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PS 10-13; Froots; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
REVIEW FOR SIGN Development Services •P A PERMIT Planning Department PERMIT 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD P-11 (760) 602-4610 CARLSBAD www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNINGJKPPUCATION # PS jO^tS REC'D BYCJ\JUA • JURX^* DATE3li<7//0 SIGN FE SIGN PROGRAM FEE RECEIPT NO. All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: FftooXS ADDRESS OF PROJECT: 3p 1 ^ Gt^P^P:^. f j C^X la rt A. ^ -CA ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: o| I 1^ J ^ f ^ RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): CofAiVlerc \cx. \ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) Hotel/Motel (g) Theater (j) Produce Stand (b) Commercial (e) Service Station (h) Gov't/Church (k) Nursey (c) Office/Industrial (f) Prof. Care (i) Public Park (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA YesQ NoQ Specific Plan Number VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesQ NoQ Requires VR Approval P-11 Page 1 of 4 Revised 04/09 SIGN ORDINANCE: YesD NoQ COASTAL ZONE: YesD NoQ EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: YesQ NoQ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: Date TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Pole** Monument** Wall 3 31 Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: H/^ TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. p-11 Page 2 of 4 Revised 04/09 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Traffic Engineering Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. Show building/s P/L Show all property lines P/L I ^ Sight Distance Requirement Show setbacks from all curbs curb line Sight Visibility Street NaTOe(s) © North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGN p-11 Page 3 of 4 _sq. ft. ,sq. ft. sq. ft. .sq. ft. sq. ft. . sq. ft. Revised 04/09 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) f/e/?/ (A/PPISP MAILING ADDRESS ^ CLVS MAILING ADDRESS H^3>0 m,s5m^ GoC^e PL CITYAND^QWTE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE 33A lOiA^y. CJ^ '3S^)^0 1 CERTIFY THAT 1 AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1 CERTIFY THAT 1 AM TIHE'REIPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE B^ OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ,^737\AyP i^^^ ^//l/^o,6 SIGNATURE DATE SIGf^ATt^E DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: • In right-of-way • In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Traffic Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: p-11 Page 4 of 4 Revised 04/09 City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 1004801-2 02/17/2010 96 Wed, Feb 17, 2010 02:14 PM Receipt Ref Nbr: R1004801-2/0057 ****** BEGIN VOIDED TRANSACTION ****** CITATION - CITATION (PARKING) Tran Ref Nbr: 100480102 0057 0060 Name; OBRERO Citation; CB238643 Amount; 1 @ $100.00 Item Subtotal: $100,00 Item Total: $100.00 ******* END VOIDED TRANSACTION ******* PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr: 100480102 0057 0061 **************************************** * DUPLICATE COPY * * 02/17/2010 02:39:04 PM * **************************************** Trans/Rcpt#: R0078228 SET #: CBI00286 Amount: 1 S $169.34 Item Subtotal: $169.34 Item Total; $169.34 PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr: 100480102 0057 0062 Trans/Rcpt#: R0078227 SET #; PS100013 Amount; 1 @ $56.00 Item Subtotal: $56.00 Item Total: $56.00 3 rTEM(S) TOTAL; 4:225.34 Creriii Card (Auth# 061653) $225.34 Total iceived; $225.34 Have a nice dayl city of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Applicant: CARTER KERI Description PS100013 2675 GATEWAY RD CBAD Amount 56 . 00 Receipt Number: RO078227 Transaction Date: 02/17/2010 Transaction ID: R0078227 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Credit Crd VISA 56.00 Transaction Amount: 56.00 February 17.2010 Keri Carter Via e-mail CNP Signs & Graphics 4530 Mission Gorge Plaza San Dieao. CA 92^20 Re: Bressi Village Retail Center - Carlsbad, CA Lease between LNR CFI Bressi Retail. LLC Cl.andlord"" and Froots 4 U, LLC ("Tenant") Approved Tenant Signage Dear Keri: Landlord has reviewed the proposed building signage for Tenanfs suite as shown in Tenant's attached signage submittal received by Landlord on February 17, 2010. Landlord hereby approves Tenant's proposed signage submittal as noted vvith comments made by Landlord on pages 1 through 5. Please note that Tenant must obtain City permil approval prior to signage installation. Please contact me at 949.885.8207 with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Brian Payne LNR CP'l Bressi Retail. LLC Cc: Mervyn Morris, Froots 4 U, LLC Froots Franchising Companies, Inc. •'7'., , i,-i.ri!LLii;.;!;iAn:0?-"-xf-iii T I )' r ^ TOTAI SO. FOOTACi ^ 1135 SIGNS & GRAPHICS I2? W ELCAMItJORtAi ) CARLSSAD, CA 9:D08 / SITE PLA!! AND S!6fi KEY J^OItl CNP Sinn! I. C-fcpN OT NeXf-MELTi NORTH ELEVATION P WEST ELEVATION iCHAIilia :.E:'il-li' SIGWS & GRAPHICS .11(1 Iff ( Fl Dit.ffi!. C,A!*;'I.-1) •,2, (! f. CARLSBAD. CA SJiOS ERI CARTES .itfiEWREAD MI«,il:..,y=-.H-.-l.,ittHIMi _;2010 CHP Signs a Gtc^liic EAST ELEVATION •"fROriTSHAIOIUliUilNATED: iamm itrmmi mtt SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3.-.J2- •- r r A\ '•/: 127 UEL CAMIM REAL; CARLSBAO, cyxsm KERI CARTER !1RE'HYREAD oz/os/so STTED 12010 CMP Signs £ Gtfipiti OT FRONT mw EUD i/im FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LEHERS (12.63 SQ. R.) Sf;A;.t: r •- r-o- !-i\:^i5-rimnnn!! .118' ACRV: IC f-Art W; APPlinO VirJYI. CHARCf^ •^1 A; / / \ / /\\ SfcnowDfw/i FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS SC.Al f MS SIGNS & GRAPHIC: f ( < ri r mam: rormcc / P It IP" c;im.siiSD,^A<ispo8 " 11 f J 1 " or , Lo 1 orcn iQ-'OS 3seiss """"2 i" 000K)5 of FROffT VIEW fmm & HALO ILLUWINATED CHANNEL LETTERS (-7.26 SO, FT.) SCfii i r ^ r-ir POWEn SUPPLY AllllvllllltMPlCilll^OfiDIIIT ^ 1 ur AOinri iC TAC!^ W: App! iplt VlfiVI ';PAr|]ICI^ — S;,CAMU.OVSlK|!:SLtOSI01jiiL[ — fil)l,:r AL.Ijp;itii:H RLTUUMS — aFfpiita.rS -icii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |C4] END VIEW sfcnowDfr/i/i FRONTS HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS 1 Ift HIT rr H F 1 ICP ' C^A'iHIC ARLSBAr); CA SJOI'i! If T JEfiEMVifEAD 10 c |P wmmmmmmmm of KEY ED m FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED 2'-7" X 6'-10 1/4" CHANNEL LETTER WALL SIGN @ 12.63 SQ. FT CFROOTS"). FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED 2'-2" X 4'-2 7/8" CHANNEL LETTER WALL SIGN @ 7.26 SQ. FT CFROOTS"). TOTAL SQ. FOOTAGE = 19.89 SIGN PERMIT NO. PS /O- /• PLANNING BUILDING APPROVED BY T:.: —1 =-f-* SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 60'-0" SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4530 Mission Gorge Place San Diego. CA 92120 Tel: 619.283.2191 Fax: 619.283.9503 Web: www.cnpsigns.com FROOTS Fresh Smoathles, Salads & Wraps PROJECT FROOTS 2675 Gateway Rd Carlsbad, CA SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN AND SIGN KEY ACCT RER KERI CARTER DESIGNER JEREMY READ DATE SCALE 02/08/10 NOTED CUSTOMER APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED, THIS DRAWING IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION The information shown is for permitting and design intent only. Colors shown are representations of the indicated specifications, and may not be an exact match of the finished product. ©2010 CNP Signs & Graphics The original concepts and/or illustrations contained in this document/design are The exclusive properly of CNP Signs & Graphics. Disclosure or reproduction of this design, in any manner or medium without authonzed arid wntten consent of CNP is expressly fortidden. 10-108 REVISION NO. 2 REVISIONS 308155 000000 02/11/10 JR 7 OOOaDO DeSIGNtH 10 KEY NO. 1 Of 5 104'-0" TriTnTT>>-III Illi 1 11 HT 1 }7Xx, FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED 2'-7" X 6'-10 1/4" III CHANNEL LEHER WALL SIGN @ 12.63 SQ, FT CFROOTS"). iW-Zifr m-IIII 11 Mil II U I II II III II i liiJJJi W J 11 n 1 M II III WWilWii 11 IT iiiVi Tinfi WW lllll NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = I'-O" 64'-0" WEST ELEVATION SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4530 Mission Gorge Place San Diego, CA92120 Tel: 619.283.2191 Fax: 619.283.9503 Web: www.cnpsigns.com FROOTS Fresh Smoothies, Salads & Wraps PROJECT FROOTS LOCATON 2675 Gateway Rd Carlsbad, CA SHEET TTTIE ELEVATIONS ACCT. RER KERI CARTER DESIGNER JEREMY READ DATE 02/08/10 SCALE NOTED CUSTOMER APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED, THIS DRAWING IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION. The infomiation shown is for permitting and design intent only. Colors shown are representations of the indicated specifications, and may not be an exact match of the finished product. ©2010 CNP Signs & Graphics The original concepts and/or illustraUons contained in this document/design are The exclusive property of CNP Signs & Graphics, Disclosure or reproduction of this design, in any manner or medium without authorized and wntten consent of CNP is expressly forbidden. 10-108 PROJECT* 308155 REVISION NO 2 wo# 000000 REVISIONS 1 02/11/10 JR 7 2 02/17/10 JR a 3 > * ,0 11 12 5 6 ,0 11 12 KEY NO DO 2 0' 5 SCALE: 3/32" = I'-O" 104'-0" _rm FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED 2'-2" X 4'-2 7/8" "LU CHANNEL LETTER WALL SIGN @ 7,26 SQ, FT CFROOTS") ITiTiTlIll lll,nrTrr> SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = I'-O' 64'-0" 3M "B Q a nTrrTT>, MiTT II II ITII II lYlMTrTirTT^.^ EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/32" = I'-O" SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4530 Mission Gorge Place San Diego, CA 92120 Tel: 619.283,2191 Fax: 619.283,9503 Web: www.cnpsigns.com FROOTS Fresh Smoothies. Salads & Wraps PROJECT FROOTS 2675 Gateway Rd Carlsbad, CA SHEH TITLE ELEVATIONS ACCT RER KERI CARTER DESIGNER JEREMY READ DATE SCALE 02/08/10 NOTED CUSTOMER APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED, THIS DRA WING IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION The information shown is for permitting and design intent only. Colors shown are representations of the indicated specifications, and may not be an exact match of Ihe finished product. ©2010 CNP Signs & Graphics The original concepts and/or illustrations contained in this document/design are The exclusive property of CNP Signs & Graphics Disclosure or reproduction of this design, in any manner or medium without authorized ar>d written consent of CNP is expressly forOidden. 10-108 REVISION NO 2 REVISIONS 1 02/11/10 JR 2 02/17/10 JR PB0JKT# 308155 000000 KEY NO a 3 °' 5 6'-101/4 5" 2" COLOR SPECIFICATIONS PAINT Cl ^^^^ 3M 3630-156 "VIVID GREEN" TRANSLUCENT VINYL 02 WHITE ACRYLIC FACES 03 3M 7725-10 "WHITE" OPAQUE VINYL PAINT TO MATCH MAHHEWS BLACK W/ SATIN FINISH FRONT VIEW END VIEW SQUARE FOOTAGE LEAF: 2,50 SQ FT LETTERS & CABINET: 10,13 SQFT 72,63 SQUARE FEET TOTAL AREA FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS (12.63 SQ. FT.) SCALE: 1" = r-O" 1" TRIMCAP LAG BOLTS 3/4" STANDOFFS (2" FROM WALL) POWER SUPPLY ALUMINUM RIGID CONDUIT PASS-THROUGH 0.118" ACRYLIC FACE W/APPLIED VINYL GRAPHICS 0.118" CLEAR ACRYLIC BACK SLOAN LED V-SERIES LED MODULE WALL 0.040" ALUMINUM TABS 0.063" ALUMINUM RETURNS WEEP HOLES SECTION DETAIL FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS SCALE: NTS SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4530 Mission Gorge Place San Diego, CA 92120 Tel: 619,283,2191 Fax: 619,283,9503 Web: www,cnpsigns,com FROOTS Fresh Smoothies, Salads & Wraps PROJECT FROOTS 2675 Gateway Rd Carlsbad, CA SHEET TITLE WALL SIGNS ACCT RER KERI CARTER DESIGNER JEREMY READ DATE SCALE 02/08/10 NOTED CUSTOMER APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED. THIS DRA WING IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION. The information shown is for permitting and design intent only. Colors shown are representations of the indicated specifications, and may not be an exact match of the finished product. ©2010 CNP Signs & Graphics The original concepls and/or illuslrations contained in Ihis document/design are The exdusive properly o( CNP Signs & Graphics. Disclosure or reproduction of this design, in any manner or medium wittiout auttiorized and wntten consent of CNP is expressly forbidden. DWS# 10-108 PROJECT* 308155 R£VISIONNO 2 wo# 000000 REVISIONS 1 02/11/10 jn 7 2 0217/10 JR S • : 10 1, G 12 KEY NO ED 4 of 5 4'-2 7/8" FROOTS Fresh Smoothies, Salads & Wrap: I^MH ALUMINUM BLANK PAINTED TO MATCH WALL 5" 2- Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 COLOR SPECIFICATIONS PAINT c, 02 3M 3630-156 "VIVID GREEN" TRANSLUCENT VINYL 3M 3630-33 '7?£D" TRANSLUCENT VINYL C3 C4 • 3M 7725-13 "TOMATO RED" OPAQUE VINYL WHITE ACRYLIC COPY C5 PAINT TO MATCH MATTHEWS BLACK W/ SATIN FINISH FRONT VIEW FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS (7.26 SQ. FT.) SCALE: 1" = r-0" END VIEW \SQUARE FOOTAGE LEAF: 0,90 SQFT 1 LETTERS & CABINET: 6,36 SQFT 7.26 SQUARE FEET TOTAL AREA r TRIMCAP LAG BOLTS 3/4" STANDOFFS (2" FROM WALL) POWER SUPPLY ALUMINUM RIGID CONDUIT PASS-THROUGH 0.118" ACRYLIC FACE W/ APPLIED VINYL GRAPHICS 0.118" CLEAR ACRYLIC BACK SLOAN LED V-SERIES LED MODULE WALL 0,040" ALUMINUM TABS 0,063" ALUMINUM RETURNS WEEP HOLES SECTION DETAIL FRONT & HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS SCALE: NTS SIGNS & GRAPHICS 4530 Mission Gorge Place San Diego, CA92120 Tel: 619.283.2191 Fax: 619,283,9503 Web: www,cnpsigns,com FROOTS Fresh Smoothies, Salads & Wraps PROJEa FROOTS 2675 Gateway Rd Carlsbad, CA SHEET TITLE WALL SIGNS ACaRER KERI CARTER DESIGNER JEREMY READ DATE SCALE 02/08/10 NOTED CUSTOMER APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFIED. THIS DRAWING IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION The information shown is for permitting and design intent only. Colors shown are representations of the indicated specifications, and may not be an exact match of the finished product. ©2010 CNP Signs & Graphics The original concepts and/or illustrattons contained m this document/design are The exclusive property of CNP Signs & Graphics Disclosure or reproduction of this design, in any manner or medium without authorized and wntten consent of CNP is expressly forbidden owa# PROJECT* 10-108 308155 RCVtSMNNO no* 2 000000 REVISIONS 1 OZai/10 * 2 0217/10 * KEY NO 5 of 5