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PS 14-09; WESTFIELD PLAZA CAMINO REAL; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
V ' £. «?ob ~ C:ITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760} 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING APPucAT10N #_-=-f-=--S.;._t t{..L---'-o_°}-J- REc'D BY ea~ DATE -,--1;.,....;0~-...,_,\o/ ________ _ SIGN FEE . . SIGN PRO_G_RA_M_F-EE-_ ...,,/f..-,-1 1 -0=9J-'7"lq,_...------ RECEIPT NO. _ eoocr,g.4:z.. All plans submitt~d for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Project: Westfield Plaza Camino Real Address of Project:-----~-------------------------- Assessor Parcel Number: ..... -______________ ....,...... _______ _ Related Planning Cas~ Number(S): _s_o_P_o_s-_04_,_s_P_os_-0_1 ____________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) Hotel/Motel (g) (b) Commercial (e) Service Station (h) (c) Office/Industrial (f) Prof. Care (i) SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Theater Gov't/Church Public Park 0) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (I) P-U/OS Zone Yes [8J No D Specific Plan Number SP 09-01 VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (lfves, please complete information on page.3) Yes D No [RI SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA . Yes O No 0 SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes O No 0 COASTAL ZONE: YesO NoD P-11 Page 1 of4 Rev. 06/12 - PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) Plaza Camino Real Hofman Planning & Engineering Contact: Bill Hofman or Shay Even MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS -- c/o Westfield; LLC 3156 LionsheadAvenue, Suite 1 2049 Centurv Park East. 41st Floor CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Los Angeles, CA 9.006 7 310-44.5-5909 -Carlsbad, CA 92010 760-692-4100 -. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER . I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT MY KNOWLEDGE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. See attached signature page • 1/7/14 ~~aw/\ f"' 66-ltl . tic ,NATURL -SIGNAiURE DATE DATE ...... PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: •!• In right-of-way •!• In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Tran$portation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: Cl,. \U.'5>. 1o\4 -17 3 P-11 Page4of4 Date: -, I al U) I c./ I , Rev. 06/12 • - Attachment to Review for Sign Permit Signature Page of Owner PLAZA CAMINO REAL, a California partnership By: PCRGP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, its general partner By: Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its general partner By: Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, its sole member ,LLC, · · ty company, its general partner By: -+/----1---,....:....--1----J~~=---- Name Title: ,;-,. :,· .. _ r to ;s ~ I ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~· "t1 ~ ~ ""'" 12 ; ~ If-~ l"':l z . :j ~ C ~ . ~ u:i l ..J «> ~ Ff >-3 ~ -L Ji - • >-,.. \'\_ • 432 Culver Blvd. Ployo Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 WESTFIELD CARLSBAD SHEET INDEX SIGN TABLE Sign Tables ........................................................ S3-S5 SITE PLANS Site Plan -Site Signage .................................. S6 Site Plan -Building Signage .......................... S7 ELEVATIONS South Elevation -Signage ............................. S8 North & East Elevation -Signage ................. S9 PARTNERSHIP MARKETING Partnership Marketing & Building Signs ..... S10 Reference lmagery .......................................... S11-S12 Details ................................................................ S13 SITE SIGNAGE Identification Monument 1 ............................. S 14 Identification Pylon 1 ....................................... S 15 Identification Pylon 2 ....................................... S 16 Vehicular Directional.. ................................ .-.... S17 Miscellaneous Signage ................................... S 18 Sign Areas for Anchors (Existing) ................. S19 TENANT SIGNAGE Tenant Signage Guidelines ............................. S20-S21 Acceptable Sign Types .................................... S22-S23 Index CARLSBAcf ~·1\~:;f'..Y "")e.ef~~• / / / l' I # / SIGNAGE PACKAGE 2S2SBcam1noPa1t100 c:.tsbad,.CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESmELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 WllhlroBoulevan:!, 11th Floor Los AngeJes, C.IifomUI 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 «5B Facsimile 310 478 4468 Issue Date: 06/13/2014 5-2 PROJECT SITE SIGNAGE Site Directional 8' -O"H x 6' -4" W 50.5 sf Site Monument SMl/01-SM1/04 5' -3"H x 9' -6" W 50 sf Site Pylon s.P·l/0·1. 45' -O"H x 19' -O"W 855 sf Site Pylon SP2/01-SP2/02 15' -O"H x 7' -6"W 112.5 sf ,"- . ii_ II JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd. 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 T 31 0 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 55 sf 19 50 sf 4 1 000 sf 1 120 sf 2 -t"1-1' ~4 ./~ TJ:esdlefil )~:C~s~;i>, ) 1· / ,, / • O'/ 2S258ClmlnoRult100 Casbbad,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11801 WU1hlre Boulevard, 11thAoor Los Angeles, Callfomla 90026•1748 Telephone 310 478 4458 Facsimile 310 478 4-468 Sign Table - Site Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 5-3 .~ .. '"(· BUILDING SIGNAGE Westfield ID (fascia sign) Fascia Sign Tenants Fascia Sign Cinema Fascia Sign Mini-Anchors Fascia Sign Restaurants Tenant Sign Pads Wii1#®1fl1 !1@4} · :R11~111@ffJ lFli~M .lff1#11. * Tenant sign area subject to note 6 (see sheet S-8) and TBD at time of individual sign permitting. II JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd. 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 T 310 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 8' -O"H x 24' -O"W 192sf Sizes vary approx. 150 sf* 37' -3"H X 5' -4"W 198.6 sf Sizes vary approx. 150 sf* Sizes vary approx. 150 sf* Sizes Vary approx. 150 sf* 200 sf 2 150 sf 9 200 sf 1 150 sf 1 150 sf 3 150 sf . 8 ffl~ ~ \/, ,// c~~asft:f' , ) , j,,/ / 2S2SBCamlnoRealt100 ~CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 WBshlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angelos, c.nromla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4466 Facaimile 310 478 4468 Sign Table - Building Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 05/27/2014 5-4 "'· BUILDING SIGNAGE Projecting Signs On-Site Signage (Partnership Marketing) II JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd. 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Ployo Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington HIiis, Michigan 48331 T 310 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 3' -6" X 2' -Q" 7 sf 10 sf 4 48' -O" x 14' -0'' 672 sf 672 sf 2 • Tenant blade signage; remaining balance of 16 projecting signs is reserved for phase II. • Per Title 24 Code, all projecting signs must be mounted at a height allowing at least 6'- 8" of clearance below. SPD recommends a 7'-6" clearance. ll~fif ~ s <\/,/ ~;a~Aif / )/ b' I/ 2525Bc:&mtnoRealf100 Qdsl»d,CA.92008 {760)n91927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11801 Willhlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los AnQeles, c.ntomta 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facslmde 310 478 4468 Sign Table - Building Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Dale: 06/13/2014 5-5 .. ~-.. .... Site Signage: -SD1 Site Directional C:::JSM1 Site Monument c:::J SP1 Site Pylon ==--~ .... ~~>, .. 1-".l' : •'>::~:d:~·-~_: "i ... _ L ~.~ .. : ~~~.....;::,~~~-~~~--.L. ( c::J SP2 Site Pylon .,,,,,----./ :::.:;~.~--.t¥';\.m.~.~ ,oo,<ta;w.~.~. -\ - -Existing movie theater pylon•• I- IT]_ 1 ...J... -------,•=-i: .... ·.· *All site signage must observe proper line-of-sight clearances *Note that this submittal pertains only to Phase 1. Existing signs on balance of project can only be like for like until design details for Phase II are submitted and approved. ** The existing pylon sign for the movie theater located at the southwest corner of Marron Road and El Camino Real shall be removed at the time the existing movie theater ceases operation or prior to the occupancy of the new movie theater in the main mall, whichever occurs first. · 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 H JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 11 -~:~-- ------=.:----:::---._ .---~ I! --·1\~-,.4'J n~eef!!!fl!' CARLSBA0 ! i . .' }/ J/ 2525ecam1noRta11too C..rlsbad.CA.92008 (760)729797.7 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION. 11601 Wl11hlre Boulev11d, 11th Aoor Los Angelo, Ca6fomlll 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Sign Location Plan - Site Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S-6 ) ..;, Building Exterior Signage: -WF1 Fascia Sign (Westfield ID) lllilllll\l FT1 Fascia Sign (Tenant Pads) i::::::::J FT1 Fascia Sign (Tenants) -PS1 Projecting Signs -PM1 On-Site Signage (Partnership Marketing) }- ~~~-;;:_~J~,s.-~ ~:._: ~;::~-:..r. ~ ... ,:::..:·~~ .. ~~::~2??:: l.j j_ _:_ -l-..l... *Note that this submittal pertains only to Phase 1. Existing signs on balance of project can only be like for like until design details for Phase II are submitted and approved. IHIIIIIII '''''"'' iiiiiili 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Oel Rey, CA 90293 T 31 0 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 ffl$iiiJfl J .~1-f,:1,, /\ ;,/ GA~LS)BAQ J I , ? ,, T I 2S2SB(.amlnoReal1100 Cllfsbad,CA.92008 ('160)72919'27 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSmUCTION 11601 WR1hlreBoulevanl, 11thAoor Los Angeles, C1Tifomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310478 4468 Sign Location Plan - Building Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S-7 .,. "'· Building Exterior Signage: -WF1 Fascia Sign (Westfield ID) =:i FT1 Fascia Sign (Tenants)• c:::3 PS1 Projecting Signs -PM1 On-Site Signage (Partnership Marketing) EXAMPLE 7sf WesilieM 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 macys CINEMA MINI-ANCHOR CAFE TENANT H JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 * 7sf _____ -5.!l'-6" TQP OF SIGN (N) , l ____ ~-_ 49'-0" TOP OF ROOF (N) ':l : j_ ___ -0-0'.-0"LEV_Eb.ll!;) -16' -6" LEVEL 1 (E) ~~O~U~T~H~EL~E~V;A~T;IO;N~-~~~------------;/}k~s~ER~v1;cE=lk scale: 1 "=30' I l COMMERCIAL KEY • Project Identity Signage: Approx. 200 sf 0 • Cinema Signage: Approx. 200 sf (typ.) Mini-Anchor. Signage: Approx.150 sf (typ.) Restaurant Signage: Approx.150 sf (typ.) Tenant Signage: Approx. 80 sf (typ.) * Tenant sign area subject to note 6 and TBD at time of individual sign permitting. Projecting signs: ?sf NOTES Note: Exact number of tenant signs and sizes of each can not be determined until spaces are leased. In general, the following guidelines will be followed: 1. Primary storefront identification shall be limited to Tenant business name as registered by their lease agreement and approved by Landlord, and established logo or nationally recognized trademark. 2. Roof mounted signage will not be allowed. However, signage located on architectural elements projecting out from the main building may have portions of the sign that projects above the top of that element as long as the main building facade acts as a backdrop. 3. Signage must be conceived as an integral part of the design so that they don't appear as an afterthought. 4. All signs must fit comfortably into their storefront architecture leaving sufficient 111!3rgins and negative space on all sides. 5. All illuminated signs must be controlled by timeclock and illuminated during general mall operating hours as defined by the landlord. 6. Per the WCSP, "Facia signs shall be no greater in area than 1 sf per lineal foot of store front up to a maximum size as stated in Tables 5a and 5b." 7. "Signage shown for position and square footage purposes and intent only. Final design to be determined" Key Plan: 9 WCSP Table Sa: Allowed Sign Sizes and Quantities for area north of Marron Rd .. .. MAXIMUII!' · MAXIMUM.-, i ·-' SIGN'F(PE ., .,HEIGHT. ~ an~>, ·) QUANTIT.", FREESTANDING SIGNS DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 81-611 55 SF 25 TENANT MONUMENT SIGNS 151-011 120SF 2 MONUMENT SIGNS 6'-0" 50 SF 4 PYLON SIGN /STATIC\ 45'-011 1000 SF 1 WALL/BUILDING SIGNS FASCIA WESTFIELD ID 200Sf 7 • FASCIA ANCHOR SIGN 400SF NIA FASCIA MINI-ANCHOR SIGN 150 SF NIA CINEMA SIGN 200 SF 1 FASCIA RESTAURANT SIGN 150 SF NIA FASCIA TENANT SIGNS 150 SF NIA FASCIA TENANT SIGNS PADS 150 SF NIA PROJECTING SIGNS 10 SF 20 PARTNERSHIP MARKETING SIGNS -TYPE 1 672SF 2 PARTNERSHIP MARKETING 380 SF 3 SIGNS -TYPE 2 WCSP Table Sb: Allowed Sign Sizes and Quantities for area south of Marron Rd SIGN~ .. ,:MAXIMUM" ·, .itEic.HT · FREESTANDING SIGNS IMONUMENT SIGN 51 .. 011 · WALL/BUILDING SIGNS !FASCIA TENANT SIGN ~·1\?:'~'.',"·.~(jl-\ -n~ees , . , ' . '/ CA~L~BA~ ./) i f / J ,' / ,(/ / 2S2S8CAmlnoRH!f100 C,rlsbad,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wi1hlre BouJev•d, 11th Aoor Los AnQeles, Callfomla 90025-17-48 Telephone FKslml• 310 4784456 310 478 4468 MAXIMUM· 'QUANnti . &Ri:&1 SOSF 1 150SF N/A Sign Locations - South Elevation SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06113/2014 S-8 Building Exterior Signage: -WF1 Fascia Sign (Westfield ID) c:=:i FT1 Fascia Sign (Tenants)" i:=1 PS1 Projecting Signs -PM1 On-Site Signage (Partnership Marketing) ~6:' TOP Of SIGN lN4 __ _ /,6' -2" TOP OF PARAPET J~ __ _ 19' -2" TOP OF PARAPET J~ __ _ 0' -0" TOP OF STOREFRONT (1'!)0-__ _ -16'-§"LVL 1_(!¾-__ _ 198.6sf SEE OETAIL: 5-13 * * 7sf 192sf 672sf @ < SPACE / COMMERCIAL 7 SERVICE/ COMMERCIAL > OUTDOOR f ~ f NORTH ELEVATION scale: 1 "=30' 50'-3" TOP OF Pfl_RAPET J~ __ _ 33'-8" TOP 01: ROOF LN~ _ -- Tenan~'-!!" LVL 2J~ --- * Tenant sign area subject to note 6 (see sheet S-8) and TBD at time of individual sign permitting. 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 31 0 822 5223 H JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 •' .. , f EAST ELEVATION scale: 1 "=30' COMMERCIAL BEYOND * t Key Plan: _ 0_!/.Q':_2.::...IQf'_OF PAR_AeillN) --0-_O_'.cll_'.'._LYU.i.!;) 0 -16'-6" LVL 1 (E) @· 198.6sf SEE DETAIL: 5-13 192s1 672s1 4 0 -7 ,,' ' ' ·, --0-_58'-6" JOP OF SIGN (N) --0-_46'-2"T_OP OF PARAPET (N) ::::::::rfl=r.=t-_ -0-J4'-2"IOPOFPARAPET(N) COMMERCIAL ~·1\~~-.' '7Lr YXe~ . --f,;f.,, \ i ./..,- I, /1 .. :/ ) CARLSBAD '! \ •,' _.,/ [/"' 2525EICamlnoRealt100 Citfsbad,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilahlre Boulevard, 11th Roor Los Angeles, Callfomla 90025•1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4488 . -0-_0'..:_([_LVL 2 (E) . -0-~16'-6" LVL 1 (E) Sign Locations - North & East Elevations SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 5-9 ~" Building Exterior Signage: -WF1 Fascia Sign (Westfield ID) i:= FT1 Fascia Sign (Tenants) -PS1 Projecting Signs -PM1 On-Site Signage (Partnership Marketing) ,) ' , uiOO , T iii} ~-. {;00' T -.. -. -, .-1 :.,J_•·_. •:.....,___,,,¼"-:T--~·):;.; .. 1~-:.:-:•.:~.·:• .. , .. -;. .... '.·.-:-. T ~~ · -. 1 -:-:1H~-t--•.• ....... _ .... ·.t ..... ,. ... ~-=·-·,: .. _:~·-;•~-;~~-~ ~ ·1 \ -~-a -, -· Perspective at Northeast corner 432 Culver Blvd. Ployo Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 ~ lli\~_..,,...,ifrf .,../1 ''"'"'' "")iir"' e~~,,,' \ , . ./1 ,, <QARLSBAD ) j' ) j // L1/ 2S258Qmlnoflcjlt100 Q;rhtad,,CA.92008 {760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 W111hlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angeles, CaUfomla 90025-1748 Telephone Fecsinu1e 3104784466 3104784468 ~ Partnership Marketing & Building Signs SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date. 06/13/2014 S -10 ... 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 ll _,......-4..,.--c1 .s;:;..._ . ~I_:__' ~-1.e·, ,~JJl ) q\~LS)BA~ I , ./ / , , 2S258CvnlnollUl•lOO ""'"""CA""" (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 WUshlre Boulevard, 11th floor Los Angel111, Cellfoml11 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478-4468 Partnership Marketing & Building Signs - Reference Images SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -11 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 31 0 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 ll~V \ ''/i \// tA~LssAb/ ! )' / ,t,/ ;/ 252SBc.mtnoReal1100 """'""-CA.92008 [760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wllahlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angeles, Caflfomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310478 4456 Facaimlle 310478 4468 l I 1 i ''l i Partnership Marketing & Building Signs - Reference Images SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date 06/13/2014 S -12 WHITE FOWDER COATED MET AL OVER SELF ADHERING WATERPROOFING HEM6RANE ON EXT. a,yp eo. ot.J LT. GA ~~·~~·-·-~ I \ R 1 ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE I 11 _.,,£ FANELS SY SIGN FABRICATOR~ • WHITE FOWDER COATED ~ i;; G MET AL SY TENANT SIGN I _, FABRICATOR ~ • t!::====- YELLOW A METAL a~ER COATED FABRICAT:~)lii I~ INTERNAL I 11 T CHANNELL:e~~iR~NATE~ T s'~411 i ~ ,d l PRE-FINISHED METAL CAF FLASHING ON SELF ADHERING MEMSRANE WATERPROOFING ON PRIMED S/811 EXT. 6RD. F.R.T. FL YWOOD NAILER /JI FREFINISHED METAL FLATE SYSTEM :::;;;;;::::;::;::=:;:::::~::::;;;;;;~:::::;::j' <;</J<>x/z/0; / \ / \/ \/ \ / \/ ' Xx.><>(Y'~ x \&\_;\1<X1\(J FREFINISHED METAL SIDING SYSTEM Theater Marquee at Northeast Corner 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 48'-0" °Savin LINCO Q Kying hw alive ~ only atf the Dde t!) 1 ,, ~ ''\ ,, \ (~~ } •.)~ , .. T * r ---,;--i d ~~--,. Typical Partnership Marketing Panels IN SELECT THEATERS FEBRUARY 15 ---+ C) I ::.::i- External lighting top and bottom Interchangeable printed graphic stretched onto support 131· 'I Structure }l(!Cefl 1 1~f1 ,// )CARLSBAD -·· }' ·r r -, ,::?' / .. ,/ 2S2SBC'.amlnoReal,100 Carlsbad,CA.92008 {760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 W111hlreBoulevard, 11thRoor Los An;eles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Partnership Marketing & Building Signs -Details SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -13 .. ~ 43 2 Culver Blvd. Ployo Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 8 Site Monument 9'~611 o SM1 • Site Monument, Front View Scale: 3/8" = 1'-0" II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 Sign Area= 50 sq. ft. ,,----1;8, '.-1, ~ A ~[ :;.'.. e SM1 • Site Monument, Side View Scale: 3/8" = 1'-0" 0 0 © 0 GENERAL NOTES: Internally illuminated logo mounted to panel behind glass Internally illuminated glass 'cap' with diffuser film Internal Illumination: Phillips iW Proflie, linear LED white light fixtures. -Fixtures on track and removable from top -Disconnect for service/maintenance (typical for all sign illumination) Accent illumination on Inner cabinet behind glass BASE: C.I.P. concrete with integral color and smooth trowel finish. Sub-grade footing as required. ~'S1\ ~--:J4;s-TYi.esmew ) \/, 0 ._I/'' ~~L~B.A( / \/ '/ j:,, 2SlSBcamJnoRe.tlt100 Calfsbad,CA..92008 {760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angel91, CaTifomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 3104784468 1 'l .,I Site Signage Detail - SM1 / Monument SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date. 06/13/2014 S -14 ·- •;; ~ 432 Culver Blvd. to <'> Plcyc Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 19'-0" SP1 -Site_frlon, Front View Scale: 3/16" = 1'-0" II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 i----; B 0 Site.Pylon L-----{ A' , Sign Area = 855 sq. ft. 9 ~ r ------f, .A. __.,-----(c © 0 0 0 GENERAL NOTES: Internally illuminated logo mounted to panel behind glass Internally illuminated glass 'cap' with diffuser film Tenant Logos: Internally illuminated push through acrylic BASE: C.I.P. concrete with integral color and smooth trowel finish. Sub-grade footing as required. __J' 'l .. ,: .. ~ ~~.~----"' m~~d \ l~f;t~ J.RLSBAD i \' / / / I/ 252SBc.tntnoP.eaif100 c.msbad,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 WillhlreBoulevard, 11thAoor Los Angeles, CaITfomla 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 3104784456 3104784468 Site Signage Detail - SP1 / Pylon SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -15 .. ... ,.,_ ~ 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 8 Site Pylon r ~[ 5> "" Q SP2 • Site Pylon, Front View Scale: 3/8" = 1'-0" 7'-6' II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 i --( B ---------i!i(il'!. Sign Area = 112 sq. ft. 6 ~ 1'-10" n 8 SP2 • Site Pylon, Side View Scale: 3/8" = 1 '-0" ------( A 0 ® © © (D GENERAL NOTES: Internally illuminated logo mounted to panel behind glass Internally illuminated glass 'cap' with diffuser film Internal Illumination: Phillips iW Proflie, linear LED white light fixtures. -Fixtures on track and removable from top -Disconnect for service/maintenance (typical for all sign illumination) Tenant Logos: Internally illuminated push through acrylic Accent illumination on inner cabinet behind glass BASE: C.I.P. concrete with integral color and smooth trowel finish. Sub-grade footing as required . I l ~s~~J ~·e,i~ , ?"~4J Site Signage Detail - SP2/ Pylon . CAfLS~A~ / I;' !/ 2.52SBc.&mtnoReal•100 """""'CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 WBshlre Boulevard. 11th Aoor Los Anoelu, Canfoml11 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date· 06/13/2014 S -16 ~ ,;. ,.,_ 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 • Site Directional 6'4" I SD1 -Ring Road Directional, Front View Scale: 3/8" = 1 '-0" II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 f B Sign Area = 50 sq. ft. 1'-011 n ,--------{ e e SD1 • Ring Road Directional, Side View Scale: 3/8" = 1 '-0" 0 CD © GENERAL NOTES: Tenant Names/Arrows: Internally illuminated push through acrylic letters Accent illumination on inner cabinet behind glass Internal Illumination: Phillips iW Proflie, linear LED white light fixtures. -Fixtures on track and removable from top -Disconnect for service/maintenance (typical for all sign illumination) BASE: C.I.P. concrete with integral color and smooth trowel finish. Sub-grade footing as required. t ,_ ________ ..... -----. -,..... __ ,,__ fflr~e1cf \~ .. ~''\.,/ \, :./,'. / •CARLSBA0 J/ /// 252SBCMnlnollull100 -CA.'2008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilhlre Bol.llevard, 11th floor Los Angeles, Canfomla 90025-1749 Telephone 310 478 4468 Facstmilfl 310 478 4468 Site Signage Detail - S01 / Directional SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date 06/13/2014 S -17 "' ,; Typical Miscellaneous Signage 432 Culver Blvd Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 Cl (SJ k. /I o Miscellaneous Signs Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0" II JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 2'-8" (8SIGNS) k. 1 ~I~, ~ tZ 2'-0" t, 1 (8SIGNS) --·1\~/\·~~· \ ne:si ·; · \" \. . / \o:RaRA0 }_ / ,'/ ,J/ ),,. 2S2SE1camtnoRea1•100 Qirlsbad,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 1160l Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Root Los Angeles, CeTifomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Site.Signage Detail- Misc. Signage SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -18 ,.. .. ,{, -:-; II JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd. 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 T 310 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 28'-7"LONG 6'-3"HIGH 38'LONG 3'HIGH 28'-7"LONG 6'-3"HIGH 41'7"LONG 9'-2"HIGH 39'-2"LONG 13'-4"HIGH 32'LONG 7'-0" HIGH 32'LONG 4'-6"HIGH ~ .... 1, dfpfl-. '5£',J T~e$1 , e,u ~ ·., . '.// CARaBA0 • ' ) t j,/f "_..,)r 2S258CarntnoRe.al•100 ~rhbad,,CA.92008 (760)7297927 WESlFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wlshlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angefes, Cafifomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facalml!e 310 478 «ss Sign Areas for Anchors - Existing SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -19 ... C I'. .., TENANT SIGNAGE GUIDELINES FABRICATION & INSTALLATION It is intended that all finished work be of the highest quality to pass eye-level examination and scrutiny by Westfield . GENERAL FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS Construct all work to eliminate burrs, dents, cutting edges, and sharp corners. • Finish welds on exposed surfaces to be imperceptible in the finished work .. • Surfaces which are intended to be flat shall be without dents, bulges, oil canning, gaps, or other physical deformities. • Except where approved otherwise by Westfield, conceal all fa~teners. • Make access panels tight-fitting, lightproof, and flush with adjacent surfaces. • Carefully follow manufacturer's recommended fabricating proc_edures regarding expansion /contraction, fastening, and restraining of acrylic plastic. • Exercise care to assure that painted, polished, and plated surfaces are unblemished in the finished work. NOT PERMITTED SIGN CONSTRUCTION The following construction methods are not permitted: • Portable or mobile signs, except permitted sandwich board signs • Exposed neon signs and exposed LED 88 JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd. 3"/300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 T 310 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 • Temporary wall signs, pennants, banners, or inflatable displays • Exposed junction boxes, wires, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduits, raceways or neon crossovers of any type • Pre-manufactured signs, such as franchise signs, that have not been modified to meet these criteria • Paper, cardboard or Styrofoam signs, stickers, or decals hung around or behind storefronts • Exposed fasteners, unless decorative fasteners are essential to the sign design concept • Flashing, oscillating, animated lights, or other moving sign components and changeable text • Rooftop signs or signs projecting above roof lines, canopies or parapets, and signs projecting above Tenant's Leased Premises • Signs on mansard roofs or equipment screens • All bolts, fastenings and clips shall be hot-dipped galvanized .iron, stainless steel, aluminum, brass or bronze .and should be concealed • No sign maker's labels or other identification shall be permitted on the exposed surface of signs, except those required by local ordinance. If required by local ordinance, such labels or other identification shall be in an inconspicuous location • Signs located in or projecting over right of way • Internally-illuminated box signs consisting of a metal frame and translucent acrylic face with applied graphics; individually-mounted channel letters are preferred. • Vacuum formed luminous letters GENERAL SIGN INFORMATION • All ill"uminated signs shall be controlled by Tenant with a photo cell or an astronomical time switch. Astronomical time switches shall be capable of retaining programming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of at least 10 hours. • Any externally illuminated sign shall be lit from above with the light source directed downward at the face of the sign. All the light sources associated with a sign will be shielded from any adjacent residential districts or streets. Lighting for signs may not exceed one and one tenth (1.1) foot candles in intensity when measured within any portion of a residential district. • No portion of any Tenant's sign shall extend above the top of the building, or Tenant's Lease Line, upon which it is located. If attached to a building over 30' in height, no portion of the sign may be located more than 30' in height above ground level. When the ground level is lower than that of the adjoining street pavement, the sign cannot be more than 20' above the level of the pavement. Tenants that occupy a two-story space, or a second story space, must adhere to these restrictions. • Any name, image, symbol, logotype, figure, or sculpture that is associated with a Tenant or brand is considered signage. Tenants are allowed their unique typography and logo colors as long as all Tenant signage complies with the Tenant Criteria and all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. • Front wall area of business shall be calculated as the area from Lease Line to Lease Line, multiplied by the height of the Tenant. For a multi-story building, height is measured from the inside floor to the inside ceiling. • All blocking to be provided by Tenant. Locations to be coordinated with Westfield andTenant Coordinator. We~t/irtl \fA~LSBAip' J • • ,. . ;,/ 252SEIC;,,mirooRcall100 Caarbbad,CA.9200B {760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshlro Boulevard.11th Floor Los Angeles, C1Mornla 90025-1748 1;:~~~~e ~~g :~: 1:~; Tenant Signage Guidelines SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 s-20 I tt . -~-~ ~ ... J,-\ ~ ' ( ,. SIGN LIGHTING All sign elements must be internally and/or externally illuminated. Hot spots and light leaks are not permitted and must be repaired by the Tenant. All illuminated signs shall be fabricated, installed, and comply with national/ local building and electrical codes and shall bear the U.L. label. All signs must conceal all identification labels and U.L. labels to conform to U.L. Codes. All conductors, transformers, cabinets, housings, and other equipment shall be concealed and/or incorporated into storefront and/or sign components. To protect the visual environment, all Tenant's light fixtures in regards to brightness and glare shall be subject to approval. Tenant's primary sign, secondary sign (if applicable), canopy and blade sign shall remain illuminated after hours as designated by Westfield. Lighting in this zone is required to be circuited and switched separately from other store fixtures on the Tenant's panel and controlled by a timeclock. Tenant shall provide a disconnect switch at sign transformer or near electrical junction box. TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS Signs that are placed upon exterior walls and graphics or signs placed on awnings or canopies are considered Tenant Identification Signs. Any sign which~ directs attention to the following: business profession, product, service, accommodation, activity or entertainment conducted, sold or offered on the Premises which the sign is locate.d constitutes a Tenant Identification Sign. II JPRA ARCHITECTS 432 Culver Blvd 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 T 310 822 5223 tel 248 737 0180 STOREFRONT SIGNS Tenant signage that is installed, attached, or mounted behind the storefront glass is subject to Westfield's review and approval. Such signage may not be subject to Carlsbad city code. This may help Tenant achieve additional signage and branding in addition to the Tenant Identification Signs. -.-.1: ~-<'4 ffiesaie1il J \/. i// cA~Ls)1 BAJ?,, :/ // ~..,, /' 2S2SElc.&mlnoRHl•100 Carlsbld,.CA.92008 (760)7297'127 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wllhlre Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angeles, Callfomla 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 -4456 Facaimile 310 478 4468 Tenant Signage Guidelines SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 S -21 3 4 ·3 • DIMENSIONAL LETTERS ,, .. ~li.c . '• ~,. • -·l'll!lllll,r ,J ·.;;;,;; ,, ; 'l ~), :,-~ \ ·--.r, 111.~t· 1 'IJJ • ' ···x '. ..•. ' . ,, -, . " . -~ .. , ·-r;~, .i:!~~ --.... ----I-I A.l\1.9 -- 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 310 822 5223 <.o.;;;:z. 88 JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 HALO-LIT LETTERS ~ i,,i,,/111!1• . \, ~"IMf .. ,o:i -0, E· '"I[> ~--.n~ .n?l!!;..fa\....E>) . ..l[~..a.l-~ -!l . l ~-:f ,, .. ,. _,,_,.!,.,~' . . I i i .....l , ~J~,,.,r~ ;-t?·J.t 1 :n, • PUSH-THROUGH LETTERS i -----i·1 i· ~,-, l I ' l I t I I i , ,, \. ,_ . I ,I J ~~ t If lUifill , CANOPY SIGNAGE m~~~ \' ~tf)/ l' ', /\, ./ JCARLSBA:0 ) J..l 25258C'.amtnofle.alfl00 Calisbad,.CA.92008 C160)rnm1 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wllahlro Boulevard, 11th Aoor Los Angeles, Califomla 90025--1748 Telephone 3104784456 Facalmile 310478.«58 Acceptable Tenant Sign Types SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 s-22 J .J t •• .... .... ,. PROJECTING SIGNS 432 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 T 31 0 822 5223 BE JPRA ARCHITECTS 39300 West Twelve Mile Road, suite 180 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331 tel 248 737 0180 CINEMA MARQUEE ··-·-----,. ·.·. 1· ,, . ' , j I 1 l . l ,~fl /\ . ,1/ eARLSBI\D !l) 25258C.amJnof!eJlt100 c.wbad,CA.92008 {760)7297927 WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wlllhlre Boulevani, 11th Roor Los Anoeles, Callfomll 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4466 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Acceptable Tenant Sign Types SIGNAGE PACKAGE Issue Date: 06/13/2014 s-23