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PS 14-158; LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
Ccicyof Carlsbad MODIFIED SIGN PROGRAM P-11{D) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING APPLIC~TION # /l/--t ~ REC'D BY (/. ~tit.A-_ DA TE (-Z...·/6.-N SIGN FEE----,,.---,,---------,,---- SIGN PROGRAM FEE ~IMtNr:)/L.. A~b RECEIPT NO. ~ -' APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF COPIES OF THE PLANS (SEE BELOW), A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Name of Project: LA CO~TA TOWN SQUARE Address of Project: 34;10 VIA MERCATO, CARLSBAD CA 92009 Assessor Parcel Number: 223.050.72 ~------------------------------ Re I ate d Planning Case Number(s): _s_oP_-0_1-_04_, c_o_1_s-_16 _______________ --____ _ Modified Minor and Modified Regular Sign Programs may establish standards for sign area, number, location, and/or dimension that vary from the standards of the Sign Ordinance - Chapter 21.41 as follows: • A sign program proposal that exceeds the standards of Chapter 21.41 by up to 15% shall require the approval of a Modified Minor Sign Program discretionary application by the city planner provided that all of the findings of fact listed in Section 21.41.060.H. of Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) can be made. • A sign program proposal that exceeds the standards of Chapter 21.41 by greater than 15% up to 30% requires the approval of a Modified Regular Sign Program discretionary application by the planning commission provided that all of the findings of fact listed in Section 21.41.060.H. of Chapter 21.41 of the CMC can be made. • When calculating the permitted number of signs allowed by a modified sign program, if the calculation results in a fractional sign, then the fractional sign may be rounded up to the next whole number. The following information shall be submitted for each Modified Sign Program (MSP) application: · IZ]1. A completed Modified Sign Program Explanation and Justification Form (attached); @2. Four (4) copies (Modified Minor SP); seven (7) copies (Modified Regular SP) of the proposed modified sign program (comprised of a minimum e.5" x 11" bound document) which shall include; P-11(0) Oa. A scaled drawing of the approved development plan; Ob. North arrow and scale; De. The location of property lines, rights of way, adjacent streets and sidewalks; 0d. The location of existing or proposed on-site buildings, landscaped areas, off-street parking areas and vehicular access points; Page 1 of 5 Rev. 08/14 .. (Zje. The location of all existing and proposed signs for the property showing the relationship to any building or structure to which it is proposed to be installed or affixed or to which it relates; i{)f. The distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s); !{Jg. An elevation for all existing and proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: D Dimensions and area for all sign(s); D Materials and colors the sign(s) will be constructed of; D Source of Illumination; D Proposed sign copy; and 0 Any structural information .and plans necessary to ensure compliance with the latest adopted building code and electrical code. @h. The number, size, type and location of all existing signs on the same building, lot or prl;lmises; IZ)i. Computation of the total number of signs, sign area for individual signs, total sign area and height of signs for each existing and proposed sign type; l{Jj. A materials board or sign sample that is an accurate representation of proposed colors, material and style of copy; and (Zlk. All .sign programs must incorporate the provisions for substitution of noncommercial messages as specified in Section 21.41.025.A.2.ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code. @3. Property Owners List, Addressed Mailing Labels and Rc;1dius Map a. Property Owners List:: A typewritten list of the names and addresses of all property owners within a 300 foot radius of the subject property for a Modified Minor Sign Program and 600 foot radius of the subject property for a Modified Regular Sign Program (including the applicant and/or owner). The list shall include the San Diego County Assessor's parcel number from the latest a~sessment rolls. b. Addressed· Mailing Labels: Two (2) separate sets of mailing labels of the property owners within a 300 foot radius for a Modified Minor Sign Program or 600 foot radius for a Modified Regular Sign Program of the subject property. For any address other than a single-family residence, an apartment or suite number must be included. DO NOT provide addressed envelopes -PROVIDE LABELS ONLY. Acceptable fonts are: Arial 11 pt, Arial Rounded MT Bold 9 pt, Courier 14 pt, Courier New 11 pt, and MS Line Draw 11 pt. Sample labels are as follows: ACCEPTABLE Mrs. Jane Smith 123 Magnolia Ave., Apt #3 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ACCEPTABLE (with APN) 209-060-34-00 MRS. JANE SMITH APT3 123 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 c. Radius Map: A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' showing each lot within a 300 foot radius of the subject property for a Modified Minor Sign Program or a 600 foot radius of the subject property for a Modified Regular Sign Program. Each of these lots shall be consecutively numbered and correspond with the property owners list. The scale of the map may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the City Planner ·if the required scale is impractical. NOTE: When the application is tentatively scheduled to be heard by the decision making body, the project planner will contact the applicant and advise him to submit the radius map, two sets of the property owners list and labels. The applicant shall be required to sign a statement certifying that the information provided represents the latest equalized assessment rolls from the San Oiego County Assessor's Office. The project will not go forward until thi~ information is received. P-11 (D) Page 2 of 5 Rev. 08/14 • SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right:-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. All proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right of-way or present a traffic hazard. The image below is an example of what would be required for such proposed signs. I I 1 I P/L • Sight-Distance Requirement • I . . I Show building/s . . ,0 . I . . I I ~ I • . Show setbacks from all curbs ,_ ---,i --- ' . ' . I ' . . I I I Show all property lines I P/L ' . . I . : . I . . curb line • . . . : • ---- ------~--- • • . , . Sight Visibility I StreetName(s) (i) I I North P-11(D) Page 3 of 5 Rev. 08/14 OWNER NAME (Print): PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS . . . MAILING ADDRESS: 5918 STONERIDGE MALL ROAD CITY, STATE, ZIP: .PLEASANTON, CA 94588 . TELEPHONE: 925-738-1286 EMAIL ADDRESS: kalina.kunert@pdcenters.com THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE E AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print):· MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: 12/15/2014 DATE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUI; AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. APPLICANT NAM!;: (Print): Kalinc1 Kunert ~-------~~~~~~~- MA I LING ADDRESS: 5918 STONERIDGE MALL ROAD CITY, STATE, ZIP: PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TELEPHONE: 925-738-1286 EMAIL ADDRESS: kalina.kunert@pdcenters.com LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER E INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO c:#t=.il=l~~EDGE. IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY ·FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND BIND ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY P-11(D) Page 4 of 5 ~IE~rE~\fEID DEC l 6 2014 DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED . - RECEIVED BY: Rev. 08/14 ~-' ~ (~~ CARLSBAD ~a:, k<L I I 1-I ,s- f ~ l [ ~@rw· Community & Economic Development January 2, 2015 Howard Herlitz Pacific Neon Company 2939 Academy Way Sacramento, CA 95815 www.carlsbadca.gov SUBJECT: MODIFIED MINOR SIGN PROGRAM -PS 14-158 -·LACOSTA TOWN SQUARE -Request for approval of a Modified Minor Sign Program (PS 14-158) for the increase in the sign size and sign area by 15% for the La Costa Town Square shopping center located on the northeast corner of La Costa Avenue. and Rancho Santa Fe Road, in the Planned Community Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 11. Dear Mr. Herlitz, The City Planner has completed a review of your application for a Modified Minor Sign Program PS 14-158 for the increase in the sign size and sign area by 15% forthe La Costa Town Square shopping center located on the northeast corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. A notice was sent to property owners within a 300 foot radius of the subject property requesting comments regarding the above request .. Two comments were received within the ten day notice period (ending on December_19, 2014). After careful consideration of the circumstances.surrounding this request, the City Planner has made a decision pursuant to Section 21.54.120 of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code to APPROVE this request based on the following findings and subject to the conditions listed below. Findings: 1. That the standards established by the Modified Minor Sign Program do not exceed any applicable rules or limit in the General Plan, in that the. General Plan Land Use Element does not contain regulations limiting the amount or size of signs. 2. That the Modified Minor Sign program is necessary to ensure that signs are proportionate to and compatible with the number, size, height, scale -and/or orientation of project buildings in that most all of the buildings have two visible elevations and t!,e present sign allowance does not adequately allow for signage that is readily visible from both building elevations. The increase in sign area is proportionate to the size of the buildings. The present sign allowance appears small in relation to the building elevations and the 15% increase will be in scale with the size of the commercial building storefronts without being excessive in size. The increase results in a four inch increase in letter height and roughly 4.5 square feet of area for a typical shop space. The sign program maintains the maximum sign width and height to not exceed 75% of the storefront which prevents signs from being too large relative to the size of the storefront. Planning Division . . 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 PS 14-158-LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE .. '"' r-· ,·~,, 1""'J '""' 2'' 2·· 0··1· '5 i' , , • anuary , 1 ·, , L "P. ,2 .. , ! : lJ l; l:..:,' !, . age. '. ~-' I> l ' 3. That the project will not adversely affect the public health, safety or general welfare, in that the increase in sign size and sign area is not excessive and will be proportionate with the building elevations and will not detract from the aesthetics of the shopping center. The halo illuminated sign requirement ensures the larger signs will not significantly increase the amount of light from the increase in sign size or sign area. 4. That the City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of envi··onmental documents pursuant to Section 15311(a}-Accessory Structures, On-premise signs of the state CEQA Guidelines. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the excieptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project. 5. That the request for a Modified Minor Sign Program was adequately noticed at least ten {10) calendar days before the date of this decision pursuant to Section 21.54.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 6. The City Planner has reviewed each of the exactions imposed on the Developer contained in this resolution, and hereby finds, in this case, that the exactions are imposed to mitigate impacts caused by or reasonably related to the project, and the extent and the degree of the exaction is in rough proportionality to the impact caused by the project. Conditions: 1. Approval is granted for PS 14-158 -La Costa Town Square as shown on Exhibits "A" dated December 29, 2014 on file in the Pfanning Division and incorporated herein by reference. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2. If any of the following conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terms, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terms, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted; deny or further condition issuance of all future building permits; deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted; record a notice of violation on the property title; institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. No vested rights are gained by Developer or a successor in interest by the City's approval of this Modified Minor Sign Program. 3. Staff is authorized and directed to make, or require the· Developer to make, all corrections and modifications to the Modified Minor Sign Program documents, as necessary to make them internally consistent and in conformity with the final action on the project. Development shall occu·r substantially as shown on the approved Exhibits. Any proposed development, different from this approval, shall require an amendment to this approval. · 4. Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of fed~ral, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. PS 14-158-LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE January 2, 2015 Page 3 5. If any condition for construction of any public improvements or facilities, or the payment of any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by this approval or imposed by law ori this Project are challenged, this approval shall be suspended as provided in Government Code Section 66020. If any such condition is determined to be invalid, this approval shall be invalid unless the City Council determines that the project without the condition complies with all requirements of law. 6. Developer/Operator shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Carlsbad, its Council members, officers, employees, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval and issuance of this Modified Minor Sign Program, (b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or nondiscretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein, and (c) Developer/Operator's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. This obligation survives until all legal proceedings have been concluded and continues even if the City's approval is not validated. 7. Developer shall report, in writing, to the City Planner within 30 days, any address change from that which is shown on the permit application. Code Reminders: 8. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance· with all applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in ~ffect at time of building perm~t issuance, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. PS 14-158-LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE January 2, 2015 Page4 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to for convenience as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date of final approval to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedure set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager.for processing in a.:cordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity charges, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project; NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. This decision may be appealed by you or any other member of the public to the Planning Commission within ten days of the date of this letter. Appeals must be sµbmitted in writing to the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, along with a payment of $661.00. The filing of such appeal within such time limit shall stay the effective date of the order of the City Planner until such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Van Lynch at (760) 602-4613. Sincerely, DON NEU, AICP City Planner CD:VL:fn c: Don Neu, City Planner Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner Michele Masterson, Senior Management Analyst File Copy Data Entry DMS _4~ CITY .OF ~CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development January 2, 2015 Nihar & Kalariya Shital Bhatka 3430 Sitio Sandia Carlsbad CA 92009 RE: LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE SIGN PROGRAM PS 14-158 Dear Mr. Bhakta, www.carlsbadca.gov This notice is being sent to you because of your interest in the project. Please find attached the approval letter for the request of an amendment to the La Costa Town Square sign program. The findings of the approval are contained within the letter. This decision may be appealed by you or any other member of the public to the Planning Commission within ten days of the date of this letter. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, along with a payment of $661.00. The filing of such appeal within such time limit shall-stay the effective date of the order of the City Planner until such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Van Lynch at {760) 602-4613. Sincerely, ~Bl~ Senior Planner VL:bd c: File enc Pla.nning· DivisiQn 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-60l-4600 F 760-602-8559 ~· ~~CARLSBAD Community & Economic Development www.carlsbadca.gov January 2,·2015 Andrea Specter 3523 Camino Sierra #301 Carlsbad CA 92009 RE: LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE SIGN PROGRAM PS 1'4-158 Dear Mrs. Specter, This notice is being sent to you because of your interest in the prcYject. Please find attached the approval letter for the request of an amendment to the La Costa Town Square sign program. The findings of the approval are contained within the letter. This decision may be appealed by you or any other member of the public to the Planning Commission within ten days of the date of this letter. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Planning Division at 1635 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, along with a payment of $661.00. The filing of such appeal within such time limit shall stay the effective date of the order of the City Planner until such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Van Lynch at (760) 602-4613. Sincerely, ~~ Senior Planner VL:bd c: File enc Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 T 760-602-4600 F 760-602-8559 ® Nihar Bhakta City of Carlsbad 3430 Sitio Sandia DEC 2 6 2014 Carlsbad, Ca 92009 Planning Division De~r City of Carlsbad Planning Division We received a letter referencing a request for minor modification to the La Costa, Town Square Sign program asking for a minor modification to increase the sign a,:ea for letter and logo heights by ~5%. I object to this moc!ification. As it currently stands there is entirely too m1,.1ch light pollution of our neighborhood in Arterro from the La Costa Town Square development. A .proposal to increase this amount of light pollution by 15% is unacceptable as it will negatively impact the quality of life for not just my home but for all of our neighbors. If you have any questions or would like to see exactly how much, light'pollution currently exists, please feel free to call me at 310 980 9777. I would be happy to discuss further., Thank you for your time. Nihar Bhakta ------~,----; ---------------------------------- NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR MINOR MODIFICATION TO THE LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE SIGN PROGRAM Ccityof Carlsbad Notice is hereby given that an administrative minor modification to the La, Costa Town Square Commercial Shoppin~ Center Sign Program has been applied for to· allow an increase in the permitted sign area and sign letter/logo heights by 15 percent. The increase would allow the sign area to increase from 1 square foot of sign area per lineal foot of tenant lease space fror:1tage to 1.15 square feet of sign area. As an example, a typical shop building sign with lease space frontage of 30 feet is· allowed a maximum sign area of 30 square feet. With the 15 percent increase, the new maximum would be 34.5 square feet. The m·inor modification would also allow for an increase in the letter height of the signs and logos by 15 percent. As an example, tenant spaces that are less than 3,500 square feet are presently allowed a maximum sign/logo height of 24 inches and a 15 percent increase would allow a 27.6 inch lett.er/logo height .. The allowance would allow for better business recognition and signs in scale with the building elevations. The project is generally located on the southeasterly corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, Carlsbad, California, and more particularly described as:· · Parcel 2 of Carlsbad Minor Subdivision 04-08, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 20982, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego, July 7, 2012 as file number 2012-0402964 If you have any objections to the granting of this administrative minor modification or wish tp have an administrative hearing to discuss the requested administrative minor modification, please notify the Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, in writing within 10 calendar days of the date of. this notice. If you have any questions,. please call Van Lynch in the Planning Division at 602- 4.613. CASE NO.: PS 14-158 CASE NAME: La Costa Town Square Sign Program DATE: December 17, 2014 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 I 760-602-8560 fax Easy Peel® Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ .. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS LLC 5918 STONERIDGE MALL RD PLEASANTON CA 94588 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 L ACLLC . 4600 WELLS FARGO CTR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 : DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 L ACLLC 90 S 7TH ST . MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 . THOMAS D & VALERIE ' WILLARDSON 3411 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 · PETER & KRISTEN SIEFFERT . 3422 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 . SANTA FE LACOSTA LL C : 9404 GENESEE AVE #330 LA JOLLA CA 92037 JAMES J SPINK , 3169 VIA IRIS . CARLSBAD CA 92009 JAMES W & TONI R STRAHAN 7771 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREW D POLANSKY 7763 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 · ROGER M FISHER 7757 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 ~tiquettes faciles a peler l Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®/8160Mc J I I I J A Bend along line to i Feed Paper -expose Pop-up Edge™ J TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L L C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR#1450 IRVINE CA 92618 JEREMIAH D & MO DI MOMPER 7329 CALLE PERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRY S TORCHIN 3419 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 , GILES H BATEMAN 3410 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 NIHAR & KALARIYA SHITAL BHAKTA ' 3430 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 AMERICAN DRUG STORES INC 5330 CARROLL CANYON RD I #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 VIKRAM Y & MAMTA MALHOTRA 7986 PASEO MEMBRILLO CARLSBAD CA 92009 KAREN ESCHRICH 7769 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 BALLARD LIVING TRUST 11-03- 99 7761 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 TARAALEAHY 7753 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 A Sens de chargement Repliez a la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc j ~ AVERY® 6240™ l DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 L A C L L C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 , BRYAN & JENNIFER R ROHR 7325 CALLE PERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 KOEHNEN TRUST 01-27-06 3415 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 YANFENG & FANG JEIYIN WANG 3414 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 SHAPIRO FAMILY TRUST 11-27- 12 3434 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN H TINDELL 3167 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD GA 92009 CHERYL L KNEBEL 3173 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 . GIGI A OAKLEY 7767 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 ALYSSAJ TAN 7759 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 A & M FAMILY TRUST 11-29-09 3760 ARAPAHO PL CARLSBAD CA 92010 www.avery.com 1-SOO·G·o-AVERY I I I .& Easy Peelllll. Labels Use Avery® Template 5160® /8160™ ' . CpRONA LIVING TRUST 10-25- 06 7579 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVIS FAMILY TRUST 03-25-14 2426 BADAJOZ PL #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 MIKE & KAREN F DEBELLIS 32882 STAYSAIL OB · DANA POINT CA 92629 i JOHN & DANI SWALLOW ' 7732 VIA RICO . CARLSBAD CA 92009 i MARC A & KATHLEEN A MAOLA 7739 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 DARLENE A PRADARELLI 3189 VIA IRIS #29 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BARBARA J WOOLF : 3177 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 • WILLIAM J & MARLINE PENNINGTON 3194 VIA IRIS . CARLSBAD CA 92009 JULIE A JOHANSEN 7597 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 · ROBERT L & LENORE P MCKINNON 7591 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 Etiquettes faciles a peler J Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®/8160MC 1 i A Bend along line to i J Feed Paper -expose Pop-up Edge™ J, CYNTHIA D TRIEBELL 7747 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL & JAMIE SPIRITO 4912 AVILAAVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ALYSSA tSAI 7731 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 , MARC A SANDKNOP 7736 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 CAMERON FAIST 7735 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 LAUREN T HURST 3185 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 KYONG SUK KO 3186 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 JUAN M & PATRICIA M CHAVl;Z 3198 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARIA J CEFARA TT 7595 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MAUREEN E TAYLOR 3570 DONNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 A Sens de chargement Repllez a la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc j ~ AVERY@ 6240™ l THERESA M WHITEHEAD 1042 N EL CAMINO REAL #8239 ENCINITAS CA 92024 BYRON & BONNIE R MOSS 7737 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHRISTOPHER A & LISA I AVl=LLINO 7729 CALLE ANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 LORI L ROTHE 77 40 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT J KRUPNIK 4 MILLER LN WHITE HSE STA NJ 8889 SUSAN PURDY i 31.81 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 JACQUES & KIMBERLEY A ERMOLIEFF , 3190 VIA IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 JAMES & ROSALIND RICHARDS 3340 BAJO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 PATRICIA J KNUDSEN 7593 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 STEVEN P ROTENBERG 7587 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1-800-G'O-AVERY I I I .! Easy Pee11111 Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ ' RPBERT & ANNE PARIS POBOX22173 PHOENIX AZ. 85028 JACK B & MURPHY SUSAN M · SMYER 7577 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL A ROSS 7584 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 FRANK N & ERi BALES 4413 BANFF ST ANNANDALE VA 22003 DANIEL A SINER 1483 TENNIS MATCH WAY ENCINITAS CA 92024 CAROLINE BAKER 3344 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARK F PISKOR 3345 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 . JOHN & BOVA-PICURI KATHRYN PICURI 3J39 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LOUIS W & TRACY W ROSGEN 13310 COLCHESTER FERRY PL WOODBRIDGE VA 22191 YUPAI 7561 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 ~tiquettes faciles a peler I Utilisez le gabarit AVERv® 5160®/8160Mc j i ... J Feed Paper -- Bend along line to i expose Pop-up Edge™ J LESLIE J & DEBRA ARMSTRONG 7583 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 LINDA C SWENSON 7580 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRY A & JENNIFER S MULLINS 7586 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 RANDALL K PATRYLA 7592 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 TASHA RUIZ 7310 MUSLO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 CINDY A SHAMSHOIAN 3346 CUESTA PJ_ CARLSBAD CA 92009 IDAMHORD · 3343 CUESTA PL 1 CARLSBAD· CA 92009 KATHERINE E DOMINICK 3337 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 WILLIAM L & SUSANNE H KING 7565 AGUA DULCE CT · CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREW & KAREN MALKIN 7559 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 A Sens de chargement Repllez a la hachure afln de I r6veler le rebord Pop-upMc j ~ AVERY@ 6240™ l MIGUEL A MATA 7581 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JON M & DANA CAMPBELL 7582 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 GARY & MICHELLE MCCLELLAN 7588 DEHESA CT · CARLSBAD CA 92009 ELIZABETH J MACKINNON 7594 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 ERIC J & MEGAN KNUTSEN 3342 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ARTURO D J MANCILLA ' 3347 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN & AURA CARUTHERS 3341 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 BRETT R & CHANDANI S MCINTIRE 3335 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROXANNE P CORNEJO 2533 THISTLE CREEK ST SANTA ROSA CA 95404 DEBRA A PATANELLA 7557 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1·800-GO·AVERV I I I .I. ·1 Easy Peelll!I Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ LQWELL E GATES 7555 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 RUSSELL A KURTZ 7550 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 . SCOTT & HEATHER KILLEN : 7556 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 . iHOMSON 2012 FAMILY TRUST ; 3310 DORADO PL , CARLSBAD CA 92009 LOUIS A STORROW . 13233 HAXTON PL SAN DIEGO CA 92130 1 ANDREW M & JEANINE S ROWE 3321 DORADO PL . CARLSBAD CA 92009 ; NIXON REVOCABLE 2008 TRUST 04-18-08 . 3315 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 LESLIE J & LUCIA JOYCE ARBUCKLE . 3309 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 DORIAN S EXEMPT LINKOGLE 41720 CALLE CABRILLO TEMECULA CA 92592 PATRICK E C & KENNEDY ANDREA S LALLY 5625 S SPYGLASS RD TEMPE AZ 85283 ttiquettes faciles a peler 1 Utilisez le gabarit AVERv® 5160®/816()MC J i A J Feed Paper -- Bend along line to i expose Pop-up Edge™ J KEITH R SHERMAN 7553 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 RUBINS FAMILY TRUST 09-13-93 7552 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID A CHRISTIE 7558 AGUA DULCE CT #118 CARLSBAD CA 92009 NORBERT & EILEEN WENGLER 3312 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JANE S BEVERIDGE 3318 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEAN-PAUL & GRANT JORDANA M BRUNDAGE 3319 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 KENNETH S & ANGELINA M LAKE 7240 CARPA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 MIKE M FARSHCHI 1231 PROMONTORY TER SAN RAMON CA 94583 LAURA A GARVER 3301 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHN R DELAND 3350 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 .. Sens de chargement Repliez ~ la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l MARY L CAMPBELL 7551 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 DOUGLAS W & EMILIE C MCBAIN 7554 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 STANLEY D JONES 3308 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ; JANET ELAINE BROWN 3314 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT & BARBARA ONEILL 3320 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 HUGH J & AMY MARTIN 3317 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 GEORGE W & ELIZABETH E WALKER 1048 HYGEIAAVE LEUCADIA CA 92024 WILLIAM B & SHANNON S JACOWAY 3305 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOHNA SELLS 3336 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 SCOTT & DARCY FELD 3352 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY I I I .& Easy Pee11111 Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ .• Cl:IARLES M & SANDRA M BERNSTEIN 3354 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 BRIAN BOWMAN : 3349 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 VIGEN & BABAYANS DIANA ZARIFIAN 3343 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 . MURPHY FAMILY REVOCABLE . TRUST 04-29-97 . 3337 Dl;L RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 i PUCK 1995 TRUST 02-15-95 1762 AVENIDA LA POSTA ENCINITAS CA 92024 . BART FAMILY TRUST 10-15-09 P O BOX 130700 CARLSBAD CA 92013 ROXANE HAYS 2594 MONTGOMERY AVE CARDIFF CA 92007 HUA & DUAN XIAOPING ZHANG . 3537 ALANDER CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 CHRISTOPHER & MARIE GAD ULA 52 WENDOVER RD TORRONTO, ON M8X 2L3, CANADA ZENIA B HOLMES PO BOX 1164 CARDIFF BY THE SE CA 92007 I A Bend along llne to i J Feed Paper -expose Pop-up Edge™ J JON P & TISHA R DORE ; 3353 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOSEPH G CHAREST 3347 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 JORDAN & JUNKO SCHUCKIT 3341 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 WENDELL H BEVERIDGE , 3335 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 SHMDI ARIAZAND 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID & HEIDI J NASH 146 W GLAUCUS ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 AMY L GARRISON . 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' JODI L ALEXANDER 2654 6THAVE SAN DIEGO CA 92103 BLAINE T TORGERSON 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #30~ CARLSBAD CA 92009 FEINSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 03- 10-05 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 • ~tiquettes faciles a peler 1 Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®/8160Mc J · Sens de chargement Repllez li fa hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l DEBRA L WILSON-AIZIKOVITZ 3351 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 RYAN & MALISSA MORAN 3345 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 VITAL & JAYNE D OSEGUEDA 3339 DEL RIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 SANTA FE RANCH LL C 2235 FARADAY AVE #0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 BOBBIE BELSER 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #202 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LAURA D M FABBRO 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 PAULAZZAM 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #U101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 WICKENBERG PROPERTIES LLC 3177 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITAS CA 92024 JULIE DEGRAW 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KYLE & GRIFFIN MELANIE KENNEDY 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 I I I www.avery.com 1·800-GO•AVERY .l. Ec;1sy PeelllY Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ TIM SALMON 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID A & CARMELITE GOUGIS 1.3609 GREENOAK CT · LA MIRADA CA 90638 VONPLATEN FAMILY TRUST 11- 26-93 25101 BEAR VALLEY RD #75 TEHACHAPI CA 93561 AIMEE L HOGUE 53 CHElWYND RD #1 · SOMERVILLE MA 2144 . VINCENT J WACHER 1042 N EL CAMINO REAL #8174 . ENCINITAS CA 92024 LAUREN ANSOLABEHERE '. 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 . CARLSBAD CA 92009 DEBBIE D ORTIZ : 1565 W 11TH AVE ESCONDIDO CA 92029 : DAVID J CAREY 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANTHONY R EASTON PO BOX 166 .SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 ELIZABETH J BARRETT 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 !tiquettes faciles a peler 1 Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®/8160MC J i A J Feed Paper -- Bend along lfne to i expose Pop-up Edge™ J HUNAIDA S SHAMIEH 3798 MYKONOS LN #33 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 STEPHEN I OSTROW 2533 S HIGHWAY 101 #280 CARDIFF BY THE SE CA 92007 RICHARD M COOPER TORONTO ONT M5R 1 N4 CANADA ADAMUCCI FAMILY TRUST 05- 17-08 28976 NEWPORT RD TEMECULA CA 92591 PROFIT SHARING PLAN HALE 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 OVAIS & OVAIS FAREEHA I ASHRAF 3435 CIRCULO ADORNO CARLSBAD CA 92009 RICHARD A REED 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 NICOLAS SIENNE 7936 DEERFIELD ST SAN DIEGO CA 92120 ATSURO CHIBA 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHRISTOPHER P KAKADELAS 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 .. Sens de chargement Repflez A fa hachure afin de f reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l CATHERINE L REEVE 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DARREN & EILEEN O CONNOR 18 SCOTCH MIST WAY BALLSTON SPA NY 12020 . DAVID SUKSUMRIT 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA #S304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOSEPH HINTON 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 GAIL F BUTLER 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #202 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BUCSIS W & VICKI L MARK 402 BRAESHIRE LN SASKA TOON, SK S7V 182, CANADA DANIELA SIGAUD 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 BRIAN & LYDIA A STAFFORD 818 CAPISTRANO PL SAN DIEGO CA92109 DAVIES FAMILY 2011 TRUST 05- 07-02 3688 WRENCO LOOP RD SANDPOINT ID 83864 , SESTI TRUST 06-20-13 7812 GAVIOTA CIR CARLSBAD CA 92009 I I I www.avery.com 1·800-GO•AVERY .! Easy Pee11111 Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ Ll9A B CLARK 7753 CAMINITO BONANZA #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . KA TH LEEN S WELCH 3327 FOSCA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 : BRUCE & MONIQUE ONBIRBAK 976 MONTE MIRA DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 : LYLE M SOLBERG • 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . LESLIE L LAVERONI ' 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 GERRILARMBRUSTER 1 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #P201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT H & JENNIFER E JOINT WINSTON 2909 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 C F MERFELD L L C P O BOX 910473 SAN DIEGO CA 92191 JOANN CLARK 7754 CAMINITO -BONANZA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID R PATTERSON 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #A102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ~tiquettes faciles a peter l Utilisez le gabaritAVERv® S160®/8160Mc J i A j Feed Paper -- Bend along line to i expose Pop-up Edge™ j ® AVERY® 6240™ l GLENN & AILEEN RASKIN 7916 VIA ENSENADA CARLSBAD CA 92009 PIROZHENKO LIVING TRUST 01- 24-10 P O BOX 675433 RCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 PECKS CHEE 6670 RUMBLE ST #30 BURNABY, BC V5E 4H7, CANADA TOWNSEND FAMILY TRUST 05- 15-02 1860 WALES RD CAMBRIA CA 93428 M V P PROPERTIES-CAMINITO SIERRALLC 7935 AVENIDA DIESTRO CARLSBAD CA 92009 JOAN A LOARIE 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CHRISTINA KING 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . ARTURO HERNANDEZ 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA #101 , CARLSBAD CA 92009 DONALD L BRIGHT 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA #203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREONE FAMILY TRUST 10- 13-98 8607 ECHO OR LA Ml:SA CA 91941 ... Sens de chargement Repllez t.la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J KATHIE JACKSON 312 S CEDROS AVE #250 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 STEVEN & SHAHBAZ SHELIA GARRISON , 7757 CAMINITO BONANZA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDREW I COHEN 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 RICHARD M THOMPSON 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 RODNEY PLATT 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JONATHAN FISCHBEIN 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 GENE & DONNA DESHAZO 345 N 1ST ST BLYTHE CA 92225 . . DEBRA D THUNE 10344 RIDER CT LA PINE OR 97739 MARX FAMILY TRUST 08-07-96 8070 SITIO TOLEDO CARLSBAD CA 92009 CYNTHIA S BARROWS 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #204 ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1·800-GO·AVERY I I ~ Easy PeelllY Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ BRITTANY R GORMAN 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL J INOUYE 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 . STANLEY & ELEANOR THOMAS PO BOX 131764 CARLSBAD CA 92013 . YONG SYE & SIN NON CHO 7701 CAMINITO LEON #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 RONNIE KVASHNY 3320 CAMINITO EASiBLUFF #138 LA JOLLA CA 92037 SHIKUAN SHE 2192 DICKINSON DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 . BERNARDO N VELAZQUEZ . 7707 CAMINITO LEON #101 . CARl-SBAD CA 92009 KIRSTEN MILDBRANDT 3503 CAMINITO 'SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEANNE W ALEXANDER 831 CAMINITO VERDE CARLSBAD CA 92011 · MARILYNN D STYERS 6485 WAYFINDERS CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 Etiquettes faciles a peter 1 Utilisez le gabaritAVERY® 5160®/8160Mc J i A J Feed Paper Bend along line to i expose Pop-up Edge™ ; SANDRA K KRUGER 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 OLSON G & BETTY L KEITH 9798 MARKYWAY LA MESA CA 91941 TIMOTHY G & COOPER- BRENNAN CAROL BRENNAN ' 7701 CAMINITO LEON #102 CARLSBAD CA 9.2009 KATHRYN R TAYLOR 7701 CAMINITO LEON #203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID E & NAM JAYOUNG SNOW 7706 CAMINITO PUERTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 KAREN A KEYER 248 LA PALOMA ; SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 DEAN & VICTORIA DANGANAN 7702 CAMINITO LEON #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JESSICA HALL 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 XUEMEI & LUO HAOBIN LI 1102 DOWITCHER CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 STEVEN K MACPHERSON 1277 FOREST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ... Sens de chargement Repliez a la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l LEE FOWLER 1116 DIAMOND ST SAN DIEGO CA 92109 KATHERINE A ROCKWELL 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO #203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVOOD B MINOOEE 7932 AVENIDA DIESTRO ' CARLSBAD CA 92009 PATRICIA PATTERSON 7701 CAMINITO LEON #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SUSAN E WANNER 1441 BIG CANYON TER CARDIFF CA 92007 GARY F & MARY K EMERT 7706 CAMINITO PUERTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 NANSI AKROUSH 11180 PORTOBELO DR , SAN DIEGO CA 92124 TACIANA N THOMPSON 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SCHWIMMER LIVING TRUST 05- 29-01 1116 DIAMOND ST SAN DIEGO CA 92109 RONALD W KNIGHT 1415 BERNITA WAY EL CAJON CA 92020 www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY I I I .& Easy Pee11111 Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ Y~CENiA R COVARRUBIAS 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 MATEO C ZEPEDA 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA #302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT YUNK 4583 COVE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 JENNIFER BEARDEN 2848 LUCIERNAGA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' LUANNE H EDWARDS 712 BONITA DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 I MICHAEL C RING , 7702 CAMINITO LEON #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SILAS E PACHON · 11756 MOORPARKST#E · STUDIO CITY CA 91604 ROSS FAMILY TRUST 03-09-05 1964 LAHOUD DR CARDIFF CA 92007 JOHN E & RHONDA DRURY 1701 HILO DR VISTA CA 92081 WARREN K & ASKINS ROBIN DUNHAM 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA #304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ~tiquettes faciles a peler j Utilisez le gabaritAVERY® 5160®/8160MC J j A Bend along line to i J Feed Paper _.. expose Pop-up Edge™ j KNOX REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-29-07 2411 S SUMMIT CIRCLE GLN ESCONDIDO CA 92026 MARTIN FAMILY 1993 TRUST 12- 13-93 1061 DOUBLE LL RANCH RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 PIEDAD VELASCO-HEGG 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SCOTT HOLMES POBOX461 CARNELIAN BAY CA 96140 ALICIA G TORRES 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 FOWLER FAMILY TRUST 10-21- 13 260 SPRINGCREEK RD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 , JENNA CRELLIN 7702 CAMINITO LEON #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 GENE O ATWOOD 783 SHASTA OAKS CT ROSEVILLE CA 95678 MARK C DEGEORGE 6 NACIENTE RANCHO MISSION VI CA 92694 CYNTHIA Y ALLRED 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ... Sens de chargement Repllez a la hachure afin de I reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l ALVIN CYRUS JOHNSON 2707 SACRAMENTO ST #7 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94115 ROGER E STEWART , 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 STACY M BLACKWOOD 2304 N SPURGEON ST SANTA ANA CA 92706 LONGOBARDI FAMILY TRUST 07-01-99 3309 SAGE RD i FALLBROOK CA 92028 STANLEY C & PENNY P GRAY 31755 COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 SOTOUDEH & MINOOEE AREZOU HAMEDI-HAGH 7702 CAMINITO LEON #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SAMANTHA C L EASTON 7704 CAMINITO LEON #101 1 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LARRY L & JULIE A GALE 2611 ACUNA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERTA M LONA 4046 MIRA COSTA ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 STUDER LOHNING 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1-800-GO·AVERY I I I • Easy Peel'll' Labels Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ JASON.& KELLIE FLEMING 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 , LORRAINE G HERMAN , 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA #202 · CARLSBAD CA 92009 . ANDREA SPECTER , 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 JEFFREY & JAMIE SEEKER 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 ; CARLSBAD CA 92009 ' HARVEY LEITCH ; PO BOX264 ! ERIN NOBITO ONTARIO 0 : JAMES D LADICK : 3149 JEFFERSON ST#B CARLSBAD CA 92008 . HILL FAMILY TRUST . 27865 AMBERWOOD LN · VALENCIA CA 91354 ' · KRISTEN M KOCH 7702 CAMINITO TINGO #204 · CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL O & KIMBERLY A JOINTZAMIR · 7700 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 ON THE PARK MAINTENANCE CORP PO BOX 1186 CARLSBAD CA 92018 Etiquettes faciles a peler 1 Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160®/8160MC J i .& J Feed Paper -- Bend along line to i expose Pop-up Edge™ J GARY G & BETTY C PRIEBE 1437 TZENAWAY ENCINITAS CA 92024 NADER & FARNAZ SHARIF-RAZ! 6360 DECANTURE ST SAN DIEGO CA 92120 MICHAEL MASTRONASTU CREATIONS 2681 PARADISE RD CARLSBAD CA 92009 MICHAEL LEE RIDGEWAY ONTARIO LOS 1NO CANADA LARRY D KNIGHT 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ANDERSON FAMILY TRUST 12- 26-08 7704 CAMINITO TINGO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 ROBERT D GAMBLE 45884 HOPACTONG ST TEMECULA CA 92592 AARON J LARRABEE 14112 FRAME RD POWAY CA 92064 JASON & COURTNEY EVENS KAAS 7704 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 ON THE PARK MAINTENANCE CORP 495 E RINCON ST#115 CORONA CA 92879 ... Sens de chargement Repllez a ta hachure afin de l reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J ~ AVERY® 6240™ l MANOUCHEHR GOHARLAEE 1787 SWALLOWTAIL RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 PRIETO/ROJAS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-06-11 921 CALLE SANTA CRUZ ENCINITAS CA 92024 LINDA K FREEMAN 5261 MIL TON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 JAMES M & HEATHER MARTIN 308 GLENMONT DR SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 MORAN LIVING TRUST 06-28-06 739 NARDO RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 CLAUDIO CANDUSSO 1532 MADISON AVE SUDBURY, ON P3A 2P2, CANADA ROBIN L TUCK 319 N CLEMENTINE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 MATTHEW F MCCONNIN 7702 CAMINITO TINGO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 DAVID C & USAA HUTCHISON 7708 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 GLORIA C BARHAM 3401 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 www.avery.com 1·800·G·o-AVERY I I I J. 1:asy l'ee1"" Laue1s Use Avery® Template 5160®/8160™ KHANH''HUYNH 3405 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 SANG JEUN LEE & SEO EUN JUNG 3417 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 LA COSTA OAKS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 9665 CHESAPEAKE DR #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ~tiquettes faciles a peler 1 Utilisez le gabaritAVERY®5160®/8160Mc J I .a Bend along line to 1 J Feed Paper -expose Pop-up Edge™ J ROHIT & RITAVITASTA PATNAIK 3409 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 LA COSTA OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN 57 40 FLEET ST #130 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ~ AVERY® 6240™ l DAVID & HEATHER BRUEMMER 3413 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 CENTER FOR NATURAL LANDS MANAGEMENT INC , 27258 VIA INDUSTRIA #B TEMECULA CA 92590 A notice has been mailed to ~II property owners/occupants listed herein. l • Sens de chargement Dste: 11-_}] J,y; • Signatu~e: ~ ~ .). Replfez a fa hachure afin de i reveler le rebord Pop-upMc J www.avery.com 1-800-G'O·AVERY I I I .A . ' "\ \ ---_:.__\ vs PAR .@ 4.13~t 1;1/> /{ /{ . I I t,<)fJ PAR 2 @t 37 .. 29 AC 2* R::::958 --- i RANCHO SANTA FE RD --~ ·, 't.J I 't AVE • ""' .,, . ,' SI -CARLSBAD TCT 02-.05 VILLAGES ciF' L LA COSTA OAKS .SOIJT!'I. -NEIGHBOR.I -------------------~------ ATTACHMENT "1" I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST AND LABELS SUBMITTED TO ' THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THIS DATE REPRESENT -THE LATEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION FROM THE EQUALIZED ASSESSOR'S ROLES. APPLICATION NAME AND NUMBER APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ,:,. BY: 2:z_: ~ °' ~/c/(~L,#/~~ DATE: ·_ /-;.,. /9 ti .... , ; RECEIVED BY DATE:__,..... __________ _ ~. APN_D OWNERNAME M_HSENO M_DIR M_STREET M_SFX M_UNIT M_CITY M_STATE M_ZIP 1 223-050-72 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS LL C 5918 STONERIDGE MALL RD PLEASANTON CA 94588 2 223-050-73 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS LL C 5918 STONERIDGE MALL RD PtEASAN10N CA 94588 3 223-051-01 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 4 223-051-02 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 5 223-051-03 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA L LC 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 6 223-051-04 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 7 223-051-05 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 8 223-051-06 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 9 223-051-07 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 10 223-051-08 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIAL LC 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 11 223-051-09 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 12 223-051-10 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINJ: CA 92618 13 223-051-11 TAYLQR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER ,DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 14 223-051-12 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 15 223-051-13 TAYLOR MORRISON OF·CALIFORNIAL LC 8105 IRVINE CENTER C>R #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 16 223-051-33 TAYLOR MO~RISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 17 223-051-34 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRViNE CA 92618 18 223-051-35 , TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA'LLC 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 19 223-051-37 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 20 223-051-38 TAYLOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 21 223-051-40 TAYLOR-MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LL C 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR #1450 IRVINE CA 92618 22 223-052-01 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 23 223-052-02 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C, 4600 WELLS FARGO CTR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 24 223-052-03 JEREMIAH D & MO DI MOMPER 7329 CALLE PERA CARLSBAD tA 92009 25 223-052-04 BRYAN & J~NNIFER R ROHR 7325 CALLE PERA CARLSBAD CA 92009 26 223°052-05 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WEµ.5 FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 27 223-052-06 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-46od WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN· 55402 28 223,052-07 'LARRY STORCH IN 3419 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 29 223-052-08 KOEHNEN TRUST 01-2'7-06 3415 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 30 223-052-09 THOMAS D & VALERIE WILLARDSON 3411 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 31 223-052-10 GILES H BATEMAN 3410 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 32 223-052-11 YANFENG & FANG JEIYIN WANG 3414 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 33 223-052~12 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LA C LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 34 223-052-13 PETER & KRISTEN SIEFFERT 3422 SITIO SANDIA CARLSl;!AD CA 92009 35 223-052-14 DEVELOPMENT SOlUTIONS 2 LAC L l C-4600 WELLS FARGO·CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 36 223-052-15 NIHAR & KALARIYA SHITAL BHAKTA 3430 51TIO SANDIA CARLSBAD CA 92009 37 223-052"16 SHAPIRO FAMILY TRUST 1'.!,-27-12 3434 SITIO SANDIA CARLSBAD GA 92009 38 223-052-17 DEV~LOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 39 223-052-18 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LA C LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 40 223-052-19 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTION$ 2 LAC~ LC-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS· MN 55402 41 223-052,20 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 42 223-052-21 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 43 223-052-28 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LA C L LC-4600 WELLS.FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 44 223-052-29 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 ~AC LL C-,4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS M~ 55402 45 223-052a30 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTldNS 2'L AC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 46 223-052-31 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS? LAC, UC-4600 WELL$ FARGd CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 47 223-052-32 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 l A.CL LC-4600,WELLS FARGO.CTR 90 S 7TH st MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 48 223-052-33 DEVELOPMENT SO~UTIONS 2 L A,C LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO,CTR .gos 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 49 223-052-34 DEVELOPMENT'SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 50 223-052-35 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELlS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 51 223-052-36 DEVELOPMENl' SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 .52 223-052-37 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 53 223-052-38 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 54 223-052-39 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 55 223-052-65 DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 2 LAC LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 56 223-052-68 DEVELOPMENT SOl:UTIONS 2 LA C LL C-4600 WELLS FARGO CTR 90 S 7TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 57 223-060-28 SANTA FE LA COSTA LL C 9404 GENESEE AVE #330 LA JOLLA CA 92037 58 223-060-29 AMERICAN DRUG STORES INC 5330 CARROLL CANYON RD #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 59 223-170-62-01 JOHN H TINDELL 3167 VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 60 223-170-62-02 JAMES J SPINK 3169 VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 61 223-170-62-03 VJKRAM Y &, MAMTA MALHOTRA 7986 PASEO MEMBRILto CARLSBAD CA 92009 62 223-170-62-04 CHERYLL KNEBEL 3173 VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA ·92009 63 223-170-62-05 JAMES W. & TONI R STRAHAN 7771 CAtLEANDAR CARLSBAD GA 92009 64 223-170-62-06 KAREN ESCHRICH 7769 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 65 223-170-62-07 CIGI A OAKLEY 7,767 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 66 223-170-62-08 ANDREW D·POLANSKY 7763 CALLE A_NDAR CARLSBAD CA ~2009 67 223-170-62-09 BALLARD LIVING TRUST 11-03-99 7761 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 68 223-170-62-10 ALYSSA:JTAN 7759 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 69 223-170-62-11 ROGER M FISHER 7757 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 70 223-170-fi2-12 TARA A LEAHY 7753 . CALLE ANQAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 71 223"170-62-13 A&M FAMILYTRUST11°29-09 3760 ARAPAHO PL GAR LS BAD CA 92010 72 223-170-62-14 CORONA LIVING TRUST-10-25-06 7579 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 73 223-170-62-15 c;YNTHIA D TRIEBELL 7747 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009• 74 223-170-62-16 THERESAM WHITEHEAJ;> . 1042 N El: CAMINO REAL . #B2_39 ENCINITAS CA 92024 75 223-170-62-17 DAVIS FAMILY TRUST03-25"14 2426 BADAJOZ PL #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 76 223-170-62-18 MICHAEL & JAMIE SPIRITO 4912 AVILA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 77 223-170-62-19 BYRON & BQNNIE R MOSS 7737 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 78 223-170-62-20 MIKE & KAREN FDEBELLIS 32882 STAYSAIL DR DANA PO.INT CA 92629 79 223-170-62-21 ALYSSA TSAI 7731 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 80 223-170-62-22 CHRISTOPHER A & LISA I AVELLINO 7729 CALLEANDAR CARLSBAD CA 92009 81 223-170-62-23 JOHN & DANI SWALLOW 7732 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92()09 82 223-170,62-24 MARC A SANDKNOP 7736 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 83 223-170-62-25 LORI LROTHE 7740 VIA RICO CARLS BAO CA 92009 84 223-170-62-26 MARC A & KATHLEEN A MAOLA 7739 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 85 223°170-62-27 CAMERON FAIST 7735 VIA RICO CARLSBAD CA 92009 86 223°170-62-28 ROBERT j KRUPNIK 4 MILLER LN WHITE HSESTA NJ 8889 87 223-170-62-29 DARLENE A PRADARELLI 3189 VIAIRIS #29 CARLSBAD CA 92009 88 223-170-62-30. LAURENT HURST 3185 VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 89 223-170-62-31 SUSAN PURDY 31!!1 VIA·IRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 90 223-170-62-32 BARBARA J WOOLF 3177 VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 91 223-1:70-62-33 KYONG SUK KQ 3186· VIAIRIS CARLSBAD CA 92009 92 223-170-62-34 JACQUES & KIMBERLEY A ERMOLIEFi= 3190 VIA."IRIS . CARLS~AD CA 92009 93 223-170-62-35 Wl~LIAM J & MAR~INE PENNINGTON 3194 · V.IAIRI~ CARL:SBAD CA 92009 .94 223-170)62-36 JUAN M & PATRICIA M CHAVEZ 319!! VIAIRIS . CARLSBAD CA 9200·9 95 223-200-15-01 JAMES & ROSALIND RICHARDS 3340 .BAJO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 96 223-200-15-02 JULIE A JOHANSEN 7597 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 97 223-200-15~03 MARIAJ CEfARA'J1T 75~5 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 98 223-200-15-04 PATRICIAJ KNUDSEN 7593 .DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 99 223-200-15-05 ROBERT L & LENORE P MCKINNON 7591 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 100 223-200-15-06 MAUREEN E TAYLOR 3570 DONNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 101 223.200~15,01 ·s:rEVEN· p ROTENBERG 7587 DEl:IESA CT CARLSBAD ·CA 92009 102 223-200-15-08 ROBERT & ANNE PARIS PO BOX22173 PHOENIX AZ 85028 103 223-200-15-09 LESLIE J & DEBRA ARMSTRONG 7583 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 104 223-200-15-10 MIGUELA MATA 7581 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 105 223-200-15-11 CORONA LIVlt:,IG TRUST 10-25-06 7579 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 106 223-.200-15-12 JACK B & MURPHY SUSAN M SMYER 7577 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 107 223-200-15-13 LINDA C SWENSON 7580 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 108 223-200-15-14 JON M & DANA CAMPBELL 7582 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 109 2~3-200-15-15 MICHAELA ROSS 7584 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 110 223-200-15-16 LARRY A & JENNIFER S MULLINS 758\i DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 111 223-200-15-17 GARY & MICHELhE MCCLELLAN 7588 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 112 223-200-15-18 FRANK N & ERi BALES 4413 BAN FF ST ANNANDALE VA 22003 '.].13 223-200"15-19 RANDALL K PATRYLA 7592 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 114 223-200-15-20 .ELIZABETH J MACKINNON 7594 DEHESA CT CARLSBAD CA 92099 115 223-200-15-21 DANIELABINER 1483 TENNIS MATCH WAY ENCINITAS CA 92024 116 223-200-15-22 TASHA RUIZ 7310 MUSLO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 117 223-200-15-23 ERIC J & MEGAN KNUTSEN 3342 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 118 ?23-200-15-24 CAROLINE BAKER 3344 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 119 223-200°15-25 .CINDY A SHAMSHOIAN 3346 C(JESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 120 223-200-15-26 ARTURO D JMANCILLA 3347 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 121 223-200-15-27 MARK F PISKOR 3345 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 12·2 223-200-15-28 IDA.M HORD 33.43 CUESTA PL ·CARLSBAD· CA 92009 123 223°200-15-29 JOHN & AURA CARUTHERS 3341 CUESTA PL ·CARLSBAD CA 92009 124 223-200-15-30 JOHN & BOVA-PICURI KATHRYN PICURI 3339 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 125 223-200-15-31 KATHERINE·E.DOMINICK 3337 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 126 223-200-15-32 BRETT R & CHAN DANI S MCINTIRE 3335 CUESTA PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 127 223-200-32-01 LOUIS W & TRACY W ROSGEN 13310 COLCHESTER FERRY PL WOODBRIDGE VA 22191 128 223-200-32-02 WILLIAM L & SUSANNE H KING 7565 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 129 223-200-32-03 ROXANNE P CORNEJO 2533 THISTLE.CREEK ST SANTA ROSA CA 95404 130 223-200-32'04 YU PAI 7561 AGUA DULCE . CT CARLSBAD . CA 92009, 131 223-200-32-05 ANDREW & KAREN MALKIN 7559 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 132 223-200-32-06 DEBRA A PATANELLA 7557 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 133 223-200-32-07 LOWELL E GATES 7555 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 134 223-200-32-08 KEITH R SHERMAN 7553 AGUA·DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 135 223-200-32-09 MARY L CAMPBELL 7551 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 136 223°200-32-10 RUSSELL A KURTZ 7550 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 137 223-200-32-11 RUBINS FAMILYTRUST09-13-93 7552 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 138 223°200-32-12 DOUGLAS W & EMILIE C MCBAIN 7554 AGUA DU LC~ CT· CARLSBAD GA 92009 139 223-200-32-13 SCOTT & HEATHER KILLEN 7556 AGUA DULCE CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 140 223-200-32-14 DAVID A CHRISTIE 7558 AGUA DULCE CT #118 CARLSBAD CA 92009 141 ,223-200-32-15 STANL_EY D JQNES 3308 DORADO PL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 142 223-200-32-16 TH0MSON 2012 FAMILY TRUST 3310 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 143 223-200-32-17 NORBERT & EILEEN WENGLER 3312 ·DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 144 223-200-32-18 JANET ELAINE BROWN 3314 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 145 223-200-32-19 LOUIS A STORRO\V 13233 HAXTON PL 'SAN DIEGO CA 921:30 146 223-200-32-20 JANES BEV~RID(.3E 3318 DORADO PL CARLSBAD· CA 92009 147 223-200-32-21 ROBERT & BARBARA ONEILL 3320 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 148 223-200-32-22 ANDREW M & JEANINE S ROWE 3321 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 149 223,200-32-23 JEAN-RAU~ & GRANT'JORDANA M BRUNDAGE 3319 DORADO PL CARLSBAD ·CA 92009 150 223-200-32-24 Hl,JGH J & AMY MARTIN 3317 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 151 2230200-32-25 NIXON REVOCABLE 2008 TRUST 04-18-08 3315 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 152 223-200-32-26 KENNETH S & ANGELINA M LAKE 7240 CARPA CT CARLSB('.D CA 92009 153 223-200-32-27 GEORGE W & ELIZABETH E WALKER 1048 HYGEIA AVE LEUCADIA CA 92024 154 223-200-32-28 LESLIE J & LUCIA JOYCE ARBUCKLE 3309 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 155 223-200-32-29 MIKE M FARSHCHI 1231 PROMONTORY TER SAN RAMON CA 94583 156 223-200-32-30 WILLIAM B & SHANNON S JACOWAY 3305 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 157 223-200-32-31 DORIAN S EXEMPT LINKOGLE 41720 CALLE CABRILLO TEMECULA CA 92592 158 223.200-32-32 LAURA A GARVER 3301 DORADO PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 159 223-200-32-33, JOHN A SELLS 3336 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 160 223-200-32-34 PATRICK EC & KENNEDY ANDREAS LALLY 5625 S SPYGLASS RD TEMPE AZ 85283 161 223-200-32-35 JOHN R DELAND 3350 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 162 223-200-32-36 scan & DARCY FELD 3352 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 163 223-200-32-37 CHARLES M & SANDRA M BERNSTEIN 3354 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 164 223-200,32-38 JON P & TISHA·R DORE 3353 DEL Rib CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 165 223-200-32-39 DEBRA L WILSON-AIZIKOVITZ 3351 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 166 223-200-32-40 BRIAN BOWMAN 3349 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 167 223-200-32-41 JOSEPH G CHAREST 3347 Q~LRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 1p8 223-200-32-42 RYAN & MALISSA MORAN 3345 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 169 223-200-32-43 VIGEN & BABAYANS DIANAZARIFIAN 3343 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 170' 223-200-32-44 JORDAN & JUNKO SCHUCKIT 3341 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 171 223-200-32-45 VITAL&jAYNE DOSEGUEDA · 3339 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 172 223-200'32-46 MURPHY FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST Q4-29-97 3337 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 173 223-200-32-47 WENDELL H BEVERIDGE 3335 DELRIO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 174 223-360-01 SANTA FE RANCHL LC 2235 FARADAY AVE #0 CARLSBAD· CA 92008 175 223-360-02 SANTA FE RANCH LL C 2235 FARADAY AVE, #0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 176 223-360-09°01 ·PUCK 1995 TRUST 02-15°95 1762 AVENIDALA POSTA ENCINITAS CA 92024 177 223-360-09-02 SHAADI ARIAZAND 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 178 223-360-09-03 BOBBIE BELSER 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 179 .223-360-09-04 BART FAMILY TRUST 10-15-09 P O BOX 130700 <;AR LS BAD CA 92013 . 180 223°360-09-05 DAVID·& HEIDI J NASH 146 W Gl:AUCUS ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 181 223-360-09-06 BART FAMILYTRUST 10-15-09 P O BOX 130700 <;AR LS BAD CA 92013 182 223-360-09-07 LAURA D M FABBRO 7753 CAMINITO ENCANTO #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 183 223-360-09-08 ROXANE HAYS 2594 MONTGOMERY AVE CARDIFF CA 92007 184 223-360-09-09 AMY L GARRISON 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 185 223-360-09-10 PAULAZZAM 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO #U101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 186 223-360-09-11 HUA & DUAN XIAOPING ZHANG 3537 ALAN DER CT CARLSBAD CA 92010 187 223-360-09-1:2 JODI LALEXANDER 2654 6TH AVE SAN DIEGO CA 92103 188 223-360-09-13 WICKENBERG PROPERTIES LLC 3177 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITAS CA 92024 189 223-360-09-14 CHRISTOPHER &MARIE GADULA 52 WENDOVER RD TORRONTO, ON M8X 2L3, CANADA 190 223-360-09-15 BLAINE T TORGERSON 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO · #303 ·CARLSBAD CA 92009 191 223-360-09-16 JULIE DEGRAW 7757 CAMINITO ENCANTO . #301 CARLSBAD 'CA 92009 192 223-360-09-17 ZENIA B.HOLMES PO BOX1164 CARDIFF BY THE SE CA 92007 193 223-360-09-18 · FEINSTEIN·FAMILY TRU;,T 03-10-05 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA '#101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 194 223-3.60-09-19 KYLE & G~IFFIN MELANIE KENNEDY 3455 CAMINITO ?IERRA , #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 195 223-360-09-20 TIM SALMON 3455 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 196 223-360-09-21 WICK~NBERGJ!ROP~RTl,ES ~LC 3177 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITA? CA 92024 · 197 22,3-360-09-22 HUNAIDA S SHAMIEH 37.98 MYKONOS LN #33 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 198 223-360-09-23 CATl:lERINE L R~EVE 3455 ·!=AMINITO SIERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 199 223-360-09-24 DAVlb A &CARMELITE GOUGIS 13609 GREENOAK CT LA MIRADA CA 90638 200 223-360-09~25 STEPHEN I OSTROW 2533 S HIGHWAY101 #280 CARDIFF BY·THE SE CA 92007 201 223-360-09-26 QARREN & EILEEN OCONNOR 18 SCOT<;HMIST WAY ]3ALLSTON SPA NY 12020 202 223-360-09-27 VONPLATEN FAMILY TRUST 11-26-93 25101 BEAR VALLEY ·RD #75 TEHACHAPI CA 93561 203 223-360-09-28 RICHARD M COOPER JORONTO ONT M5R 1N4 CANA.DA 204 223-360-09-29 DAVID SUKSUMRIT 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA #S304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 205 223-360-09-30 AIMEE L HOGUE 53 CHETWYND RD #1 SOMERVILLE MA 2144 206 223-360-09-31 ADAM UCCI FAMILY TRUST 05-17-08 28976 NEWPORT RD TEMECULA CA 92591 207 223-360-09-32 JOSEPH HINTON 3459 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 208 223-360-09-33 VINCENT J WACHER 1042 N EL CAMINO REAL #B174 ENCINITAS CA 92024 209 223-360-09-34 PROFIT SHARING PLAN HALE 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 210 223"360-09-35 GAIL F BUTLER 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 211 223-360-09-36 LAUREN ANSOLABEHERE 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 212 223-360-09-37 OVAIS & OVAIS FAREEHA I ASHRAF 3435 CIRCULO ADORNO CARLSBAD CA 92009 213 223-360-09-38 BUCSIS W & VICKI L MARK 402 BRAESHIRE LN SASKATOON, SK S7V 1B2, CANADA 214 223-360,09-39 DEBBIE D ORTIZ 1565 W 11TH AVE ESCON[)IDO CA 92029 215 223-360-09-40 RICHARD A REED 3463 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 216 223-360-09-41 DANIELA SI GAUD 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #102 CARlSBAD CA 92009 217 223-360-09-42 DAVID J CAREY 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 218 223-360-09-43 NICOLAS S!ENNE 7936 DEERFIELD ST SAN DIEGO CA 92120 219 223,-360-09-44 BRIAN·& LYDIA A STAFFORD .818 CAPISTRANO p~ SAN DIEGO CA 92109 220 223-360-09-45 ANTHONY R EASTON PO BOX 166 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 . 221 223-360~09-46 ATSURO CHIBA 7758 CAMINITO ENCANTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 '222 223-360-09~47 DAVIES FAMILY201:1 TRUST 05-07-02 3688 WRENCOLOOP RD SANDPOINT ID 83864 223 223,360-09-48 ELIZABETH JBARRETT 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 224 223-360-09-49 CHRISTOPHER P KAKADELAS 7754 CAMINITO ENCANTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 225 223-360-09-50 SESTI TRUST 06·20-13 7812' GAVIOTA CIR CARLSBAD CA 92009 226 223-360-09-51 SESTI TRUST 06-20-13 7812 GAVIOTA CIR CARLSBAD CA 92009 227 223-360-09,52 LISA B CLARK 7753 CAMINITO BONANZA, #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 228 223-360-09-53 GLENN & AILEEN RASKIN 7916 VIA ENSENADA CARLSBAD CA 92009 229 223-360-0~-54 KATHIE JACKSON 312 S CEDROS AVE #250 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 230 223-360-09-55 KATHLEEN S WELCH 3327 FOSCA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 231 223-360-09-56 PIROZHENKO LIVING TRUST 01-24-10 P O BOX 675433 RCHO SANT/\'FE CA 92067 232 223-360-09-57 STEVEN & SHAHBAZ SHELIA GARRISON 7757 CAMINITO BONANZA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 233 223-360-09-58 BRUCE & MONIQUE ONBIRBAK 976 MONTE MIRA DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 234 223-360-09-59 PECKS CHEE 6670 RUMBLE ST #30 BURNABY, BC V5E 4H7, CANADA 235 223-360-09-60 ANDREW I COHEN 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 236 223-360-09-61 LYLE M 50LB~RG 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 237 223-360-09-62 TOWNSEND FAMILY TRUST 05-15-02 1860 WALES RD CAMBRIA CA 93428 238 223-360-09-63 RICHARD M THOMPSON 3467 CAMINITO·SIERRA #302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 239 223-360-09-64 LESLIE L LAVERONI 3467 CAMINITO SIERRA #304 CARLSBAD CA 92009 240 223-360-09-65 TOWNSENP FAMILY TRUST 05-1?-0i 1860 WALES RD CAMBRIA CA 93428 241 223-360-09-66 BART FAMILY TRUST 10-15-09 PO BOX 130700 CARLSBAD CA 92013 242 223-360-09-67 MVP PROPERTIES-CAMINITO SIERRA LL C 7935 AVENIDA DIESTRO CARLSBAD CA 92009 243 223•360-09-68 ,RODNEY PLATT 3471 GAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 244 223•360-09·69,· GERRI L ARMBRUSTER 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA I #P201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 245 223-360-09-70 JOAN A LOARIE 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA #202· CARLSBAD CA 92009 246 223-360-09-71 lONATHAN RISCHBEIN 3471 CAMINITO SIERRA ·#302 CARLSBAD CA 92009 2.47 223-360-99·72 ROBERT.H & JENNIFER E JOINT, WINSTON 2909 CAGATUA ST CARLS~AD GA 92009 248 223-360-09-73 CHRISTINA KING 3471 CAMINITQ SIERRA #301 CARLS BA!) CA 92009 249 223-360-09-74 GENE &·DONNA DESHAZO 345 N 1ST ST BLYTHE CA 92225 250 223-360-09-75 C F MERFELD L L C P O BOX 910473 SAN DIEGO CA .92191 251 223-360-09-7Ei ·ARTURO HERNANDEZ 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 252 223-360·0~~77 DEBRA D THUNE 10344 RIDER CT LA PJNE OR 97739 253 223-360,09-78 JOANN CLARK 7754 CAMINITO BONANZA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 254 2,23-360-0~-79 DONALD L BRIGHT 7754 CAMINITO BONAN?,4 #203 CARLSBAD cA 92009 255 223-360-09-80 MARX FAMILYTRUST08-07-96 8070 SITIO TOLEDO CARLSBAD CA 92009 256 223-360-10-01 DAVID R PATIERSON 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #Al02 CARLSBAD CA 92009 257 223-360-10-02 ANDREONE FAMILYTRUST 10-13-98 8607 ECHO DR LAMESA CA 91941 258 223-360-10-03 CYNTHIA S BARROWS 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 259 223-360-10-04 BRITIANY R GORMAN 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 260 223-360-10-05 KATHLEEN S WELCH 3327 FOSCA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 261 223-360-10-06 SANDRA K KRUGER 7703 CAMINITO PUERTO #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 262 223-360-10-07 LEE FOWLER 1116 DIAMOND ST SAN DIEGO CA 92109 263 223-360-10-08 MICHAELJ INOUYE 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 264 223-360-10-09 OLSON G & BETTY L KEITH 9798 MAR KY WAY LA MESA CA 91941 265 223-360-10-10 TOWNSEND FAMILY TRUST 05-15-02 1860 WALES RD CAMBRIA CA 93428 266 223-360-10-11 KATHERINE A ROCKWELL 7702 CAMINITO PUERTO #203 CARLSBAD CA 92009 267 223-360-10-12 STANLEY & ELEANOR THOMAS PO BOX 131764 CARLSBAD CA 92013 268 223-360-10,13 TIMOTHY G & COOPER-BRENNAN CAROL BRENNAN 770,1 CAMINITO LEON #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 269 22~-360-10-14 DAVOOD B MINOOEE 7932 . AVENI DA DIESTRO CARLSBAD CA 92009 270 223-360-10-15, YONG.SYE & SIN NON CHO 7701 CAMINITO'LEON #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 271 223-360-10-16 OVAIS & QVAIS-FAREEHA I ASHRAF 3435 CIRCULO ADORNO CARLSBAD cA 92009 272 223-360-10-'.l:7 KATHRYN R TAYLOR 7701 CAMINITO LEON #203 CARLSBAD CA 920Q9 273 223-360-lQ-18 PATRICIA PATTERSON 7701 CAMINITO LEON #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 274 223-360-10-19 RONNIE KVASHNY 3320 CAMINITO EASTBLUFF #138 LA JOLLA CA 92037 275 223-360-10-20 DAVIDE & NAM JAYOUNG SNOW 7706 ·CAMINITO PUERTO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 276 223-360-10-21 SUSAN E WANNER 1441 BIG CANYON TER CARDIFF CA 92007 277 223-360-10-22 SHIKUANSHE 2192 DICKINSON DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 278 223-360,10-23 KAREN A KEVER 248 LA PALOMA SAN·CLEM~NTE CA 92672 279 223°360-10-24 GARY F& MARY K EMERT 7706 CAMINITO PUERTO #201 <;:ARLSBAD CA 92009 280 223-360-10-25 BERNARDO N VELAZQUEZ 7707 CAMINITO LEON #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 281 223-3fi0-10-26 DEAN & VICTORIA DANGANAN 7702 CAMINITO LEON #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 282 223-360-10-27 NANSI AKROUSH 11180 PORTOBELb DR SAN DIEGO CA 92124 283 223-360-10-28 KIRSTEN MILDBRANDT 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 284 223-360-10-29 JESSICA HALL 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CMLSBAD CA 92009 285 223-360-10-30 TACIANA N THOMPSON 3503 CAMINITO SIERRA #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 286 223-360-10-31 JEANNE W ALEXANDER 831 CAMINITO VERDE CARLSBAD CA 92011 287 223-360-10-32 XUEMEI & LUO HAOBIN LI 1102 DOWITCHER CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 288 223-360-10-33 SCHWIMMER LIVING TRUST 05-29-01 1116 DIAMOND ST SAN DIEGO CA 92109 289 223-360-10-34 MARILYNN D STYERS 6485 WAYFINDERS CT CARLSBAD CA 92011 290 223-360-10-35 STEVEN K MACPHERSON 1277 FOREST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 291 223-360-10-36 RONALD W KNIGHT 1415 BERNITA WAY EL CAJON CA 92020 292 223-360-10-37 YECENIA R COVARRUBIAS 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 293 223-360-10-38 KNOX REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-79-07 2411 S SUMMIT·CIRCLE GLN ESCONDIDO CA 92026 294 223-360-10-3~ ALVIN CYRUS JOHNSON 2707 SACRAMENTO ST #7 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94115 295 223-360-10-40 MATEO C ZEPEDA 3507 cAMINITO SIERRA #302 ·CARLSBAD CA 92009 296 223-360-10-41 MARTIN FAMILY 1993 TRUST 12-13-93 1061 DOUBLE LL RANCH RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 297 223-360-10-42 ROGER ESTEWART 3507 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD CA 92009 298 223-360-10-43 ROBERT YUNK 4583 COVE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 299 223-360-10-44 PIEDAD VELASCO-HEGG 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 300 223-360-10-45 STACY M BLACKWOOD 2304 N SPURGEON ST SANTAANA CA 92706 301 223-360-10-46 JENNIFER BEARDEN 2848 LUCIERNAGA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 302 223-360-10-47 SCOTIHOLMES PO BOX461 CARNELIAN BAY CA 96140 303 223-360-10-48 BART FAMILY TRUST 1_0-15-09 P O BOX 130700 CARLSBAD CA 92013 304 223-360-10-49 LONGOBARDI FA!yllLYTRUST 07°01-99 3309 SAGE RD FALLBROOK CA 92028' 305 223-360-10°50 LUANNE· H EDWARDS 712 BONITA DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 306 223-360-10-51 ALICIA G TORRES 3513 CAMINITO SIERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 307 223-360-10-52 STANLEY C & PENNY P GRAY 31755 COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 308 223-360-10-53 MICHAEL CRING 7702 CAMINITO ~EON #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 309 223-360-10-54 FOWLER FAMILY TRUST 10-21-13· 260 SPRINGCREEK RD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 310 223-360-10-55 SOTOUDEH & MINOOEE AREZOU HAMEDI-HAGH 7702 CAMINITO LEON #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 311 223-360-10-56 SILAS E PACHON 11756 MOORPARK ST #E STUDIO CITY CA 91604 312 223-360-10-57 JENNA CRELLIN 7702 CAMINITO LEON #201 CARLSBAD CA 92009 313 223-360-10-58 SAMANTHA C L EASTON 7704 CAMINITO LEON #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 314 223-360-10-59 ROSS FAMILY TRUST 03-09-05 1964 LAHOUD DR CARDIFF CA 92007 315 223-360-10-60 GENE O ATWOOD 783 SHASTA OAKS CT ROSEVILLE CA 95678 ?16 223-360-10-(?1 LARRY L & JULIE A GALE 2611 ACUNA CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 317 223-360-10-62 JOHN.E & RHONDA DRURY 1701 HILO DR VISTA CA 92081 318 223-360-10-63 LEE FOWLER 1116 DIAMOND ST SAN DIEGO CA 92109 319 · 223-360-10-64 MARK C DEGEORGE 6 NACIENTE RANCHO MISSION VI CA 92694 320· 223-360-10-65 ROBERTA M LONA 4046 MIRA COSTA ST OCEANSIDE CA 92056 321 223-360-10-66 WARREN K & ASKINS ROBIN DUNHAM 3517 CAMI_NITO SIERRA #304 CA.RLSBAD CA 92009 322 223-360-10-67 CYNTHIA Y ALLRED 3517 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD C..A 94009 323 223-360-10-68 STUDER LOHNING 3517 CAMINITO SfERRA #303 CARLSBAD CA 92009 324 223-3.60-10-69 JASON & KELLIE FLEMING 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 325 223-360-10-70 GARY G &, BETTY C:PRIEBE 1437 TZENA WAY ENCINITAS CA 92024 326 223-360-10-71 MANOUCHEHR GOHARLAEE 1787 SWALLOWTAIL RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 327 223-360-10-72 LORRAINE G HERMAN 3523 CAMINITOSIERRA #202 CARLSBAD CA 92009 328 223-360-10,73 NADER & FARNAZ SHARIF-RAZ! 6360 .DECANTURE ST SAN PIEGO CA 92120 329 223-360-10-74 PRIETO/ROJAS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-06-11 921 CALLE SANTA CRUZ ENCINITAS CA 92024 330 223-360-10-75 ANDREA SPECTER 3523 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 CARLSBAD <:,A 92009 33:l: 223-360-10-76 MICHAEL MASTRO/VASTU CREATIONS 2681 PARADISE RD· CARLSBAD CA 92009 332 223-360-10-7'7 LINDA K FREEMAN 5261 MILTON RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 333 223-360-10-78 JEFFREY & JAMIE SEEKER 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA #102 CARLSBAD CA 92009 334 223-360-10-79 MICHAEL LEE RIDGEWAY ONTARIO LOS lNO CANADA 335 223-360-10-80 JAMES M &HEATHER MARTIN 308 GLENMONT DR SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 336 223-360-10-81 WICKENBERG PROPERTIES LLC 3177 WILDFLOWER SMT ENCINITAS CA 92024 337 223-~60-10-82 HARVEY LEITCH PO BOX264 ERIN NOBITO ONTARIO CANADA 338 223-360-10-83 LARRY D KNIGHT 3527 CAMINITO SIERRA #301 <:,AR LS BAD CA 92009 339 223-360-10-84 MORAN LIVING TRUST 06-28-06 739 NARDO RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 340 223-360-10-85 JAMES D.LADICK 3149 JEFFERSON ST #B CARLSBAD CA 92008 341 223-360-10'86 ANDERSON FAMILY TRUST 12-26-08 7704 CAMINITO TINGO #101 CARLSBAD CA 92009 342 223-360-10-87 PRIETO/RO)AS FAMILY LIVING TRUST 05-06-11 921 CALLE SANTA CRUZ ENCINITAS CA 92024 343 223-360-10-8.8 CLAUDIO CANDUSSO 1532 MADISON AVE SUDBURY, ON P3A 2P2, CANADA 344 223-360-10-89 HILL FAMILY TRUST 27865 AMBERWOOD LN VALENCIA CA 91354 345 223-360-i0-90 ROBERTO GAMBLE 45884 HOPACTONG ST TEMECULA CA 92592 346 2230360-10-91 ROBIN L TUCK 319 N CLEMENTINE ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 347 223-360-10-92 LEE FOWLER 1116 OIAMOND ?T SAN DIEGO CA 9_21Q9 348 243-360-10-93 KRISTl;N M KOCH 7'102 CAMINITO TINGO #204 CARLSBAD CA 92009 349 223-360-10-94 BRUCE & MONIQU~ ONBIRBAK 976 MONTE MIRA •DR ENCINITAS CA. 92024 350 223-360-10-95 AARON J LARRABEE 14112 FRAME RD POWAY CA 92064 351 223-360-10:95 MATTHEW F MCCONNIN 7702 CAMINITO TINGO #201 CARLSBAD (;.A 92009 352 223-383-53 MICHAEL O & KIMBERLY A-JOINT ZAMIR 7700 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 353 223-383-54 JASON & COURTNEY EVENSKAAS 7704 CORTE PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 354 223-383-55 DAVID C & LISA A HUTCHISON 77,08 CORTI; PROMENADE CARLSBAD CA 92009 355 223-383-69 ·ON THE PARK MAINTENANCE CORP PO BOX 1186 CARLSBAD CA 9:2018 356 223-383-71 ON THE·PARK.MAINTENANCE CORP 495 E RINCON-ST #115 CORONA CA 92879 357 223-383-79 ON THE PARK MAINTENANCE CORP 495 E RINCON ST #115 CORONA CA 92879 358 223-614-11 GLORIA C BARHAM 3401 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 359 223-614-12 KHANH HUYNH 3405 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 360 223-614-13 ROHIT & RITAVITASTA PATNAIK 3409 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 361 223-614-14 DAVID & HEATHER BRUEMMER 3413 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 362 223-614-15 SANG JEUN LEE & SEO EUN JUNG 3417 CORTE BREZO CARLSBAD CA 92009 363 223-614-42 LA COSTA OAKS COMMUNITY ASSN 5740 FLEET ST #130 CARLSBAD CA 92008 364 223-693-19 CENTER FOR NATURAL LANDS MANAGEMENT INC 27258 VIA INDUSTRIA #8 TEMECULA CA 92590 365 223-693-20 LA COSTA OAKS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 9665. CHESAPEAKE DR #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92123 PACIFIC NEON CO. Cl 201 2 Master Sign Program La Costa Town Square 3410 Via Mercato Carlsbad, California SDP 01-04 Pr~rty Development Centers Property Development (enters 5918 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 T:925-738-1207 Pacific Neon Company, Inc. 2939 Academy Way Sacramento, CA 95815 T: 916-927-0527 DATE: I I 1/ GY.., 1t:J , T /,. f-Z.-~f-t December 30, 2014 SIGN PERLVJIT NO •. PS /'( ... ( i8 DATE PLANNING /-2 -/j_ f...l,,..1..':~...J&.~;¥:~--~~--ii-:------=-i.r...~~ BUILDING '.,::~. ''"";,""' +"' ----~~-... , ~~.)' December 30, 2014 Sign Criteria Index Page Page 3 1.0 Site Plan 14 9.0 Building 14, Anchor Elevations Building 15, Major Elevations Building 16, Shops Elevations 4 2.0 Guideline 2.1 Design Intent 15 9.1 Building 16 & 17, Shops Elevations 2.2 Approvals and Permits 16 10.0 Monument A 1 Guideline & Exhibit 2.3 General Requirements 17 10.1 Monument A2 Guideline & Exhibit 2.4 General Criteria 18 10.2 Monument B Guide[ne & Exhibit 6 2. 5 Administration 19 11.0 Fountain Sign Guideline 11.1 Fountain A ;) 2.6 Prohibited Signs 2.7 Temporary Signs 20 11.2 Fountain B 21 12.0 Directional Sign Guideline 3.0 Wall Sign Guidelines 12.1 Directional SignExhibit 3.1 Wall Sign Construction Restrictions and Placement 22 13.0 Traffic Sign Guideline and Exhibits 3.2 Tenant Sign Content and Color 7 3.3 General Tenant Size & Quantity Restrictions 3.4 Typical Sign Placement 3.5 Typical Sign Placement 8 3.6 Project Typography 9 4.0 Building Address Numerals 10 5.0 Entry Door and Window Signage. 11 6.0 Blade Signs ~-J·· \l, ) •• I ~ 12 7.0 Tenant Sign Layout Examples 13 8.0 Letter and Logo Section Details Examples PACIFIC NEON ca. 0 201 2 PACIFIC NEON Cc. Q 20 1 2 December 30, 2014 SITE PLAN Key Designates Elevation on Which Signs can be placed. (!] Anchor Ii] Major rn Shops Ill Pad a External~ Flood Illuminated SignlocatK>nS Iii Directional * Wall Mural 2.0 Guideline The La Costa Town Square Master Sign Criteria has been established for the purpose of assuring a functional, coordinated graphics program that will provide guidelines for unique signage integrated into the development's architectural design.maintain consistency, encourlage creativity, and enhance the project in Carlsbad, California. 2.1 Design Intent The guidelines of this program are designed to complement architectural elements/themes of the existing buildings and coordinate the type, placement, and physical dimensions of signs within the center, thereby appearing as an iniegral part of the center. In cases not covered by the La Costa Town Square Master Sign Criteria, the prevailing criteria will follow the City of Carlsbad sign code. 2.2 Approvals and Permits A Each Tenant or Lessee will be provided with a copy of the Tenant sign guidelines and criteria as their first step In obtaining signs within the La Costa Town Square. Compliance with this signage program will be strictly enforced. Any non-conforming or unapproved sign installed by the tenant must be brought into compliance at the tenant's expense. B. This criteria shall not imply that any governmental approval will be automatically granted. The tenant is solely responsible for obtaining any and all required approvals from governmental agencies and shall obtain all permits from the City of Carlsbad Planning and Building Departments. 2.3 General Requirements A. Each Tenant is required to submit to Landlord for approval before fabrication, at least two (2) copies of detailed design drawings indicating the location, size, copy layout, colors, materials, finishes, illumination and method of attachment B. All permits for signs and their installation shall be obtained by the tenant or tenant's representative, at the tenant's sole_ expense prior to installation. -- C. All signs shall be designed, constructed, installed and maintained at the tenant's sole expense. All signs shall be designed by professional design consultants (e.g. architects, design firms or sign design I sign construction firms). D. All signs shall be designed and constructed consistent with the City of Carlsbad sign code and this criteria. E. The tenant shall be responsible for fulfillment of all governmental requirements and specifications, induding those of City of Carlsbad, Undeiwriters Laboratories (U.L.) and the Uniform Electric Code. F. All signs shall be reviewed for compliance with the above mentioned criteria. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals- based on aesthetics of design shall remain the sole discretional)' right of the Landlord, Landlord's representative and City of Carlsbad G. Upon termination of the Lease, the tenant shall leave the facade wall, awning, glazing or hanging sign in good condition. Without limitation, the tenant shall be specifically required in a workman like manner to all remove installed signage, fill all holes, and terminate all electrical wiring per prevailing codes. At the landlord discretion,.the tenant is required to restore a consistent look and color to match the surrounding facade. The tenant is required at its sole cost and expense to replace all store frontage glass areas that can not be fully restored. PACIFIC NEON CO. C 201 2 December 30, 2014 2.4 General Criteria A. All signs should meet or exceed all current applicable codes (i.e. electrical, mechanical, structural, etc). B. Signage shall meet or exceed all requirements of the State of California and the City of Carlsbad. C. Sign content shall be limited to business identification signs only. Tenants are permitted secondal)' signage when it forms part of a recognized corporate logo or slogan. D. All electrical signs shall meet or exceed Undeiwriter's laboratories construction specifications and be fabricated and installed by licensed U.l. sign contractors. E. The choice of copy font and colors shall be at discretion of the Tenant but design merit and content is at landlord's discretion and will require approval prior to manu~cture and installation. F. All e)S(erior signs shall be secured by stainless steel, nickel, or cadmium plated fasteners. G. All exposed fasteners to be painted to match the background surface. H. All transformers, electrical boxes, wiring, conduit and access doors shall be concealed. All ellterior signs exposed to the weather shall be flush mounted, unless otheiwise specified. J. All tenant signs attached to building wall or fascia shall be connected to a Junction box provided by landlord, with the final electrical connections by Tenant's sign contractor. All Tenants shall have their signs connected to their own electrical panel. K. All penetrations of the building structure by Tenant's sign contractor required for sign installation shall be neatly sealed and watertight L. .All identification labels shall be concealed, except-where required by code. An-Undeiwriter, label is required-on air electrical signage verifying certification. M. Sign contractor shall repair any damage caused by their work. Damage to structure that is not repaired by the sign contractor shall become the Tenant's responsibility to correct. N. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the operation of their sign contractor, and shall indemnify, defend and hold the Landlord, Landlord's representative, and all parties harmless from damages or liabillties on account thereof. O. Sign surfaces that are intended to be flat shall be without oil canning, or other visual deformities. P. All exposed welded seams and joints shall be finished smooth and painted accordingly. Q. The general location of wall signs shall be centered vertically and horizontally on fascias, unless otheiwise specified. Signs shall not cover or interrupt major architectural features. 4 2.5 Administration A. The amount of hours per day during which the signs will be illuminated shall be determined and controlled at Landlord's sole discretion. B. Landlord reserves the right to hire an independent electrical engineer (at Tenant's sole expense) to inspect the installation of all signs, and reserves the right to require that any discrepancies and/ or code violations be corrected at Tenant's expense. C. The sign contractor shall carry a Workman's Compensation and Public liability Insurance against all damage suffered or performed against any and all persons or property while engaged In the construction or erection of signs in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. D. At the,expiration or early termination ofTenant's leas~ term, Tenant shall be requir~d to remove their signs, cap off electrical connection, patch and paint the entire fascia area to match the surrounding areas at Tenant's expense within seven (7) ~ays. E. Sign contractors shall be advised (by Tenant) that no substitutes will be accepted whatsoever.unless so indicated in , specification and approved by landlord and Tenant. Any deviation from specifications outlined in_this criteria may result in th~ rejection of the sign by Tenant and/or Landlord. F. In the event of any conflict in the interpretation of these guidelines cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the Landlord's decision shall be final and binding upon the Tenant. G. Tenant shall maintain their sign in a clean, professional and functioning manner. Any structural damage, graffiti, electrical problems, wear and tear, and other breakage pertaining to Tenant signs shall be repaired by Tenant within to consecutive days from such event. If repairs are not made "'!ithin the 1 Oday time period, the Landlord may affect repairs and hold the tenant responsible for all cost incurred. 2.6 Prohibited Signs A. No sign shall be installed, relocated or maintained so as to prevent entry or exit out of any door. No sign shall create a safety hazard by obstructing view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. B. No sign shall be located within a required easement, unless an encroachment permit has been authorized by the affected utilities. C. No sign shall obstruct access to fire hydrants, fire department connections or fire department·access roads. D. Signs, which audibly advertise, identify or provide direction to a use or activity, are prohibited. E. It is unlawful for any Tenant to exhibit, post or display or cause to be exhibited, posted or displayed anything of an obscene, indecent or of immo(al nature or unlawful activity. F. Painted wall signs are prohibited. G. Any signs prohibited by the City of Carlsbad sign ordinance (21.41.030). 2.1 Temporary Signs Temporary wall signs, leasing signs, window signs, pennants, banners or flags, will be allowed if consistent with provisions in the City of Carlsbad Sign Ordinance and 11pproval of the Landlord. All window slgnage to be le11 tben 20% coverage of tbe window area, No signs allowed on,tenant or landlords roof. No wall painted signs allowed on tenant or landlords roof. PACIFIC NEON CO, Cl 20 1 2 December 30, 2014 3.0 Wall Sign Guidelines The intent of these guidelines is to provide standards necessary to achieve a visually coordinated, balanced and appealing signage environment. In support of these objectives, the following qualities were incorporated into the design and scope of work within these standards: • Creative and original designs • Integration with project architecture • High quality workmanship and materials These guidelines shall enhance existing sign code and are not intended to circumvent the sign allowances as set forth by the City of Carlsbad sign code. 3.1 Wall Sign Construction Restrictions and Placement A. Halo illuminated Letters & Logo's, aluminum construction reverse pan-channel lgtters. Faces to be aluminum with clear lexan backs, and have internal neon or LED illumination. B. Externally flood illuminated signs are allowed only for rear elevations facing La Costa Avenue for Shops bldg 16 & 17 only. C. Non-Illuminated 1/2" minimal dimensional letters or other material compatible with building architecture. Wall painted tenant letters, graphics, logo's etc are not allowed. Wall murals representing "La Costa Town Square" located between buildings 6, 7 and B,9, and on the SW corner of building 14, 25. Painted, tiled, etc., are to be considered architectural elements of the project and allowed per the landlords discretion. D. No exposed LEDs or Neon. No animated signs will be allowed. Transformers to be located behind wall parapet or contained inside letters or logo cabinet. No exposed raceways or wire ways will be allowed, except only when raceway is an integral architectural component of the building design or at Landlord's discretion and approval. E. Logo signs are allowed with rout push thru /opaque faces with only the return edge allowed to illuminate. F. Face Illuminated cabinet signs are not allowed. G. Sign shall not overhang or be placed on top'of building roof line. 3.2 Tenant Sign Content and Color A. All tenant signage shall consist solely of Tenant's trade name, logo and recognizable trademark insignia. Landlord reserves the !lght to disallow designs based on obscene, Indecent, Immoral or unlawful content, content deemed Inappropriate by community standards or designs architecturally Inconsistent with building architecture, at owner's discretion. B. Sign colors and the entire display Including awnlngs(s) shall be approved by Landlord prior to manufacturing and Installation. C. Landlord reserves the right to disallow colors to be used that are Inconsistent with the building colors and overall theme of the shopping center at owne(s discretion. December 30, 2014 3.3 General Tenant Sign Size & Quantity Restrictions A Quantity is not limited provided total square footage allowance is not exceeded. B. Sign Ar?a is to be 1.15 sqft per 1 linear foot of tenant lease frontage up to 150 sqft max. C. Tenant sign frontage is defined as the elevation t_o which the main entrance exists. D. Sign width and height not to exceed 75% of the tenant lease space or available architectural background. E. Maximum Copy Height: < 3,500 sqft: 28' 3,500 -10,000 sqft: 34• 10,001-50,000 sqft: 42" > 50,000 sqft: 54• 3.4 Typical Sign Placement ' ·--~----a)--. -~-----··-_ _. PACIFIC NECN CD. C 20 1 2 6 3.5 Typical Pad Sign Placement-Single Tenant User Elevation Pad scale 1/16'=1'-0' Elevation Pad scale 1/16'=1'-0' PACIFIC NEON CO. C 20 1 2 ...... --.. ..--. ,,-.... _ .... '"•. \; '·: "'.; December 30, 2014 --Jm~ --:....q. ((' iiiiiiiiiiii:;;;;.,;1;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;!;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:::;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;!,::;;;;;;;,-~·~ Elevation Pad Scale 1/16",;1'-0' Elevation Pad Scale 1/16"=1'-0' ------·--~'1+- _,,.,,,. , ' 7:;;",..·~-,~,,~A-~ ~A,,' ..7"".c~}}V,(s',<-., , ,,_'f><,,•,l~-~":i: 3.6 Project Typography Hoefler Gotham ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Gotham Light Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Book abcdefghi]klmnopqrstuvwxyz Gotham Book Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Medium abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Gotham Medium Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Gotham Bold Italic PACIFIC NEON CO. 0 20 1 2 December 30, 2014 1234567890 Gotham light 1234567890 Gotham Book 1234567890 Gotham Medium 1234567890 Gotham Bold 8 4.0 Building Address Numerals A. Individual Numerals to com~ly in size, color with city Fire Department Regulations. a. Location to be main access side or frontage. b. Numerals to be Black to Insure color contrast.to the background on which they are placed. Returns tq match face color. Typeface to be Hoefler Gotham Medium. c. Numerals to bea minimum of 12" tall with a minimum stroke width of 11/2'. d. 6 sqft max area per sign. e. Numerals to be non-illuminated with a minimum return of 1/2". PACIFIC NEaN ca. 0 20 1 2 December 30, 2014 ![1234 w 11/l'(MIN,) 1234567890 Hoefler Gotham Medium 9 5.0 Entry Door Sign and Window Signage A. Window signs may be allowed at Landlord's discretion and approval. Electric (neon) or) L.E.D. signs may be allowed on inside of window at Landlord's discretion and approval, but must not be flashing or animated. a. Allowable signs to be restricted to suite address, company name or logo, business hours and contact phone numbers only. b. Suite address to be 6" tall with 112• stroke. (Per Fire Code). Address to be centered over entrance. c. Window sign area not to exceed 20% of individual glazed area. d. Project font Hoefler Gotham Medium. ! :!~=~ i I C,~,ye.i) I I-----------------------~• Window Graphics PACIFIC NECIN CCI. 0 201 2 3M3630·20Wbltnin)l ilnappliedhtSl.dace. font Hoeller Gotham Mediwn I 4ft-Oln December 30, 2014 (1234 _j l 1/2in(mln.) 1234567890 Hoefler Gotham Medium 10 6.0 Blade Signs A. Tenants are allowed one (1) pedestrian hanging sign in addition to there primary building sign. Sign content to be restricted to tenant name only, all graphics to be dimensional w~h painted or finished surface. Vinyl, painted or other flat material less then 3/8' is not allowed. All costs associated with the construction and installation of tenant pedestrian signs are th~ direct financial responsibillty of tenant, ~nless other arrangements have been made between tenant a.nd Landlord. . Mln.8'-0HAbove Sidewalk PACIFIC Ne:CIN ca. 0 2C 1 2 2ft-41/2in lit-Bin ·1 ·1 I La Costa : __:t sin max Town Square it 1euerheight n~: 1111 Cenlefs I I.• •, I 1 ft-lOln TENANT SPACE 'I 1 [ Standard installed sign w,t~:ut lnstalle~ removable > tenant panels. 3/8" FCO Alum. Paint White, satin finish with 3M 3630-22 Black and 3M 3630-Cardinal Red linyifilm. Typlcal removable tenant panel overlay. 3/8~ min. thickness panel. . Surface must be painted or finished. All graphics must be d!mensional with a min. thickness of 1/4 ~. Surface must be painted or finished. Vinyl film graphics are not allowed. Exhibit A I Non-Illuminated Dimensional Blade Sign Scale314"=11-0" · (0 3/8" FCO Alum. Wall Plate Pamt Black, satin finish. G) 3/8' FCO Alum. Paint Black, satin finish, (D I t/2' x 3' Alum, Re<t. Tube Paint Blac~ satin finish, © 1/4' Drilled and tapped tenant panel mounllng holes.Attach tenant panels with counter sunk S.S. screws. © Paint exposed fasteners Black, salln flnlsh to match Wall Plate. End View 0 0 0 0 1 I ___ _; Exhibit B I Typical Location Scalel/16'=1'·0' December 30, 2014 11 7.0 Tenant Sign Exhibits ' .. /-...,.,,, -::.. ;,.,...,.,,, T----~: LOGO 28" ID 54" Height per Lease Area e e -e \ nor exceed 75% ofollotte<l , ... J .. ~=--~.· TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% ofTenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Tenant Typical Tenant Building Sign -Single line Logo & Copy Layout ,------ LETTERS 28" ID 54 • Height per lease Area nor excee<l 75% of allotte<l major tenant fascia height _j _____ _ TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Non illuminated shaped background m,o ~, ,,;_, ,:.,, I I S.SJ, nl ----~RS , 28" ID 54• Height per lease Area , , norexceed 75% of allotte<l I :t -~ : majortenantfasciahelght '> ,• , -----'- ' I I ' YI : .J Descenders not included in height calculation, -------but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height Descenders not mduded in height calculation, but overall ·letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fasaahelght Typical Retail Tenant Building.Sign-Letters with Shaped Background Panel TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background I I I I I TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background .z~:--1,nt11l Sin ~:;c:~.t:~~--Uuklifil_iiai~' T _____ I LOGO 28" 1054" Height per Lease Area nor excee<l 75% of allotte<l major tenant fascia height J_ ____ _ Typical Tenant Building Sign -Stacked Letters & Word Cabinet Sign Layout Typical Tenant Building Sign -Stacked Logo & Copy line Layout PACIFIC NECN CC. 0 20 12 December30, l014 -----i- lffiERS 28" to 54" Height per lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotte<l 12 8.0 Typical Letter Sections PACIFIC NEDN CC, Cl :ZC 1 2 LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LEffiR (D 063AtuM RETURN @.125AtuM.fACE (DlfXANBACK @ ::oD~ ig''Ji~ ~:: mm FASJff:IFBJYPfPfRWAH C9HDUION·SEE flflP CHECK ® &rx~:li1~it~/11r CONDUIT @DISCONNECT SWITCH (DLE.O. @ ~~r~~~filp~~OUNDED @PRIMARY LOGO SECTION L.E.D. EDGE LIT INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LOGO I PUSH THRU EDGE LIT ONLY (D 040ALIJM.1.ETTERBACK @ 040ALUM,RETURN @ OPAQUE FACE @ACRYUCPUSHTHRU EDGE UT ONLY.OPAQUE FACE, 4 ® i::00~ UJJi ~:: t~m: fASJENERJ'tPfPER WAIi CONPITION:W Bfl D QIU @ LOWVOlTAGECA!lEW/112" DIAFtEXIBlESEALTIGHT CONDUIT @ 01scoNNEaSWITCH (!)LlD @ ~ra~1~u~fLioUNDlD @,RIMARY MCIICICDNCOOI011 LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LETTERW/ BA~KGROUND PANEL (D 063ALUM.RETUI\N (D .125ALUM. FACE {DtOONBACK © i~:~~.l:fvl~ 36" @ DISCONNECT SWITCH {DLED. ® ~~rJL~~~OUNo[a @PRIMARY @) ALUM BACKER PANEL LOGO DETAIL L.E:D EDGE LIT ROUT OUT PUSH THRU LETTER DETAIL Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted) Opaque face Alum. sign face (painted) LOGO DETAIL SECTION L.E.D EDGE LIT ROUT OUT PUSH THRU LETTER DETAIL H3/4in ± 112 in Vvisible 3/4" (±1/2 in Vvisible):lear acrylic with applied Opaque 3M film on face. December 30, 2014 13 9.0 Major & Shop Elevations Building 17, 1 B & 20 North Elevation Scale 1 • =20' -o· Building io & 25 North Elevation Scale 1 "=20'-0" PACIF'IC NEQN CCI, Cl 2D 1 2 BU1LDING17 SHOP BUILDING20 MAJOR BUILDING 18 MAJOR BUILDING25 MAJOR BUILDING20 MAJOR December 30, 2014 14 9.1 Shop Elevations Building 16, 17 North Elevation Shops Scale 1 • =20' -o· F'ACIFID NECIN ca. Ci 201 Z BUILDING 17 SHOP BU1LDING16 SHOP December 30, 2014 15 10.0 MonumentA1 Guideline A. (1) Single faced illuminated monument signs will be allowed, located on either side of the entrance at Rancho Sante Fe Road·and W. Mercato. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L. electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have rout out, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4" clear aciylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated backgrounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord and tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prlor to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. -§. -" i ~ I [ i it ~ .5 .5 .5 " 0 ""' "" PACIFIC-NEON Cc.~ 2012 Sft-Oln 3ft-101n Closest to Drive II... W. Mercado ,,, L .. ___ JONS. __ ... J ' ' ' ' 1 · ·Retail i 1 ; l,,,,. .... ,. ................... ,.,•_,...,,.,_., .... +•H•+-.,.t i .... "" ...................... ,... ......................... t ' ' ! Retail· ·-1 t' _ ...... ' ............... ' .................. , ...... , ..... ~ 'f ~' .................. ' ... -... -...... , ... ,, ' .......... 1, -~ .. -....... ; .. ·-' .......... ',.. ,, .. ,, ..... ,h :! Retail.·! I . Retail ! *, ' ........... , ........... ' ......................... ~..! t ................. __ ............................ -... f' Sign A1 I Single Faced Illuminated Monument 5cale3/8"=1'-0" SignArea 505qft. Back of Sign December30, 2014 Edge of lerterto have translucent mill finish (frosted ). Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Roman cap texcote satin finish. Side Elevation Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Umstone llplca ·oorata· Flamed finish & Bright finish 16 10.1 Monument A2 Guideline A. (1) Single faced illuminated monument signs will be allowed, located on either side of the entrance at Rancho Sante Fe Road and W. Mercato. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L. electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have rout out, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4" clear acrylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated backgrounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord and tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prior to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. PACIFIC NEON ca. 0 201 2 Closest to Drive W. Mercado I I .le, Jr I ~ ! " ,5 .,. 0 . "' "' "' 8[t·Oln l ft-to In r: · · · .... , ... ····voNs · ···--· --···-· ···· 1 .. ,+'+*+ .. +,+,+'+++ .. ++ .. + .. +++.+ .. +++++>+++*+++.+++++ +*+<+*+>++++++.H<+ .. +.+ .. +++++ t ................. +< ............. -...... _ ..... ~~ ............ i f .............................. ~ ....... ., .............. ., .. : L · .. Betail __ J ! .... !!.~-~'!~~---___J ' ' ' ' I ' ,i i ,I l ? ' i ' ... , ............................................... + ·r··--· ........................... : J · · Retail" ! L: .... ·.· ............ · .. : .. : . .1 Sign A21 Single Faced Illuminated Monument Scale 3/8"=1'-0" Sign Area so SqFt. B~ck of Sign December 30, 2014 Edge of letter to have translucentmillfimsh(frosted) Opaque vinyl film per tenant spec1ficat1ons. Alum.s,gnface(palnted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Alum. cap (painted) SW,7562 Roman cap texcote satin finish. 'Side Elevation Num. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. llmstone Uplca "Oorata• Flamed flnlsh & Brtght finish 17 10.2 Monument B Guideline z z f i t j i .5 .5 ": 0 = "' A (1) Double faced illumina1ed monument signs will be allowed, located at the west entrance off of La Costa Avenue. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment-color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have routout, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4' clear aciylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated baclc'grounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord arid tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prior to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area notto exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. Bft-Oln 3ft-10in Closest to Drive La Costa Ave .5 = -€. ~ "' .5 .5 '-;-.;,, ! (letail Li Retail· ) ,! __ ' ,-: _____ ,.. -------" --..,,~' :l--',.. ___ ,. , .... __ , _ _.. ______ • .5 ... ... Sign BI Double Faced Illuminated Monument(Side 1) Scale3/8"=1'-0' SlgnArea SO SqFL Side Elevation PACIF'IC NEON ca. 0 201 2 Alum. cabinet (pamted) SW 7685White Raisin texoote satin finish. Umstone Uplca "Dorata• Aamed finish & Bri9h1 finish ~ _r Edge of letter to have ~: translucent mdl finish (frosted ) Pt ' . Opaque vinyl film per tenant ~~ i 1 specifications. . . . t' . l : --11 Alum.signface(paint;d) , SW7685WhiteRaisin, -/ texcotesatinfinjsh. . ,.,.-/' Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Closest to Drive La Costa Ave l VDIS i ----, ----' ' ___ ,.. ___ ,_ __ .,., -' '-------' ,•-' ..... ..------.... -, ~ :!"' ' ' ' ,_ '': 1 Retail :· !. ' _.__ " , ___ ... ' -__ .,.. _____ ' ----* ! --: -,, , , r i Retail ! ' ' '------·----... ,, ',,,--·-'" _____ . r·-'----_--.. __ -_________ .., _____ ; ~, ,, -, : ! ·Retail ! i Beta·ii·-_ ! t .... ' ........ _;, __ ...... ____ W ___ ,. • 'J' l ....... • ' ; .... • .---"'• ..... A ............... ! Sign B I Double Faced Illuminated Monument (Side 2) \cale 3/8"=1'-0' Sign Area 50 SqFL December 30, 2014 18 11.0 Fountain Sign Guideline A. (1) Flood illuminated identity signs will be allowed on each of the two Fountain elevations. (1) Located at the corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and la Costa Avenue and at the entrance off of La Costa Avenue. B. Identity sign to be aluminum constructed with 3in deep returns. Paint color and finish to compliment and contrast with the Fountain background. LetterS'to externally flood illuminated. Font Hoefler Gotham Medium. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 11.1 Fountain Exhibit-Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue Scale 1/2" = 1' -O' PACIFIC NEDN CCI, 0 2D 1 ~ December 30, 2014 LETTER SECTION------~ NON-ILLUMINATED 1/l'All.lMLElTER F.Ultl1l8ROIIZI SIUOW/ltG 80l'lOAWESM: UUESIOl'EFt.AmR ""'" CMOWAll 19 11.2 Fountain Exhibit-Entrance La Costa Avenue Scale 1/2" = 1 '-o· , .. v 'v,' -·,;,. :..:_::.-:.w, t':, ',.._,'~~.;· ,-;~--ff,._,, 21"·6''2" «-~~'<t/~ ~*"~,'f,f"~/. zI~I LA COST'~, T' J'O'~TN< SQJ·:'·,UA-'--~E ~ , -if,.' , .,, , , ·. , , I "~ ~~ . .. ,. ~ ~ : 1.-1· ~ , r , .,. .. -I'-,.. , . ' ' PACIFIC" NEON CC. C 20 12 LETTER SECTION------~ NON-ILLUMINATED l/2",1,U,IUlETlEI P.uNTJUliROtlZf. ""'WAil December 30, 2014 20 12.0 Directional Guideline A. Non-Illuminated directional signs to be ground mounted to improve traffic flow to and around the La Costa Town Square property as identified within this MSP. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Signs to be aluminum construction with polyurethane paint finish and 3M vinyl graphics. 8. All tenant names to be 3M 3630-22 Black vinyl film. Type face to be Hoefler Gotham Medium. s· H :nI Plan View 2\6" 1 <,> Jl' N ;!: PACIFIC NEON Co. 0 20 1 Z Caps Remove to Allow Access to Panels s· ~ H· Side View 3• Removable Panel Detail Sign D1 thru D9 Typical Directional Sign Scale3/4"=1'-0" Material Specifications 0) 3" Aluminum square tube paint·313 Bronze satin finish. G) Aluminum caps paint 313 Bronze satin finish. G) 1/8" aluminum panel paint 313 Bronze satin finish with 3M 3635-208 Opaque white vinyl film. December 30, 2014 0 Removable 1/8" aluminum panel,paint to match 3M 3630-149 Lt. Beige vinyl film. (Pantone ref. 468(). Copy and arrows to be 3M 3630-22 Black vinyl film. , 21 ,, .... ,,. ~-,_¥_ ,:, , ,,~¥ 13.0 Traffic Sign Guideline A. Non-Illuminated traffic signs to improve traffic flow to and around the La Costa Town Square property as identifi~d within this MSP. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Signs to be aluminum construction with polyurethane paint finish and Reflective vinyl graphics. B. Signs to meet all California vehicle and regulatory traffic codes. Stop Sign I Typical Scale 1/2"=1'-0" PACIFIC NEON CO. Q 201 2 I _1· •t ]· Stop Sign I Typical with Directional Scale 112"=1'-0" ®~I ' _l No Parking I Typic1!1 Scale 112"=1'·0" Disabled Parking I Typical Scale 112"=1'·0" December 30, 2014 22 .i ~ ' ...