HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 98-132; Cornerstone Corporate Centre; Sign Permits/Programs (PS) (5)JAN-1 1-99 MON 09: 16 P, 02/03 ___
Mr. Gary Wayne
Assistant Planning Dircctor
Cily of Carlsbad Planning Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbnd, CA Y2009
RE: Cornerstone Corparate Centrc Bwildiug Signage
Dear Mr. Wayne:
Once again, thank you and your staff for meeting with Scott, Stan and myself last Friday to discuss our wall
signage proposal at the above referenced project. In rcvicwing our proposed sigljagc program package as
siibrnittcd by Hol t Design. we would suggest the following clarifications and changes:
Buildin9 "D"
West Elevation - (4) Potential sign locations (2 above second flnor fascia: 2 above first floor fascia)
South Elevation
No signage on eieher the North or East elevations
Building Maximum of (4) signs
Tulul Building signage not to exceed 100 square feet
No more than (2) signs per elevation
(2) Potential sign locations abovc secoild fluor fascia
Buildinp "C::
Building Maximum of(4) signs
West Elcvntion
NO signage on the North, South or East elevations
Total Building signage not to exceed 200 square feet
(4) Potential sign locations (2 abovc second flvur fascia; 2 above first floor fascia)
Huildine LLEk
South Elevation - (3) Potential sign locations (1 above the second floor fascia; 1 above the first floor
fascia - both located at the eastern end of the south clcvation)
0 Norrh Elevation - (4) Potential sign locations (2 above the second floor fascia: 2 above first floor fascia)
West Elevation - { 1) Potential sign Iocattion above tho sccond floor fascia - Nu signage on the east eIevarion
0 Building Max,imum of(4) sips
Total Building signage rwl lo exceed 200 square feet
Buildine L'A''
Building maximum of(4) signs
South Elevation - (3) Potential sign locations (2 above the second floor fascia: 1 above the first floor
fascia at the southcast end of the building)
East Elcvatioil - (4) Puknlial sign locations (2 above the second floor fascia; 2 above first floor fascia)
No signage on the west elevation
'l'otal Building signage not to exceed 200 square feet
JAN-11-99 MON 09:16 P. 03/03
This is coiisidarably lcss tharr what is outlined in our proposed Signage Program dated Septemher 24, 1998.
We respectfully request your taking these proposed changes into consideration in your continucd review of
the SP181(A) signage restrictions.
Should you have any questions or mad any additional information, pletlsc do not hesitatc to curitact me at
your convenicnco.
F& Cornerstone corporate Centre, LLC:
Cc: Scott Britsseau, Cornerstone Corporate Centre, 1 .CC
Stan Prowse, Esq.