HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 92-48; Western Financial Plaza; Sign Permits/Programs (PS) (2)May 29, 1992 Robert Plant Group One 2385 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, CA. 92009 SUBTECX SIGN PROGRAM FOR WESTEFW FINANCIAL: SP 9247 Dear Robert: The sign program for the Western Financial site has been reviewed and comments follow. Most of the lanpage looks good, however, there are some sections that should be deleted and replaced wth new language. The sign program should be consistent with the City adopted Sign Ordinance. General Criteria numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9 should be deleted from that section and reworded under the Sign Design section as follows: B. SIGN DESIGN 1. Number of Signs: Each individual tenant shall be allowed one (1) wall sign per building frontaFe/side with a maximum of two per tenant. A single tenant of the "Bank' building (A) shall be allowed signs on a maximum of three (3) walls. 2. Sign Square Footage: The total area of all signs per building shall not exceed 100 square feet. Signage for each building side shall be hited to a maximum of one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage. 3. Sign Height: Letter height shall be no shorter than 7" nor taller than 18". 4. Sign Type: All signs shall be individual illuminated channel letters. 5. Number of Rows: Signs shall be limited to a single row of letters. 6. Copy and Logos: Copy shall be limited to the tenant's established trade name or basic product/senrice or combination thereof. No product names shall be displayed. Graphic logos no taller than 18" or shorter than 7" shall be allowed with the joint approval of the property owner or owner's a ent and the City Planning Department. Logos located adjacent, above, be i? ow, preceding or following copy shall be considered part of a single sign. Logo square footage will be included within the total sign area allowed per tenant and building. Logos separated more than 18" from copy shall be considered a separate wall sign. May 29, 1992 Pane 2 f Group One 7. Colors: Buildings with multi le tenants, two (2) or more, shall be limited to two (2) sign colors. Sing P e tenant buildings shall be limited to one (1) sign color. Colors are to be approved jointly by the property owner or owner's designated agent and the City Planning Department. The approved sign colors are: Building "A": Building "B": Building "c": Owner or Owner's Agent Planning Department 6. Placement: Signs shall be located only in areas designated on the approved exhibits. 7. Window Signage: All tenants shall be allowed to place iq the window panel adjacent to a tenant's business entrance, not more than 144 s uare Inches of vin 1 graphics indicating business hours, telep B one number,approvedr credit card, etc. as approved by the City Planning Department. 8. Monument Sign: One monument sign identifying the name of the commercial center only shall be permitted. Dimensions shall not be than four (4) feet in height or six (6) feet in length. The sign s rater all be located at least fifteen (15) feet from an interior property line or comer of any access driveway and no portion of t K e sign shall extend over the public right-of-way. Section "D" should include additional language as follows: "...American Assets, Inc. or their SUCC~SSOIS in interest (property owner) for ladkd approval." An exhibit should be prepared with architectural elevations identifying sign locations and a site plan identifying each building as "A, B, or c". The attached redline print with related comments for your review. If ou should have any questions regarding the sign program or these comments, please ca Y 1 me at 438-1161 ext. 4448. Sincerely, CHRISTER WESTMAN Associate Planner attachment cw:h Signs