HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 92-48; Western Financial Plaza; Sign Permits/Programs (PS) (4)City of Carlsbad PIANNING 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 HIGN FEE $30.00 PAlb APPlfATION # REC'DBY DATE rOLg'*q 2- pz- v 8 (619) 438-1161 SIGN PROGRAM FEE $160.00 RECEIVED RECEIPT NO. f3/u< PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAY 2 8 1992 FtEWIEW FOR SIGN PERMITS F CARLSBAD for sign permitdsign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and aining the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding signs. 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed signs which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and,area for all existing and proposed signs. B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MU=' SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SlTE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FOKM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE, ~~~~~p~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~t,o 4;,!%@'@ Average processing Time: 2 weeks NAME OF PROJECT: ADDRESS OF PROJECT: ZbSQ w1)?6 .,.........,.... ~.:.~,~~ ~ .............. :.:.~.~.~,:.~.~.~,:.~.~.~.~. ...:< ,~.~.~.~.~,~,~.~.:,~.. . ,..... :. :.,+... ........ ... ..,,.A. A. r...... ..,... ..... _...... ...,. .... i.......... ..........A . :. , ... .. . . . . ........ ~ .:.:.,.,.:._,,. :,:.~ ,:.:.:.:. ):.:.:(.' :;.:.:.:.:.:.: .~. ........................................................................................... ._,... ..... ............................................. .............,... : ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: /6 7- 030 - 5-3 RELATED PLANNING CASE NUMBER(S): b? t4 SIGN TYPE: (a) Commercial (b) Industrial (c) Residential (d) Real Estate (e) Freeway (f) Marquee (g) Community identiy (h) Service Stn. Prices (i) Campaign SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA * Yes X NO - SPECIFIC PLAN NUMBER VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA Yes - NO A **REQUIRES VR APPROVAL SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes - NO)( COASTAL ZONE: Yes - NO XCOASTAL PERMIT Yes - NO - FRMOOOlO 11/90 Page 1 of 2 EXISTING SIGNS: Number - Size (in square feet) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes - No Date TOTAL BUILDING STREET FRONTAGE TOTAL SIGNAGE ALLOWANCE EXISTING SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AT PRESENT PROPOSED SIGNAGE (SQ. FT.) REMAINING SIGN ALLOWANCE AFTER PROPOS CITY AND STATE ZIP TELEPHONE c3x* SWS I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL GWNZtc AND THAT W THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MYKNOWLEDGE II SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area: x300 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: In right-of-way In visibility triangle at comer On roof 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: Date: 0 *\7q FRMOOolO 11/90 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 438-5621 ACCOUNT NO. I DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT I I I I TO 161?4385?25,, WESTERN FINFINCIRL PLRZR 26SQ EA Camino Real Car-1 sbad, Cal if ornia Pr-epar-ed for: nmer-ican Rasets, Inc. 161441 Campus Point Drive San Diego, CalaFornia 92121 t 6 I9 1 546-c"6BQ\ Joanie Torres, V. P. Prepared by : Signs West, Inc. 18@ S. Flnita, Suite le2 Or-ange, California 92668 (714) 385-1Q18E Jack W. Fritton P.82 TO 16194385425 TABLE OF CONTENTS Elrctt*ieal Detail............................*...............~ e F)PP~-OV~~S .. ................................................... Extlibit5. .................................................... 6 Insurr-ance and Liability ...... .... ..... . ...... ... ...........16 Sign Detail.................................................7 South Elevation ......e...........~e.o.,~~~.w. ~o~r.o~a~~~a.~.8 North Elevation Ct Site Plan".... .l..t-..... .rr.....cr.......9 Monument Siqn ..................................,............ 18 TO 16194585425 P. p4 INTRODUCTION FIND PURPOSE Tho following ct-iter-ia (the "criteria") ha5 been established for- the purpose of assut-irrg a fi~st-class building Tot* the mutual hencf it of all OCCIJF)AII~~. ConQot-mance with. the criter-ia shall be strictly enforced and any sign installatian nonconforming or unappt-oved shal. 1 be brought. into cunfotwance at the expanse of the applicable tenant. FWLLOWING THE GUlDELINES OF EQCH TENRNT RGREEMENT, FIND IN ORDER TO MRINTQTN CONTINUITY OND CONSISTOJCY IN DESIGN, the nanufactut-ing and irrstallation of all sj.gnagq will be completed by SIGNS WEST, INC. Nho has been d~riqnated 35 our only authorized sign company. Please contact SIFNS WEST, Inc. (at the number on the cover of this packaqe) to Commence with your sign display t*equit*cments. R. GENERQL CRITERIR 1. Pt-ior- to the installation of any sign in the Western Financial Plaza, the applicable tenant shall submit to Landlord four- (4) copies of a detailed sign design dr-ewing af the pr-oposed sign, pr-epared by sign, cc?ntr-actrrr; indicating conformance with the criteria -set . ~llevation to which the sign letter5 are attached, letter size, layout and colot-, including all copy and graphics. Flppt-oval of the pt-op~sed sign shall be in accordance with the provisions of the critet-id. , forth herein. Such drawings shall include the bctildinq 4. animated, flashing 01- audible sign5 are prohibited. 5. Exposed r-sceways, c~uss-ov~~s, conduits, neon tube condl-tctor-s, transfovmers, etc. are prohibited. WESTERN FINQNCIQL PLAZR -. .-. -1 : l-lFI*l ; 6, 7. B. Rdditional advet-tisement, i, e, flag$, pennants, Cloth signs, banner-s, or similar devices on the building or on windows at*@ prohibited, except as otherwise approved by Landlord and the City of Carlsbad. No decals shall be visible except as required by local codes and ovdinances. Qn Underwriters' Labomtorior label shell be affixed to each sign. WEGTERN Pnue 3 -Number of rignr: each individual tenant shall ,be allowed one (1) wall sign per. building frontagelside with a .. maximum of two par tenant. F\ sinflle tenant of the "Bank" building (693) shall be allowecl sign5 on A ma%inlI.\m of thrre (3) wallr. Sign square footage; total area of all signs par building shall not exceed 168 square feet, Signaqe for each building ride shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) square foot par' lineal foot of buildinp frontage. Sign htiphtl letter height shall be ng sharter than 7" nor taller than 18". Sipn type: R11 signs shall be individual lnterior illuminated channel letters, Number of rows: Signs rhall be limited to a single POW of leCLerbs. Exception: Rent- (East) elevation of Western Financial Savings Bank building shall be allowed a doublo FOW. Copy and logos: copy shall be limited to the tenant's established trade name 01- basic product/sorvicc or a combination thereof. No product names shall be displayed. Graphic lopor no taller than 18" 01' ohor-ter- than 7" shall be allowed with the joint appraual of: the property owner ov owtler'~, &Rent and the City Planning Depat-tmcnt. Logos located adjacrnt, (above, baloW, preceding ot- fQllOWing copy) immediately shall be considered part of a si'nQle sign. Logo square faOtUge will be included within the total sign area allowed par tenant and building, Lo~os separated more than 18" from copy rhall e consiflercd separat wa14 sign,,&,: on ++IC e(cc s P e/ewW,an dffie ban & byt/418J ("'45 4 ;4. arc. .. . . .. 7. CO'lOPS! Buildings with multiple tenants, two (3) or more, shall be limited to two (2) sign colors, Single tenant building shall be limited to one (1) sign Colot'D Building ItB" C 81C0, R11 tenant letter-s to be 7326 White with Gold Metallic edges and a Gold Crincap. OwnQt- or Owner's agent la. Monument 6ignr One monument si~n indentifyinp the name of the commercial center only shall be pernitted. Dimensions far' visual graphic opening shall, not be Uveater than four (4) feet in height ot. si)( (6) feet in length, The sign 5hall be located at least fi'ftcsn (1s) feet fr-om any interior pt-operty lina, or' cot*net* of any access driveway and no portion of the sign shall extend over the public right-of-way, The bottom of visual opening of sign cabinet to be equal to curb legel of street, Monument to be manufactured with "8941 aluminium backgruund, angle ir'on framing with steel pole englneet-ed footings. Copy Co be routad with blue feces with A white out'line letters with a pbld trim cap edges. Sur-face of cabinet and base to be textuved finish. matching the color of huilding. WESTERN FINRNCIRL PLFlZCI ._ 98/13/1992 15:16 FROM Slens West, Inc. TO 16194385425 P. 67 C. SXGN CONSTRUCTION 1. rill cxtet-io?- 5igns shall be secured by concealed fasteners, stainless steel, nickel or cadmium plated. 3. R11 letters will be fabricated using fully welded construction. 011 exposed letter sheet metal shall be 24 gauge, painted with one caaf: lead pr-’imer and two coats of ename 1. 4. Rl.1 extet-ior- signs shall be mo,unted with 1/2” spacer-s from the Pace of building. 5. t711 penett-ations of exterior to be sealed’ watertight, in color- and finish to match adjacent material. ‘7. all sign; and their- installation shall cqmply with AI.] applicable city wr’ county brtilding and electrical codes, including Under-wt-iter-s Laboratory labels. 8. Each sign contvactor shall be t-esponsible for the fulfillment of all r-equit-ements and spect’ftcations, completing the installation in a workmanlike manner, clean-up, patching and painting all surfaces damaged by contract OP. 9. Upon vacancy, tenant shall remove sign and restor-e facia concr-ete panel tu original condition and finish co 3. or-. 18. Tenant’s contt-actot- shall completely install and connect sign display ,and prirnary wiving at sign location. R11. .. si.gn5 to bo connected to existing J-box pravided by landlord’s C - 16 licensed electrician. .. 11. The sign conk?-actor shall carry Worknian’s Compensation and Cl-tblic Liability Insurance against all damages suffered or- dons to any and a1 1 persons and property while engaged in the ranstruction 01- erection of signs in tt)v ~rno~.rnt of T 1, @@O, OW. 8@ per occurrence. WESTERN FINBNCIRL PLAZA Page 5 08/13/1992 15:17 FROM Signs West. Inc. TO 16194385425, P. 88 D. RPPROURLS E. EXHIBITS (SEE ATTRCHED) F. OWNERSHIP CHRNGE Sign progr-am shall be revised to reflect new owrret-ship 1-1pon ownership transfev from Western F.inancis1 and modified s.3 appvapt-iate upon appr-oval by the Planning Dir-ector. 7 X -T 7 L .' 8 .IC; t 1 """"- ."."" ""- "."" "" "- "".". """ " """ """-."I " .. ""_ - " - : Q d I% h 3 a, r 0 cr: LL I 1; 9 i d 4 n. c, bh 0, 3 c c - . . . . . . . (Y a d c! r"=r D"" """"""" I "- -" t I : E!