HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 08-61; Gauyule's Grill; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)4
January 12, 2008
Dear Neighbors,
We are writing this letter with the intent to provide information regarding the proposed opening of
Guayules Restaurant located at 2780 Carlsbad Blvd, in the spring of 2009.
Our desire is to operate with the utmost respect for all our neighbors, and to ensure that we bring only a
positive impact to the Carlsbad Village.
Guayules will be a family operated full service food establishment catering primarily to local families, in
a casual tropical environment. We are very excited to offer Carlsbad high quality fresh food, reasonably
priced, and prepared by Chef Jeff Snyder and his staff. Jeff is a classically trained chef and his culinary
experience goes back more than 3 decades. He has consulted with and worked at fine restaurants and
hotels throughout California. Although he is obviously over qualified for such a small operation, he
looks forward to spending more time with his family and friends in Carlsbad, and also to give back to the
community he lives in, one plate at a time.
We are sensitive to the concerns of neighbors and understand that you are putting a lot of trust in us,
which we take very seriously. As Carlsbad locals and village property owners, we as a management
team are uniquely qualified to steward such a venture.
To encourage family-oriented dining rather than a party environment, the proposed restaurant hours of
operation are from 11:00 AM until 10:00 PM. We will offer a wide range of food in a casual
environment. We do intend to offer beer and wine only to compliment our food. The atmosphere will
not be conducive to partiers, as seating will only be available to diners. The restaurant will not have a
bar area and all ofthe dining area will be covered and not visible to any neighboring residences. We will
accept conditions on our land use permit that will establish these restrictions on our operations.
Please feel free to contact us at any time should you have additional questions.
We look forward to welcoming you when we open, and know that you'll love the food and also the
The Management Team
(760) 889-5030
Citv of Carlsbad
Housing & Redevelopment Department
May 1, 2009
Re: Gauyule's Grill (RP 08-61)
Dear Mr. Ayoub:
On April 21, 2009 the Housing and Redevelopment Director conditionally approved
Administrative Redevelopment Permit No. RP 08-61 for property located at 2780
Carlsbad Boulevard. The decision of the Housing and Redevelopment Director is
subject to a ten (10) day appeal period. The appeal period has elapsed and no appeals
were filed.
Attached is a copy of the approved permit with conditions authorizing a change in use
from commercial/retail to restaurant. Please review all conditions carefully. Violation of
the conditions could result in revocation of this permit.
It has been a pleasure doing business with you. If you have any questions regarding
this correspondence, please contact my office at (760) 434-2810 ext 5017.
Planning Technician
C: Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director
2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B • Carlsbad, GA 92008-2397 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037
Austin Silva
From: ' Tom Potter & Sue Compton [comptons@cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:38 AM
To: Austin Silva
Subject: RE: Protest of Change in Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Thank you very much for sending to me the permit with conditions of approval. I appreciate you working with me and
other owners of Village By The Sea residences.
As you are aware, I am not happy about the change of use from retail to restaurant. I think it is a bad idea and it is
terribly unfair owners of Viiiage By The Sea whose units are adjacent to the property.
However, I am encouraged about the condition regarding hours of operation, and hope the operators of the restaurant
do close at 9PM Sunday-Thursday as they have stated. That would allow one hour to clean up and go home, and the
VBTS residents will be able to enjoy their quiet hours beginning at 10PM. The hours for Friday and Saturday, are not
I am also encouraged about #13 of the conditions:
13. No sounds, including but not limited to loud speakers, sound systems, or other types of music or
noise from the operation of the business shall be audible beyond the boundaries of the premises.
The owners/residents of Village By The Sea will hope this condition and all conditions will be met.
Thanks again for your update.
Tom Potter
From: Austin Silva [mailto:Austln.Sllva@carlsbadca.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:36 PM
To: Tom Potter & Sue Compton
Subject: RE: Protest of Change in Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director has signed off on the Administrative Redevelopment Permit to
allow a change of use from commercial/retail to restaurant space for the building at 2780 Carlsbad Boulevard. I spoke
with the applicant(s) and it is their desire to keep the operating times from 11 AM until 10 PM. However, they explained
to me that those hours will be primarily during the weekends and Sunday through Thursday they intend on closing
earlier around 9 PM. You are being sent a an official Notice of Final Action in the mail. You may appeal the director's
decision to the Design Review Board if you wish to do so. I have attached the permit along with the conditions of
approval. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Austin Silva
City of Carlsbad
Redevelopment Dept.
Assistant Planner
From: Tom Potter & Sue Compton [mailto:comptons@cox.net]
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 9:52 AM
To: Laura Robins; Austin Silva
Subject: Protest of Change in Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Please do not approve this cliange of use from commercial/retail to restaurant.
The proposed alcohol-serving establishment and parking lot is immediately adjacent to a high density, planned
unit development in which young children reside or visit. The proposed establishment and parking lot will be
located within 75 feet of many of the townhouse units, including my townhouse at 2752 Carlsbad Bl #100.
Living adjacent to a restaurant detracts from the safety and the desirability of that neighborhood.
This change of use represents a huge impact to the owners/residents in the townhouses adjacent to that site and
will ruin their enjoyment of those properties. Retail usage is fine, but a restaurant with the accompanying day
and late night traffic, noise and pollution is completely unacceptable. It is just wrong to do that to us owners
and residents.
The proposed restaurant will be located directly across the street from Saint Michael's Episcopal Church and
Sunday School and children's playground. It is located diagonally across an intersection from an upscale senior
citizen retirement community. The type of customer (transient and alcohol consuming) attracted by this type of
establishment poses a threat of violence and injury to both the nearby children and to the more elderly residents
of the retirement community who may be outside during the business hours of the applicant.
This restaurant plans to operate between 9AM and 11PM, which means cleanup and closing will continue for at
least another hour, until after midnight when it will finally be quiet again for the residents in Village by the
Sea. The reasonable expectation of all the nearby residents, including my tenants, to be able to enjoy a quiet
daytime and evening will be violated by the inevitable noise generated by this establishment.
I am preparing a 10-year extension to the lease with the current tenant in my property there, representing
$420,000 in rents over that period. The tenant is very concemed about this restaurant being operated virtually
just outside his bedroom window. The tenant will not sign that lease if this restaurant is approved by the City.
The loss of that $420,000 contract will constitute just the financial portion of my loss, along with the loss of an
outstanding resident in that community, for which the City will be responsible.
I ask the City of Carlsbad to please reconsider their current intent and to deny this change of use from
commercial/retail to a restaurant at 2780 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Thomas Potter,
Owner, 2752 Carlsbad Blvd Unit #100,Carlsbad, CA 92008-2262
3679 Camino Marglesa, Escondido, CA 92025
(760) 445-5870
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May 4, 2009
TO: Engineering Tech, Engineering Department
FROM: Laura Robins, Redevelopment Dept.
Tenant Improvement (CB090599)
I have approved the building permit request for tenant improvements at 2780
Carlsbad Boulevard. Please note the commercial sign shown on the plans is not
approvable and must be revised. Please direct the applicant to contact the
Redevelopment Department for further details regarding this matter. No further
revisions to the tenant improvement plans are required. The land-use permit
(RP 08-61) required to allow the change from commercial/retail to a restaurant
use has been finally approved by our department. The Housing &
Redevelopment Department supports the issuance of the building permit now
that the land-use permit has been finally approved. The information has been
entered into Permits Plus.
If you have any questions, please contact me at x5017.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
April 21, 2009
TO: Engineering Tech, Engineering Department
FROM: Laura Robins, Redevelopment Dept.
Tenant Improvement (CB090599)
I have not approved the building permit request for tenant improvements at 2780
Carlsbad Boulevard. Please note, the commercial sign shown on the plans is
not approvable and must be revised. Please direct the applicant to contact the
Redevelopment Department for further details regarding this matter. No further
revisions to the tenant improvement plans are required, however, the land-use
permit (RP 08-61) required to allow the change from commercial/retail to a
restaurant use has not been finally approved by our department, and therefore
this building permit cannot be approved at this time. The Housing &
Redevelopment Department does not support the issuance of the building permit
until the land-use permit has been finally approved. The information has been
entered into Permits Plus.
If you have any questions, please contact me at x5017.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
Laura Robins
From: Austin Silva
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:25 AM
To: Debbie Fountain; Laura Robins
Subject: FW: Protest of Change in Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Looks like Mr. Potter is satisfied at this point.
From: Tom Potter & Sue Compton [mailto:comptons@cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:38 AM
To: Austin Silva
Subject: RE: Protest of Change In Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Thank you very much for sending to me the permit with conditions of approval. I appreciate you working with me and
other owners of Village By The Sea residences.
As you are aware, I am not happy about the change of use from retail to restaurant. I think it is a bad idea and it is
terribly unfair owners of Village By The Sea whose units are adjacent to the property.
However, I am encouraged about the condition regarding hours of operation, and hope the operators ofthe restaurant
do close at 9PM Sunday-Thursday as they have stated. That would allow one hour to clean up and go home, and the
VBTS residents will be able to enjoy their quiet hours beginning at 10PM. The hours for Friday and Saturday, are not
I am also encouraged about #13 ofthe conditions:
13. No sounds, including but not limited to loud speakers, sound systems, or other types of music or
noise from the operation of the business shall be audible beyond the boundaries of the premises.
The owners/residents of Village By The Sea will hope this condition and all conditions will be met.
Thanks again for your update.
Tom Potter
From: Austin Silva [mailto:Austln.Sllva@carlsbadca.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:36 PM
To: Tom Potter & Sue Compton
Subject: RE: Protest of Change In Use 2780 Carlsbad Blvd
Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director has signed off on the Administrative Redevelopment Permit to
allow a change of use from commercial/retail to restaurant space forthe building at 2780 Carlsbad Boulevard. I spoke
with the applicant(s) and it is their desire to keep the operating times from 11 AM until 10 PM. However, they explained
to me that those hours will be primarily during the weekends and Sunday through Thursday they intend on closing
earlier around 9 PM. You are being sent a an official Notice of Finai Action in the mail. You may appeal the director's
decision to the Design Review Board if you wish to do so. I have attached the permit along with the conditions of
approval. Please contact me if you have any questions.
04/09/2009 21:44 760740^9 THOMAS POTTER ^ PAGE 01 0^p
Fax Cover Sheet
Date: April 10,2009
To: Lama Robins
Company: City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Department
Fax: (760) 720-2037
From: Thomas Potter
Tel: (760)445-5870
Fax: 760-740-0369
Number of pages including this one: 2
Ms, Robins,
Please find attached my Comments on the Intent to Approve Change of Use at 2780
Carlsbad Bl.
Thomas Potter
04/09/2009 21:44 76074Qi|69 THOMAS POTTER^ PAGE 02
Please do not approve this change of use from commercial/retai! to restaurant.
The proposed alcohol-serving establishment and parking lot is immediately adjacent to a high
density, planned unit development in which young children reside or visit Hie proposed
estabUshment and parking lot will be located within 75 feet of many of the townhouse units,
including my townhouse at 2752 Carlsbad Bl #100. Living adjacent to a restaurant detracts from
the safety and the desirability of that neighborhood.
This change of use represents a huge impact to the owners/residents in the townhouses adjacent
to that site and will ruin their enjoyment of those properties. Retail usage is fine, but a restaurant
with the accompanying day and late night traffic, noise and pollution is completely unacceptable.
It is just wrong to do that to us owners and residents.
The proposed restaurant will be located directly across the street from Saint Michael's Episcopal
Church and Sunday School and children's playground. It is located diagonally across an
intersection from an upscale senior citizen retirement community. The type of customer
(transient and alcohol consuming) attracted by this type of estabUshment poses a threat of
violence and injury to both the nearby children and to the more elderly residents of the retirement
community who may be outside during the business hours of the applicant.
This restaurant plans to operate between 9AM and 11PM, which means cleanup and closmg will
continue for at least another hour, until after midnight when it will finally be quiet again for the
residents in Village by the Sea. The reasonable expectation of all the nearby residents, including
my tenants, to be able to enjoy a quiet daytime and evening will be violated by the inevitable
noise generated by this establishment
I am preparing a 10-year extension to the lease wjth the current tenant in my property there,
representing $420,000 in rents over that period. The tenant is very concemed about this
restaurant being operated virtually just outside his bedroom window. The tenant will not sign
that lease if this restaurant is approved by the City. The loss ofthat $420,000 contract will
constitute just the financial portion of my loss, along with the loss of an outstanding resident in
that community, for which the City will be responsible.
I ask the City of Carlsbad to please reconsider their current intent and to deny this change of
u»age ftom commercial/retail to a restaurant at 2780 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Thomas Pottei.
Owner, 2752 Carlsbad Blvd Unit #100,Carlsbad, CA 92008-2262
3679 Camino Marglesa, Escondido, CA 92025
Citv of Carlsbad
Housing & Redevelopment Department
March 2. 2009
Subject: Gauyule's Grill, Administrative Redevelopment Permit, RP 08-61
Dear Mr. Ayoub:
Thank you for applying for a Redevelopment Permit in the City of Carlsbad. The
Housing and Redevelopment Department together with other appropriate City
departments, has reviewed your Administrative Redevelopment Permit as to its
completeness for processing.
The application is incomplete, as submitted. The attached list includes
information that must be submitted to complete your application. This list of
Items must be submitted directly to the Housing & Redevelopment Office.
All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy of this list must
be included with your submittal. No processing of your application can occur
until the application is determined to be complete. When all required materials
are submitted to the Redevelopment Office, the City has an additional thirty (30)
days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined
to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In
addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was
Initially filed, December 10, 2008, to either resubmit the application or submit the
required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the
materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to
constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed
withdrawn, a new application must be submitted.
Please contact my office at (760) 434-2810 ext 5017, if you have any questions
or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Technician
C: File
2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2397 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037 ^
Gauyule's Grill
Page 2 of 3
RP 08-61
Staff has completed a review of the subject project for application completeness.
The applications and plans submitted for this project are incomplete at this time.
Please resubmit 4 sets of plans addressing the following incomplete items:
Housing and Redevelopment:
1. As shown on the plans, fifty-percent of the parking spaces are compact.
Only forty-percent of the required parking spaces may be compact.
Please revise the plans so the compact parking standard can be met. All
other parking spaces must be standard size spaces, excluding the
disabled parking space.
2. The standard size parking spaces are shown on the site plan at 8.5' x
18.5'. Standard size parking spaces must be 170 square feet with a
minimum width of 8.5'.
3. Please label the compact parking spaces on the site plan.
The foliowing comment stiall be a condition on ttie final permit:
4. The semi-trailer currently stored at the rear of the property shall be
1. Provide a letter from a licensed engineer or Architect indicating that the
structural frame and foundation system can be modified to meet current
Building Code Standards as part of the permitting process. This is to be
turned in with the next plan submittal to Redevelopment.
2. A complete lateral and vertical structural analysis of the existing building
and new addition is required and will be checked with energy, mechanical,
and accessibility etc. when complete construction plans are submitted to
the building department at building permit submittal.
3. Please show compilance with all FOG (Fat, Oil, and Grease) Ordinance
Requirements, mainly by installing a grease interceptor outside the
restaurant. For more details about the FOG requirements, please contact
the City's contract plancheck company, EClS at 949-179-6578.
4. Check exterior walls to property line for fire resistive protection at the
north and east property lines.
5. Please show the slope of the new disabled ramp (max slope of 8.33%
6. Clearly show the path of travel from the disabled parking space and
sidewalk to entrance.
7. The disabled parking space unloading zone must be on the passenger
side and 8' wide.
Gauyule's Grill
Page 3 of 3
8. Note 19 on the plans shows that no HVAC work will be done for the new
layout. Please be aware that a new Type I Hood System is required with
suppression system.
9. A Health Department and FOG Plancheck (EClS) is required.
Regarding any comments from the Building Department, please contact Will
Foss, Building and Code Enforcement Manager, at 760-602-2716.
No comments at this time.
Ttie following comments will be placed as conditions on ttie finat permit:
1. Developer shall comply with the City's Stormwater Regulations, latest
version, and shall implement best management practices at all times.
Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution
treatment practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during
construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and
educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management
practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to
stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the
maximum extent practicable.
2. Developer shall complete and submit to the City Engineer a Project Threat
Assessment Form (PTAF) pursuant to City Engineering Standards.
Concurrent with the PTAF, the developer shall also submit the appropriate
Tier Level Storm Water Compliance Form and Tier Level Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as determined by the completed
PTAF all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Regarding any comments from the Engineering Department, please contact
Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer, at 760-602-2742.
City of Carlsbad
Housing & Redevelopment Department
January 6, 2009
Subject: Gauyule's Grill, Administrative Redevelopment Permit, RP 08-61
Dear Mr. Ayoub:
Thank you for applying for a Redevelopment Permit in the City of Carlsbad. The
Housing and Redevelopment Department together with other appropriate City
departments, has reviewed your Administrative Redevelopment Pennit as to its
completeness for processing.
The application is incomplete, as submitted. The attached list includes
information that must be submitted to complete your application. This list of
items must be submitted directly to the Housing & Redevelopment Office.
All list items must be submitted simultaneously and a copy of this list must
be included with your submittal. No processing of your application can occur
until the application is determined to be complete. When all required materials
are submitted to the Redevelopment Office, the City has an additional thirty (30)
days to make a determination of completeness. If the application is determined
to be complete, processing for a decision on the application will be initiated. In
addition, please note that you have six months from the date the application was
initially filed, December 10, 2008, to either resubmit the application or submit the
required information. Failure to resubmit the application or to submit the
materials necessary to determine your application complete shall be deemed to
constitute withdrawal of the application. If an application is withdrawn or deemed
withdrawn, a new application must be submitted.
Please contact my office at (760) 434-2810 ext 5017, if you have any questions
or wish to set up a meeting to discuss the application.
Planning Technician
Cc: File
2965 Roosevelt St., Ste. B • Carlsbad, CA 92008-2397 • (760) 434-2810/2811 • FAX (760) 720-2037
Gauyule's Grill
Page 2 of 5
RP 08-61
Staff has completed a review of the subject project for application completeness.
The applications and plans submitted for this project are incomplete at this time.
Please resubmit 4 sets of plans addressing the following incomplete items:
Housing and Redevelopment:
1. Please provide a clear square footage total for both the proposed
restaurant at 2780 Carlsbad Boulevard and the existing retail building at
2796 Carlsbad Boulevard.
2. Based on the square footage of the restaurant at 1,428 square feet and
the retail building at 1,002 square feet, seventeen (17) parking spaces
must be provided. However, a 15% parking reduction may be given
where a common parking facility is used at a site of 5,000 square feet or
more by two or more buildings or uses, as per Municipal Code Section
21.444.050. Forty-percent (6 parking spaces) of the total required spaces
may be compact.
3. Please show a parking summary table on the site plan showing the square
footage of all the buildings and how many parking spaces are required for
1. A complete lateral and vertical structural analysis of the existing building
and new addition is required and will be checked with energy, mechanical,
and accessibility etc. when complete construction plans are submitted to
the building department at building pennit submittal.
2. Please show compliance with all FOG (Fat, Oil, and Grease) Ordinance
Requirements, mainly by installing a grease interceptor outside the
restaurant. For more details about the FOG requirements, please contact
the City's contract plancheck company, EClS at 949-179-6578.
3. Check exterior walls to property line for fire resistive protection at the
north and east property lines.
4. Please check the new disable ramp for a max slope of 8.33% (1:12).
5. Clearly show the path of travel from disabled parking space and sidewalk
to entrance.
6. Note 19 on the plans shows that no HVAC work will be done for the new
layout. Please be aware that a new Type I Hood System is required with
suppression system.
7. Please indicate the use of the rear portion of the building.
8. A Health Department and FOG Plancheck (EClS) is required.
Regarding any comments from the Building Department, please contact Will
Foss, Building and Code Enforcement Manager, at 760-602-2716.
Gauyule's Grill
Page 3 of 5
No comments at this time.
1. As part of the formal application, prepare and submit a Stomn Water
Standards Questionnaire to determine storm water priority status. This
must be signed by the applicant/owner. From Engineering's cursory
review this qualifies as a priority project for water quality, therefore a
Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be prepared and submitted
a) Identify post-development on-site pollutants-of-concern.
b) Identify the hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired
water bodies that would be impacted by this project.
c) Recommend source controls and treatment controls that will be
implemented with this project to avoid contact or filter said
pollutants from storm water to the maximum extent practicable
before discharging to City right-of-way, sensitive habitat or natural
water course.
d) Show low impact design (LID) features incorporated into the
e) Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean
up. Special considerations and effort shall be applied to resident
education on the proper procedures for handling clean up and
disposal of pollutants.
f) Outline property owner testing and maintenance requirements for
all post-construction BMPs to ensure their effectiveness.
g) Provide hydraulic/hydrologic calculations to verify that numeric
sizing criteria is met for filtration/treatment of the site.
2. Provide a hydrology study that addresses the proposed storm drain
system, detention system sizing, pre and post-development run-off
figures, inlet sizing, etc.
3. Revise the exhibits to incorporate all water quality measures (treatment
control and Low Impact Design (LID) measures). Identified In the Storm
Water Management Plan (SWMP).
4. Show all existing and/or proposed topography and drainage patterns for
the site including existing off-site drainage system that this project
discharges into. Revise the plans to indicate how on-site surface runoff is
5. Show existing contours to cover at least 50' beyond the property lines or
to cover sufficient area to show drainage area affecting the site.
6. Indicate the volume of grading (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed
for the project in cubic yards. It appears a grading permit will be required
for this project.
Gauyule's Grill
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7. Show all existing surface improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving,
access-holes, inlets, power poles, street lights, adjacent driveways, vaults,
transformers, etc.) along Carlsbad Blvd. and Christiansen Way.
8. Please indicate all existing and proposed utilities (i.e., storm drain, water,
sewer, etc.) that will serve the development. Indicate gravity flow of sewer
facilities by showing invert elevations.
9. Please identify the proposed Lot Line Adjustment of adjacent parcel (APN
303-172-14 & 15) and whether the existing lots will be merged or kept as-
is. Some of the access and parking may impact property lines and
reciprocal easement rights. The project may function better as one
property, which is why merging may be considered. Staff is available to
discuss this further.
10. Provide street cross sections with right of way information for Carlsbad
Blvd, and Christiansen Way. It appears that additional dedication may be
required to provide right of way for Carlsbad Blvd. and for the curb return
at Christiansen Way.
11. Add the project application number (RP 08-61) to the upper right comer of
the site plan.
General Engineering Concerns:
1. The proposed site plan does not show adequate information. Please be
advised that in order to make a more in-depth review of the proposed
development, a more complete design ofthe project is required.
2. Identify the existing finished floor elevation of adjacent structures (or
elevations just next to the structures). This requirement demonstrates how
the project relates to existing adjacent development.
3. Recommend source control and treatment control best management
practices (BMPs) that will be implemented with this project. Stormwater
pollutants from the project must be treated to the maximum extent
practicable before exiting the project site and discharging to City right-of-
way or existing public storm drain system.
4. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) as part of the project design.
Show all proposed storm water BMPs and LID on the site plan.
5. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection
measures required for this project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system,
6. Revise the exhibits to show the loading zones that each building will have.
We understand new parking stalls are proposed where old loading zones
are, but will existing loading zones remain? Please callout on the plans.
7. The proposed location of trash enclosure has a conflict with proposed
parking. Call-out enclosures per Carlsbad Standard drawing GS-16.
8. Please comply with all other comments shown on the red-lined plans.
Gauyule's Grill
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9. Revise the plan to indicate the ADT (traffic), EDU's (sewer), GPM (potable
water) generated or required by the proposed development. Storm Drain
Runoff and drainage basin information is also requested to assist final
10. This preliminary review does not constitute a complete review of the
proposed project and additional items of concern may be identified upon
formal project application submittal. Please be advised that in orderto
make a more in-depth review of the proposed development, a more
complete design ofthe project is required.
11. Applicant will be required to bring the entire building to current code
requirements as part of any renovations. For further information, contact
the Building Department.
An engineering redlined check print is enclosed for the applicant's use in
making the requested revisions. This check print should be returned with the
formal application submittal to facilitate continued staff review.
Regarding any comments from the Engineering Department, please contact
Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer, at 760-602-2742.
March 20, 2009
Mr. Will Foss
City of Carlsbad
Building Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Foss,
RE: Professional Mechanical Engineer for Guayole Grill Restaurant Project
I am a local California-registered professional mechanical engineer, #M27436. This letter is to simply
inform you that I have been engaged to provide mechanical design and engineer's stamp for the project
known as Guayole's Grill, 2780 Carlsbad Blvd.
I will be providing plumbing, HVAC and Title 24 energy services.
Sachin Parlikar, the architectural designer on the project asked me to notify you of my involvement.
Although the name of my company indicated on this letterhead highlights my energy & water efficiency
work, in fact I have provided stamped designs for approximately eight restaurants in the San Diego area
during the past few years (though none I recall in Carlsbad.)
Feel free to call me as the project progresses for any reason.
David McKinley P.E.
President & Principal Engineer
m. (619) 857-3172
608 Hilo Way • Vista, CA 92081 • 760.414.9622 Phone / Fax • www.efficientco.com
FromlCASA ENGINEERING INC 858 695 2761 (B/23/2009 15:14 #003 P.OOl/Oai
CASA Engineering, Inc-
9225 Dowdy Drive Suite 220
San Diego CA 92126
Tel(858) 695-2761, Fax (858) 695-3367
Date: 03-19,2009
To: CityofCarlsbad
Project: TerraMar Enterprice
2780 Carlsbad Blvd.
Carkbad, Ca 92008.
Dear Sir or Madame;
1- I am the engineer who is working on the structural design and analysis for
the project descript ahove. The structural Frame and Foundation system can
be modified to meet current Building Code Standards as part of the
permitting process.
2- A complete lateral and vertical structural analysis ofthe exiting bmlding md
new addition will be made, and complying with the new Code.
In case you have any question call me @ (858)695-2761
Kame! Zayat
Ph.D./P.E California, SE Anzona.
Laura Robins 4
From: Will Foss
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 9:03 AM
To: Laura Robins
Subject: RE: Guayule's Grill, RP 08-61
I received the requested letters and will forward for your files. I have no additional comments. The issues I comment on
give the applicant advance notice and are resolved as part ofthe Building plancheck process.
Will Foss
Building Official
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad,CA. 92008-7314
T 760-602-2716
F 760-602-8560
From: Laura Robins
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:48 PM
To: Will Foss
Subject: Guayule's Grill, RP 08-61
Hi Will,
Sachin, the architect on Guayule's Grill, said he had turned in the letter you requested regarding the ability ofthe
structure to be brought to code. I was just wondering if you have any other comments to add to this project or if you
are considering It complete with conditions for the final permit Please let me know either way. If you have specific
conditions to add to the permit If you could please provide them in a separate document I would appreciate it.
Thank you,
Laura Robins
City of Carlsbad- Redevelopment
760-434-2810 ext 5017
Page 1 of 1
Laura Robins - RP 08-61
From: Clyde Wickham
To: Laura Robins; Terie Rowley
Date: 03/17/2009 9:42 AM
Subject: RP 08-61
CC: Glen Van Peski
Laura: Thanks for Including me In the minor revisions and final check of the RP 08-61 project "Guayoles Grill".
I have no futher Issues or comments, except my conditions of approval from a few weeks ago still remain. Thanks again.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Lrobi\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF7095GW-DomainPO-FD10... 03/17/2009
Fire Prevention Division
Land Use Review Report
Project number:
Staff Planner:
Gauyule's Grill
RP 08-61
L. Robins Engineer:
Proiect conditions: (Note: The following identifies specific conditions necessary to achieve
Fire Department approval.)
Fire Department has reviewed this submittal and has no comments at this time. If other
departments request revisions to this submittal, the impacts of those revisions may or may
not prompt additional fire department requirements.
March 5, 2009
TO: Will Foss, Building Department
Clyde Wickham, Engineering Department
Gregory Ryan, Fire Department
FROM: Laura Robins, Redevelopment Dept.
Re: Changes on plans for 3*^^ review of RP 08-61, Gauyule's Grill
In order to expedite review, please note that only the following changes have
been made on the included site plan for RP 08-61:
1. The compact parking spaces have been brought down to 40% of the total
2. The compact spaces have been labeled with a "C" on the site plan.
3. All the standard size parking spaces on the east and north sides of the
property have been increased to 170 square feet with a minimum width of
4. The disabled parking space has an unloading zone 8' wide on the
passenger side of the space.
5. The path of travel from the disabled parking space to the entrance has
been labeled.
6. The slope of the new disabled ramp is now shown at 1:12.
If possible, please review the changes and send back comments before the due
date in order to hasten the processing of this project.
If you have any questions, please contact me at x5017.
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
Gauyule's Grill
Page 2 of 3
RP 08-61
Staff has completed a review of the subject project for application completeness.
The applications and plans submitted for this project are incomplete at this time.
Please resubmit 4 sets of plans addressing the following incomplete items:
Housing and Redevelopment:
<»<tO ^- As shown on the plans, fifty-percent of the parking spaces are compact.
fi<£^lsC4^> Only forty-percent of the required parking spaces may be compact.
%i'jC^C\'<^ Please revise the plans so the compact parking standard can be met. All
other parking spaces must be standard size spaces, excluding the
disabled parking space.
C<^^ 2. The standard size parking spaces are shown on the site plan at 8.5' x
|2.CVis6^ 18.5'. Standard size parking spaces must be 170 square feet with a
. . minimum width of 8.5'.
3. Please label the compact parking spaces on the site plan.
7776 following comment stiall be a condition on the final permit:
(XONCM- 4. The semi-trailer currently stored at the rear of the property shall be
K M QOfS-me^ removed.
u-ErfiCA^ 1. Provide a letter from a licensed engineer or Architect indicating that the
Fi-^^jW) structural frame and foundation system can be modified to meet current
^Tict;c\oitf^ Building Code Standards as part of the permitting process. This is to be
^ ^ * turned in with the next plan submittal to Redevelopment.
^LAr4^/ 2. A complete lateral and vertical structural analysis of the existing building
OCn>\0t>) addition is required and will be checked with energy, mechanical,
At>(ryiysii accessibility etc. when complete construction plans are submitted to
DOi^O ^he building department at building permit submittal.
f t^6>^<^. Please show compliance with all FOG (Fat, Oil, and Grease) Ordinance
Met^hm/lcM Requirements, mainly by installing a grease interceptor outside the
restaurant. For more details about the FOG requirements, please contact
pv^^^ the City's contract plancheck company, EClS at 949-179-6578.
l>ud>> 4. Check exterior walls to property line for fire resistive protection at the
north and east property lines.
K-C-Gr 5. Please show the slope of the new disabled ramp (max slope of 8.33%
P^:A^\SCA9 (1:12)).
U\. '*> 6. Clearly show the path of travel from the disabled parking space and
sidewalk to entrance.
(2^>/t<w>? ^- disabled parking space unloading zone must be on the passenger
^ . ^ side and 8' wide.
..r Gauyule's Grill
Page 3 of 3
M6cjiAfHcA< 8. Note 19 on the plans shows that no HVAC work will be done for the new
<z^oo- layout. Please be aware that a new Type I Hood System is required with
suppression system.
6*i4^s<i-' 9. A Health Department and FOG Plancheck (EClS) is required.
Tr^Af* e-c<3 /MSC? rwiirr* ?sro (^Cr^t^iK-c^c^l
Regarding any comments from the Building Department, please contact Will
Foss, Building and Code Enforcement Manager, at 760-602-2716.
No comments at this time.
The following comments will be placed as conditions on the final permit:
1. Developer shall comply with the City's Stormwater Regulations, latest
version, and shall implement best management practices at all times.
Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution
treatment practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during
construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and
educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management
practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to
stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the
maximum extent practicable.
2. Developer shall complete and submit to the City Engineer a Project Threat
Assessment Form (PTAF) pursuant to City Engineering Standards.
Concurrent with the PTAF, the developer shall also submit the appropriate
Tier Level Storm Water Compliance Form and Tier Level Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as determined by the completed
PTAF all to the satisfaction ofthe City Engineer.
Regarding any comments from the Engineering Department, please contact
Clyde Wickham, Associate Engineer, at 760-602-2742.
City of Carlsbad
Engineering Development Services
February 12, 2009
To: LAURA ROBINS, Project Planner
From: CLYDE WICKHAM, Project Engineer
The Engineering Department has completed its review of the project. The Engineering Department is
recommending that the project be approved, subject to the following conditions:
Developer shall comply with the City's Stormwater Regulations, latest version, and shall
implement best management practices at all times. Best management practices include but are not
limited to pollution treatment practices or devices, erosion control to prevent silt runoff during
construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices,
maintenance procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the
discharge of pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the
maximum extent practicable.
Developer shall complete and submit to the City Engineer a Project Threat Assessment Form
(PTAF) pursuant to City Engineering Standards. Concurrent with the PTAF, Developer shall
also submit the appropriate Tier level Storm Water Compliance form and Tier level Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as determined by the completed PTAF all to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer.
Page 1 of 1
Building Comments 2/24/09
1. Provide a letter from a licensed engineer or Architect indicating that the structural
frame and foundation system can be modified to meet current Building Code
Standards as part of the permitting process. This is to be turned in with the next
plan submittal to Redevelopment.
2. A complete lateral and vertical structural analysis of the existing building and
new addition is required and will be checked with energy, mechanical, and
accessibility etc. when complete construction plans are submitted to the building
department at building permit submittal.
3. Please show compliance with all FOG (Fat, Oil, and Grease) Ordinance
Requirements, mainly by installing a grease Interceptor outside the restaurant.
For more details about the FOG requirements, please contact the City's contract
plancheck company, EClS at 949-179-6578.
4. Check exterior walls to property line for fire resistive protection at the north and
east property lines.
5. Please show the slope of the new disabled ramp (max slope of 8.33% (1:12)).
6. Clearly show the path of travel from the disabled parking space and sidewalk to
7. The disabled parking space unloading zone must be on the passenger side and
8' wide.
8. Note 19 on the plans shows that no HVAC work will be done for the new layout.
Please be aware that a new Type I Hood System is required with suppression
9. A Health Department and FOG Plancheck (EClS) is required.
Regarding any comments from the Building Department, please contact Will Foss,
Building and Code Enforcement Manager, at 760-602-2716.
City of Carlsbad
January 2, 2009
TO: Laura Robins, Housing and Redevelopment
FROM: Clyde Wickham, Engineering
APN 203-172-14
Engineering Department staff has completed a review of the application submittal
documents for application completeness. The application and plans submitted for this
project are incomplete. Prior to next submittal, it is suggested the following items are
adequately addressed.
Incomplete Items
1. As part of the formal application, prepare and submit a Storm Water Standards
Questionnaire to determine storm water priority status. This must be signed by the
applicant/owner. From staffs cursory review this qualifies as a priority project for water
quality, therefore a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be prepared and
submitted to:
a) Identify post-development on-site pollutants-of-concern.
b) Identify the hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired water bodies
that would be impacted by this project.
c) Recommend source controls and treatment controls that will be implemented with
this project to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water to the
maximum extent practicable before discharging to City right-of-way, sensitive
habitat or natural water course.
d) Show low impact design (LID) features incorporated into the project.
e) Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine clean up. Special
considerations and effort shall be applied to resident education on the proper
procedures for handling clean up and disposal of pollutants.
f) Outline property owner testing and maintenance requirements for all post-
construction BMPs to ensure their effectiveness.
g) Provide hydraulic/hydrologic calculations to verify that numeric sizing criteria is
met for filtration/treatment of the site.
2. Provide a hydrology study that addresses the proposed storm drain system, detention
system sizing, pre and post-development run-off figures, inlet sizing, etc.
3. Revise the exhibits to incorporate all water quality measures (treatment control and Low
Impact Design (LID) measures), identified in the Storm Water Management Plan
RP 08-61, Gauyules Gr~ Page 2 of 3
4. Show all existing and/or proposed topography and drainage patterns for the site including
existing off-site drainage system that this project discharges into. Revise the plans to
indicate how on-site surface runoff is controlled.
5. Show existing contours to cover at least 50' beyond the property lines or to cover
sufficient area to show drainage area affecting the site.
6. Indicate the volume of grading (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed for the project
in cubic yards. It appears a grading permit will be required for this project.
7. Show all existing surface improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving, access-holes,
inlets, power poles, street lights, adjacent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.) along
Carlsbad Blvd. and Christiansen Way.
8. Please indicate all existing and proposed utilities (i.e., storm drain, water, sewer, etc.)
that will serve the development. Indicate gravity flow of sewer facilities by showing invert
9. Please identify the proposed Lot Line Adjustment of adjacent parcel (APN 303-172-14 &
15) and whether the existing lots will be merged or kept as-is. Some of the access and
parking may impact property lines and reciprocal easement rights. The project may
function better as one property, which is why merging may be considered. Staff is
available to discuss this further.
10. Provide street cross sections with right of way information for Carlsbad Blvd, and
Christiansen Way. It appears that additional dedication may be required to provide right
of way for Carlsbad Blvd. and for the curb return at Christiansen Way.
11. Add the project application number (RP 08-61) to the upper right corner of the site plan.
Engineering Concerns
1. The proposed site plan does not show adequate information. Please be advised that in
order to make a more in-depth review of the proposed development, a more complete
design ofthe project is required.
2. Identify the existing finished floor elevation of adjacent structures (or elevations just next
to the structures). This requirement demonstrates how the project relates to existing
adjacent development.
3. Recommend source control and treatment control best management practices (BMPs)
that will be implemented with this project. Stormwater pollutants from the project must be
treated to the maximum extent practicable before exiting the project site and discharging
to City right-of-way or existing public storm drain system.
4. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) as part of the project design. Show all
proposed storm water BMPs and LID on the site plan.
RP 08-61, Gauyules GnW Page 3 of 3
5. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required
forthis project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, etc.).
6. Revise the exhibits to show the loading zones that each building will have. We
understand new parking stalls are proposed where old loading zones are, but will existing
loading zones remain? Please callout on the plans.
7. The proposed location of trash enclosure has a conflict with proposed parking. Call-
out enclosures per Carlsbad Standard drawing GS-16.
8. Please comply with all other comments shown on the red-lined plans.
9. Revise the plan to indicate the ADT (traffic), EDU's (sewer), GPM (potable water)
generated or required by the proposed development. Storm Drain Runoff and drainage
basin information is also requested to assist final review.
10. This preliminary review does not constitute a complete review of the proposed project
and additional items of concern may be identified upon formal project application
submittal. Please be advised that in order to make a more in-depth review of the
proposed development, a more complete design ofthe project is required.
11. Applicant will be required to bring the entire building to current code requirements as part
of any renovations. For further information, contact the Building Department.
An engineering redlined check print is enclosed for the applicants use in making the requested
revisions. This check print should be returned with the formal application submittal to
facilitate continued staff review.
If you or the applicant has any questions, please either see or call me at 760-602-2742.
Red-lined Site Plan.
c: Glen Van Peski, Senior Civil Engineer
Fire Prevention Division
Project number:
Staff Planner:
Land Use Review Report
Gauyule's Grill
RP 08-61
L. Robins Engineer:
Proiect conditions: (Note: The following identifies specific conditions necessary to achieve
Fire Department approval.)
Fire Department has reviewed this submittal and has no comments at this time. If other
departments request revisions to this submittal, the impacts of those revisions may or may
not prompt additional fire department requirements.
Date: December 10, 2008
Planning Department -Water District
V Engineering Department - G. VAN
Police Department
V Building Department -W. FOSS School District
V Fire Department - G. RYAN North County Transit District
Landscape Plancheck Consultant City Attorney
To Departments: Subject: RP 08-61
The attached plans and corresponding application for an Administrative Redevelopment
Permit have been submitted for property located at 2780 Carlsbad Boulevard. Please review
the attached plans and additional information provided by the applicant and forward your
comments to my office by Thursday, January 7th. Thank you for your assistance.
Project Title: Gauyule's Grill
Permit No.: RP 08-61
Applicant: Terramar Enterprise
Brief Description of Proposal: Applicant is requesting to convert existing retail space to
restaurant space. The application also includes a remodel of the existing building with the
addition of a covered patio and accessible restrooms.
Assigned staff member: Laura Robins
Comments: {Please e-mail/send comments to Laura Robins in ttie Housing & Redevelopment
C^Sfii^^ c7?^^)^ jpumyi ^u^MJTeo TO Trie m^iPfAJlr-
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(12/29/2008) Laura Robins - Re: Current JOG Ordinance Reqs i Page 1 1^
From: Will Foss
To: Laura Robins
Date: 12/24/2008 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Current FOG Ordinance Reqs
The ordinance is on DMS, but the bottom line is he will have to install a grease interceptor outside the restaurant He can
contact our contract plancheck company ECIS @949.179.6578 Jon Kinley for more information.
Will Foss
Building Official
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Ave.
Carlsbad, California
FAX 760.602.8560
»> Laura Robins 12/24/2008 8:37 AM >>>
Thank you for sending back comments so quickly. I was looking them over and noticed the need for the applicant to show
compliance with current FOG ordinance. Is there somewhere I can locate those online or could you please send the information to
me so I can pass it on to the applicant? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Laura Robins
Planning Technician
City of Carlsbad
Redevelopment Department
760-434-2810 ext 5017