HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 00-17; KFC Taco Bell; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)Citv of Carlsbad
Housing & Redevelopment Department
The followmg project is located within the City of Carlsbad Coastal Zone. A coastal permit application for
the project has been acted upon.
Filing Date: 9/15/00
Decision Date: 6/25/02
Agent (if different):.
Application #: RP 00-17/CDP 00-51
Case Name: KFC/Taco Bell Rebuild
Applicant: Tricon Global Restaurants
Address: 17901 Von Karman. Irvine. CA 92614
Phone: 949-863-3865
(Copy affinal resolution is sent to: Coastal Commission, any persons who specifically requested it, and
the applicant).
30603. An aggrieved person may appeal this decision to the Coastal Conmiission within ten
(10) working days following Coastal Commission receipt of this notice. Applicants will be
notified by the Coastal Conmiission as to the date the Coastal Commission's appeal period
will conclude. Appeals must be made in writing to the Coastal Commission's district office at
the following address: Califomia Coastal Commission, 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103,
San Diego, Califomia 92108-4402, Telephone (619) 767-2370.
The time within which judicial review ofthis decision must be sought is govemed by Code of Civil Procedures, Section 1094.6,
which has been made applicable in the City ofCarlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 16. Any petition or other paper
seeking judicial review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than ninety (90) days following the date on which this
decision becomes final; however, if within ten (10) days after the decision becomes final a request for the record of the
proceedings accompanied by the required deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of preparation ofsuch a
record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than thirty (30) days following the date
on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attomey of record, if he has one. A written
request for the preparation ofthe record ofthe proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City ofCarlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad
Village Drive, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008.
2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2389 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 ^
This supplemental application is to be fOed for:
A- Any development requiring a Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of
Cailsbad, or
B. Any development which requires a Califomia Coastal Conunission Coastal
Development Pennit.
Please answer ail questions. Where questions do not apply, please indicate "not applicable" or
1. General BackszTound
A. Has any application for a development on this site been submitted previously to the
Califomia Coastal Commission? D Yes 0^ No
If yes, state previous Califomia Coastal Commission Coastal Development Pemiit
application number
B. Do you wish to apply for:
1. An Administrative Coastal Development Permit
2. A Regular Coastal Development Pennit *^
3. A California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Pennit
C. Please provide the street address of this proposed development
745 ^ARLS^At> "^iLLAae QR,
D. Please provide the Assessor's Parcel Number of this proposed development
E. Please identify that the proposed development is located on the (Nj(^@^ -Circle
One) side of ^A^LSeA^ v/lt-LA^g between /l/l AD I SoM ST. and
F. Please descnT^e the present land uses (i.e.. Vacant land, single family homes,
apartments, offices, etc.) sunounding the proposed developnient to the:
North: /^ff\cC
South: /^feSiD^NTfAL
East: A^^^i
West: ^ANK.
FRM00015 8/90 Page 1 of 5
Present Use of Propertv
A. Are there existing scrucruies on the property? [3^ Yes
If yes, please describe.
gy/$riN a f^esTAvRANr
• No
B. Will any existing structure be demolished? 0 Yes CH No
Will any existing structures be removed? Yes CH No
If yes to either question, describe the type of development to be demolished or
removed, including the relocation site, if applicable.
Development Description:
i f/
A- Estimated cost of development: Land '^•OG^ OQQ Improvements 6 OOOOOO
Project height: B
Maximum height of structure ^ ^ ft.
Maximum height of structure as measured from centeriine of frontage road
I fr.
Total number of floors in structure, including subterranean floors, lofts, and
mezzanines I
Gross floor area including covered parking and accessory buildings
3<^o<^ sq. ft.
Gross floor area excluding paiking sq. ft.
E. Lot area (within property lines) 2-1 QoQ
Building Coverage
Paved Area
Landscaped Area
Unimproved Area
Geft naniial)
sq. ft.
{4'^_^ sq. ft.
sq. ft.
New Proposed
3 goo sq. ft
l4^^ sq. ft
?£f£sq. ft
sq. ft. 0 sq. ft
%ooO sq. ft.
/40OO sq. ft.
-^^^^ sq. ft.
sq. ft.
FRMOOOl 5 8/90 Page 2 of 5
F. Parking: number of existing spaces '^2L
number of new spaces proposed ^
number of covered spaces Q
number of uncovered spaces 2. ^
number of standard spaces 2 I size 1V /
number of compact spaces O size
Is tandem parking existing? Q Yes # H^No
proposed? • Yes # 0* No
If the land is to be subdivided, number of lots to be created and size:
Lot Svmbol No. of Lots Lot Size
H. If the development is residential, please state:
1. number of dwelling units
2. number of bedrooms per dwelling unit ;
3. type of occupancy proposed: CD rental
CD stock cooperative
CH time share
• other
Grade Alteration:
Is any grading proposed? D Yes [3^ No
If yes, please complete the foUovvring:
A- amount of cut cu.yds.
B. amount of fill cu. yds.
C. maximum height of fill slope ft.
D. maximum height of cut slope ft.
E. amount of import or export cu. yds.
F. location of borrow or disposal site
Grading and drainage plans must be included with this application. In certain areas, an
engineering geology report must also be included. Consult the City Engineering Depaitment
representative for a determination.
FRM00015 8/90 Page 3 of 5
Utility exTensions:
Are utility extensions for the foliovAng, proposed to serve the project?
A- water 0* Yes • No
B. gas Yes • No
C. electric 0 Yes • No
Above Ground Extensions
D. sewer CH Yes No
E. telephone C3^ Yes • No
If yes, to any of the above, would extensions be above ground?
• Yes No
Development on Public Trust Lands:
Does the development involve diking, filling, dredging or placing any structures in open
coastal waters, wedands, estuaries, or lakes?
A. diking • Yes • No
B. filling . • Yes • No
C, dredging • Yes • No
D. placement of structures • Yes • No
E. amount of material to be dredged or fiUed
cu. yds.
F. location of dredged material disposal site _
G. Has a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' pennit been applied for?
• Yes • No
H. Will the development extend onto or adjoin any beach, tidelands, submerged lands
or public tmst lands? (See definitions section) CH Yes CH No
For projects on State-owned lands, additional information may be required. Consult
the staff representative in the Planning DepartmenL
7. Sensitive Resources:
Does the proposed development contain:
A. a sensitive habitat area D Yes C?f No (a biological survey may be required)
B. a 100-year flood plain • Yes No (hydrologic mapping may be required)
C. a park or recreation area CH Yes [3 No
D. historic resources D Yes 0 No
FRM00015 8/90 Page 4 of 5
E. archaeological resources DYes CTNO
F. paieontological resouices D Yes [H No
If yes to any of the above, please explain on an attached sheet.
G. Would the development in any way alter or diven a scream bed or drainage course? ^J^>.
If yes, please describe on a separate sheet of paper.
Coastal Access:
A. Will the development protect existing lower-cost visitor and recreation facilities?
• Yes 0^ No
If yes, explain
B. Will the development provide public or private recreational opportunities?
• Yes (3^ NO
If yes, explain
Is the proposed development:
A- Visible from any park, beach, or recreation area CH Yes No (A
viewshed analysis may be required)
B. Within the viewshed from any public or quasi public place (i.e., public roads,
commercial sites, public or private recreation areas, etc.) to a visual coastal resource.
• Yes No
If the development is between the first public road and the sea, is public access to the
shoreline and along the coast cunentiy available near the site? CH / Yes D No
If yes, indicate the location of the nearby access, including the distahce from the site
Under certain circumstances, additional material or docuinents may be required prior to
issuance of a Coastal Development Pennit.
Date Signature of Applicant or
Authorized Agent
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