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PS 15-69; CALVIN KLEIN UNDERWEAR; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
«~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov PLANNING AP~LICATION # es j'7-(t'.] REC'D BY ~fl.. DATE _---=-:1~--(~D---,~<;",,.....------- SIGN FEE ½lo\ - SIGN PROGRAM FEE ________ _ RECEIPT NO. __________ _ All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale . 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. The application must be submitted prior to 4:00 p.m. Average processing time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: Co.IV In K \.e, " l)oc\ev~v- ADDRESS OF PROJECT: ':)en3Q Paseo Je,\ Notte #: \ \L\-. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: ___________________ _ RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): _______________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) (b) Commercial (e) (c) Office/Industrial (f) SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR Hotel/Motel Service Station Prof. Care (g) Theater (h) Gov't/Church (i) Public Park U) Produce Stand (k) Nursey (I) P-U/OS Zone SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA YesO NoD Specific Plan Number ____ _ VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA YesO NoD Requires VR Approval P-11 Page 1 of 4 Revised 07/10 ., ·-.' SIGN ORDINANCE: YesO ·NoO.· C0ASTALZ0NE: -_YesO -No[] EXISTING SIGNS: .. TYPE NUMBER SI.GNAREA. SIGN HEIGHT .. -Pole 'I Monument Wall Suspended. Dlrectlonal Canop_y Freestanding (Prpject' Id.entity)_ .. PERMITS ISSUED FpR EXISTING SIGNS: YesO NoO -Date ______ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: -MAXIMUM ·.NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM "PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER· SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWEb PROPOSED AREA SIGN.AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole** .. Monument** Wall 1 :l._ L+'", 1'i '?->1.% ~lv ?16" . . ' Suspended ., Directional Canopy. . . Freestanding** (Project Identity) - PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM .PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SiGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT ·HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner I **Prior to appro~I, all proposed pole, mo11ument, and freestanding signs must be·revtewed for potential sight. distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not e~croach Into· the publlc right- of-way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 Illustrates an example. for what would be required for such proposed signs. · P-11 Page 2of4 Revised omo ' . . SITE. PLAN. REQUIREMENT .FOR· POLE, ·MONUMENT,. AND ·_.FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS . . . . The following example illustrates the infonnation that is required for all pole, monument, and . ' freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such-proposed signs mus.t.be. reviewed for potentlal ISSUe$ by the Transportation Department, which WIii not allow signs to be approved over the cc,unter. Additional time WIii be required for on-site inspection. ' . . P/L I . I Sipt Distance Requirement I . I .. . ' ' . . .· . ' · Show bnilding/s I '' I ··: :.· .t Show setbacks from all curb1. Show all property lines ;FIL curb line : f I • i ------- Sight Visibility 21.41 :080 Sign des.lgn standards Street N aine(s) I I Ci) North Relationship to Streets: ~ighs shall be designed and located so ·as not tQ Interfere with the unobstructed -clear view of the . public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any ~estrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle <;!river. · · Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so .that it impairs the sight . distance requirements at any public or private street Intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE ___ 3...........CQ'--_. ___ sq. ft. . .._, TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE ---~----4'?..._ __ sq. ft. ( {-? ~~; EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) -----......,..-&_ __ ---,-__ sq. ft. REMAINING SIG~ AU .. OWANCE AT PRESENT __ ____,,t-l.,...?--:-=-----sq. ft. PROPOSED SIGNAGE.(SQ. FT..). . --~--'---1_,_~_)....._ __ . sq. ft .. REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOSED SIGl\l ___ /\ ........ _._o_J..,___ ___ .sq. ft. I P-11 Page 3 of4 Revised 07/10 (' PROPERTY OWNER NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) S,fY'CV\ eM,100/\ ·oo~ · MAILI_NG ADDRESS TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE. INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT· TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATlCJRE DATE PLANNER CHECK UST: 1. Fleld check by planl)er. 2. Within maximum length; area. APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) CITY.AND STATE .ZIP TELEPHONE So..V\ ~ro·s ·GA CQ:178 -I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 7~ 3. Style consistent With Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ~ In right-of-way + In visibility triangle at comer 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved· route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: ____ """'t:f-:_.,._a __ · ______ _ Date: P-11 Page 4of4 Revised 07/10 Job Name: Calvin Klein Underwear Mall: Ca.rlsbad Premium Address: Location: Carlsbad, CA Space#: 114 Print#: 40537-0101 S.F. Length: Salesperson: C. Blue Change Order # A 8 C D E F I I Released Initial I Time Opening Ship/Trip Install Tar2_e1 Commit S~clal IIIS'tructions: Exterior .1 Calvin Klein Face & Re1urn Color: Matte Black Return Depth: 3' LEDs: White Letter Stre>ke: 1 'h • underw .. r Copy: Clear Push Thru w/ Black Perforated #3635-222 Vinyl QverlaJ Can (Face & Returns): To match fascia #TBD Can Depth; 3' LEDs:\'Jllite Standoff Color: Voltage Fascia Const: Fascia Cole>r: n,;, Proouct is U.Od by @ UNOERWRITT;RS lABORATORIES INC, YL __ ,1t..Man1: INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. n..6"l,grltnd~W'OIW!ailh~dv.ac.,,SQ,,~Ud NQ • .,..,,... ........ ..,.. .. ~ • .,.,,~tlffle,~ ~pi{«W!lltift~ Date: 6/3/2015 2109 Lafayette Rd. • Ft. Oglethorpe, GA 30742 • Ph: I 1ml Ill ~IIJIIIJIII ~I llll 1111111111111111 llll ~111111 ~~ 1111 37.935QFT Option 2 12' ~1·H1cCalvin Klein 01 r .... ~ .... I u ·Ii· d-'e· r w e a r Reverse Channel let.ters & Front./ 6acklit. Can • Use Plenum Wire Apptov..i A• Nott<! -Upon rec:e<l)I ol permc lrcm Colylcoumy ltbtlcatlon may be undenalWl Sign• must conform to al Lardocd comment• on !MH drlw,1191 lns1allilt1011 ol sitjn to be ccoro•n•lod W\U1 Cente< M•nogement not IOdlll\ll)lbvtiMU Mull PIO'ildf Ctilta1 Mi~oOement ..,111 ~-; of Ptlffi( & lniwnco pno,t0 lnstalll1Jon & venty _, slgn ~nt pno, 10 lnstal center Management must llgn otr °" aiign lns.tallatlon "'"'-" cotn04ttt <X> SIMON 7'-4½" ---1 2" .050" Aluminum Return!>----, .090" Aluminum Fae, 1 /8" White lexan Back G0Q:3LEDs True-Konek Pa5s Thru~ w/ ½" diam. x 1' PVC w/ 6 ' wire whip Allthread w/ PVC Spacer5 Riv Nut. Alum. Angle Brackets ~ Power Supply F""Jt::::JI Ill I ' Routed out, 1/z" Push Thru (1/•" project.ion), 1,acked w/ white plex ] I d ~ fa r": ,,. .. ' z -..? .. ~l ~ 0 ~,\ \ ... I"\ Q s; I ~~ < __I_L r..:, ~ ~ iE, ,-: ?'. =I ~ .., :, Job Name: Calvin Klein Underwear Mall: Carlsbad Premium Address: Location: Carlsbad, CA Space#: 114 Print#: 40537-0200 S.F. Length: Salesperson: C. Blue Change Order # A B C D E F I I Released lnitlal I llme Opening_ Ship!Trip Install Targ_et Commit Special lnswetlons: Exterior : 1 Co1 Faces & lleturns&la~ Panel Faoes & Relums: White ________ --1 Eye Bolts: Black Fascia Const: Fascia Colo,: nllil~MIGrl!IMfftliMl•Nllf'OC*ttOl'YiCIOryS.C,,---._UL No.........,or..._..lP'IIIINl'Nl:lelloq"'9Qf\.ffl0t00'0Qr_.. Wlll'O,IIP'09'-..~ Signature Date ~ Signarura Date Dat.e: 5/26/2015 By: MB 2109 Lafayette Rd. • Ft. Oglethorpe, GA 30742 • Ph: I 1ml ~11 IIIJIIIJIII ~I llll llll llll llll lllll llll ]11 lllll ll~ 1111 Verify a_nd use prefen:ed hanging method at center. --I ;t i,., • ,-~ ~ ~ ~71=" 36" 303/4" I I 24 " c-c ~ Eye~olt· 0 O Calvin Klein underwear Double Facea 61aae Sign to hang from existing bracket. App<oved Al Noted -Upon rece4J( al permll from ~Jcouncy labrfcarlon may i.. undeflaken Signs l11U5I c:oolonn ID all laJld!oRI convnent, on 1/lne dnrwing• ktltlillation ot &lgn to be coon:lln•ted wrth Center M.-n..-,.nl not to dlsrupl buM>eu. Mu>t PfO'nde canw M•NIO"ffl""' wiUI covt of i,emu & murance p<fc< IO lnm-& wrffyllfOPel slgn ~ p<iof IO irlslal C.nter Management must t19n oll on sign 1nsU1•at1on when_,... <X> S IMON •"CMIUM OU~Ts -- .. , By WaltonJ at 6:39:54 PM, 6/11/2015 Scale: 1• = 1 ' VSI Prints: 40537-0200 Job Name: Calvin Klein Underwear Mall: Carlsbad Premium Address; Location; Carlsbad, CA Space#: 114 Print#: 40537-0301 S.F. Length: Salesperson: C. Blue Change Order # A B C D E F I I Released lni1ial I Time Opening Ship/Trip Install Targ_el Commit Se_ecial lnslluctiOflS: Interior :2 Vinyl Color: Slack .f 6555 Fascia Const Glass Fascia Color: 1'111110Nq,.-Oa:--v-----~-'1Ac:Dy'9i~lld. NO....,....Ol ................ .,,,'*"°""""'or~ ....... ...,~ Signature bate Sl11_na1ure Date Date: 5/28/2015 By: MB/NR 2109 Lafayette Rd. • Ft. Oglethorpe, GA 30742 • Ph: (706) 866-7999 • Sales Fx: I 1ml ~11 llllJIIIJIII ~I llll llll llll llll lllll !IIIJIII ~II ~~ 1111 1 5 QFT I 24" I ©~Calvin Klein ~~~~ un d e rw ea r Reverse Cut Vinyl applied to inside of window glass. Top ofvlnyl 42" A.F.F. Scale: 1 v,· = 1 ' Allll<""*' A$ N--Upon ree<tll)t of perm• from ciy/COtJnty fob<1cation may be undetta!uln Signs mulll conform 10 an Ultldlord -on lheM drawln91 1-bon ol llgn to be coo«!;n1lod with C.nlef Man11511menl nol 10 ddrupt busJl'!iHS Mull p<Olllde Cent-, Man_.,. wttn copy of pemul & ""'°""" p,io< to lnlUilltlon & mily .,,_ algn placemeN prior to lns1al Center M~nt must sign off on sign W\1tallation when complete O<> SIMON ... c: ... ,u ... 01.r"\.CTa By WaltonJ at 6:39:43 PM, 6/11/2015 VSI Prints: 40537-0301 Job Name: Calvin Klein Underwear Mall: Carlsbad Premium Address: Location: Carlsbad, CA Space#: 114 Print#: 40537·Storefront Elev Opt 2 S.F. Length: Salesperson: C. Blue Option 2 Print0101 Nole Upon removal of eXtsang Slgn(s), holes must be patched. 51gnbind l"lj)aWed and painted to Landlord's sat,sf;tl>On PRIOR to onstall of new 519n(s) If bscia has siding damaped siding must be replaced PRIOR to ll'l&tall d new signage.. Print0200 Top of vinyl 42" A.F.F. Date: 6/3/2015 By: NA alvin Klein I u· n d e r we at I Al>P<OYed As NOIAld -Upon~ al pttm• frc,n cilylOOUnty fabl\Calion may be ..,.,_n Signs mull e4nform 10 111 i..,no...., comments on the.Ml dra\t!Mgs 1nata11auon of s,gn to be CIOOfdtNltad wilh Cente.c Ma:ru~t oot lo d,a,upt busneu Mull provide Center M•nogemont wrth c.opy of p&nrnl & IMutan<e ""°" 10 instala"°" & verily p<opo, sJgo ptaoemenr pt\o< to 101111 Center Manage.ment must lfgn off on sign lt'lstatlation v.Mn complete <X> S IMON IIIIIIC ... tUM OV"f'!,,&T• &~--- Print0:301 PrintO __ . Bv WaltonJ at 6:39:09 PM,_ 6/11/2015 Scale: •;.• = 1 ' VSI Prints: 40537-Storefront Elev oB'f.::':.a~~~~:==rMu:;:,-::= BELUFUUR CARLSBAD PREMIUM OUTLETS ® BANANA REPUBLIC 5610 BUILDING B ,'I>~, ,<t>"' (1>'!, ,~"' ,,<ii> ,,11> ,,-§> ,~, d ~ \ ~ ____ _.:._....:,.:...5 5600 BUILDING A 109A 108A 107A 105A CALVIN KLEIN 13JA 135A 136A 137A 138A 139A 140A 100A POLO RALPH LAUREN GAP OUTLET 5620 BUILDING C ,:!!f: ,<t>c ,(i>c ,<St:;i!-"' ,<ff, ,,.,. ,,,.~ ,,.,c ,,~ ,,1c -' '1100 112D 114D BCBG MAX A2RIA 109D 108D 1070 1060 104D 1030 1000 BARNEYS 5630 BIJILDING D NEW YORK l45D 1440 1430 RUBIO'S 120C· ~ NORTH