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PS 16-85; COUNTRY FEED STORE; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
. ' . .. {"cityof Carlsbad REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov ~~~~YG APP~~ION # fS tC.,-85 DATE 'f,~1. .. (1, SIGN FEE S!."L,.., SIGN PROGRAM FEE ________ _ RECEIPT NO. ___________ _ All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations ~ontaining the following information: 1 . North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. Name of Project: J..L.l.L.l~...!...J..~q..,...,.......l.:..i.:.l...l..:i........J.:::.~-=------------- Address of Project: _t---'--"'0_'1.!...><Q_-'-''-"--'::...:....i-'-"-''""'--"__.~"'-'--'-'-"c.w::--------- Assessor Parcel Number: ______________________ _ Related Planning Case Number(S): ___________________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: w_ Residential (d) Hotel/Motel (g) ~ Commercial (e) Service Station (h) (c) Office/Industrial (f) Prof, Care (i) SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Theater Gov'VChurch/School Public Park O) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (I) P-U/OS Zone Yes □ NoO Specific Plan Number ____ _ VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (If ves, please complete information on page J) Yes D SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes □ NoO NoO SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes O No □ CO.A.STAL ZONE: YesO No □ P-11 Page 1 of 4 Rev. 10/13 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No □ Date ______ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN AREA SIGN SIGN ALLOWED AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole*' Monument'* ' Wall I I C,{-0~ g !I/ vJ/tr )~ 1~/z.._ I Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding'* (Project Identity) Digital Display PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: f'J ( A MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Col'lstruction** For Sale** Banner Interim **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public rigllt- of-111.1ay or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be req1..1ired for such proposed signs. P-11 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 10/13 .. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. I I I ' P/L l"':l Show buildin1/s I , I I • ':---/ Show setbacks from all corhs --- I I ' I I Show all property lines I P/L ' I ' . ·: I curb line i I ----------~--- • • Sipt Vmbility Street Name(s) (i) I I Nardi 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: --~~~---sq. fl. Total Building Street Frontage: I \p I linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: sq. fl. Existing Signage (sq. fl.): NI A sq. fl. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: sq. fl. Proposed Signage (sq. fl.): 8-q sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: sq. fl. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: ________ sq. ft. Total Signable Area Length: sq. fl. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-11 Page 3 of 4 Rev, 10/13 •• PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME PRINT OR TYPE NAME PRINT OR TYPE :ford Si yis MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ❖ In right-of-way ❖ In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: ------=8'-'-'-~---------Date: 1-i.-I (p P-11 Page 4 of 4 Rev. 10/13 August 30, 2016 Stacie Streips KSB HOLDINGS, INC. 2111 East Vista Way Vista, CA 92084 DONAHUE SCHRIBER RE: Sign Response for Country Feed Store Poinsettia Village Carlsbad, California The sign submittal received at our office for the above-referenced project has been reviewed and approved as noted. Please use the comments noted on the drawings and the guidelines listed below to make any necessary adjustment to your documents and the installation of your sign. 1. All signs shall be reviewed for conformance with the sign criteria and overall design quality and is not a plan check for dimensional errors, code violations or any other restrictions to the property. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the sole right of the Landlord/Manager. 2. Prior to the installation and manufacture of any sign, the Tenant shall provide Landlord with a copy of the sign permit from the governmental agency having jurisdiction. 3. Each tenant shall be responsible to repair any damage to any surface caused by the signage or its' installation. 4. Landlord reserves the right to periodically hire an independent electrical engineer, at Tenant's sole expense, to inspect the installation of all Tenants' signs. Tenants shall be required to have any discrepancies and/or code violations corrected at Tenant's expense. Any code violations, requests for sign removals, or discrepancies not corrected within fifteen (15) days of notice, may be corrected by the Landlord at Tenant's expense. 5. Upon vacancy, Tenant shall remove sign and restore fascia to original condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense within fifteen (15) days of expiration of term or earlier termination of Tenant's lease. 200 t .. Baker StrPct Suite 100 ( ,1,tc1 MPSil, CA <:J/f,7fi {714) 545"1400 ~t•.X· (714) 545-4222 dcr,c11lue~chribe1 corn Lie 01875932 August 30, 2016 Country Feed Store Poinsettia Village Page2 6. Exposed junction boxes, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduit, or raceways of any type are NOT PERMITTED. 7. Sign manufacturer's names, stamps, or decals may not be visible from the street or normal viewing angles. 8. Tenant's sign contractor shall install and connect sign display and primary wiring at sign location approved by Landlord. Signs are to be connected to the J-box provided by the Landlord, which is connected to the Landlord's house panel, and shall be wired to Landlord's control at Landlord's timer for uniform control of hours of illumination unless otherwise directed by Landlord. 9. Prior to sign installation, we require the following: a. A copy of your sign contractor's insurance certificate naming Donahue Schriber Realty Group, LP; Donahue Schriber Realty Group, Inc. and all related affiliates, as additional insured (with additional insured endorsement page attached). b. A copy of the permit and the contractor's license. c. At least 48 hour notice of date of install and requesting access to electrical room, if required. Should any other contractor provide installations or other work on the site, please call me to coordinate insurance requirements. In the event that the above information contradicts the lease signage criteria, the lease signage criteria are to supersede. Should you have any questions, please call me at 858.793.5752. Sincerely, DONAHUE SCHRIBER ~91/ Director, Construction cc: Jackie Check, DSRG File ------------------------•·~· ~<C@UJNilIB~()/(2 I .~ffi ~~@JIB. I 161/2' 0 CHANNEL LETTERS W/ FCOs 1 SCALE: 11/2' = 1' O' , For Pn1se11t11t1011 MAP-I.VS 202 m~12 QtWITITY: One (1) OVERALL IEIGKT: 161/2" OVERALL LENTGH: 6' -6" TOTAL SQ. FT.: 8.9375 ft' BACICS: .063Alumiun RETURNS: 5" .040Al\rnirult • Blact TRIIICAP: 314' lllaci FACE: 1/8' Nr/fc -Wlilt VIIYL: 1 It Suface • lllaci WIiii 8IIClt □ At:.r(k FCO.: 1/2" NrJfc Painlad Wlilt with Eladt \llr,yl Bader llWlalAllON: Bright Whllt LEDs will 60 wall poww supply. J> ~~ TRIICN' ACll'IUC lfl> 1101U.U I "11 114"0AAIN H0lfS -- N.T.S. t10-24Sludl' ___ ,u-..i / -_.,.as:mlC (SlfflE) BY OTHERS) tlOTBtlCHWWIIIZ"_,. --~--(IIN 4 l'SI LETIBI) .._..._ · II.I. LISTED 10CU.E MlOt ..-.EAQl,-rOFSlGN 11 I \QI --I • w -Slff\Y .~ .._...._ -------~CAaat1 .... 111. QJOlf#'PNNIIL: --- llV ...._ °"" "' Rev 3 8129/16 Rob - -----------.. ,,. ....... ....., MIIOTl!D ---- ~ ~ 1ot3 16-0502 lla-■----~ -~-MIDA-OFM ....._..,.,._CIII.Meu.&..• MJ.&l!CIKM.~ m•w.....,. ....,...,__,_uc.aw ML T0•8.IIC-TIICM.LJ'-'8U.C.• IIU.,_ .............. 11.L .. JU.t ____ ,_u.c.._ .......... -al--11.UMICII __ , __ IIC. AU.-~#E1Hf SCIU PIQVIIYOF,__IIC.._lli\Y NCJT IE AEfllOOUCS) IN~ OR WH0U WIIHOUTWllmN-ROI RIID-IIC. 16' 106" • WEST ELEVATION • SCALE: 1/2",. 1' O" • For Presentation ~ I ■ 0 • a P • ■ A T ■ ■ tMOnl--•~CA-- ...., ..... --------CA-• ..... ,. QJENJ~ INCILOIIIO~ llV .Ml. ~ W. Rev 3 8/29/16 Rob """" -------_,,_ ---W22111 '°""" MNO'TEI ---- l~I 2or3 11Mt502 -••u- 1 •-·-u.a.-(S);:_;:. na-■SlllaDlO-~ ■ACC:ClllllllllllffllMftl:LI-OIN Ml'Dll&.B.B:111CM.aa,. 11.L• M,l.<1W.M.Cla'Gll!lffllD. IU.. La'IID ....... ,.. ..... ,.1.£'-.... M1.10a 11.&TIKMJY ..... ,.u.c.• MLNMll ....... 10_,_.,_u.L.-.,aa.t GIIIIUllal __ ,.u.c _____ ... _a.L ... 11.LMlll't COl"t'IIIGHT:IIIIFOm-lC AUDESIGNS PIIEIEIITEDNl£11E S0lE PA0PEll'IYCIF,_ _IC.Nll)IW NOT IE AEl'R0DUCfD IN fW!T OR WH0lf wmtOUTWIUTTENPEIMSSION fllOM ---=- Sita Plan F«,,....... Tanant: StacieStrelps 71MO Avenlda Enclna SubB10I cartsbad, CA 12011 (7IO) 30Ml11 Landlord/Property 0wNr: Donahue Schriber 200 E. Baur Street Sub 100 Costa Mesa, CA 121121 (714) 545-144!0 O~-,r-. . ., 1-.. ";. ·~ s;,• c; .. '°""" $af1\d;i~ ',' 4;., .::_ .? ... -, V. ,: ,.,()\1'\•_i·.\\\8 L-" 0 "'· ,.,_ \ 1 .., •1;1ea f:-r<,"la ~ \ \ • r, -tJ· ~ ••••••••• y ■ • ..--.,_,,..._ ----~CAUl11 -111• CUEHT- UMII.DIID~ 1!¥.Nlt. twE! R Rev 3 8129/16 Rob NOTll ...,...,._ --_..,, _ _ .... -- """' -· """" MNC>m> ----3ot3 16-0502 ~ ___ ..__ ___ .....,,_ ®=-...... _ 1111-•--'IV-~ ■Mallllllla.llllMDal.•CFN ..... &a:a1CM.cxm.•1U..• AI.La.KT'll:M..a:ai...'llfl>•VL .... .,,_ ......... u.c. .... ALLto•lil.lr:ft&tW'-NIU.C.• M.&..Na11119ft.BWa,_.,alU,..&l.t ---,-au--.-a....,,.. -a.L--11.LMB.(lt ----INC. AIJ.CJUIGNIP!DEH111)NfEllEIQ.£ l'A0POIIYOffCRI_IIIC.. __ NOTIEREPIIOCUCS)N_,.ORWHOLE WITHOUTIIIRITTBl-.cN ~ --IC. -----------------------6'-6"-----------------------l 16 1/2" CHANNEL LETTERS W/ FCOs SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1' O" • For Presentation QUANTITY: One (1) OVERALL HEIGHT: 16 1/2" OVERALL LENTGH: 6' -6" TOTAL SQ. FT.: 8.9375 ft2 BACKS: .063 Aluminum RETURNS: 5" .040 Aluminum -Black TRIMCAP: 3/4" Black FACE: 1/8" Acrylic -White VINYL: 1st Surface -Black MAP-LVS 202 White □ Acrylic FCOs: 1 /2" Acrylic Painted White with Black Vinyl Border ILLUMINATION: Bright White LEDs with 60 watt power supply. Night View 7725-12 Black Vinyl D M'v11 ~~, -.9 ~ -,__, r,.;, t--"I {)) l'l:ED STORE ..I.. -~ • er- ....,. L, : ; 1--1 ~ c., ~ ... ~ ., ~ ;, = ~ ;.} -·• c., ~ c...z.:._ L .040" ALUMINUM TRIMCAP ACRYLIC LED MODULES II ,-_i, II 1/4' DRAIN HOLES N.T.S. Acrylic #10-24 St .063' ALUMINUM PRIMARY ELECTRIC (SUPPLIED BY OTHERS) #10 TEK SCREWS/1 1/2" EMBEDMENT NON-CORROSIVE MOUNTING HARDWARE (MIN 4 PER LETTER) ALUMINUM ENCLOSURE I ~ I U.L. LISTED TOGGLE SWITCH VISIBLE FROM FRONT OF SIGN I I lQj t""'.' 11 60 W POWER SUPPLY ~ I W C O R P O R A T S D 1605 Ord Way• Oceanside, CA 92056 Ph. (760) 631-1936 Fax (760) 631-4987 www.ford-slgns.com C-45 Lie. # 717137 CLIENT NAME: Country Feed Store ADDRESS. 7040 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Suite B108 CLIENT APPROVAL: LANDLORD APPROVAL: REV .No. DATE: ff'/: Rev 3 8/29/16 Rob NOTES: CUSTOMER REP: Phil Kenney PROJECT MANAGER Stacy Ford DESIGNER: Rob DATE: 8/22/16 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET NO# JOB NUMBER. TITLE 24 COMPLIANT State of C..,.,,,,la 1 of 3 16-0502 -19. U. UIIII .-1_,.u.c._ ®= ... nac:-nac SIGN THIS SIGH IS INTENDED TO BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AHO U.L. 48 ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS TO BE U.L LISTED APPROVED AND MARKED PER H.E.C. 6004 ALL TO BE ELECTRICALLY GROUNDED PER H.E.C. 250 ALL POWER SUPPLIES TO BE FUSED PER U.L. 48, 28.2.1 GROUNDING AHO BONDING PER H.E.C 250-90, ·92, -94, -96 SIGHS WILL BEAR UL LABEL(S) COPYRIGHT 2015 FORD SIGNS INC. ALL DESIGNS PRESENTED ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF FORD SIGNS INC., AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM FORD SIGNS INC. 106'' ft WEST ELEVATION W SCALE: 1/2" = 1' O" • For Presentation 16' ~~@1IJJNTIB~Qi<)GJ ISL'!il!JITJ ~1P@IB~ ~ ~ I " C O R P O R A T E D 1605 Ord Way • Oceanside, CA 92056 Ph. (760) 631-1936 Fax (760) 631-4987 www.ford-signs.com C-45 lie. # 717137 -CLIENT NAME Country Feed Store ADDRESS: 7040 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Suite B108 -CLIENT APPROVAL: CLIE -LANOLORD APPROVAL: LANI -REV .No. DAlt: ff(: Rev 3 8/29/16 Rob NOTES: - CUSTOMER REP: Phil Kenney PROJECT MANAGER Stacy Ford DESIGNER: Rob - DATE: /22/16 ,CALE: AS NOTED :HEET NO# - JOI 108 NUMBER. - [ TITLE 24 COMPLIANT StateofC- 2of 3 16-0502 -1'-I.LLlll'llt _.-1._,u.c..- ©=-n.emac- THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND U.L. 48 I ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS TO BE U.L LISTED APPROVED AND MARKED PER N.E.C. 60Cl-4 ALL TO BE ELECTRICALLY GROUNDEO PER N.E.C. 250 ALL POWER SUPPLIES TO BE FUSED PER U.L 48, 28.2.1 ,ROUNDING AND BONDING PER N.E.C 250-90, 092, -94, -96 SIGNS WILL BEAR UL LABEL($) - COPYRIGHT 2015 FORD SIGNS INC. ALL DESIGNS PRESENTED ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF FORD SIGNS INC., AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM FORD SIGNS INC. Site Plan For Presentation Tenant: Stacie Streips 7040 Avenida Encinas Suite B108 Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760) 300-5811 Landlord/Property Owner: Donahue Schriber 200 E. Baker Street Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 545-1400 ; ~ ? ~ ~ O✓.: i? 1µ $."\f' r:J)f\OS S,. sonv1~os·~ ~ ~ C-t,) ~ Q i IP !.!J ';) <$> t.!. 'o -6 ;, ,. --• -··-.!."" --,..._....,., __ _ :~, "0-151 ~0inset\\3 U' t-'J. c,r]as r, "tr, v 0 " t "o.. t 0 It 1 Avernda l:t1c.:1na~ ~ ~-~ 1 r.1 .,.. ... 11 #'61 .. ::~1· . ">:1,, . ~ I N C O R P O R A T & D 1605 Ord Way• Oceanside, CA 92056 Ph. (760) 631-1936 Fax (760) 631-4987 www.ford-slgns.com C-45 Lie.# 717137 CLIENT NAME: Country Feed Store ADDRESS 7040 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Suite 8 108 CLIENT I\PPROVAL: LANDI.ORD APPROVAL: REV .No. DATE: BY: Rev 3 8/29/16 Rob NOTES: CUSTOMER REP: Phil Kenney PROJECT MANAGER. Stacy Ford DESIGNER: Rob DATE: 8/22/16 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET NO# JOB NUMBER. TITLE 24 COMPLIANT State of Callfonlla 3ot3 16-0502 -Tl•I.LLlfflll ---UC.-®=-tn.acnac- THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND U.L 48 ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS TO BE U.L LISTED APPROVED AND MARKED PER N.E.C. 600-4 ALL TO BE ELECTRICALLY GROUNDED PER N.E.C. 250 ALL POWER SUPPLIES TO BE FUSED PER U.L. 48, 28.2.1 GROUNDING AND BONDING PER N.E.C 250-90, ·92, 094, •96 SIGNS WILL BEAR UL LABEL(S) COPYRIGHT 2015 FORD SIGNS INC. ALL DESIGNS PRESENTED ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF FORD SIGNS INC., ANO MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN PART OR WHOLE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM FORD SIGNS INC.