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PS 14-58; VONS LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
~ <<tlf> . ~· CITY 01' CARLSBAD REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING PL;51CAJ:On.N # f5 IL/-5( REC'D BY.-~~(.;-;....;;.&"'"=~------ DATE b: 11 !"I SIGN FEE 0- SIGN PROGRAM FEE_-_______ _ RECEIPT NO.-·----------- All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Project: ~~~~ -a~ T~M :i,k~ Address of Project:~ J1#,/(~/ ~~ clft- Assessor Parcel Number: q.¢:'s -6 5o -1 J...--CJO Related Planning Case Number(S): ---------------------- TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) Hotel/Motel (g) Theater ~ Commercial (e) Service Station (h) Gov't/Church/School (c) Office/Industrial (f) Prof. Care (i) Public Park 0) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (I) P-U/OS Zone SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA YesD NoD Specific Plan Number ___ _ VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (/fyes. please complete information on page 3) Yes D II~ w& SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA : Ye lu -~ T SIGN ORDINANCE: Ye~ No D · COASTAL ZONE: Yes O No'jl P-11 Page 1 of4 Rev. 10/13 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No O Date ------- PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN AREA SIGN SIGN ALLOWED AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole** Monument** . ,,, Wall ,4f-,~ VJJt'J7 13/1JJ:J f§u ~er ' .... -'I,. , Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) Digital Display I PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER NUMBER ALLOWED PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED S~N ~GN S~N AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner Interim **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility Issues. Additional Information must supplement this application showing how the proposed slgnage will. not encroach Into the public right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for ·such propo.sed signs. P-11 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 10/13 S1TE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates t~e information that is required for ·a11 pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. I I l I P/L 1 Sipt Dist~ce Requirement Show buildiq/s /.. I I I I J I ':---I Show setbacks from all curbs I I I I I I I Show all property lines I P/L : I :l I curb line i I -- - ---- - ---.--- Sipt Visibility I ~treet Name(s) (i) I I North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver; Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. ' EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: --------sq. ft. Total Building Street Frontage: linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: sq. ft. Existing Signage (sq. ft.): sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): sq. ft. Remaining-Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: sq. ft. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: sq. ft. -~~~----~~~ Total Signable Area Length: · sq. ft. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-11 Page 3 of4 Rev. 10/13 ·-. PROPERTY OWNER NAME PRINT OR TYPE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE_ ZIP TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Ptq/J5;" DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. APPLICANT W/L#4at,<.1, CITY STATE ZIP · TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER.AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 3. · Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: •:• In right-of-way •!• In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: CJ.r/~ {';q,cto.._. Date: C/11 l?-0 11.( P-11 Page4 of4 Rev. 10/13 !: O> "iii :x: X <11 ~ .!: s:t ,, ¢:: (0 8 ft-0 in 1~ 3ft-10 in ~, !: O> "iii !: :x: O> Q) "iii t ... VONS a"! O> :x: I!! C: l ~ .!: .i; 0 r--. i ¢:: ¢:: (0 I() ~-. ----~-~-----~------~·~z+~~~----~ ~.-=-----. ---------------• . !: N ' ¢:: ..... ' T------------,---------------, . . l Retail ' . ( ._· -----·--------------------' ~---~-----·------------------. I . ' i Retail l t I I ---t--•' -. _ _. _______ _, .... ____ ,_,,..__..,.'I, ' . .!: N . ¢:: ~------------~----------------, I i Retail ' I I ------------------------,-~-- ~-----------.--.·~-------·----. I 1 ·Re-tail : I . , •I, J -----------------------. __ _, ,.· SIDEA lf'1, ,· 1---S_IG_N_EL_E_VA_J_IO_N_/ R_O_U_TE_D..,..o_u_T _Pu_s_H_TH_R...c..U_A_LU~M-'-IN_U_M_T_EN_A_N_T _PA_N_EL_F_O_R_DO_U_B_LE_F_A_CE_M_O_N.,..-UM_E_N_T_ ~ QUANTITY: ONE (1) SET REQUIRED SCALE: 1/2"= 1'-0" SPECIFICATIONS: PANEL: NOTE: TEXCOATED ROUTED OUT ALUMINUM PANEL PAINT TO MATCH SW 7685 WHITE RAISIN 3/4" CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU LETTERS WITH OPAQUED RED VINYL OVERLAY PUSH THRU EDGES TO BE FROSTED (-SANDED FINISH) FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Rornan Cap Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin Limstone Llpica "Dorata" , Flamed finish & Bright finish -: ------------. --. ,-___ -'-u-----. s: --------------------:· ~--v--1 : "': ' . . ' . ' ! 't' . ' t L---.-----------------------------•-·~----------------------1 T---------------------~-· ----, 'l, f 1 Retail._ l I I ~----..... ------.... --,..._,.._,_ __ ...,. ____ -... ,.,--------------<~--~--------. I I , I I , I, ,· Retail I ·, I 1 l t }~------._, ____ . _____ · ___ · __ J SIDEB ,------------*---------------. • ' I I ' l I Retail • I -· ,, ' 1 1 t -----7-------,-'-·-... --,<-. ---•. . ,. ______ ,., __ . T"----·-------------,' . i Reta.il I , . l i ~-~--,_ !---_._ ___ -------------~ Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted ) Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. ++--Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail NOTE: MONUMENT SIGNS BY OTHERS ·11 DOUBLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT. MANUFACTURE NEW TENANT PANELS ONLY Project VONS#2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUA~E Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Account Manager. TIM PITTS ~signer: Pl -4.00 Scale: AS NOTED Design No.: 1 ;i-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19.13 Reg. No.: Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 1'2116/13 add architectural · elevation, site plap & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments R5 (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity •APPROVALS• FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct. Mgr. Design Production EOf! INSTAU. ONLY DATE Acct. Mgr. Page: 09 Of: 09 This Is III original 111pubished dnr,mg created by Suf«\O! EJectrk:al Advertising, Inc. It Is submitted w your approval. Ills not to be shown to anyone outside of your organlza6on, ncr Is H to be reproduced, ex>pled er extlbited in 111y fashion. The changing of c:olors, sizes, materials or luminallon method does not alter the design. Ownership of this design Is held by Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. Aulhorlzallon to use this daslgn In any fashion n,.ist be obtained in wri6rig from Superior Eledrical Advertising, Inc. © SEA2013 Note: The CololS depicted here are a graphic representa6on. Actual colors may vary. See color speolficatlons. I >, \ BUilDlNG Project VONS-12724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO ( LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE }, CARLSBAD, CA. 92009 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAQ,CA 92009 SIGN PERI.V'il'".1' NO.PS /'-/ -5 ~ APPROVED BY . ··· .. .. --. ,, ~ • ,: ::"·, "; : ~., .r- ..• . " r-f\_v_1c_1N_1~_M_A_P·_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "-..!.) SCALE: NTS \ :1-THE VONS COMPANIES, INC. :; CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT I SUBMITTA1!.REVIEW ~ APPROVED AS SUBMITTE~j"' Account Manager. TIM PITTS Designer. Pl 4.00 Scale: AS NOTED . Design No:: 13-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19:13 Reg.No., ·, Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) • revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments RS (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity · •APPROVALS• FOR JOB CHECK .DATE D MAKE REVISIONS NOTED,& RESUBMIT D HOLD/PENDING FURTHER REVIEW D NOT APPROVED AP~IOV~i ·, ~ . · l~ -~-·-,\ 1 , ' V)A K:[~ ,··9 .. .,, ~-~ JK~~ · ··.~.L\Vt. v. ~ ~ ·-~r--· v~. ~:~~~~;A~:o;~y DATE ' . . 6· DATE AcclMgr. Page; 01 . or: 09 This Is a, aigilal 1111)1Jblshed !frawing ~led Superio<Eleolrical~1·"1c. !tis itted for your 8J)!lfOV81. It Is not to .lie shown anyone outside of your organi2alio1dior is ~ : be reproduced, copied or exllibiled in a,y • 1l!e chanth of aJlor9, sizes, materials lun*1alion method does not allerlhe design. ~ of this design Is held by SIJperiCI' • Advel1isilv, Inc. Aulhorizalion to use in any fashion nut bit oblained in wribng from superior Electrical M.:ertising, Inc. ©SEA2013 Nole: The Colors depicted hen, a<e a graphic represenialion. Actual colors may Vaf'J. See color specilica!lons. • • l ~;\;;.t.·-',.: . .,.,,.~.~ • > CD PLOT PLAN SCALE:NTS 14 15 --VONS NOTE: MONUMENT SIGNS BY OTHERS DI SINGLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT ID SINGLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT • DOUBLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT Project: -VONSt2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Account Manager: TIM PITTS Designer: Pl 4.00 Scale: AS NOTED Design No.: 13.08-6726.05 Date: 08.19:13 Reg.·No.: 'Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs A &· C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments RS (AZ) 5122/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity • APPROVALS • FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct. Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct. Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct.Mgr. Page: 02 Of: 09 This is an ooginal uipublished drawing created bySuperior'EleciricalAdvertising, Inc. llis submitted for your approval. It is not lo be shown to anyone outside of your aganization, nor is it to be reproduced, copied or exhilx!ed in any fashion. The changing of cokxs, sizes, l!l;\lerials or iluminalion melhod does not alter the design. Ownership of lhis design is held by Superior EleclricalAdvertlsing, Inc. Aulhorizalionlouse lhis design in any fashioo mus I be oblained in writing from Superior Elecbical Adve!IJSing, Inc. ©SEA2013 Nole: The ColofS depicted here are a graphic represenlalion. Aclual co1ofS may vary. See color specifications . ._ _________________________________________________ _ 10'-8." w SIGN ELEVATION I SELF CONTAINED REVERSE HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS QUANTITY: ONE (1) SET REQUIRED LETTERS: FACES: RETURNS: BACKS: SPACERS: ILLUMINATION: NOTE: 4-1/2" DEEP FABRICATED ALUMINUM REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS 0.125" ALUMINUM PAINTED CARDINAL RED 4 1h'' DEEP 0.063" ALUMINUM PAINTED CARDINAL RED 3/16 CLEAR LEXAN 11h11 PAINTED TO MATCH WALL SURFACE . WHITE PERMLIGHT "El PLATO" 5600-7000k OR APPROVED EQUAL ILLUMINATION WITH REMOTE POWER SUPPLIES FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION Note tQ All Contractors ! 120 I Sign Voltage This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and boriding of the sign. All wall penetrations to be sealed with UL Listed silicone sealant. TOTAL 42.66 SQ. FT. SCALE: 1h" = 1 '-0" MAIN POWER SECONDARY POWER----. •DISCONNECT SWITCH AT FAR LEFT OR RIGHT OF END LEITER • VERIFY PLACEMENT PRIOR TO FABRICATION ®i---L~ET~T~ER~L~AY~O~UT~-~P~LA~N~V~IE~W~----------NOTTO SCALE PLEASE REFER TO THE NUMBERED ITEMS BELOW FOR INCORPORATED INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS. LISTED INSTRUCTIONS TO BE FOUND WITH ACTUAL SIGNAGE (NUMBERED ITEMS CORRESPOND TO SECTION DETAIL) ITEM# DESCRIPTION 1 CHANNEL LETTERS 2 DISCONNECT SWITCH 3 THREADED NIPP~E AND COUPLING (FLEX CONNECTOR) 4 CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING (NO COt4DUIT REQUIRED} 5 POWER SUPPLY 6 . FLEX (FLEXIBLE CONDUIT} I LIQOID TIGHT CONNECTIONS TYPICAL WALL FRAMING--- TYPICAL WALL SURFACE --- ALUMINUM FACE WELDED TO RETURNS .125 FACES, .063 RETURNS . LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LEDs) --<1----,H LOW VOLTAGE WIRING FROM LED TO L.ED _JL_-1...,=-~> 0 ALUMINUM. FACE CHANNEL LETTERS CLEAR LEXAN BACK -1-----M DRILLED HOLE THRU WALL ~~-.C:::::~~!f.+.~~~4H- FOR WIRE CONNECTIONS AND FILLED WITH SILICONE TO PREVENT WATER PENETRATION 6 20A 120-277VAC DISCONNECT SWITCH -1------,!cii~ Iii POWER SUPPLY J-BOXWITH 120-277VAC DISCONNECT SWITCH Iii I) THREADED NIPPLE AND COUPLING #10 x 3 1h11 DRIVE SCREWS MINIMUM THREE (3) PER LEITER OR AS REQUIRED PER FIELD CONDITIONS 11h" SPACERS REQUIRED ·----FLEX (FLEXIBLE CHANNEL LETTER RETURNS --<I----~ COUNTER SUNK SCREWED TO CLEAR LEXAN ANGLE CLIPS ONE (1) 1/.i" WEEP HOLE BEHIND LEITER --.J LOCATED AT ALL AREAS THAT MAY COLLECT WATER ''THIS SIGN IS SUITABLE FOR WET LOCATIONS" LABEL SIGN WITH MINIMUM 1/8" COPY G) TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL SCALE: NTS CONDUIT) I LIQUID TIGHT CONNECTIONS ·---PRIMARY POWER Project: VONS#2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Account Managen TIM PITTS Designer: Pl Scale: 4.00 AS NOTED Design No.: 13-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19.13 Re~ .. No.: Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments R5 (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity • APPROVALS • FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct. Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct. Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Ar.ct.. Mgr. Page: 04 Of. 09 This Is an original oopubished drawilg crea1ed by Superior Electrical Adveltisi1g, Inc. tt Is submitted fer your approval. It Is not to be shown to anyone oulslde of your aganlzatton, nor Is ft to be reproduced, copied orexhllliled i!I any fashion. The changing of cclors, sizes, materials or illuminallon melhod does not alter Iha design. Ovmership of this design is held by SUpedor Electrical Advertising, Inc. Aulhorlzalion lo use this design In any fashion must be ol>lalned In writtng fri>m Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. ©SEA2013 Nole: The Colors depicted here ere a grephlc representalion. Actual colors may Yaf'f. See color speclficaUons. ~ .. u..: u..: cC Cl I CCI N I I I I ~ EQ. 'i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L . TBD. L EQ. I ·)t' I .. EQ. " " I ·I I I I I I I EQ. 279'•0 II I .. ~ I I I I I •I I I I I I I I I I I I i .. .. I I I I I I I I I EQUAL L 10'-8 11 L EQUAL 110NS __________ _ Ir' I ·----------- i .. .. I I I I I I I I I ,w I :z: -:...1 l:c : (.) -~...,d;;=::!::::::::===!:::==c:L.l::::!::!::::::!_E;~:=:1..-====3....U;;;;!:!;;~d!;~~~::Jl=;;d;;;;;;;;;;!d__.!:~:!:=;=!:~~=:;;;~~==;;;:;!!.;=!;;;;;;;;;;;=:=;;;;;;;;;;;;==:=;;;;;;;;;~====;;!.;;;.;;:!;;;;;;;;====!~·~ -----------I == I . PA~TIAL FRONT ( NORTH ) BUILDING ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1 '-0" FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ~ 279'•0 II i <II ir CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION ' EQ. 11'•0 II EQ. i I J! .. .. ---------------l====== I I I w: u..: :z:. u..: < -= ...I = :c I CCI N (.) ti: == PARTIAL FRONT (NORTH) BUILDING ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" -~ = Project VONS#2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 AccQunt Manager: TIM PITTS Designer: Pl . 4.00 Scale: AS NOTED Design No.: 13-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19.13 Reg.-No.: Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.QO) -revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & ·D per comments R5 (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity • APPROVALS • FOR JOB CHECK .DATE Acct Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct. Mgr. Design Production !:OR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct. Mgr. Pl!ge: 03 Of: 09 This Is an cxiginal 111publshed drav.ing created by S,uperior Electrical Advertising, Inc. It Is submitted for your approval. It is not lo be shown to anyone oulslde of your organlzaUon, nor Is tt lo be reproduced, copied or exhibited In any fashion. The changing of colors, sizes, materials or lumlnallon method does not alter the design. Owne!ship of this design is held by Superior EJectrlcal Advertising, Inc. Authorization lo use llis design In any fashion must be obtained in WIiiing mn Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. .@SEA2013 Nola: The Cclors depicted hera are a graphic rapresentauon. Actual c:olcrs may va,y. See color specltlcaUons. I I I !. 8'-3 5/8" 11'-0" I t. 2'-3 5/8" ID! SIGN ELEVATION I REVERSE HALO ILLUMINATED LETTERS AND CHANNEL LOGO PLAQUE· L!J .QUANTITY: ONE (1). SET REQUIRED . . . SPECIFICATIONS; LETTERS & CHANNEL LOGO PLAQUE: REVERSE HALO ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS & CHANNEL PLAQUE FACES: .125" ALUMINUM WITH POWDER COATED BLACK ( UBSB-COOO) GLOSS FINISH ~ ..... ..... ..... -· ..... RETURNS: BACKS: 3" DEEP X .063" ALUMINUM WITH POWDER COATED BLACK ( UBSB-COOO ) GLOSS FINISH CLEAR LEXAN FOR HALO LIGHTING SPACERS: 11h" SPACERS PAINTED OFF WHITE ILLUMINATION: WHITE PERMLIGHT·"EL PLATO"/ "NITRO .TWISTER" 5600-7000K OR APPROVED EQUAL ILLUMINATION WITH REMOTE POWER SUPPLIES NOTE: FIELD VERIFY l\LL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION Note to All Contractors I 120 I Sign Voltage This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the require~ents of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes pro11er grounding and bonding of the sign. All wall penetrati!)ns to be sealed with UL Listed silicone sealant. MAIN POWER GROUNDING WIRE--/ NEUTRAL WIRE / SECONDARY POWER------. 16.67SQ. FT. SCALE: 1h" = 1 '-0" 1/4" RIV-NUTS FOR ALL THREAD BOLTS • DISCONNECT SWITCH AT FAR RIGHT OF END LOGO • VERIFY PLACEMENT PRIOR TO FABRICATION LETTERS & LOGO PLAQUE LAYOUT -PLAN VIEW SCALE:NTS PLEASE REFER TO THE NUMBERED ITEMS BELOW FOR INCORPORATED INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS. LISTED INSTRUCTIONS TO BE FOUND WITH ACTUAL SIGNAGE (NUMBERED ITEMS CORRESPOND TO SECTION DETAIL} ITEM# DESCRIPTION 1 CHANNEL LETTERS 2 DISCONNECT SWITCH 3 THREADED NIPPLE AND COUPLING (FLEX CONNECTOR) 4 CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING (NO CONDUIT REQUIRED) 5 POWER SUPPLY 6 FLEX (FLEXIBLE CONDUIT) /'LIQUID TIGHT CONNECTIONS TYPICAL WALL FRAMING ----. TYPICAL WALL SURFACE ---~ ALUMINUM FACE WELDED TO RETURNS .125 FACES, .063 RETURNS PAINT INSIDE OF LETTER WHITE FOR . MAXIMUM REFLECTIVITY LOW VOLTAGE WIRING FROM LED TO LED .LIGHT EMITTING DIOD~S (LEDs) SPACED EVERY 4" ( IN ~ENGTH) & ROWS EVERY 3 W' ( ON CENTER ) 0 ALUMINUM FACE CHANNEL LETTERS CLEAR LEXAN BACK----- DRILLED HOLE THRU WALL FOR WIRE --11-1---__., CONNECTIONS AND FILLED WITH SILICONE TO PREVENT WATER PENETRATION fJ 20A 120-277VAC DISCONNECT SWITCH --1tt----;--.i I) THREADED NIPPLE AND COUPLING --11+--_,_ RIV-NUTS FOR ALL THREAD BOLTS MINIMUM --- THREE (3) PER LETTER OR AS REQUIRED PER FIELD CONDITIONS 1 W' SPACERS REQUIRED CHANNEL LETTER RETURNS COUNTER SUNK --l!r---....1 SCREWED TO CLEAR LEXAN ANGLE CUPS ONE (1) 1/.i" WEEP HOLE BEHIND LETTER --------" LOCATED AT ALL AREAS THAT MAY COLLECT WATER "THIS SIGN IS SUITABLE FOR WE LOCATIONS" LABEL SIGN WITH MINIMUM 1/8" COPY TYPICAL LETTER SECTION DETAIL SCALE:NTS ---·11 CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING (NO CONDUIT REQUIRED) II POWER SUPPLY J-BOXWITH 120-277VAC DISCONNECT SWITCH Ill ·'--'H-e+--FLEX (FLEXIBLE , ,:": CONDUIT) I LIQUID TIGHT CONNECTIONS Project: VONS#2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Account Manager: TIMPITTS Designer: Pl 4.00 Scale: AS NOTED Design N6.: 13-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19.13 Reg.No.: Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs. A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan,& signag" (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments R5 (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity • APPROVALS • FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct. Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct. Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct.Mgr. Page: 05 Of: 09 This is an aiginal 111pubished drawing created by Superior Electrical Adver!isilg,'lnc. It is submitted for your approval. It is not to be shown to anyone oulside of your organization, nor is It to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. The changing of colors, sizes, materials or ilumination method does not alter the design. Ownership of this design is held by Superior EJeclricaJ Adverfi~ng. Inc. Authorization to use this design in aey fashion must be oblained in writing from Superior EJeclricaJ Advertising, Inc. ©SEA2013 Note. The Color.; depicted here are a graphic representa5oo. Actual colors may vary. See color specifications. a: UJ tu ~ <( i5 = C) I .in. [[] SIGN ELEVATION I SELF-CONTAINED SINGLE FACE ILLUMINATED WALL MOUNT ~OGO DISK · QUANTITY: ONE (1) REQUIRED SPECIFIGATIONS: LOGO: FACE: RETAINERS: RETURNS: ILLUMINATION: NOTES: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WALL MOUNT LOGO DISK #7328 WHITE ACRYLIC PLASTIC WITH 3M #3630-76 HOLLY GREEN VINYL OVERLAY ALL WHITE TO BE REVERSED OUT TO SHOW THRU WHITE ACRYLIC PLASTIC 1 1h" ALUMINUM PAINTED BLACK 3" DEEP BLACK RETURNS WHITE LUMIFIECIENT LE.D.'S WITH SELF-CONTAINED LUMIFICIENT POWER SUPPLY ENCLOSED IN POLYCARBONATE HOUSING FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION 19.63 SQ. FT. SCALE: 1" = 1 '-.0" lYPICAL WALL FRAMING •, ,· TYPICAL WALL SURFACE -- .040 AtUMINUM RETURNS 11h" RETAINERS _,.,,_...._ ____ 1..J. LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LEDs) -l----l~~i- LOW VOLTAGE WIRING·FROM LED TO LED --1+---...w11·1i! ACRYLIC FACE . , .040 ALUMINUM BACK --11-----6,1:.i. ... ,. ,PRIMARY POWER -r-,:::;;.;;;~tr"':--:':J SELF-CONTAINED POWER SUPPLY ---.i ENCLOSED-IN POLYCARBONATE HOUSING 'DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCH HANDY'BOX --i1.i,,1< .·,. THREADED NIPPLE AND COUPLING ~~'-:::---!s\~jjj-·~ #10 x 3 %" DRIVE SCREWS MINIMUM FOUR (4) OR AS REQUIRED PER FIELD CONDITIONS ONE (1) %" WEEP HOLE ~ LOCATED AT ALL AREAS THAT MAY COLLECT WATER G) TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL SCALE:NTS Note to All Contractors ! 120 I Sign Voltage · This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. All wall penetrations to be sealed with UL Listed silicone sealant. Project: . VONSfl724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD,(:A 92009' Account·Manager: TIM PITTS ~.00 Scale: AS NOTED Dl!slgn No.: 13-08-6726-05 Date: 08.19.13 Reg.-No.: Revisions: R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 (pl) 12/16/13 add architecture! · · elevation, site plan & sigriage (5. 75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments RS (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity •APPROVALS• FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct Mgr. Page: 07 Of: 09 This Is ai aiginal 111published drawing crealed by Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. It Is submitted for your approval. It is not to be shO'Ml to anyone oulside of your organization, nor Is tt to be reproduced, copied or exh!lliled In aiy fashion. The changing of m1ors, sizes, maledals or lunilalion method does not alerthe design. o.mersi.., ollhls design Is held Ir/ Supedor Eleclric:al Advsrtising, Inc. Aulhcxizallan ID use Dis design In any fashion must be oblainad In wnllng tum Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. ©SEA2013 Note: The Colors depicled here are a graphic represenlalion. Actual colors may vary. See color specifications. .... 8ft-Oin 3 ft-10 in .... .s:::. .!2> :E Q) :E C) :r: C) ·a3 Q) ·a3 :::c C) :::c X e! C: !1l Q) ':E ~ ~ .5 .5 .5 "SI" C> ..... I I I ~ ~ ~ co co lO . ; ···-----.. --. ----. -. -f--u----s-. ---------------· -·-. VN ~----------------~-----~--------------------------------~---· r---------·-----~----------1 "---------'""------------------, t t I J i' Retail l· l Retail \ J l r I I '. ----,------,---.... ---' ,---.-.--l f _,_ ___ _,. --.-----------------,1 ; -t l. Retail l· f, ' -l I-------------'-·------_-:·----,... i r---------------------.-------t I I l -Retail l ! , .. I I---------------·--------.--( I E1 ·I E2 1-I _s_1G_N_El_·E_VA_J_10_N I_R_o_uT_E_D_ou_T_P_u_sH_T_H_RU_A_L_UM_1_Nu_M_T_E_NA_N_T_PA_N_EL_F_o_R _s1_NG_L_E_i=A_c_E ·_Mo_N_U_M-'-EN_T_ . · · QUANTITY: TWO (2) REQUIRED SCALE: 1/2" = 1 '-0" SPECIFICATIONS: PANEL: NOTE: TEXCOATED ROUTED OUT ALUMINUM PANEL PAINT TO MATCH SW 7685 WHITE RAISIN 3/4" CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU LETTERS WITH OPAQUED RED VINYL OVERLAY PUSH THRU EDGES TO BE FROSTED (SANDED FINISH) FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION .Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Roman Cap Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin Limstone Lipi~ "Dorata· Flamed finish & Bright finish Back of Sign Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted ) Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail NOTE: MONUMENT SIGNS BY OTHERS ·m SINGLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT m SINGLE FACE ILLUMINATED MONUMENT MANUFACTURE NEW TENANT PANELS ONLY Project: VONS#2724 LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE Address: 3439 VIA MONTEBELLO CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Account Manager. TIM PITTS Designer; Pl 4.00 Scale: ~s NOTED Design No.: 13-08-6726-05 Dat.e: 08.19.13 Reg.No.: Revisions:-. R1 JV 10/31/13 (1.00) -revise Signs A & C to reversed C/Ls R2 {pl) 12/16/13 add architectural elevation, site plan & signage (5.75) R3 (AS) 1/30/14 Correct address, add (3) monument signs R4 (AS) 5/20/14 Removed/replaced signs C & D per comments RS (AZ) 5/22/14 (.25) Update sign D quantity • APPROVALS • FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct. Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct.Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct.Mgr. Page: 08 Of: 09 This Is M origilal oopubished drawing aeated by Superior Elecbical Advertising, Inc. II ls submitted for your approval It is not to be shown to anyooe outside of your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, copied or exhibited in any fashion. The changing of colors, sizes, materials orluminalion method does not alter the design. O,,nershj, of this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising, Inc. Authorization to use this design in any fashioo must be obtained ill writing from Superior Eledrical Advertising, Inc. © SEA2013 Nole: The Colors depicted hem are a graphic representalion. Actual colors may vary. See color'specifications.