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PS 10-46; Sandy Paws Animal Clinic; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
^ REVIEW FOR SIGN Development Services PERMIT Planning Department ^'^^ CITYOF r> AA ^^^^ Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING APPLICATION #^^1^ L)(^ REC'D BY DATE \0-\^-\t> SIGN FEE SIGN PROGRAM FEE RECEIPT NO. All plans submitted for sign pemiits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materiais the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: J/j^P'^ f/ft^J /^/U//*f/fL <: 1//V/C ADDRESS OF PROJECT: '^Oj^ /lV€/<^/P/f eAJC/jQ/fS #7^^ ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) Hotel/Motel (g) Theater G) Produce Stand c£BP Commercial (e) Service Station (h) Gov't/Church (k) Nursey (c) Office/Industrial (f) Prof. Care (i) Public Park (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR nn ^ k SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA YesH NoD Specific Plan Number V^'yPc VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesD NoQ Requires VR Approval P-11 Page 1 of 4 Revised 04/09 SIGN ORDINANCE: YesQ NoD COASTAL ZONE: YesQ NoD EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument II— — .11., Jl „—„•—.,• Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: YesQ NoD PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: Date TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Pole** Monument** Wall p/ui Suspended JT Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. P-11 Page 2 of 4 Revised 04/09 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Traffic Engineering Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. Show buQding/s P/L Show all property lines P/L ^ Sight Distance Requirement Show setbacks from all curbs curb line Sight Visibility Street Name(s) ® North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGN. p-11 Page 3 of 4 _sq. ft. . sq. ft. . sq. ft. , sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. Revised 04/09 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) MAILING ADDRESS ^ .^^ MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE ^ CITY AND STATE ZIP ^JELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: • In right-of-way • In visibility triangle at comer 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Traffic Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry Date:j£zlU^ APPROVED: Planner: p-11 Page 4 of 4 Revised 04/09 DCNMAHUE 5CHRIB6R June 14, 2010 Judith McClure SANDY PAWS ANIMAL CLINIC, INC. 331 9"^ Street Del Mar, California 92014 RE; Revised Sign Response Poinsettia Village Carlsbad, Califomia The sign submittal received at our office for the above-referenced project has been reviewed and approved as noted. Please use the comments noted on the drawings and the guidelines listed below to make any necessary adjustment to your documents and the installation of your sign. 1. All signs shall be reviewed for conformance with the sign criteria and overall design quality and is not a plan check for dimensional errors, code violations or any other restrictions to the property. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the sole right of the Landlord/Manager. 2. Prior to the installation and manufacture of any sign, the Tenant shall provide Landlord with a copy of the sign permit from the governmental agency having jurisdiction. 3. Each tenant shall be responsible to repair any damage to any surface caused by the signage or its' installation. 4. Landlord reserves the right to periodically hire an independent electrical engineer, at Tenant's sole expense, to inspect the installation of all Tenants' signs. Tenants shall be required to have any discrepancies and/or code violations corrected at Tenant's expense. Any code violations, requests for sign removals, or discrepancies not corrected within fifteen (15) days of notice, may be corrected by the Landlord at Tenant's expense. 5. Upon vacancy, Tenant shall remove sign and restore fascia to original condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense within fifteen (15) days of expiration of term or earlier termination of Tenant's lease. KX; Costj Me\d, tA 92&?5 '714) 545-1400 FAX (714^ 545 4222 nttp //.w/vv Hon-ihur'S'-hiibf-i tC June 14, 2010 Sandy Paws Animal Clinic Poinsettia Village Page 2 6. Exposed junction boxes, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduit, or raceways of any type are NOT PERMITTED. 7. Sign manufacturer's names, stamps, or decals may not be visible from the street or normal viewing angles. 8. Tenant's sign contractor shall install and connect sign display and primary wiring at sign location approved by Landlord. Signs are to be connected to the J-box provided by the Landlord, which is connected to the Landlord's house panel, and shall be wired to Landlord's control at Landlord's timer for uniform control of hours of illumination unless otherwise directed by Landlord. 9. Prior to sign installation, we require the following: a. A copy of your sign contractor's insurance certificate naming Donahue Schriber Realty Group. L.P.: Donahue Schriber Realty Group. Inc. and Donahue Asset Management Corporation, as additional insured (with additional insured endorsement page attached). b. A copy of the permit and the contractor's license. c. At least 48 hour notice of date of install and requesting access to electrical room, if required. Should any other contractor provide installations or other work on the site, please call me to coordinate insurance requirements. In the event that the above information contradicts the lease signage criteria, the lease signage criteria are to supersede. Should you have any questions, please call me at 714.966.3213. Sincerely, mUE SCHRIBER )T5ivArmstrong Project Manager cc: Janice Fenimore-Scott, DSRG File NIGHT RENDERING 3'-10' Approved as Noted: • Not Approved. Retumed fbr Correctiont Sign to be Pegged from Wall AlUnatollatloiia roust Conform to Critsria DONAHUE SCtt^RIBER STORE FRONT 20-0" SANDY PAWS iTORE FRONT ELEVATION SCALE:l/4' = r-0' SIGN SPECIFICATIONS: SANDY PAWS O CHANNEL LEHERS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY WHITE L.E.D.'S O 3/16" BLUE PLEX FACE (2051) O 3/4' BLUE TRIM-CAP SILVA TRIM CAP 967524 O 5'WHITE RETURNS O STANDARD FRONT ILLUMINATION SIGN SPECIFICATIONS: ANIMAL CLINIC O CHANNEL LETTERS HALO LIT BY WHITE L.E.D.'S O .050 ALUMINUM PAINTED PANTONE 31 IC O 2* WHITE RETURNS O HALO ILLUMINATED OWE CUSTO«EllfROJ£a/»00«SS ' UHMBK cs^om APfnovw. 1 C'iWiSC .-• m {<taai t^v cuisaui u mi i PAGE 1 KO SAlfSPEISOtl NM I 5,3/18 ID 6 5,18.'!8 ID 2 5/M8 KD 7 10 3 5/6/18 KD 1 5/2/18 ID 4 5/1S/1I RO » M8/10 SO 5 5fl2/1fl KO C 2010 S^n Methods. Inc rn«M drawinflt co«<»ffi» an 1h% prop*rry Snjw MtfThods. Inc S<«nal Hdl. CA ortd ihall net b« ufl«d or ck.'pi>cal*d m oi or port, wntKout ttt« MpcstMd writTttn coruont a' on outhoruad t*gna*ory of Sign Mothodk. liK tn^coobW 6y cOfTyngM tow 8'-0" SANDY PAWS SIGN ELEVATION SCALE i r=r-0' SQ FT. 8. UD M uuK) aaau •<• w « M MMa man MMIAiMiitaa ifjiiwjiwonmi JLm] ULLgrg^ :^^ SIGN METHODS INC. liO - FRONT ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER W/ SPACERS 6"r ANIMAL CLINIC SIGN ELEVATION COFT4 SCALE: l/r-l'-O' t^ r \ \ Ms a« NUBS mHMapiMan w> SIGN METHODS INC. |uL tf4s| UU LED - REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LEHERS ....... SCALE r • so S WmT ur GO HO DA7E 4/6/18 CUiTOWK/PROJECr/ADORESS ^iN'tHr cusromR APPKOVAL PAGE 4 6 2010 Siyn Methodt. ITK Thtm draw<r>yft''conc«p>s oro mo oroi>«rTy o* S»gf> Mothod* bK Signal M* CA and »ho» nof t>« rf»od or tKiplkolod. in oR oc pof» -r.inow' lh« oipreis^d writfon conMflt ol or* Obthoruod ugnotory o* S^"^ Mofhodf. Inc ontorctoblo by copyngKl to-r 0RAW1HG# )84M ra« tiTwu ENSus #iH ouuuo, a mil LAffflLORD APPROVAL 4 6 2010 Siyn Methodt. ITK Thtm draw<r>yft''conc«p>s oro mo oroi>«rTy o* S»gf> Mothod* bK Signal M* CA and »ho» nof t>« rf»od or tKiplkolod. in oR oc pof» -r.inow' lh« oipreis^d writfon conMflt ol or* Obthoruod ugnotory o* S^"^ Mofhodf. Inc ontorctoblo by copyngKl to-r SULE KD V.-:' SALtSPEISON NM 1 5/3/10 KO 6 5/!e/IO RD 2 5/5/10 RD 7 5/U/16 ID 3 S/t/18 RO ! 5/Z'18 RD 4 5/18/18 ID 9 6/10/lC RO 5 5/12/11 n 6 2010 Siyn Methodt. ITK Thtm draw<r>yft''conc«p>s oro mo oroi>«rTy o* S»gf> Mothod* bK Signal M* CA and »ho» nof t>« rf»od or tKiplkolod. in oR oc pof» -r.inow' lh« oipreis^d writfon conMflt ol or* Obthoruod ugnotory o* S^"^ Mofhodf. Inc ontorctoblo by copyngKl to-r STORE FRONT 20'-0 SANDY PAWS AWOMAL ©Ll S NIGHT RENDERING 1 h> < 1 » 1 H 1 • o S'-IO" SIGN METHODS INC. 1749E.28THSI SIGNAL HIU.CA 90755 800-655-4336 F: 562-427-6875 STORE FRONT ELEVATION saLE:i/4"=r-r SIGN SPECIFICATIONS: SANDY PAWS O CHANNEL LEHERS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY WHITE L.E.D.'S O 3/16" BLUE PLEX FACE (2051) O 3/4" BLUE TRIM-CAP SILVA TRIM CAP 967524 O 5" VlfHITE RETURNS O STANDARD FRONT ILLUMINATION SIGN SPECIFICATIONS: ANIMAL CLINIC O CHANNEL LEHERS HALO LIT BY WHITE L.E.D.'S O .050 ALUMINUM PAINTED PANTONE 311C O 2" WHITE RETURNS O HALO ILLUMINATED DATE 4/6/10 CUSTOMER/PROJEa/ADDRESS SANDY PAWS CUSTOMER APPROVAL PAGE 1 DRAWING # 10-046 7040 AVENIDA ENCINAS #109 CARLSBAD, CA 92011 UNDLORD APPROVAL PAGE 1 DRAWN BY RD REVISIONS 1 5/3/10 RD 2 5/5/10 RD 3 5/6/10 RD 4 5/10/10 RD 5 5/12/10 RD SCALE NOTED SALESPERSON NM 6 5/18/10 RD 7 5/18/10 RD 8 5/2/10 RD 9 6/10/10 RD © 2010 Sign Methods, Inc. These drawings/concepts are the property of Sign Methods, Inc., Signal Hill, CA and shall not be used or duplicated, in all or part, without the expressed written consent of an authorized signatory of Sign Methods, Inc., enforceable by copyright law. LISTED SIGN OR SIGN SECTION (CONSISTS OF FROHT UT CHANNEL LETTER, PVC SPACERS, LE D. STRIPS, AND PLEX FAO W/ TRIM CAP) SUITABLE FOR DAMP WH, OR OUTDOOR LOUTIONS -0 10' 8'-0" SANDY PAWS SIGN ELEVATION SCALE:l/2"=l'-0" SQ FT. 8. PVC SPACER 1/4" i4" NYLON ANCHORS USTINSMAKS; WALL VARIES IN THICKNESS ANO MATERIAL USTING MARi; LABEL 8IOUIBE0 ON UCH SIGN 08 SIGN SfCTION m FIRST BLANK SPACE IDENTIFIES IHE NUMBER OF EACH SION SEOION. THE SECOND lUNK SPAOINDICATB TNE TOTAL NUMBEROF SIGH SECTIONS USTED SIGN SECTION (CONSISTS OF CUSS 2 TRANSFORMER AND ENaOSURE) SUITABLE FOI DAMP WCT, 01OUTDOOI LOanONi GROUNDED ENCLOSURE, ACCESSIBLE NEC 600-3,688-5(t)(l )(2), 608-7, 608-8,68e-9(d),608-2U 680-23 LISTED DISCONNEa SWITCH NK 118-3(81.680-6 CUSS 2 TRANSFORMER (12 VOLTS DC SECONDARY) FASTENERS AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL JURISDOION TNIS SIM IS umWIfB TO IIINSUIUO HI ACCOtUIKE WITH TfS UOBIIEMIICTS OF Amax 600 OF m MTIOUI ELKTSKAI OWE nam onn APPUUBU locu coois. TMS maUBD PtOPft SMOmiK AW UNDIHS Of THE SIML SEAL BUIIDING PtNCIIUlIlON(S) TO COMPLY WITH APPUCABlf BUILDINC CODE REOUIREMENTS UL #48 UL LISTED ELECTRIC SIGN SIGN METHODS INC. ©2010 Sign Methods, Inc LED - FRONT ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LEHER W/ SPACERS 6"r ANIMAL CLINIC SIGN ELEVATION SCALE:l/2"=l'-0" SQ FT 4 USTtD SO OH SICK SfOWK (COHSISIS OF RnfKI PH* OUKNtl lETTEJ, nc SMQIS. LLO SniPS. MD OiAl POITCAUOIUIIIMKINGI SUIT/UU FO! DW wn, DR OUTDOOR lOUTIOHS LtonRIPS- (1?V011SDC) HEIGKT VARIS AuaniaisHFETiiniu- RIYHSEPMOMiNHaiimR OEM pouunatun ua nua' LtOSTWIS- SECUlfDIOMaPHNEl WTHVHJ atARIAPt /rn'NUONUtfHORS DMIII HOLES - IFUSEOmOAMf WET OR OUTDOOR lOUIIONS WUi Visits IN • THItXKfSS UNO MTI RIAL USIIKG VAR« _ USTING MARK lABEL REQUIRED ON EACH SIGN OR SIGN SECTION. THE FIRST BLANK SPAQ IDENTIFIES THE NUMBER OF EACH SIGN SEaiON THE SECOND BLANK SPAQ INDICAHS IHE TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGN SECTIONS. SEAL BUILOING PENEIRATION(S) TO COMPLt WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE REOUIREMENTS. USIED SIGN SECIION (CONSISTS DF CUSS 2IRAHSFORMR MD WaOSUREl SMUW FOR 0AM WH. OR OUTDOOR UKAIWMS aoMaaiaosMi. ACOSSHU. NK mi. MSiinm. - LISTED DISCONNKISWIIOI NEC 110-3(1], 60M •CUSSJIXANyORMR (12WaSD(SEC0N0A«r) F*Sia«S«S OQIMED tl UKAL iUIISDiCTION THIS SI6N IS INTINMO TO BE IMnAUIO IN ACCORnUUt WnH THI HQUIIiMDin OF Mmai 600 or TNI NATIONAL luancAi noi AND/O« omi Amiowu loui oioa. THIS INOUDiS PtOPn CROUNOmS AND tONMNG OF nt SKN. UL#48 UL LISTED ELECTRIC SIGN SIGN METHODS INC. ^iTT^TTTTflTTTnTI ) 2010 Sign Methods, Inc •F«!«jinni,ji/twnii«o™H»p™»e"r»'SignM«iiio* int oodiho LED-REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LEHERS •ntlioin Itw tofiuni wrim nnwrl oi gn nitSonifd ugiMnT ol Sign HoFiods It . iirlcriHblt bf mprnglii In DONAHUE 5CHRIBGR SCALE : T = Sff-O' 0 5ff 75- 100- 150-25(y SIGN METHODS INC. I749E.2STH51 5IGNAIHIU,U 90755 800-655-433& F: 562-427-6875 DATE 4/6/10 CUSTOMER/PROJEa/ADDRESS | SANDY PAWS CUSTOMER APPROVAL PAGE 4 © 2010 Sign Methods, Inc. These drawings/concepts are the property of Sign Methods, Inc., Signal Hill, CA and shall not be used or duplicated, in all or port, without the expressed written consent of on authorized signatory of Sign Methods, Inc., enforceable by copyright law. DRAWING # 10-046 7040 AVENIDA ENCINAS #109 CARLSBAD, CA 92011 LANDLORD APPROVAL PAGE 4 © 2010 Sign Methods, Inc. These drawings/concepts are the property of Sign Methods, Inc., Signal Hill, CA and shall not be used or duplicated, in all or port, without the expressed written consent of on authorized signatory of Sign Methods, Inc., enforceable by copyright law. DRAWN BY RD REVISiONS 1 5/3/10 RD 2 5/5/10 RD 3 5/6/10 RD 4 5/10/10 RD 5 5 /12/10 RD © 2010 Sign Methods, Inc. These drawings/concepts are the property of Sign Methods, Inc., Signal Hill, CA and shall not be used or duplicated, in all or port, without the expressed written consent of on authorized signatory of Sign Methods, Inc., enforceable by copyright law. SCALE NOTED SALESPERSON NM 6 5/18/10 RD 7 5/18/10 RD 8 5/2/10 RD 9 6/10/10 RD © 2010 Sign Methods, Inc. These drawings/concepts are the property of Sign Methods, Inc., Signal Hill, CA and shall not be used or duplicated, in all or port, without the expressed written consent of on authorized signatory of Sign Methods, Inc., enforceable by copyright law.