are part ot an original unpublished design © Monigle Associates, Inc. "All Rights Resenred" by Monigle Associates, Inc. The detailing and 150 Adams Street - Denver, Colorado 602D6 Toij I Drum Br !11 1. No: . CW-HL-01 MONIGLEi ASSOCIATES Home Loans 5iqntech 4444 Federal Blvd. SanDiego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100/Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN AS5CX;IATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115,&210 Carisbad, CA 92009 Date:-HMOS Salesperson: _A!lNayarro___ Coordinator: J<atie_NelSOn_ Designer: peggy Chiras Scale: AsNoted. A Revisions A A A A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date COPY; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproducea in whole or in part, vKithout their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: "| Of: 8 R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 • pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv Site Plan NTS Floor Plan NTS -I fo goaf 5iqntech 4444 Federal Blvd. SanDiego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115, «& 210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 n.tp- 11/17/08 Salesperson: _ArtNavarr^^_ Coordinator: J<M!eNe!S0n_^_ Designer-peggy Chiras Scale: AsNoted. Revisions A12/12/08 A 1/29/09 - pdc A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date COPX COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproducea in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: Of : R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc —m R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv EXISTING SIGNAGE 56 72" STOREFRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=r-0 116 3/8" 72- 51" 14- 72" — ^ m Courjttyvjride . HOh4 LOANS INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = 1 '-0" > 56 W PROPOSED SIGNAGE 'x^'' "^v''' "^v-'''' "X''' ""v' 39'-0" EQ -26' 7 7/8" ,EQ 001 HL-K3 STOREFRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1 '-0" PATCH AND PAINT WALL TO LIKE NEW CONDITION PAINT WALL COLOR: FRAZEE 2661W WOOD PANELS MEASURE: approx. 36" wide x 65" high to be verified 03 CD r-13/8 3 SCALE: 3/8" = r-0" 6igntech 4444 Federal Blvd. SanDiego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com in/SA INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115, &210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date: 11/17/08 Salesperson: Art Navarro Coordinator: J<at!eNe!son_ Designer-peggy chiras Scale: AsNoted. A Revisions A A A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date copy; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: 3 Of: 8 R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv 9 74" EXISTING SIGNAGE 10" PROPOSED SIGNAGE COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS no Cowiuywioe Bank. FSB M«ml>«FDIC NoCMJinOfflo.. BANK OF AMERICA HoMt LOANS no INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1 72" = I'-O" INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: NTS LL SUPPLIED SIGNAGE REFACE TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARDS COPY TO READ: BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: y2" = r-0" INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2" = I'-O" 5iqntech 4444 Federal Blvd. San Dlego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100/ Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115,&210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 n.tP- 11/17/08 Salesperson: ^Al1Nayarrg^_ Coordinator:J<atieNelsorL Designer-peggy Chiras Scale: AsNoted, /1\ 12/12/08 Revisions A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date COPY; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: Of; 4 R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv EXISTING SIGNAGE PROPOSED SIGNAGE EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: N.TS. EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: N.TS. LL SUPPLIED SIGNAGE REFACE TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARDS COPY TO READ: BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 1 III ./i I V vrvuj. I iwjfMLJ 1 2 INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: N.TS. INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: N.TS. QTY 3 LL SUPPLIED SIGNAGE REFACE TO MATCH BUILDING STANDARDS COPY TO READ: BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 6igntech 4444 Federal Blvd. SanDiego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115,&210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 n.tP- 11/17/08 Salesperson: Art Navarro Coordinator:_l<atieMson_ Designer: peggy chiras Scale: AsNoted. Revisions A 1/29/09 - pdc A A 1/29/09 - pdc A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date copy; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproduceci in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: 5 Of: 8 R3 R1: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3:^(sed-Sian 0JM-to-afillL-K3^2-3,Q9 oo CO CO 13'-6" 4 3/8" 4'-6" 4 5/8" 7'-10 7/8" 5" ^ Bank of America ome Loans SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SQFTger?^ H^ END VIEW SCALE: 3/8" = r-0" SIGN TYPE HL-K3 MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL ONE (1) INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FULL COLOR CHANNEL LETTER SET FACES: "BANK OF AlVIERICA' & PORTIONS OF BLUE ON FLAGSCAPE: TO BE .150" WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC #2447. FIRST SURFACE DECORATE WITH 3M #3632-8222 BLUE VINYL. ON SETS MOUNTED AT 12'-0" A.FF AND LOWER: TRIMCAP TO BE DEADSOFT ALUMINUM TRIMCAP PAINTED TO MATCH 3M #3632-8222 BLUE VINYL. ON SETS MOUNTED ABOVE 12'-0" A.FF AND ABOVE; TRIMCAP TO BE 1" JEWELITE #6112A INTENSE BLUE TRIMCAP RED PORTIONS OF FLAGSCAPE AND "HOIVIE LOANS": TO BE .150" WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC #2447. FIRST SURFACE DECORATE WITH 3M #3632-2472 RED VINYL. ON SETS MOUNTED AT 12'-0" A.FF AND LOWER: TRIMCAP TO BE DEADSOFT ALUMINUM TRIMCAP PAINTED TO MATCH 3M #3632-2472 RED VINYL. ON SETS MOUNTED ABOVE 12'-0" A.FF AND ABOVE: TRIMCAP TO BE 1" JEWELITE #78246 RED TRIMCAP RETURNS: 050" x 5" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS. RETURNS. PAINT FINISH ALL EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES MATTHEWS MP#21668R6595 WHITE SATIN FINISH. PAINT ALL INTERIOR SURFACES WITH SPRAY LAT STARBRITE WHITE LIGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT BACKS 063" ALUMINUM PAINT FINISH ALL EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES MATTHEWS MP#21668R6595 WHITE SATIN FINISH. PAINT ALL INTERIOR SURFACES WITH SPRAY LAT STARBRITE WHITE LIGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT STAPLE TO LETTER RETURNS WITH S.S. STAPLES AS REQ'D. ILLUMINATION: LED LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE ELECTRA-LED 24 SERIES RED AND BLUE UNITES PER ELECTRS-LED DRAWING SPECIFICATION. SEE DRAWINGS FOR SPECS AND LAYOUT POWER SUPPLY TO BE SPECIFIED BY ELECTRA-LED. PROVIDE WEEP HOLES AS REQUIRED TO MEET U.L. SPECIFICATIONS. PEG OFF WALL 1/4", SEE DETAIL 6igntech 4444 Federal Blvd. SanDiego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115, & 210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Date: 11/17/08 Salesperson: _Maya!IO^^_ Coordinator: J<MeNe!sorL Designer: peggy Chiras Scale: AsNoted. Revisions A A A A A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date copy; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproducea in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: Of: R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec book dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv 1. SYMBOL FACE TO BE .150" WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC #2447.USE .250" MATERIAL ON LEHERS 24" AND LARGER. FIRST SURFACE DECORATE WITH 3M #3632-8222 BLUE VINYL. 2. SYMBOL FACE TO BE .150" WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC #2447. USE .250" MATERIAL ON LETTERS 24" AND LARGER. FIRST SURFACE DECORATE WITH 3M #3632-2472 RED VINYL. 3. NOT USED FOR FULL COLOR 4. DEADSOFT ALUMINUM TRIMCAP FORM AS SHOWN. USE WHEN LETTERS TO BE MOUNTED AT 12'-0" A.FF OR LOWER PAINT TO MATCH LEHER FACE. 5.1" JEWELITE TRIM CAP #6112A INTENSE BLUE. USE ON BLUE PORTION OF SYMBOL WHEN LETTER IS MOUNTED ABOVE 12'-0". 6. 1" JEWELITE TRIM CAP #78246 RED. USE ON RED PORTION OF SYMBOL WHEN LETTER IS MOUNTED ABOVE 12'-0". 7. NOT USED FOR FULL COLOR 8. NOT USED FOR FULL COLOR 9. NOT USED FOR FULL COLOR 10. .050" ALUM. RETURNS. PAINT FINISH ALL EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES MATTHEWS MP#21668R6595 WHITE SATIN FINISH. PAINT ALL INTERIOR SURFACES WITH SPRAY LAT STARBRITE WHITE LIGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT 11. .063" ALUM. LEHER BACKS. EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES MATTHEWS MP#21668R6595 WHITE SATIN FINISH. PAINT ALL INTERIOR SURFACES WITH SPRAY LAT STARBRITE WHITE LIGHT ENHANCEMENT PAINT STAPLE TO LETTER RETURNS WITH S.S. STAPLES AS REQ'D. 12. SECURE TO EXISTING WALL WITH #10 X 2" HEX HEAD SCREWS INTO PLASTIC ANCHORS OR AS REQUIRED USING MOUNTING CLIPS. DO NOT EXCEED 1 V2 STANDOFF MIN. 4 PER LEHER. VERTICAL SECTION SCALE:NTS VERTICAL SECTION BLUE LETTER V SCALE:NTS 13. 1/2" SEAL TITE FLEXIBLE CONDUIT AS NEEDED TO MEET ALL U.L. REQUIREMENTS FOR WET LOCATIONS. 14. J-BOX AS REQUIRED 15. 1/2" RIGID OR FLEXIBLE CONDUIT AS REQ'D. TO MEET U.L. SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPLICATION. 16. TRANSFORMER TO BE SPECIFIED BY ELECTRA-LED 17. L.E.D. LIGHTING SYSTEM TO BE ELECTRA-LED 24 SERIES RED & BLUE UNITS PER ELECTRA-LED DRAWING SPECIFICATION. SEE ELECTRA-LED DRAWINGS GI .1-G6 FOR SPECS AND LAYOUT 18. PROVIDE WEEP HOLES AS REQ'D TO MEET U.L SPECIFICATIONS. 6igntech 4444 Federal Blvd. San Dlego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIOMAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste no, 115, & 210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 n.t»- 11/17/08 • Art Navarro Salesperson Coordinator:J<afleNe|SOn_ Designer: peggy chlras Scale: AiNQted. A Revisions A A A A A A A A A CUSTOMER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date COPY; cotoHS & s;zES Signtech does NOT provide primary electrical to sign location - RESPONSIBIUTY OF OTHERS! Date Customer Signature This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot iDe reproduceci in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: J Of: 8 R3 Rl: Added 004 per KN -12/12/08 - pdc R2: added 005 and 006 per revised rec bool< dated 1.29.09 - pdc R3: Revised Sign 001 to an HL-K3.-02.23.09 -sv 4'-1" 3'-0" 1'-1 3/8 4" 6" 21" SCALE: 3/4"=I'-O" SQ. FT : 4.5 002 I SIGN TYPE HL - J6.4 MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL ONE (1) SET OF NON-ILLUMINATED WHITE PLATE LETTERS ALL COPY AND LOGO: 'A" THICK ANODIZED BRUSHED ALUMINUM PLATE HYDRO-JET CUT PROVIDE HORIZONTAL BRUSHED FINISH #4. ATTACH AS SHOWN IN DETAIL TO THE RIGHT WALL SURFACE .25" THICK ALUM. WELDED NUT WITH • THREADED STUD TO BACK OF LETTER/LOGO ATTACHMENT TO WALL VA" -THREADED STUD SECTION SCALE: 1:1 6igntech 4444 Federal Blvd. San Diego CA 92102 Phone: (619) 527-6100 / Fax: (619) 527-6111 www.signtechUSA.com INTERNATIONAL SIGN ASSOCIATION Bank of America Home Loans #1153 6005 Hidden Valley Rd Ste 110, 115, & 210 Carlsbad, CA 92009 n.tP- 11/17/08 Salesperson: _MNayarro__ Coordinator:J<it!eNe|SOn___ Designer-peggy chiras Scale: AsNfitei. Revisions A A A A A A A A A A CUSTOIVIER APPROVAL Customer Signature Date COPY; COLORS & SIZES Signtech does NOT provide primary elecfrical to sign location - RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS! Customer Signature Date This design is the exclusive property of Signtech and cannot be reproduceci in whole or in part, without their prior written approval. Drawing Number: 08-01465 Work Order Number: 42384 Sheet: 8 Of: 8 R3