HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 04-26; SALMEN INSURANCE BUILDING; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (5)PTROOF OF PUBLIC#ION
(2010 & 2011 C.C.P.)
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County of San Diego
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North County Times
Formerly known as the Blade-Citizen and The
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adjudicated newspapers of general circulation by
the Superior Court of the County of San Diego,
State of Califomia, for the City of Oceanside and
the City of Escondido, Court Decree number
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February if^, 2006
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Dated at SAN MARCOS Califomia
Proof of Publication of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the City of Carlsbad will hold a special Public Hearing In the City Council Chambers. 1200 uarlsDaa village Drive, Cartsbad. Califomia, at 6:00 PM on Monday, February 27, 2006, to consider recom-mending approval of a request for a Major Redevelop-ment Permit (RP 04-26), to allow the construction of a 2-story, 3,326 square foot commercial office building on the property located at 955 Grand Avenue (APN: 203-320-02) in Land Use District 3 of the Carisbad Village Redevelopment Area.
Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the staff report, please contact Cliff Jones in the Housing and Redevel-opment Department at (760) 434-2813. You may also provide your comments in wriiing to the Housing and Re-development Department at 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B; Carlsbad, CA 92008.
As a result of the environmental review under the Cali-fomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Envi-ronmental Protection Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, the Housing & Redevelopment Department has deter-mined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Secfion 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines as an infill development project. The Design Review Board will be considering recommending approval of the environmental determination during the puouc hearing.
If you challenge the Major Redevelopment Permit in court, you may oe limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carisbad at or prior —-.-y , . .—^—-r-r to fhe public hearing. >" C-' _^s\\\Jx \
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NCT 1906503 * 02/17/06
This 17* Day of Febmary, 2006
Jane Allshouse
Legal Advertising
0^ ^U.^
To: SD County Clerk
Attn: Anthony J. Consul
Mail Stop A-33
1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego CA 92101
Housing & Redevelopment 0ept.
2965 Roosevelt St
Carlsbad CA 92008
(760) 434-2813
Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the Public
Resources Code (Califomia Environmental Quality Act).
Project Title; Salmen Insurance (RP 04-26)
Project Location - Specific; 955 Grand Avenue: APN 203-320-02
Project Location - Citv: Carlsbad Project Location - Countv; San Diego
Description of Project: Construction of a two-storv office proiect.
Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Citv of Carlsbad
Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project; Cliff Jones
Name of Applicant; Bart M. Smith
Applicant's Address: 682 2"^ Street. Encinitas. CA 92024 F i L ^ ID
Gregofy J. Smith, Recorder/Countv CIgrk
Applicant's Telephone Number: 760-753-2464 NAY 11 ZQQfi
Exempt Status: {Check One)
• Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); 15268);
• Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); 15269(a));
• Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); 15269 (b)(c));
Categorical Exemption - State type and section number: 15332 In-Fill Development Proiects
Statutory Exemptions - State code number:
Reasons why project is exempt; In-fiU development project on a site of less than 5 acres in an
urbanized area that has no habitat value and is served bv adequate facilities.
Lead Agency Contact Person ;y6tiff Jones Telephone; (760)434-2813
MARCEI^ ESCOBAR-ECK, Planning Directo
Date received for filing at OPR:
PncttHi '• Renioved
Returner! to agency o\\
Revised November 2005