HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 08-47; Jack in the Box; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)I JIB#3d signage request ^ Page lof 3
Laura Robins - RE: JIB#36 signage 4l^est
From: Laura Robins
To: Amanda Lieberman; Christina Gibson
Date: 08/27/2008 2:28 PM
Subject: RE: JIB#36 signage request
CC: Austin Silva
Thanks for getting me the new spec, sheets. I still need to see what the text size is, in inches, for the wall signs.
Regarding the monument sign, unfortunately, we will need the sign to conform with the current monument sign
guidelines in the Redevelopment Design Manual. The Design Manual requires all modifications to existing signs to meet
current standards. In the Redevelopment Area, the Design Manual takes precedence over the citywide sign ordinance.
Please see page 2 of the following link: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/redevelopment/signagepdf/signage.pdf
So if you could show how the monument sign will meet the Village monument sign guidelines, shown on page 19 of the
above link, then that would be great.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing. Let me know if you need further clarification.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
Redevelopment Department
760-434-2810 ext 5017
>» "Amanda Lieberman" <Amanda.Lieberman(gcnpsigns.com> 08/27/2008 8:08 AM »>
Hello Laura,
Attached is the revised artwork showing the red part of the Jack in the Box cabinet as "opaque" so as to prevent light from
illuminating It. Also, you will notice we have removed the monument sign from the package, as we will be designing a new face for it
that slides Into the existing cabinet (keeping the same dimensions as the existing sign). The Carlsbad sign code does not require a
sign permit for this type of sign reface, and so we have left it off the permit package. Please let me know if you have any questions. I
will await your comments/approval.
Thank you so much for all of your help!
Amanda Lieberman P ojcct Coordinator
CNP Signs & Graphics
Building Signs... Building Images * Visit Us
From: Christina Gibson
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:21 PM
To: Laura Robins; Amanda Lieberman
Subject: RE: JIB#36 signage request
OK, great, thank you!
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Christina Gibson .Project .Manager
CNP Signs & Graphics
(619)283-2191 (tel.) • (619)283-9503 (fax)
Building Signs...Buiiding images * Visii Us
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From: Laura Robins [mallto:Lrobl(§)cl.carlsbad.ca.us]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:31 PM
To: Amanda Lieberman; Christina Gibson
Subject: RE: JIB#36 signage request
Once all the signage issues are worked out, the sign permit takes about 1-2 weeks to review and approve. After
Redevelopment approves it, the applicant takes the sign permit to the Building Dept. for an over-the-counter approval
of building materials etc. So I would say a two week max on our end, plus maybe an extra day on your end to pick up the
approved permit and take it to Building.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
Redevelopment Department
760-434-2810 ext 5017,
»> "Christina Gibson" <Christina.Gibson(gcnpsigns.com> 08/21/2008 8:55 AM »>
Thank you for the additional information. I have forwarded your requirements to Jack in the Box, and
awaiting their comments. Once we get all the signage issues sorted out, what is the typical permit issuance
timeframe? This is a rapid moving project with JIB, and we need to be 100% complete by the end of next
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Christina Gibson Project Manager
CNP Signs & Graphics
(619)283-2191 (tel.) • (619)283-9503 (.fex)
Building Signs...Building Images • Visit Us
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From: Laura Robins [mallto:Lrobl(@)cl.carlsbad.ca.us]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 4:34 PM
To: Amanda Lieberman
Cc: Christina Gibson
Subject: Re: JIB#36 signage request
The information you outlined is all I need to finish processing the Jack-in-the-Box sign permit for 901 Carlsbad Village
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'JIB#3d signage request Page 3 of 3
Drive. Please see page 3 of the foUowi^^ink for the prohibited sign types in th^^llage Redevelopment Area:
"Interior Illuminated Boxed Display Signs" are also commonly referred to as can signs or cabinet signs. Page 5 of the
same link lists the types of wall signs that are permitted.
Let me know if you have any further questions or concems.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
City of Carlsbad
Redevelopment Department
760-434-2810 ext 5017
>» "Amanda Lieberman" <Amanda.Lieberman@cnpsigns.com> 08/19/2008 4:26 PM »>
Hi Laura,
As discussed, I will need to reference the design manual which prohibits the use of cabinet signs in the redevelopment area of
Carlsbad, so that I can forward the information to Jack in the Box corporate.
I will send you revised artwork should they decide to proceed with making the following required changes:
1. Limiting the letter height of the wall signs to 18"
2. Limiting the letter height of the monument signs to 12"
3. Removing the internal illumination from the monument sign, and instead, using external illumination
4. Changing the red part of the Logo cabinet wall sign to be opaque so that light will shine only from the white "Jack" part of it
Also, please let me know if I am forgetting any other changes you requested.
Thank you!
Amanda Lieberman project (."oordinator
CNP Signs & Graphics
Building Signs...Building linages • Visit Us
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