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PS 10-60; Jenny Craig; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
^ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNINGAPPLICATION # Ps iO-inVi REC'D BYL'>V^t4- jd^Klc^ DATE 7 /-g SIGN FEE SIGN PROGRAM FEE RECEIPT NO. : P ^C. no All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following infonnation: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the foliowing: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: j£.K/MS^ CP^I <^ ADDRESS OF PROJECT: ^1 SV f^-eCrT ST- ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: .9"/ / ' / C'O 'Of RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: i9l Residential (d) ub}) Commercial (e) (c) Office/Industrial (f) Hotel/Motel (g) Service Station (h) Prof. Care (i) Theater Gov't/Church Public Park G) Produce Stand (k) Nursey (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Yes^ NoD VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesQ No"^ Specific Plan Number Requires VR Approval p-11 Page 1 of 4 Revised 04/09 SIGN ORDINANCE: YesD NoQ COASTAL ZONE: YesD NoD EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: YesQ NoD PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: Date TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Pole** Monument** (.•>)" Wall Z 1 -(^" Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. p-11 Page 2 of 4 Revised 04/09 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Traffic Engineering Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. Showbuilding/s P/L Show ail property lines P/L ^ Sight Distance Requirement Show setbacks from all curbs curb line Sight Visibility Street Name(s) 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE ifeo ' TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGN. p-11 Page 3 of 4 _sq. ft. sq.ft. , sq. ft. , sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Revised 04/09 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) \<exJ( NJ ^^^^ MAILING ADDRESS 6AC£ ^jrnjA. y^hr-uJ Orc^u. ^ 3&£> MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE ^X^c^<LCuLA , CA ^'z6°io ^(^-(a'o'ou CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE \ CERTIFY THAT 1 AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1 CERTIFY TK OF THE LEG/ ABOVE INF( CORRECT TO ^T 1 AM THE REPRESENTATIVE ^L OWNER AND THAT ALL THE DRMATION IS TRUE AND THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. APPROVED: Field check by planner. Within maximum length, area. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. Location: • In right-of-way • In visibility triangle at corner Pole and monument signs to be checked by Traffic Engineering, for visibility issues. When approved route copy to Data Entry Planner: /^AlC^ Ae)cf(rrL Date: 7/fX7//^ p-11 Page 4 of 4 Revised 04/09 City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Faraday Cashiering 001 1020801-2 07/27/2010 96 Tue, Jul 27, 2010 11:49 AM Receipt Ref Nbr: R1020801-2/0012 PERMITS -- PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr: 102080102 0012 0014 Trans/Rcpt#: R0080374 SET #: CB101399 Amount; 1 @ $104.30 Item Subtotal; $104.30 Item Total: $104,30 PERMITS - PERMITS Tran Ref Nbr; 102080102 0012 0015 Trans/Rcpt#; R0080373 SET #; PSI00060 Amount; 1 @ $56.00 Item Subtotal; $56.00 Item Total: $56.00 Tran Ref Nbr: ,, 2 0012 OOIB Name; SWAIN SIGN, i„... License #; Amount; 1 @ $60.00 Item Subtotal: $60.00 Item Total; $60.00 3 ITEM(S) TOTAI,; $220.30 Check (Chkff 0ij021612) $220.30 Total Received; $220.30 Have a nice dayi **************CUSTOMER COPY************* City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Applicant: PARKER KEVIN Description PS100060 575 0 FLEET ST CBAD Amount 56 . 00 Receipt Number: R0080373 Transaction Date: 07/27/2010 Transaction ID: R0080373 Pay Type Method Description Amount Payment Check 56.00 Transaction Amount: 56.00 The Garrett Group Garrett Real Ustatc Scniccs, LLC July 20, 2010 Mr. Chris Harris Federal Health Sign Company 1128 Seville Road, Suite E Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 RE: Jenny Craig - 5750 Fleet Street Carlsbad, CA Job Number: 23-99627-00 Dated: June 14, 2010 Dear Chris: Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-reference project. This letter shall serve as landlord approval. The following items need to be addressed prior to the projecl beginning: 1. Federal Health Sign Company obtain approval from the City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2. Federal Health Sign Company obtain approval from Jenny Craig 3. If the City or Jenny Craig require any changes, those changes are to be shared with the landlord 4. Federal Health Sign Company submit evidence of insurance meeting the attached requirements If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (951) 308-2060 or by e-mail at mciav@theQarrettqroup.net. Sincerely, Carlsbad Ocean Terraces, LLC 0 Michelle Clay Managing Agent Gan-ett Real Estate Services, LLC Ends. One BetterWorld Circle, Suite 300 O Temecuia. California 92590 O Phone: 951.506.6556 O Fax: 951.506.4831 O www.aarrettSfialEstatfiServices.com MO* iimmmm NON-IUi)MINATED FABRICATED LETTER FORM j TWO (2) SETS REQ'D. 11.75 SQ.FT BID VIEW SCALE: W=i1'^)* LEnER FORM 8I>B:IFICATH)M: MCE & REniRNS: 3/4' DEEP ALUMHAJM, HORIZONTAL BRUSHED FACE WITH SATM SIDES CLEAR ANODIZED FINISHED. MOUMUMS: FLUSH MOUNT TO WALL (LETTERS TO HAVE THREADEO STUDS WELDED IN PLACE). COLOR KEY Actua! iHcrt.'i IWT»Uf«lJMSPI)IISlllEFOfl: nOWBMAU ICSIB) MtTMUnON MMMME u omMBi rr UK u. coocAMsinicawmoNi CLOSE UP VIEW EXISTING LOOK (LEFT ELEVATION) EXISTING LOOK (SIDE ELEVATION) • Scopi ol Work: Remove & dispose ol the Standard Pacific Homes sign. patch and repali/paln: fascia and tnstaJI the Jenny Craig letter sel NEW LOOK (LEFT ELEVATION) I EQ NEW LOOK (SIDE aEVATION) EQ L FEDERAL HEATH SiaiM COMPANY (MllaSMM* llK(MI)M|.0M4t OoBMi • Ul Vigil. • tam M QafU OMKI' C»Mn - MNMt VMtMbixA • UaaMe - Mrad) - CEincul OxtiuC • iWdmai • D««c. Ms Aam - • o««n> •»» Mk BuOding QuMMy ngnjft sma IWI m.<i>-iy-iev*Hwiwi»AiDirnarti»«nimr>ei|hi M4)H»-10WAa«MBon1.3i»»lMdlWl»<»eM. Rm6-2i-<ovAc- MitfirtniiliHriHlH B4-07-0?-lOV*Wwnowoi)ion1>n<imiwi3. CenOpp/cval/DJtt: <anj«»p: Mai1< Pftjtnnfeutef r^u»mi^. Christine Harris D,^»^ Vlfgo AratKMies 5750 Fleet Street Cartsbad, CA 92008 23-99627-00 JUNE 14. 2010 A. 23-99627-R4 ThJs o^nil flrawuu) It piMM « pan or » punned project and « not D tie cmMetl copied or reproduced wtthoui tne written permltslon or Federal Hram sign Conipany, ilC or in auanasd nff*. om Name: Jenny Craig Sjte#: Address: 5750 Fleet Street City/State: Carlsbad, CA Paqe#: 5 Site Plan & Photo Locations NAww.swainsign.com (909) 460-2530 Ol 1 NON-ILLUMINATED FABRICATED LETTER FORIVI I TWO (2) SETS REQ'D. 11.75 SQ.FT END VIEW PLANNING BUILDING APPROVED BY DATE PLANNING BUILDING PLANNING BUILDING EQ ^ t J ^Sa.^^Z-\ ..... . - ... SCALE; 3/4" = r-0" EXISTING LOOK {LEFT ELEVATION) NEW LOOK (LEFT ELEVATION) LETTER FORM SPECIFICATION: FACE & RETURNS: 3/4" DEEP ALUMINUM, HORIZONTAL BRUSHED FAGE WITH SATIN SIDES CLEAR ANODIZED FINISHED. MOUNTING: FLUSH MOUNT TO WALL (LETTERS TO HAVE THREADED STUDS WELDED IN PLACE). COLOR KEY Actual (Horiz) Brushed Alum INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: PROVIDING ALL NEEDED INSTALLATION HARDWARE AS DETERMINED BY LOCAL CODE AND SITE CONDITIONS. CLOSE UP VIEW EXISTING LOOK (SIDE ELEVATION) Scope of Work: Remove & dispose of the Standard Pacific Homes sign, patch and repair/paint fascia and install the Jenny Craig letter set. NEW LOOK (SIDE ELEVATION) FEDERAL HEATH SIGN COMPANY www.FederalHeath.com 1128 Seville Road, Suite E Daytona Beacfi, FL 32114 1361)857-2638 Fax (3611 851-0854) Manufacturing Facilities: Oceanside - Euless - Jacksonville - ColumOus Office Locations: Oceanside - Las Vegas - Laughlin - Idaho Falls Euless - Jacksonville - Houston - San Antonio Corpus Chnsti - Grafton - fi/lifwaukee Willowtjrook - Louisville - Indianapolis - Columbus Cincinnati - Westerville - Knoxvlle - Tunica Atlanta - Tampa - Daytona Beach - \X'inier Park Building Quality Signage Since 1901 Revisions Rl-06-17-10 VA Revise sign A to 18" maximum letter height. R2-06-18-10 VA Add option 1-3 revised etched vinyl. R3-06-21-10 VA Change application of vinyl to 2nd surface. R4-07-02-10 VA Remove option 1 and option 3. Colors Depicted In This Rendering May Not Match Actual Finished Materials. Refer To Product Samples For Exact Cole Client Approval/Date:. ^ — Landlord Approval/Date: Account Rep: Mark Pfutzenreuter Projea Manager: Christine Harris Drawn By: Virgo Aragones Undet>.rHer8 ^^^'o'^i-'poNaNrs"-AN" Laboratories Inc. STAND«OS Projea / Location: 5750 Fleet Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Job Number: Sheet Number: 23-99627-00 JUNE 14, 2010 1 Design Number: 23-99627-R4 This original drawing is provided as part of a planned project and IS not to be exhibited, copied or reproduced without the written permission of Federal Heath Sign Company. LLC or its authorized agent. ©2008