HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 00-13; AT&T Wireless Antennas; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (4)CASE NO. RPSO-13 I CbPOO-7?
DATE: rJUnrs ~ •
(To be Completed by APPLICANT)
Applicant: AT&T Wireless Services c/o Gianni & Associates
Address of Applicant: 6010 Cornerstone Court, Suite 110
San Diego, CA. 92121
Phone Number: (858 ) 535-9880
Name, address and phone number of person to be contacted (if other than
Applicant): Mark Berlin (Planning Manager) with Gianni & Associates
6010 Cornerstone Court, Suite no, San Diego, CA.
GENERAL INFORMATION: (Please be specific)
Project Description: fhe project involves installation of a radio base station
on a concrete slab inside the basement ot tne restaurant. Three antenna
arrays (3 antenna per array) will be installed inside an existing cupola
behind dormer fiberglass screens that matic]! existing colors of windows.
The proiect also includes coaxial cable runs from the radio base station
to the antennas, and new telephone and electrical service runs Lu the RBS.
Project Location/Address: 300 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carl.qhad, CA. 92008
Assessor Parcel Number: 903 - MA - nn R. 07
General Plan/Zone of Subject Property: V-R (Village Coi)Bmercial)
Local Facilities Management Zone: 1
Is the site within Carlsbad's Coastal Zone? yes
Please describe the area surrounding the site to the
North: village commercial area East* village commercial area
South: village commercial area West: village commercial area
List all other applicable permits & approvals related to this project:
AHmi ni gj-rati ve Coastal Development Permit ^California Coastal Commission)
(Please be Soecifir^Pk ttach Additional Paaes or Fyh™ts, if necessarv)
Please descnbe the project site, including distinguishing natural and
manmade characteristics. Also provide precise slope analysis when a slope
ot 15 or higher and 15% grade or greater is present on the site.
The project site is Neimans restaurant, a multi-level building,
located In the Village Commercial District of Carlsbad, a block
east of Ocean Street, fronting the ocean.
Please describe energy conservation measures incorporated into the desiqn
and/or operation of the project.
The project utilizes a low power broadband signal atl845 MHz to
1950 MHz. Maximum amount of power used by this AT&T antenna facility
is 200 watts at full capacity.
a. If a residential project identify the number of units, type of units,
schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type of
household size expected, average daily traffic generation (latest SANDAG
b. If a commercial project, indicate the exact type, activity(ies),
square footage of sales area, average daily traffic generation
(latest SANDAG rates), parking provided, and loading facilities.
If an industrial project, indicate the exact type or industry(ies),
average daily traffic generation (latest SANDAG rates), estimated
employment per shift, time of shifts, and loading facilities.
d. If an institutional project, indicate the major project/site
function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy,
loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the
Please Answer each of the following questions by placing a check in the
appropriate space. Then, fully discuss and explain why each-item was
checked yes or no. Provide supporting data if applicable. Attach
additiona.1 sheets as necessary.
1) Could the project significantly impact or change
present or future land uses in the vicinity of the
EXPLANATION: The proposed AT&T PCS antenna project (the project) is
confined exclusively to Neiman's Restaurant Building and would not
attect tne present or future land useb in Lhe vicinity.
2) Could the activity affect the use of a recreational
area, or area of aesthetic value? ^
EXPLANATION: The project is confined exclusively to the Neimans
Restaurant (cupola and basement), and would not affect the use of
a T-tar-T-P^at-ional area, or resource, or area of aesthetic value.
3) Could the activity affect the functioning of an
established community or neighborhood? X
EXPLANATION: The project is confined exclusively to Neimans Restaurant
building, and would not affect the functioning of an established
r^r>mmnnii-y or neighborhood.
4) Could the activity result in the displacement of
community residents? „
EXPLANATION: The project is located at a commercial site (restaurant),
and has no potential to displace residents.
5) Could the activity increase the number of low and
moderate cost housing units in the city? X
EXPLANATION: The project is located at a commercial site (restaurant)
and has no. potential to affect any low to moderate cost housing
in Carlsbad.
6) Could the activity significantly affect existing
housing or create a demand for additional housing? X
EXPLANATION: The project is located at a commercial site (restaurant),
and has no potential to affect existing housing or create demand for
additional housinq.
7) Are any of the natural or man-made features in the
activity area unique, that is, not found in other
parts of the county, state or nation? X
EXPLANATION: The project site has no known natural or unique features
8) Could the activity significantly affect an
historical or archaeological site or its settings?
EXPLANATION: The project site has not officially been designated
as a historic structure, and is thus not on the Historic Register.
The project site is not subject to isHPO (State Historic Preservation
Ordinance).Th^ project has been mass graded in the construction of
the existing building. Therefore, the project will not impact an archaelogocal site.
9) Could the activity significantly affect the
potential use, extraction, or conservation of a
scarce natural resource?
——— A
EXPLANATION: No known scarce natural resources exist on site.
10) Could the activity significantly affect fish,
wildlife or plant resources? x
EXPLANATION: The project site (Neimans restaurant) is located in
a built-out commerical zone. The site has no fish, wildlife or
plant resources. —-—
11) Are there any rare or endangered plant or animal
species in the activity area?
EXPLANATION: The project site (Neimans restaurant) is located in
a built-out commercial zone. The site has no potential to
contain endangered plant or animal species.
12) Could the activity change existing features of any
of the city's stream, lagoons, bays, tidelands
or beaches?
EXPLANATION: The proiect site is located in an urbanized village
commercial area. The site is not on or adjacent to any streams,
i.gnon., bays, tidelands, or beaches, and therefore, this impact
is not applicable.
13) Could the activity result in the erosion or elimin-
ation of agricultural lands? X
EXPLANATION: The project site and surrounding areas do not contain
lands with existing or potential agricultural uses, and,therefore,
this impact is not applicable.
14) Could the activity serve to encourage development
of presently undeveloped areas or intensify develop-
ment of already developed areas?
EXPLANATION: The project is confined exclusively to the Neimans restaurant
(basement and cupola) and has no potential to encourage development of
presently undeveloped areas or intensify development m the village
commercial district.
YES __No
15) Will the activity require a variance from estab-
lished environmental standards (air, water, noise
etc.)? '
EXPLANATION: No variance will be required as the equipment shelter
located in the basement and antennas placed stealth in the existim cupola, will not violate the above mentioned environmental standarc
16) Is the activity carried out as part of a larger
project or series of projects? X
EXPLANATION: The project is not phased and carried out as part of a
larger series of projects. Construction of the project is anticipated to take approximately 1 month.
17) Will the activity require certification, authoriza-
tion or issuance of a permit by any local, state
or federal environmental control agency? X
EXPLANATION: The project will not require a permit through the California
Department of Fish and Game; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Army Corps
of Engineers, or EPA. The project will require an Administrative
Coastal Development Permit through the California Coastal Commission.
The proposed project will conform with applicable enviromental
plans and policies by agencies with jurisdiction over the project.
18) Will the activity require issuance of a variance or
conditional use permit by the City? X
EXPLANATION: The project is anticipated to be zoned with an Administrative
Permit by the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, and an Administrative
^'r>ag^-a1 Devf^l opmeot Permit by the California Coastal Commission.
19) Will the activity involve the application, use, or
disposal of potentially hazardous materials?
EXPLANATION: The project does not involve the application, use, or
disposal of hazardous materials.
20) Will the activity involve construction of facilities
in a flood plain? X
EXPLANATION: The project is not located in a 100-year flood-plain,
and,therfore, this LsstiGwould not be applicable.
21) Will the activity involve construction of facilities
in the area of an active fault?
No known active faults are in the vicinity of the proposed project
and no geologic conditions exist that could constrain
development of the property or increase the exposure of people
or property to geologic hazards.
22) Could the activity result in the generation of
significant amounts of dust? JL
EXPLANATION: "^^^ project would produce minor amounts of PM-10 (Particulate
Matter) - dust,^ during the short-term construction period. The amount of
dust generated by the project would not be substantial enough to affect
human health.
23) Will the activity involve the burning of brush
trees, or other materials? '
EXPLANATION: The project is confined to the Neimans restaurant basement
and cupola, and would not involve any burning of brush, trees, or other
Could the activity result in a significant change
in the quality of any portion of the region's air
or water resources? (Should note surface, ground
water, off-shore.)
EXPLANATION: The project aurtng consttuctioc and operation would not
contribute significantly to altering the quality of the region's air
nr water resources.
25) Will the project substantially increase fuel
consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.)? X
EXPLANATION: Thf^ proppsed oroiect will not substantially
increase,fuel consumption. The project would utilize a low power
broadband signal at 1845 to 1950 MHz. Maximum amount of power used
by the proposed antenna faciiity is 2UU waLLs at full capacity.
26) Will the activity involve construction of facilities
on a slope of 25 percent or greater?
EXPLANATION: The project site contains no topographical features (slopes
with a gradient at or above 25 percent.
27) Will there be a significant change to existinq
land form? ^
(a) Indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards: NA
(b) Percentage of alteration to the present
land form: _NA
(c) Maximum height of cut or fill slopes-
EXPLANATION: The project will not significantly change
existing land forms. No grading wj]i be required -
28) Will the activity result in substantial increases
in the use of utilities, sewers, drains or streets? X
EXPLANATION: The project will provide a new electrical po^er system^
200 watts- ' ~ "
Nr> gnh.gtanti.al need for use of sewersdrains, or streets.
29) Will the project significantly increase wind or water erosion of soils?
EXPLANATION: The project is confined exclusively to the Neimans
restaurant (basement and existin
- village commercial district, a
for wind/water erosion of soils.
restaurant (basement and existing cupoia). in a built out area - village commercial district, and, therefore, there is no potential
30) Could the project significantly affect existinq
fish or wildlife habitat?
EXPLANATION: No fish or wildlife habitat exists on the project site.
31) Will the project significantly produce new light
or glare?
EXPLANATION: The project entails installation of antennas within the
existing restaurant cupola. These antennas will be stealth, screened
behind fiberglass dormer panels, painted to match. No new light or
glare will be produced by the proposedptOjGct.
If you have answered yes to any of the questions in Section I but think
the activity will have no significant environmental effects, indicate your
reasons below: J^g^
(If additional space is needed for answering any questions, attach
additional sheets as needed.)
(Person Completing Report)
Date Signed J$^-^3^ ^Op