HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 10-34; Cafe Topes; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (4)^ CITY OF
Development Services
Land Development Engineering
1635 Faraday Avenue
To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from deveiopment projects, the City requires that new
development and significant redevebpment priority projects incorporate Pemianent Storm Water Best Managennent
Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP).
Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applk:ant in advance of submitting for a development application
(subdivision, discretionary permits and/or constructbn permits). The results of the questionnaire detemnine the level of
storm water standards that must be appiied to a proposed deveiopment or redevelopment project. Depending on the
outconne, your project will either be subject to Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject additional criteria
called 'Priority Devebpment Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design a^e dependent upon the
storm water standards applied to a project
Applicant responses to the questbnnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and
impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submissbn of the devebpment appibation.
If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water
standards than initially assessed by the appiicant, this will result in the return of the devebpment applicatbn as
incomplete. In this case, piease make the changes to the questbnnaire and resubmit to the City.
If applicants are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help In determining how to respond to one or more of
the questions, they are advised to seek assistance from Land Deveiopment Engineering staff.
A separate completed and signed questbnnaire must be submitted for each new development appibatbn submissbn.
Only one completed and signed questbnnaire is required when multiple development applbations for the same project
are submitted concurrently. In additbn to this questionnaire, applicants for construction permits must aiso compiete,
sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form to address constructbn aspects ofthe project.
Piease answer the questions below, follow the instructions and sign the forni at the end.
1. Is your pmject a significant redevetopment?
Significant redevelopment is defined as the creation, addttion or replacement of at least 5,000 square feet of
impervious surtace on an already existing devetoped site.
Significant redevelopment includes, but is not limited to: the expansion of a buitoing footpnnt; addition to or
replacement of a structure; structural development including an increase in gross ftoor area and/or exterior
construction remodeling; replacement of an impen/ious surtace that is not part of a routine maintenance activity; and
land disturbing activiies related with structural or impervtous surtaces. Replacement of impervious surtaces indudes
any activity that is not part of a routine maintenance activity where impervtous material(s) are removed, exposing
underiying soil during constmction.
If your pmject IS considered significant redevelopment, then ptease skip Sectton 1 and proceed with Sectton 2.
If your project IS NOT considered significant redevetopment then please proceed to Sectton 1.
E-34 Page 1 of 3 REV 4/30/10
Development Services
land Devrio^nwM EngliMCriiic
1635 Faradty Avenue
Piw» you propel mwt Qm or mor* of th» f^l^wwfig criljfig: YES NO
t4amima multftiMii^ tii 10 ar am <A»w4iiiMi UBH^ ExBmpIss smgle family homes. mutti-fBn% homm X
Cojiwianriirf'- omitBr iftan f^acra Anw deM^oiamenl ether tttan heavy indtffitry or resKlential. ExarnfMes: hoeiNlBlB:
li^orartones and olticr medlical Mlities; emotional inslitutjoRi; lecientore^ fisdWe*: rnuiiioip«i f>ciHN««; WIWKUM
ni^dn; frNMN«partment bMUinga. car waili fadHiM; flinl'nvilta «M1 ottier butMess oair^iemt. iii<Qpfiing maiNe;
hoieii: Offlce tnmtt» Public wereHoiaea: mtomm^ deeteahlpi. airteldt. and ottw Hahft *ntiu«W«» tedHtet
indumtwimi / faAnrtrv* iim»#T nf-it f «e— Ex«mple»: manwfactwtrg pl(H)|», fbod pfoc«9»ing $4artt», metal
ywrtang fedlitee. jxinting pfante, wid fleet etoniBB aroae (bua, tmcfc. ate i X
gyfi^ii|gyajj^^^too A^lty ea4«eoriBecl in any ene Of Stantfaiti lnK}u9|rial Cta««ificatiori fSC) CO^ 5013^
(, W)d 7536-7S3d X
p^atwiWBie. Any facility ^ $eii« pt^»ed loc4« arid drinM ix otmumptiofi inohiding $taHoriary fwid) oounlert
and reftmlwrem etancte Betting pfeparsii foods and dnnfts tor frvrodiaie canswnpuon (SIC cotSa 5612), Mtere the
lati^ araa for ^welopn^t ia grvMar than 5,000 aquare feet Reatauranta whete land development ia leva than 5.O00
aquare faat aiialt meal ai SUSMP raquiramanta axcapt for itnioiyret iras^nent BMP and numenc aiarina crilimi
maujoementt and hvdromedHcaiUcn iCQulwnenta.
l^fMm .trntfrniaoinmBt Any development thai cyaaiea &,QO0 $quafe feet or miiervioua aurface and i* loeatad in an
araa VMO^ itnowA eroaive aoii oonditi^ «vhare the devetopment wi ^ac^ on any nattviai aicipe that ia twenty 4^
D&ment I29%> w oreater. X
7. FmHtonmmratMy ^MWVia Mima fESAi' All deweincnient locflted mtmn or dMectK» wtBoant* in nr titorhiMipin^
diredly' to an ESA (where ^iad«arge» fron» the devdopment or redevelopn^rn will enter receiving watera wWw t^
ESA), vHhicK ^^lar craatea 2,900 aquara faal of impervioi» vrnfm on a propoaad profact aile or incraaan thawaa
of imcefviouaneaa or a propoaad orofea ale io 10% or more of iia naturally oecurtina oondiiion^
8 PmHunalol Are* Cf SvOOO aq«iare teet or mor$, orwith l^ormorepatking apaoea. and pOta*Hialy«i90a«d lo urtan
runoff X
9 ^etrpo*. mifc hkAwa^ and hmtmrnwr Any paved »iiriiaoe that i» 5.QQ0 aquare fiaet or greater uaed Kor the
tran^xirtatton of autontotiiea. »ucto, irnotorcydes. and oAher vehe^
Reiwa QaaoHne Qutiieit Senrir^ more 109 vehidiea per day and graater than &>0(X) aquare feet
11 CaaaM D^vtoomant 2oM Anv proved tocated wiMn 200 feat of the Pacific Ocaan and (t) ciaatea more than
2500 aquane ieet of jmpenneiable aurface or (2) incresBaa irnpernne>able surfaoe on pr^^perty by more than 10% X
12 tfgff iMff yjfiff Bf
oonsKlefBda intHpaneraMio
Project reauta MI the tUaturtance of more than i aere m more of land ai^ %
pment Prq^ect^. X
*. EiwiunmiUiy ScraitMe Aicas ndude but aie rot limted ta al Cleai Wasf Ad Secban 303(d) mpand water oodles araoB desgnaiedi as Areas tt Stieoal
ewteilieai $ignjhearie» ay the Smt mm R««Mfee» Cwwoi aoaiti <MMef Quel^r Ctnw Pim tor tfie San O«go Sasn (taai^ ane «r«mdm«<«a^ water aoae*
Jeaiyted wrtti tne 1»PBE. berencia UH by 9ie Stale WMar Re wo roes Contiol Board fWMer Ouriity Control flan far tit Son Dmjo 9mm |1BB«i and awendirwnt^
ansas desipiaaeil as presantes <r itieir «c9ji»atcnt under die WMh Species Conseralun Pmgiam wthn 'tie COes and County of Sin Oe^o; and any otter equnolenc
Mwtnnmirlaly senoitti^a anMt wHch taut bMn UanMad the Capamdaas
; 'DiraOty ai|aanr RiMrv SMUKHI Miirt 300 teat ttia Emienwraiy Sanatth* Ana.
3 -DiMh»v>ng 0Kitraean* owdicw ftvn » Ofwnaot c«ft*«yan8« tijum fhm 4 »mp«»«) emira^ «f «««« noi^ «wG#«f daMiiopm^iK or matvtiopnient aw. and not cofwrtrtgtoe <««h novr mm aeiaoat
* Pe*jiin(*a«nmang CMveiorrAtM F^r^jKo m moM pr£i««t» gemraei pmjam st leveia ar«ettr UMTI bet»ground n genaral tftatM nduot ail pfiQiMto
fiff ooraibtaa io an aneaaeansa to in imiMiiiM KaMNr body or W*H^ cmm tmt impaivieM tmrtaoM graatar *>in 5000 mMaia rati anttior inoocbot na* iBn^dvmo
m» raqui'v fXMHim uw or f^'Hitara and m mew c»»«ft tn«ar pim««y p«Qie«ea ti>« ai» ior ir^0r«qi4iK w$h<>e aadi M «m«rgency or mainiwtm^
tteeaMi er «fir aasNMtiMn er btsyeiB uta mm ujuwjwed PoiiAim^enennna OMlsvment Pmecn d any are aun «iai p«rMus tufaew or it nwy «ha«i How »
.M you ansfMrtMd YES to ANY of ihe iiueations above your prelect is iuAftdt io Pnority DewetopiMMl Preiec^ le^arementau Pleaae dheeii lhe
imeets PRIORtTY DEVELOfHlieNrT PROJECT requrements' txix n Secbon 1 A Stofm Warter Management Plan, prepared in acoontanae with
Stonm Vyalar SmtwOs mint 0* subtrraltaMl at tima of applican
V you anawered NO to ALL of the «)uest»ns above tten fom projed cs subject to Standard frfaonmNrter ftequtrnaiita. Pleaae chedc the 'does
not rnael PDP wquireffwttt'be»iti Section 3
Page 2 of 3 REV 400^10
Land DeveloiNneiit Giiglnc«rfaig
1G35 Faraday Avenue
Cgmpiata the qwaa<iotfa balow mwnliiig your radMpaaloiwiiant pwaaet: YES NO
1. Profiict rmuMi in ^ diaturtiBnoa of mom than i-ac^ or nrana of land end is ocH«sk>e«Bd a Paftuteint-9»n««ling
tf y<w anaMBPBd NO, pleese pfOoeedlOQueBlion 2.
tf you onsMered VES, then you ARE a aipiiicwit redevekvnrani and you ARE aut^ to PRIORfTY DEVELOPiENT PRO«IECT
nst>tiirepwe«ti Pleaaia chec* ihe 'rt>ae<a PRIORITY cgVEiOPft^Ni PROJgCT reqtffr»mani$' ttoy in Section 3 bai>w
2. la ^ prefect fPdewta|HngOT«»tingprwnt^ (Prioiity prqecta are <»e<ineti in Seclion H |
rx If yon an$M«r«d YES. pieaaa procead io queation 3
If wmfVi NO. ^ you ARE NOT a figiMllcaiit fedewebcrnent and your project it tiAject lo STANCMRO STORMWATER
REQUIREMBNTS. Pleaea check ttw 'ctow not mast POP naquirementa^ &o« m Sactkw Z tskm.
la W*e propart jfij^ M»4 to iual one of ^ Wlowing:
a TnPK^ang ami raaur^ng aiaaociated with utility woik?
ReayrfaoMg arxi leeonRguhngaxistiflgai^imisarhirig loto
c New aidawalk oonatriKliw. pedes^^ nar^. or bike lane on piMic arvd^sr private eNiating rgad^'7
d ReplaoBment of existins^ dBmaged pawement?
tfyou ansNvered NOto AU. of theqvea«on$, thenpfoceed to que«tion4.
If you ivitwef«d YES to ANY of m questbna chen you ARE NOT a t\qmcm redsveioprriem *fld your piojeei ia tiitojeet io StamtaRl
Storm watar Wa«wiliaw>afHB. Pteaaa clwdt the 'doea noi meet POP faoiiiieniwWa' box in Section 3 brtow
vm your ledeveiqpment project create, replace, or add at leaat 5,000 aquare feal of in^rvioua surfiaoea on an exiating
dervBlapmeitt or, be locaied wttMi 200 teeto^ the Pacific Ooeen atti (1 )CfBBae inare tt^ 2500 squara teet oi
t/you ansMered YES. you ARE aalgftiicant f«elevelopment and you ARE it^SfBd: to PRIORrTY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT re<^iferfienta.
Pleaae chat* ^ *meat» PRIORfTY OEVELOPf^NT PROJECT reqimmahli' box inSednn 3 b#aw
tf you ar^nwered NO. tfien you ARE NOT a aigmficant redevelopment and your project ia aubject lo STANDARD STORMWATER
REQUIREMENTS Plwaa ^wck lha *tkm not mgrt PDP raqgtremama' bo* in Sactio« 3 balow
ti^ project meeta PRIORITY OEVELOPMENT PROJECT <POP) reouiremen^ and mm oom^iy with Addttioflei atormwaier erfteria
per the SUSMP and rtwat prepaife a ^tomn "ifiMer Marmgertteitt Plan for aubmittat al tine of application.
My protect doea not meat POP n»qi»fernemB ano muat only corriply with STANIMRD STORIIWATER REQUIREMENTS par the
Appboanl trtformatton wmi Signatura BOK
3091 Roosevelt Stfwt
Aaaanoft Paroel NumbeitB):
Apphcant Nmrw:
Robert Rlchar^iv
Ai^lcant Titte
Agerrtof Owner
Oat* /
£44 Paga 3 of 3 ReV4QQllO