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PS 13-105; LA PLACE COURT; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
^ REVIEW FOR SIGN Development Services pppi^U Planning Division r I T V DP 1635 Faraday Avenue r"API *\RAri (760)602-4610V^/-\r\LOD/\L-/ www carlsbadca gov PLANNING APPLICATION # F5i3-0/0.<> REC'DBY3T DATE SIGN FEE__2L^j2_ SIGN PROGRAM FEE RECEIPT NO All plans submitted for sign permrts/sign programs stiall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing ttie following information 1 North arrow and scale 2 Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property 3 Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property 4 Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s) 5 Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following A Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s) B Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of C Source of Illumination D Proposed sign copy APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4'00 p m Average processing time 2 weeks Name of Project COUf^T Address of Project 5*^00 ~ CR , CJ\ Assessor Parcel Number l<^ - Q - 05 Related Planning Case Number(S) TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT (a) Residerrtial (d) Hotel/Motel (g) Theater (j) Produce Stand (bj_^ Commercial (e) Service Station (h) GoYt/Church (k) Nursery (tcp Office/lndustnal (f) Prof Care (i) Public Park (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Yes □ No □ Specific Plan Number VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Ufves. please complete information on page 3) Yes □ No □ SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes □ No □ SIGN ORDINANCE Yes □ No □ COASTAL ZONE Yes □ No □ P-11 F>age1of4 Ftev 06/12 EXISTING SIGNS. TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS Yes □ No □ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS. Date TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Pole" Monument"i- Wall Suspended Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity)r PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER ALLOWED NUMBER PROPOSED MAXIMUM SIGN AREA PROPOSED SIGN AREA MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT PROPOSED SIGN HEIGHT Construction** For Sale" Banner **Pnor to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues Addibonal informabon must supplementthis application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. . p-11 Page 2 of 4 Rev 06/12 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument and freestanding sign permit applications Pnor to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter Additional time will be required for on-site inspection Sliowbmlding/f Saunr all proputjr ImH curb Imo lYL HL / i Sq^ Dutai^e Reqmmnent I Show utbacks &am all curbi / iStre«t Nam&(s)© Nortb 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets. Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public nght-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestnan, bicyclist or motor vehicle dnver Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersecbon or driveway EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage ^0,500? Total Building Street Frontage Total Signage Allowance Existing Signage (sq ft) Remaining Sign Allowance at Present Proposed Signage (sq ft) Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign VILLAGE REVIEW AREA sq ft linear ft sq ft. sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft Total Signable Area Total Signable Area Length Total Signable Area Height Total Projection from Wall Face sq ft sq ft sq ft inches p-11 Page 3 of 4 Rev 06/12 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE)NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) flM&TRipssr&OhC^f^uSBm> MAIUNG ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 5Clb3 L^PLfKB. COURT CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE (1.i^ls6A£> a\mi<A 'ag-^W I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE SIGNATUINATUF|^nn Hulbert DATE SIGNATURE DATE Director of Property Management PLANNER CHECK LIST 1 Field check by planner 2 Within maximum length, area 3 Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan critena, if applicable 4 Location v In nght-of-way v In visibility tnangle at comer 5 Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineenng, for visibility issues 6 When approved route cooy to Data Entry APPROVED Planner Date p-11 Page4 of4 Rev 06/12 Cailsbad Aiclutectuial Reseaich Ceiitei Review Committee 7 Octobei 2013 Ms LyuuHulbeit BOl Cailsbad LLC C/O Biandyivme Realty Tuist 5963 La Place Couit, Suite 206 Cailsbad, Califoima 92008 Re. Lot 13 - Monument Sign Review Deal Lynn The Aichitectuial Review Committee (ARC) of the Cailsbad Reseaich Centei (CRC) has leviewcd the sign plans pioposed foi icplacmg the existing monument sign at tlie pioperty located at 5900/5950 La Place Couit on Lot 13 in the CRC The pioposed plan foi a single monument sign pioximate to the diiveivay of the facility is hilly consistent with the CRC Design Guidelines Tlieiefoie the submitted plans aie consideied APPROVED. Once you obtain a City of Cailsbad Sign Peimit you may mstall the sign Please piovide a copy of the city of Cailsbad, sign Peimit to Ms AndieaTagle Meissnei Jacquet 5330 Caiioll Canyon Road Suite 200 San Diego, Califoima 92121 Do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or leqiuie additional Infounation Smceiely, Seth Schulbeig cc ARC, A Tagle 1530 Faraday Amiue Suite 100 ® Cailsbad, CA 92008 ® (760) 931-0780 ® (760) 931-5744 Fax _9fi_ c 47^ t 1 t a 1 •a — SH3NTVPEC-2-QllANTnY (1) NOW-UXUMaWTED aROUND SIGN SPEOFICATtONS •OOPY/LETTERSTYLE A3 SHOWN •SK3NBASE FABRICATEO ALUMINUM PRWEANO WONT MATTHEVre -SILVER SURFer #Mp33172 L-SHAPE FABRICATED ALUMINUM PRIMEAND PAINT MATTT^IVS STAEGRArSMpJZIBS •BRANDYWINE LOGO TO BE DIGITAL PRINT PER COLORS SHOWN BELOW •6900-S960 LA PLACE COURr IWTHICNCUTOUTACRYLJO PRIME AND PAINT TO MATCH PMS #COOL GREY (MIC •FUTURETENANT LETTERING TD BE 2 MIL HIGH P&IFORMANCE VINYL LETTERING #52 DARK GRAY SIGN PEKMIT NO. FS lZ-/dS -TEXTSIZE 3S-X315- rSIZE. 6-X43Sr PLANNING BUILDING Future Tenant Future Tenant Future Tenant FRONT VIEW smeviEW APratOVHJBY DATE MAXIMUM TEXT SIZE FOR TENANT LETTERING 43S-X3 charlalne THS OAJGm DESGN tS THE SOLE PfKJPERTYOf CH«l>WE AflCHTECTURALStGNAGE IT CANNCTBERaWOUCED COPm OREXHHT® INVWOlfOftWFWn; WTHOUT FRST 08WJNNG ViWriB^ FB^WffiSCN FRCM CHARL4JNE ARCHTECTIRAL $«0MAGE hiiSiii BBMHSaSO LA PLACE CT 6900 5950 LA PLACE CTCHHD 113770 APPROVAL □OKojc□OK wrih cofrodtofta or chongcs 0£ noted□Mofco conrochona/chongot oc inclicotod ond diow rovisodWtprcmYoppIicoEl.cofr«Jon3 0fnmodp y«x jondu. rHco r-Oiodonn/rtirtdijmlSwoge rrem p* peru*44y (e#- orwrt oppoornj on thi ubmAH thtri moy be ducewrodaSM-fob r ccni|jUlnd) AITKVEP- aSNATURE/OAfE (868)5 66-6868FAX(e58]56 6 - 8 26 5 1/16 =1 9^13 A10-1-13A1IH3 13 BRANDYWINE REALTY TRUST DWfi lolsh^ a^\Ji 5^^ BWBTT'A' ■HBPLAM y llJ 009nQLMM) ewe-Twe^wauJenr EXHrarw •1-LA PUCE COURTfCwnopM hfio]