HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 99-86; Island @ Carlsbad; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)I .
August 10,1999
Mr. Allen Blackmore
CRC Design Review Committee
Carlsbad Research Center
1530 Faraday Avenue, Suite 100
Carlsbad, California 92008
Re: Sign program-the lsland@carfsbad
Dear Allen:
Thank you for your letter of July 28,1999. I will attempt to answer each point you
raised but first would like to address some more global issues. As we have
discussed many times, the uniqueness of this project as the only retail site
available to provide the Park with services, creates some ambiguities. We have
attempted to create a quality sign program, and project, working from some
difficult parameters. We have deliberately avoided signage on the main building
(Building A) facing College Avenue. This combined with the fact that we have no
access from College and, very restricted access off Faraday, creates a major
challenge to attract and retain the types of tenants needed for CRC. We have
previously met with you and reviewed our desired sign program. We have met
with Christer Westman in conjunction with the need to not only gain the City’s
approval but to coordinate your comments. At this point it appears that the City is
comfortable that our program would comply with the City’s sign ordinance. It was
our understanding that you had previously signed off on it, also. At your
suggestion, I wrote to each park owner and subsequently, held a meeting on May
28,1999 to show them the sign program and project design. This was done as a
courtesy and, to make sure that the “Island’s uniqueness was blessed during this
transition period for the Design Committee. I have received not one negative
comment at that meeting, or since that date.
I believe I am within ten days of breaking ground and must bring closure to this
issue. In response to your points:
Paragraph’s 1 and 2 - Please find a copy of our letter to Christer Westman which
should explain your concerns regarding allowable square footages and our
conformance with the City’s standards.
Page Two
August 9,1999
Paragraph 3 - The Ground signs are a little higher than allowed but within the
allowable square footage of the City. All ground signs will be for stand alone
tenant buildings. We do not want to identify the Jsland@carlsbad any more than
at the main entrance off the trellis. With the challenge of the lack of College
avenue signage, it is essential that what limited monument signs we have, be
resewed for the tenants.
Paragraph 3 - The project ID sign just referred to above is located on a structural
pole holding up the guy wires for the trellis canopy and is not a pole sign. The
banner signs are within the allowed square footage (as per the letter to Christer)
however, we are willing to eliminate to accommodate more flexibility on the sign
Allen, we jointly have an opportunity to create a project, which will enrich CRC
and would ask for your approval of the program at this time. We are seemingly
faced with a “Catch 22” in that CRC never planned for reasonable signage needs
of a true retail project. We have designed within the guidelines of the City and
attempted to be even more conservative to satisfy CRC. And yet, we still need to
have both CRC and the City approve each other‘s standards. As always, I am
available to meet on short notice to discuss these issues if required.
Best regard
Lichter Venture Group, Manager
The Island@carlsbad LLC
Cc: Mr. Christer Westman, City of Carlsbad
Mr. Tom Hageman, Planning Systems
Mr. Stuart White, Stuart White Design
1421 West Lewis Street
San Diego, California
May 26,1999
C h riste r Westm a n
Associate Planner
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Ca rls b a d, California 92009- 1 576
RE: The Island Q Carlsbad Sign Program
Dear Christer,
Thank you for working closely with us on our exciting "IslandQcarlsbad" project. We have
worked very hard at being sensitive to Carlsbad's sign criteria and feel the proposed sign
program fits within the code requirements of 1.5 feet per lineal foot of street frontage.
As per your request, the following are the calculations for the proposed sign program square
Lineal footage:
Building 1
Building 2
Building 3
Building 4
Building 5
Building 6 (gas station)
Total lineal feet (see site plan) 1,045.0' x 1.5 = 1,567.5 sq, ft. allowable
Center ID sign
Banner signs
Monument signs
Retail (food court)
Retail (shops)
Retail (blade)
Off ice
Office (blade)
Gas station
Qty: Sq. Ft. each Total Sq. Ft.:
1 nla 50.0 sq. ft.
12 40 sq. ft. 480.0 sq. ft.
5 6 sq. ft. 30.0 sq. ft.
5 12 sq. ft. 60.0 sq. ft.
1 nla 175.0 sq. ft.
1 nla 60.0 sq. ft.
1 nla 52.0 sq. ft.
3 2: &side 102.0 sq. ft.
11 40 sq. ft. 440.0 sq. ft.
5 1.5 sq. ft. 7.5 sq. ft.
Total Signage sq. ft. 1,568.5 sq. ft.
You can see from the calculations that we are 1 square foot over the calculated allowable.
The allotted 40 sq. ft. for retail tenants is 8-12 sq. ft. over (per tenant) the maximum allowed by
our plan unless the tenant chooses their option to introduce a graphic element in addition to
their maximum as stated in our sign criteria. These figures assume all tenants will exercise
the option, however we know that will most likely not happen.
Given our unique situation where most tenants storefronts are facing the parking lot and not
the street and we have not allowed any signage facing College Blvd. on building 1, we are
confident that this conforms to your standards.
If you have any questions please f el free to call me on this matter. A Sincere1 , wv Stuart M. Whit4 I