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RP 02-26; Carlsbad Animal Hospital Addition; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (3)
ENGINEERING # VENTURES, INC. LAND PLANNING • CIVIL ENCINEERINC • LAND SURVEYINC STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT : CARLSBAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL ADDITION 2739 STATE ST., CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 EV#676-01 OWNER/APPLICANT: Dr. Laurie Bauer 1550 Burgundy Rd. Encinitas, Ca. 92024 PREPARED BY: Michael Piatt ENGINEER: Mr. Randolph F. Fleming Engineering Ventures, Inc. 43500 Ridge Park Drive Suite 202 Temecula, CA 92590 (909)699-6450 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for ggthj^iB§4]4^nformation, the information submitted is to the best of my belief, tme, accurate, andj9d^|^2^gi/'a?^^res^at there are significant penalties for submitting false information, inclja^ti^ thg^^^^^ imprisonment for knowing violations. l"^ i -3/-cv^ i ^gilddolphF. Fleming R.C.E. Date V^'' \ '* / jj \j-y^^ pn^^^^^^^^cense #45687 E 12/31/62 43500 Ridge Park Drive, Suite 202 • Temecula, CA 92590 • (909) 699-6450 Fax: (909) 699-3569 • E-Mail; engrvent@jinet.com «iJ5i»' '"V^ "^XF'' COPYniGI IT,© 1990 BY 7Sfima/7Jf<)^/lfrr'-< 03 O'JJia NVS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS This project is an addition to the existing Carlsbad Animal Hospital facilities, located at 2739 State St. in Carlsbad, California, on a one quarter acre site. Existing drainage from this site is less than 0.5% and drains to State Street with some ponding in westerly parking area which drains to the alley. A field investigation of the site, along with review of the topographic map included herein, show no offsite drainage tributary to the site. PROPOSED PERMANENT DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Proposed site drainage is shown on the Storm Water Treatment Plan, included herein as Exhibit "A'. Parking area and roof drainage is routed to a grass swale and ponding area along the south property line. During small storms runoff collects in the swale and drains east to the ponding area and discharges through infiltration. During larger storms the excess flow overflows to the west to the alley. DESIGN OVERVIEW Site was reviewed using the BMP manual to justify the recommendations of the plan check comments which recommend use of a grass lined swale for stormwater treatment. Site soils type, MIC Marina, and flat grades of 1% or less justified this approach. Required basin storage was calculated using the BMP manual to determine required volume for 80% annual capture rate. The calculations, included herein required a basin volume of 381 cubic feet. The swale volume of 66 cubic feet was inadequate so the ponding area at the southeast corner of the site containing 320 cubic feet was added to provide a total volume of 386 cubic feet. The low end permeability rate of 6.3 inches per hour, as taken from the US Soils Conservation Service Manual for Marina type soil was used over the pond bottom area of 216 square feet to calculate the pond discharge time of 3.4 hours. A hydrology study for the developed site conditions for the 100 year storm was performed to determine the ponding limits onsite and evaluate the outlet to the existing improved alley west of the site and found to be adequate. The 100 year storm ponding elevation of 99.3 is found to be 0.4' below the lowest grade on the property to the south and no flooding of adjacent property will occur. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL Construction of new parking areas and building addition will expose soils which could produced excess sediment in runoff from storms during the construction. Therefore it is recommended that a sandbag dike, 12" high, as shown on the Erosion Control Plan included herein, be placed along the west line adjacent to the existing alley at the time existing pavement is removed. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS HANDLING No disposal of toxic or hazardous materials shall be allowed onsite at any time during construction. Any spills incurred during construction shall be cleaned up and disposed of immediately in the appropriate approved manner. DRAINAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES MAINTENANCE The Owner shall be responsible for the implementation of a regular maintenance program to maintain the treatment pond and swale. Grass shall be irrigated and mowed regularly to maintain healthy growth. These areas shall be inspected annually for sediment buildup and regraded or aerated as required to maintain treatment capacities and percolation rates. The Owner shall also be responsible for implementing a plan to assure that all animal wastes are disposed of in the appropriate manner to prevent any contamination of storm water runoff. m •ISl X 3^ B iiisiiipia?' :i|iiiBlSW;i«« \ \\ \v\ \ \V ' '-'^ ji < ' I ISl ry^mw\\^S\ • ' y' / ,,'-<^ • \ "V. r / \ My. ^ X'. t V.')l r *A"-' ' " ^^rt^^-V^liX \ CENTERLINE STATE STREET DRIVE V/AY 0. EXISTING SIDEWALK d m o X iij EXISTING CHAIN • -I.IHK FENCE SPerM:LeVr-6^ EXISTIHR UNDERGROUND CABIJ Assumed GL^/OO.o (5V?c /^^A. PUAS ^ a+'-6" EXISTING ALLEY EUrcTRICAi.. FNCl L T^t4SH €t^€4^tiiJA^ • ^ SKH/B/T A OoTcar To SropM 14/Are A Tffe^rMeAfT ^^AAf c g cn CO g c< a) a) C CD ^ i=: 0) o Q-C/D LU g (n '-P i- a) •yz CD Q) •g CD > if ::3 o X o Municipal Handbook ajnideo juaojad jenuuv D-9 March, 1993 a^cvised) ORIVf. WAY CENTERLINE M"E STREET 3 EXIBIING SIDEWALK PLUS Moio - 1'; EXI-STING CHAIN - LINK FENCE -*-3PGT-eLEVrO'>-=0= EXirillNfi UNDERGROUNIl CAniJT .f' a+'-6" ^XTSfiNG PARKING KPACt. . L CO LU B+'-R (N^UDEGMES, EXISTING EXL-STING PARKING SPACE EXISTING ALLEY ^9" //y'/ojfcLo<ky MAP ELf-CTT^It'AL Fi/CI.C zz. 0<l'-6" i ^ i! <3 \ pfl '< r>l i; IlJ li K3 \\ U Sl Q» I iQ CO ] Ol 1 j II I r-XI/TI/IG P^I?l<.l/IGyi'ACi:. ro PROP, unt I1XI/TI/1G P4RI\I/IG,/PACI.\ tXl|lT/lG\-/AI,.jWAy; p;r-/ia;i •"-mn'mQ R" •ITHCK I5IX:)CIVV/.AI • i •'• .Xt./TlhG ft ' IT IICI'v E>l .OCI'v WAI U.-, LXl/Ti/lG f.Lr:CTr<:iACL MAI/I LP ii:..:Al 11X!/TI/1G r-'AI'^lNl/^IG/PA T-XI/TI/IG PA(V|<1^IG/PAC ran :X!/TI,''|GPA|:^iy/IG/PAC UJJi": ID. ,101 •I TOPROPril/ll: i:.X!/n,'TG l'APW/|(|^/('ACI: fixi/Ti/iG PAr.;i\i/i(^,/PAC O O XIAIMG PAI?lv|/i(?.^PACC. \p L? * * + -^^ ******* A- * + ^- * * * -Ar * * -A- ****** -i- * * * -A- * * * * * * * ****** * * * -k * * * * * * * * * * * * * -A * -Ar * * This software prepared for: ENGINEERING VENTURES, INC. * * * * * * * * ********** * ************ * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * ****** •)c * * * * * Mr * * * * -A- * * * * -A * * * * * -k SAN DIEGO COUNTY R A T I O N A L - II Y D R O L O G Y PROGR7\lvl PACKAGE Copyright (c) Civi.lCadd/CivilDesign, 1988 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 7-31-2002 CARLSBAD ANimi. HOSPITAL EV 67 6-01 DEIVELOPED HYROLOGY Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 198 5 Hydrology Manual Storm Event(Year) = 100.00 Standard Intensity of Appendix I-B used for year 1: Elevation 0 - 1500 feet Factor (to multiply * intensity) = 1.0000 Only used if inside City of San Diego San Diego Hydrology Manual "C" Values Used Runoff Coefficients by RATIONAL METHOD -I--I-+-I-+-l-I--l-i- -I--I- -h-h-l--I-++-F-F+ + -F-F-I- F-F-I- F-F 4-- Process from Point/Station *** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION -F -F -F -F -F H - -I- -I- -F -I- I- -F -F F -F + + -F -F -F I • -I- -F -I- F -F -F -F -F -F -I • -F -F -|- -F 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 * * * F-FH--F F-F-l T- Decimal Fraction Soil Group A = .000 Decimal Fraction Soil Group B = .000 Decimal Fraction Soil Group C = .000 Decimal Fraction Soil Group D = 1.000 COMMERCIAL runoff coefficient = .9244 Pervious fraction = . 87.0 Note: User entry of impervious value Initial Subarea Flow Dist. = 100.00 Highest Elevation = 99.70 Louest Elevation = 98.80 Elevation Difference = .90 Time of concentration calculated by the Urban Areas overland flow method (APP X-C) = 3.274 Min. TC = [1. 8* (1. 1-C) *DISTA1MCE^ . 5) / (% SLOPS'^ (1/3) ] TC = [1.8*(1.1- .9244)*( 100.00^.5)/( .90^(1/3)])= 3.274 100.00 Year Rainfall Intensity(In./Hr.) = 6.310 Subarea(Acres) = .10 Subarea Runoff(CFS) = .58 Total Area(Acres) - .10 Total Runoff(CFS) = .58 TC(MIN) = 3.27 -F -1- -F -F -F -I- •\- -F -F -F -F + -F -F -F F +++ + -F + -F -F -I-F + • Process from Point/Station *** V-GUTTER FLOW TPJVVEL -F-F-F-F-I--F-F-1--I--I--1--F-F-|- + -FH--FH--|- F-FH--|--F I- + -I- F F-I--F-F FH--F-F-F-1--F-F-F-1- F-I- F F 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 TIME -F SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION Upstream Elevation - 98.80 Downstream Elevation - 98.79 Street Length(Ft.) = 75.00 Curb Height(In.) = 2.0 Distance frora curb to property line(Ft.) = 1.00 Slope from curb to property line(Ft./Ft.) = .020 Street Halfwidth(Ft.) = 38.00 Street Crossfall slope. (Ft./Ft.) - -.010 Total Width of V-Gutter in center of street(Ft.) = 3.00 Interior "Z" Factor Slope of V-Gutter (Ft./Ft.) = 2.000 Street flow on 1. side(s) of the street Estimated mean flow rate at MIDPOINT of street 1.02 (CFS) Depth of flov; = Average Velocity .85 (Ft.) .52 (Ft./Sec.) Streetflow/V-Gutter Hydraulics at MIDPOINT of street travel Depth from lovjest invert elevation (Ft.) = .85 Flow width of street to curb (Ft.) = 10.40 Street Velocity(Ft./Sec.) = .16 Depth*Velocity = V-Gutter Flow Width (Ft.) = 6.00 V-Gutter Velocity . 14 (Ft./Sec ) = 65 Travel time (Min.) = 2.42 TC(min 5.7 0 Adding Area Flow To Street 100.00 Decimal Decimal Deciraal Decimal Year Rainfall Intensity(In./Hr.) = 4.719 Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Soil Soil Soil Soil Group Group Group Croup COMMERCIAL runoff coefficient Pervious fraction = .870 Note: User entry of Subarea(Acres) = Total Area(Acres) = TC(MIM) = 5.7 0 Depth of flow .89 Average Velocity = . 000 . 000 . 000 1. 000 .9244 impervious value .15 Subarea Runoff(CFS) .25 Total Runoff(CFS) (Ft. ) 4 9 (Ft /Sec of street . 89 . 65 1. 2 4 trave.l Streetflow/V-Gutter Hydraulics at ENDPOINT Depth from lowest invert elevation (Ft.) = Flow width of street to curb (Ft.) = 13.92 Street Velocity(Ft./Sec.) = .19 Depth^Velocity •= .17 V-Gutter Flow Width (Ft.) = 6.00 V-Gutter Velocity (Ft./Sec.) 68 End of computations.. , TOTAL STUDY AREA(ACRES; 25 in o o HJ. \-^ .-1 CO 0 ,...1 Ul fli \ 1 l-T m i-l h.l o •z. (.? u> (ll I-l ro U) XI' f/1 10 «-i CJ> Q l< ^-1 III l-I i-l a' j> ll> —) l-I ..0 CO o (5 zi n-: 1 2. r.l C-I 1:^ <-l ft! ns CU • i U Ol ai 1-1 ici.* C/l e-^ «> I-l '.s ai (0 CO w O o 'X (It ,--i i-C X ns l-I M 2; Ol i^C o ll Q p.l D, x; o Ci> o C9 o (S) o .C -H U -k 2. 2. 2 * 4-) a.. -k < < < * Is fl) X 9' O O (J * 0 i-i >l x o W o CJ o W c 2 0.1 r-l X 1 CC 1 Ct 1 CC 1 — — — — — c:. x o o o o o O o 1^ c:. x o o o o o o o Nl X 1 X 1 1 1 1 •P • 1 r-i -X o 1 o o 1 o o 1 o O 1 + S a r-l X o o o o o o o 10 * o m ISI (U (-1 fjJ -X * 1 X 00 r-l .—i ra ij X -X •X CQ o I -X 1 1 1 1 •\ 1 X 1 1 1 .(J fai •X o o o CJ >: = x o o o o •> cn • 2 -V: in .--1 in .-1 uO r-l in •k •H ni X o o O + •X X Q 1 X 1 1 1 1 Q. 1 x 1 1 1 1 o a, -x f - l X-Q x o o o •^' o X o m CM CM lO :? -0 £ O r-l l-I x in t-i <-l r-l •l< O x Cll 1 2 x 1 1 1 1 * •-I 1 2 X 1 1 1 1 OD 0 r. (U X r-tn CO .-1 OJ O OJ * •,-l 4-' T) x r-l cr. (Nl CM CM ^-' a 3 * T-i r-l * ..1 <\i o 11 Q U x 1: U 1 . fJi -X 1 I 1 1 •K 1 .c * 1 1 <.o 1 to 1 l-I > 4-1 -X o o Csl O CM o OJ 0) O. 41 o o o O o •K 0, rH Q + t 3 f..1 •X * Cfl [0 4, 1 C/) x 1 1 1 i •X 1 * 1 1 1 1 + :>1 r-l •X o r-i o r-l est >• b' Cu 4. a": •<q' SJ' o ••cr O SJ- •n u • fM 4. (1) 'O :.C X <r\ C^^ •n C l-i •X Ol 0^ •x (JI O i: + •x 1 *• 1 1 1 •x 1 0> 4. 1 ft 1.D 1 o in 1 (M .i:. '0 > * r-a) . r-H CO .-1 r-r-1 .-1 10 -X cr. o o * III tt) •X o o o •¥ ;> 'X fll X 4: CO + •i< 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 4; 00 1 .-1 1 1 cr, 1 4-' CD l-I Ol .-1 CO 4: •X ai Cll 4; ITl ro f»") CM > f.:4 4. 1. 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 .«3' 1 1 I.-4: iSJ CM IM + X •); CO . X .-1 .-1 r-1 r-l -X Ql f-. i -X •l< o •X I-• •X + -X 1 4: 1 1 1 1 •X 1 X O 1 1 a^ 1 r- 1 •X 4: \o •<;i' r •X -X o fvJ (Xl .-M (1) > 4; •X .IJ fl) •X (f (Tv cr-. <.yi ): 111 r-l 4: CT. «^ a\ l -I > if. fd -X -X —. 1 X O 1 1 ('•) 1 1 4: •X CO in CO r-- •X .IJ .-4i O Csl CM CM -X a (?-• •X -X fl) tu + 4; rri — 4; 4. •X * 1 4.-1 1 • •1 1 X 1 4; O I o 1 CO 1 O 1 -X <h X O CTv c.-> CTl o o + Q, 4i O o CJl o CTl o o M > 0 •X cc r-i (J) (1) r-l X CO cr. a) o 00 CD o-i X J> r-1 Ol 4: CT, in •X Q W X X l-I -C. 4: -X 1 CJ •X 1 1 1 1 -X 1 4: o 1 ft o 1 l/l in 1 m O 1 -X c -X o E-o Ol o O •X O -X OJ o l-O in SJ' O -X (i) + -X 4-1 r-l X VJ H') CO * (1) u 4i "Z. -X •p 4i fi! -X CO 1-3 -X CC •X •X