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RP 10-46; SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER; Redevelopment Permits (RP)
The City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Service Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: August 3, 2011 Application complete date: April 19, 2011 Project Planner: Austin Silva Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER - Request for a recommendation of approval of a Major Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow the construction of a mixed-use development project consisting of 5,029 square feet of commercial/retail space and 5,793 square feet of office space on the property located at 880 Carlsbad Village Drive in Land Use District 2 of the Village Review Zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6794 and 6795 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of RP 10-46 and CDP 10-32 to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Section 21.35.080 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, new construction of a building within the Village Area that has a building permit valuation greater than $150,000 requires approval of a Major Review Permit and any subsequent amendments. The project also requires approval of a Coastal Development Permit because the project is located in the Village segment of the Coastal Zone. In accordance with Major Review Permit procedures, the two permits are being brought forward for a recommendation by the Planning Commission and will be submitted for final approval by the City Council. There are no unresolved issues and staffs recommendation of approval with conditions is supported by the following analysis. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The proposed project consists of a request for a Major Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit to construct a 10,822 square foot, two-story, mixed-use building. Project Site/Setting The project is located at 880 Carlsbad Village Drive on the northwest corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding Street in District 2 of the Village Review zone as shown on the attached location map. The subject property totals 13,699 square feet and is currently vacant. Previously, the site was occupied by a 76 gas station, car wash and small retail building which were demolished within the past few years. All hazardous materials have been cleared from the site. The site is bordered by a two-story office building to the north, a bank across the alley to the west, a parking lot for the Carlsbad Christian Assembly across Carlsbad Village Drive to the south, and gas station across Harding Street to the east. RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER August 3,2011 PAGE 2 Proposed Construction The applicant is proposing to construct a two-story, 10,822 square foot mixed-use building consisting of 5,029 square feet of ground floor commercial/retail space and 5,793 square feet of second floor office space. The ground floor will be divided into four suites, three dedicated towards retail uses and one for a coffee shop, tea room, or take-out food establishment. The second floor will be divided to create four office suites and two bathrooms, one with a shower available to employees who choose to ride their bicycle to work. The office suites will utilize tall ceilings and natural light with the use of dormers and windows in a tower feature of the building. It is anticipated that the enhanced design of the office space will attract architects, graphic artists, interior designers and other professionals in the design field. The building incorporates Craftsman architectural elements with the use of beige vertical siding, extensive use of creek rock on the ground floor, exposed rafters, dormers, decorative vents on the dormers and gable ends, and Craftsman style lighting fixtures. A tower feature provides a focal point for the project at the corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding Street. Large windows accented by canvas awnings are used for the retail space to increase the visibility of merchandise along the storefronts on Carlsbad Village Drive. Portions of the second floor are setback along Carlsbad Village Drive to help reduce the massing of the building and to create balcony space for the offices. Craftsman style windows are enhanced with trim, shutters and flower boxes. In an effort to enhance the pedestrian environment along Carlsbad Village Drive, the building is located close to the sidewalk. This also helps in screening the surface parking lot from Carlsbad Village Drive. Proposed Grading Cut: 300 CY Fill: 186 CY Export: 300 CY Impact on Coastal Resources The proposal consists of a mixed-use development in an area that is currently developed; no agricultural activities, sensitive resources, geological instability, flood hazards or coastal access opportunities exist onsite; and the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public right-of-ways or otherwise damage the visual beauty of the Coastal Zone. IV. ANALYSIS The proposed project amendments are subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Village (V) General Plan Land Use designation; and B. Village Review Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), District 2 (Village Master Plan and Design Manual); and C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Village Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.81 and Village Master Plan and Design Manual); and The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulation and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER August 3, 2011 PAGE 3 A. Village (V) General Plan Land Use designation The Carlsbad General Plan includes the following goals for the Village: 1) a City which preserves, enhances and maintains the Village as a place for living, working, shopping, recreation, civic and cultural functions while retaining the Village atmosphere and pedestrian scale; 2) a City which creates a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging activities that traditionally locate in a pedestrian-oriented downtown area, including offices, restaurants, and specialty shops; 3) a City which encourages new economic development in the Village and near transportation corridors to retain and increase resident-serving uses; and 4) a City that encourages a variety of complementary uses to generate pedestrian activity and create a lively, interesting social environment and a profitable business setting. The proposed project is consistent with the goals for the Village, as outlined within the General Plan, because it provides for a mix of office and commercial/retail uses in an appropriate location within the Village. This in turn provides greater employment opportunities, enhances the pedestrian orientation of the area, and retains the Village character and pedestrian scale through adherence to the land use regulations and design guidelines set forth for the area. The project's proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit will help to further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Furthermore, the project will provide a strong street presence with extensive architectural relief, including outdoor decks looking out over the adjacent streets. B. Village Review Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), District 2 (Village Master Plan and Design Manual) The proposed project meets the goals that have been identified in the Village Master Plan and Design Manual by providing new construction of a mixed-use project in the Village. The specific development standards for new development within Land Use District 2 are as follows: Building Setbacks The Village Master Plan and Design Manual set forth the standard for the front, rear and side yard setbacks for the property. In Land Use District 2, there are no minimum or maximum side or rear setback requirements, with the exception that at grade parking lots must be set back a minimum of 5 feet from any property line for landscaping purposes. The front yard setback requirement for the ground floor portion of the proposed building is 0 feet, with a 10 foot average setback for the second floor and above. All setbacks are measured from property lines. Within the proposed project, the front yard setback for the ground floor of the building is 0 feet. However, the setback gradually increases to 4 feet 7 inches as the building meets the west property line. Both the west and east side yards have a zero foot setback while the rear portion of the proposed building has a setback of 47 feet. To approve the project submitted by the applicant, a standards modification will be required to reduce the 10 foot average setback for the second floor to an average of 5.1 feet with the use of balconies, and to reduce the setback requirement for the at grade parking lot from the minimum of 5 feet from any property line to 3 feet 2 inches for landscaping purposes. The applicant has proposed a 3 foot tall green screen fence with vines to assist in hiding the parking area. RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER Augusts, 2011 PAGE 4 Standards Modification: The Village Master Plan and Design Manual allows the City Council to approve development standard modifications where the applicant can provide acceptable evidence that a requested development standard modification is necessary in order for silver level or higher LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Certification, or a comparable green building rating, and to maintain the financial feasibility of the development with such certification. Standards modifications are also permitted for projects which assist the City in meeting the goals and objectives set forth with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, such as providing for redevelopment of blighted or underutilized properties and/or mixed-use developments. The applicant is requesting a standards modification for the building setbacks and parking. The setback modification will be discussed in this section, and the parking modification will be addressed later in this report. As noted above, the applicant has requested approval of a standards modification to allow for the reduction from a required 10 foot average setback on the second floor to a 5.1 foot average setback. According to the applicant, implementation of the 10 foot average setback requirement will result in a loss of 704 square feet of office space on the second floor, which has a negative impact on the financial feasibility of the development. The request for a standards modification also includes a reduction from a 5 foot setback requirement for the at grade parking lot to a 3 foot 2 inch setback to be used for landscaping only. Without this reduction for the parking landscape area, the building will lose 542 square feet of floor space on the first and second floors, which again impacts the financial feasibility of the development. The applicant has determined that the additional 1,246 square feet of floor area that would be realized with the noted standards modifications for the setback requirements is a necessary incentive in order to construct a building that will receive a silver or higher LEED certification. In order to achieve the silver level LEED certification, a project must receive 50-59 points out of a possible 110 points on the LEED project checklist (see attached assessment). Some features that the project will use to achieve the certification include the redevelopment of a former brown field site, close proximity to public transit, water use reduction, water efficient landscaping, re-use of materials, and the use of regional materials and low-emitting materials. To justify the expense of these development features, the additional square footage of leasable space is necessary. Staff is supportive of the standards modification for the noted setback requirements as the applicant will be constructing a "green" building and providing a well designed, attractive and desirable project in the Village. The proposed development is well articulated with balconies and other interesting design features, which negates the need for the average 10 foot setback on the second floor. In addition, the applicant has proposed an alternate design feature for the parking lot landscaping which will provide adequate screening and appropriate enhancements for the at grade parking lot. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the requested standards modifications for the noted setback requirements. Building Coverage All projects in Land Use District 2 may have up to 100% building coverage. For the proposed project, the building coverage is 38.13%. Therefore, it satisfies the building coverage standard. Building Height The maximum building height limit for Land Use District 2 is 45 feet. A building height of 38' feet is proposed. Therefore, the building height is in compliance with the standard set forth in the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER August 3, 2011 PAGES Roof Pitch All projects in Land Use District 2 are required to have a 5:12 roof pitch on at least 50% of the total roof structure. The roof for the proposed project incorporates a 6:12 pitch on the entire roof structure, which ensures its compliance with the roof pitch development standard. Open Space A minimum of 20% of the property must be maintained as open space. The open space must be devoted to landscaped pedestrian amenities in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual, and, per the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, open space may be dedicated to landscaped planters, open space pockets and/or connections, roof gardens, balconies, and/or patios. Qualified open space for the proposed project includes: landscape and hardscape on the ground floor of the sides and rear of the building, the common patio/deck, and private balconies on the second and third floor. The project provides for a total of 3,344 square feet of open space, which represents 24% of the site and is consistent with the open space standard. Parking The parking requirement for the office and commercial/retail portion of the project is one parking space per 300 square feet of net floor area. A commercial suite on the ground floor has been dedicated for use by a coffee shop, tea room, or take-out food establishment, which has a parking requirement of one space per 200 square feet of net floor area. As designed and without parking standards modifications, the parking requirement for the 8,692 square feet of net floor area of commercial retail/office space is 29 spaces, and the proposed 1,085 square feet for a coffee shop, tea room, or take-out food establishment has a parking requirement of 5 spaces. The total requirement for parking is 34 spaces. The project provides 16 parking spaces in an at grade parking lot at the rear of the building, and is eligible to participate in the Parking-In-Lieu Fee program for an additional 9 spaces at a total cost of $101,160 ($11,240/space). The applicant is requesting a standards modification for the proposed development to allow for an approximately 27% reduction in the total parking requirement for the development, a decrease in the total parking requirement from 34 to 25, with 16 spaces provided on site and the parking in-lieu fee paid for 9 spaces total. Standards Modification When considering revisions to the Village Master Plan and Design Manual in 2007, the City Council indicated it would give case-by-case consideration to a standards modification that resulted in the reduction of the overall parking requirement for a development if the developer agreed to implement programs that support the use of public/alternate transportation and/or were located within close proximity of public transit. The applicant is requesting the noted parking reduction because the development is located within 1,500 feet of a public bus stop and within 1/2 mile of the commuter rail station. In addition, the applicant is constructing a building that will be certified at the LEED silver level which will provide for secure bicycle racks, shower and changing facilities, preferred parking for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles and reduced vehicle parking capacity to encourage the use of alternate forms of transportation, including public transportation, for both customers and employees. The applicant understood that there might be some concerns about the reduction in on-site parking, especially during peak periods. Therefore, to help offset the parking reductions, the applicant has voluntarily entered into a parking agreement with the Carlsbad Christian Assembly who owns a parking lot directly across the street (Carlsbad Village Drive) that is not utilized RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER Augusts, 2011 PAGE 6 Monday through Saturday. Employees of the development will be encouraged to utilize this church parking lot. This will ensure that more of the on-site parking is available for customers Monday through Saturday. The parking agreement is not proposed as a requirement to meet the parking standard, rather it provides additional parking during the hours and days that parking is anticipated to have the most demand. Staff is supportive of the request for the proposed parking reduction, and recommends approval of this requested standards reduction. The proposed development will assist in the continuing effort to revitalize the Village by providing for: 1) a higher intensity and mixed-use development within walking distance of the transit station; 2) additional retail space in a visually prominent location; 3) well designed office space that will attract high quality tenants; and 4) elimination of a blighting influence of a vacant, underutilized site in the primary entryway to the Village Area. The applicant has been able to provide for an alternate location to park vehicles should the demand exceed the onsite capacity of the development. This helps to ensure that the parking reduction will not have a negative impact on surrounding properties during peak periods and/or times of bad weather. C. Coastal Development Regulations for the Village Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.81 and Village Master Plan and Design Manual) The site for the proposed project is located within the Village Segment of the Coastal Zone. Consistency with the Village Local Coastal Program is required for this project. The Village Master Plan and Design Manual function as the Local Coastal Program for the Village area. Therefore, as long as the project is consistent with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, the project is consistent with the Local Coastal Program. Staff finds the proposed project to be consistent with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual and therefore the Local Coastal Program as discussed in the prior section. In addition to the development standards set forth within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, new developments within the coastal zone of the Village Area must be designed to minimize energy consumption and vehicle miles traveled and provide substitute means of serving developments with public transportation. Developers are required to provide incentives for alternate transit use. As noted within this report, the proposed project has been designed to meet a LEED Silver certification which includes features that minimize energy consumption and encourage the use of alternate transit, such as bicycles and walking by providing for secure bicycle racks, shower and changing facilities, preferred parking for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles and reduced vehicle parking capacity. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, the project is categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of an environmental document pursuant to section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines as an in-fill project. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the Planning Director upon project approval. RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 - SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER August 3,2011 PAGE? ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No.6794 (RP) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6795 (CDP) 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Standards Modification Justification Letters From Applicant 7. LEED Project Checklist 8. Reduced Exhibits 9. Exhibits "A" - "J" dated August 3, 2011 S/7E MAP NOT TO SCALE Seaside Village Corner RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: RP 10-46/CDP 10-32 CASE NAME: SEASIDE VILLAGE CORNER APPLICANT: Elizabeth Speck REQUEST AND LOCATION: To allow the construction of a mixed-use development consisting of 5,029 square feet of commercial/retail and 5J93 square feet of office space on the property located at 880 Carlsbad Village Drive. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 29. 30, 31 and 32. in block 56 of amended map of the town, of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 775, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 15, 1894. Excepting from said Lot 32, that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Carlsbad by deeds recorded October 2, 1990 as file nos. 90-538340 and 90-53841 both of official records of said San Diego County. APN: 203-354-16 Acres: 31 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: N/A GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: V (Village) Proposed Land Use Designation: V (Village) Density Allowed: 35 du/ac Density Proposed: N/A Existing Zone: VR (Village Review), District 2 Proposed Zone: VR (Village Review), District 2 Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site VR (Village Review) V (Village) Vacant North VR (Village Review) V (Village) Commercial(office) South VR (Village Review) V (Village) Parking lot for church East VR (Village Review) V (Village) Commercial(gas station) West VR (Village Review) V (Village) Commercial(bank) LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: EX] Yes | | No Local Coastal Program Segment: Village Within Appeal Jurisdiction: [~| Yes EX] No Coastal Development Permit: [X] Yes | | No Local Coastal Program Amendment: I I Yes [X] No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: Mixed-Use Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: Mixed- Use Existing LCP Zone: VR Proposed LCP Zone: VR Revised 01/06 PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 9 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1X1 Categorical Exemption, Section 15332 (In-fill development project on less than 5 acres) I | Negative Declaration, issued [~~1 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated_ D Other, Revised 01/06 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT p_ 4/A\ Services Planning Department 163 S Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carisbadea.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate,, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other polfical subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit" Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. ' " 1, APPLICANT (Not the applicant' s agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application, if the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of ai! individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary,) Corp/Part &J&-&C4L, Title _ Person Title Pl2-€£>i£>e:Njr Address PE 6o/y\fts> Address t>e: Off OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). if the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ^>gVM---------Title Corp/Part ._£»jee£4l-- Title Address j^g.^Pe Address p-1 (A)1 at 2 Revised 04/OS 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST hi) pr if any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is 3 nonprofit organization or a trust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trusiee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust. Non Profit/Trust Title Title Address.Address 4, Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Yes V | No If yes, please indicate person{s);_ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary, I certify that ail the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sig/ature 0? owner/date \2-l S/IC Signature of Applicant/date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant1 s agent P-1JA)Page 2 of 2 Revised 04/OS LYONS WARREN engineers + architects j 9455 Ridgehaven Court j Suite 200 I San Diego, CA 92123-1649 wwwJyonswarren.com Attn: Austin Silva City of Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services RE: Bureck Capital Mixed-Use, Design Standards Modification Request Dear Mr. Austin Silva, Lyons Warren engineers & architects along with Bureck Capital, LLC will be requesting 3 development standards modifications for the Mixed-Use Retail & Office Project at 880 Carlsbad Village Drive. These standards modifications are necessary for the LEED Silver financial feasibility of the above referenced project. 1. City of Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Master Plan & Design Manual: District 2 - Office Support Area Setback Requirements a. "A 10 foot average setback shall be required for all floors above the first at grade floor." i. Modification Request: 5' average setback for the purpose of achieving the square footage necessary for LEED Silver financial feasibility. b. "Exception: At Grade Parking lots must be set back a minimum of 5 feet from any property line for landscaping purposes." i. Modification Request: 3'-0" setback at Property Line for the purpose of achieving the square footage necessary for LEED Silver financial feasibility. ii. In lieu, the parking lot has been screened at the rear property line with a 3'-0" tall green screen fence with vines growing on it. 2. Parking Standards a. Reduction in number of parking spaces required. i. Modification Request: 15% reduction in parking count for a LEED Silver Project for the purpose of achieving the square footage necessary for LEED Silver financial feasibility. ii. Bureck Capital has contacted the Carlsbad Christian Assembly, and will enter into a parking agreement for employee parking. Letter of intent from the Carlsbad Christian Assembly to follow. In order for this project to be financially feasible as a LEED Project, we need 10,000 SF of net leasable area. This extra leasable area (a 15% increase) makes up for the cost of construction with LEED Silver status in rent in about 4 years time. Without the standards modifications requested, the proposed project will lose approximately +/- 1,245 SF - equivalent to the size of one suite. We currently have 9,777 SF (net). Losing an additional 1,245 SF will bring the net leasable area to 8,532 SF. At this point, the financial incentive of achieving LEED Silver status will disappear. Being granted the LEED Silver 15% parking reduction & requested setback modifications, will allow for a 15% incre^e in net leasable building area making LEED Silver status an effective incentive. We look forwarcrtc/$ssisting the City of Carlsbad in paving the way for a more environmentally sound future. Since Sen, SE, LEED AP, Principal Exhibit A: Parking Calculations, Exhibit B: Reduction in Leasable Area Illustration, Exhibit C: LEED 20fj§ Core and Shell Development Rating System: Sections 4.1 - 4.4, ** Parking Agreement Letter of Intent from the Carlsbad Christian Assembly to follow. Exhibit A: Parking Calculations CURRENT PARKING COUNT; Level 1 Retail Coffee House Level 2 Offices Base Parking: 1,085SF/200OLF (3.332+5.360) / 300 OLF Total Parking Reductions: LEED(15%) Mass Transit (15%) In-Lieu Fee (25%) Total 34.19.02 3,332 SF 1,085 SF = 5,360 SF 5.42 SP 28.97 SP = 34.39 SP -5.16SP -5.16SP -8.70 SP PARKING WITHOUT STANDARDS MODIFICATIONS: Level 1 Retail (3,332-209) = 3,123 SF Coffee House (1,085-67) = 1.018SF Offices ((5,360-(265+ 704)) = 4,391 SF Base Parking: 1,018 SF/200 OLF = 5.09 SP (3.123 + 4.391) SF 7300 OLF = 25.04 SP Total Parking Reductions: Mass Transit (15%) In-Lieu Fee (25%) = -19.02 SP = 15.37 spaces = 16 parking spaces reguired Total 30.14-12.06 = 30.14 Spaces -4.52 SP -7.545P = -12.06 Spaces = 18.08 = 18 Spaces Reguired Without LEED SUMMARY: Without the Design Standards Modification for a 15% parking reduction for LEED Silver Status, the project will gain 2 parking stalls. This will reduce square footage from the project or increase the number of stalls rented from the Carlsbad Christian Assembly, diminishing the financial feasibility & LEED Silver incentive of this project. Exhibit B - Reduction in Leasable Area Illustration 86 sf 2' - 0" added to parking setback = 265 sf lost" ' "" " c~ 136sf lost UI7SFM 1,278 SF (Gross) 1,068 SF (NetJ l,101SF!Gra*s) 1,598 SF (Met] 1.892 SF (Gross) 44 sf 339 sf lost 99 sf lost PfTOPEiTn' LINE LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 12nd Level Setback - approx. 704 sf lost to provide 10'-O" avg. setback | 2'-0" lost = 265 sf In order to meet the parking lot 5'-0" landscaping setback requirement 2'-0" will have to be removed from the proposed building. SCALE: t/8 . 1'_0" 2' - 0" added to parking setback = 277 sf lost U S 733 sf = 5.1 avg setback Approx. total sf req'd for 10' avg: 733/5.1 = Total/10 Total = 1,437 sf 1,437 - 733 = 704 sf lost to meet 10'setback 2' for parking L.S.: k 277 + 265 = 542 sf lost Approx. Total S.F. Lost: 704 + 542 = +/-1,246 sf lost without design standards modifications 9,777 sf- 1,246 sf = 8,531 sf **1,246sf is 15% of 8,531 sf **1,246 sf is equal to one suite. **LEED Silver incentive disappears without 15% increase in building area. LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN t:'-0" lost = 277 sf i order to meet the parking lot 5'-0" landscaping -etback requirement 2'-0" will have to be removed from the proposed building. SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Exhibit C SS Credit 4.1: Alternative Transportation—Public Transportation Access G Points intent To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. Requirements OPTION 1. Rail Station Proximity %&%* ^9*2*° Locate the project within i/2-mile walking distance (measured from a main building entrance) of an existing or planned and funded commuter rail, light rail or subway station. OR OPTION 2. Bus Stop Proximity ^>fe<gr <££•*&.- Locate the project within i/4-mile walking distance (measured from a main entrance) of i or more stops for 2 or more public, campus, or private bus lines usable by building occupants. Potential Technologies & Strategies Perform a transportation survey of future building occupants to identify transportation needs. Locate the building near mass transit. • SS Credit 4.2: Alternative Transportation—Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms 2 Points Intent To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. Requirements CASE 1. Commercial or Institutional Projects 300,000 Square Feet or Less /or storage within 200 yards of a building entrance for3% or more of all building users (calculated on average for the year) Provide shower and changingf facilities in the building, or within 200 yards of a building entrance, for 0.5% of full- time equivalent (FTE) occupants. CASE 2. Commercial or Institutional Projects Larger Than 300,000 Square Feet Provide secure bicycle storage for 3% of the occupants for up to 300,000 square feet, then an additional 0.5% for the occupants for the space over 300,000 square feet. Mixed-use buildings with a total gross square footage greater than 300,000 square feet must apply this calculation for each use of the building Provide shower and changingfacilities in the building, or within 200 yards of a building entrance, for 0.5% of FTE occupants. CASE 3. Residential Projects Provide covered storage facilities for securing bicycles for 15% or more of building occupants. Case 3 must be used by residential buildings or the residential portion of a mixed use building. ALL CASES See Appendix i — Default Occupancy Counts for occupancy count requirements and guidance. Potential Technologies & Strategies Design the building with transportation amenities such as bicycle racks and shower/ changing facilities. LEED 2009 FOR CORE & SHELL DEVELOPMENT SS Credit 4.3: Alternative Transportation—Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles 3 Points Intent To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. Requirements OPTION 1 Provide preferred parking' for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles2 for 5% of the total vehicle parking capacity of the site. Providing a discounted parking rate is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking for low-emitting/fuel-efficient vehicles. To establish a meaningful incentive in all potential markets, the parking rate must be discounted at least 20%. The discounted rate must be available to all customers (i.e. not limited to the number of customers equal to 5% of the vehicle parking capacity), publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area, and available for a minimum of 2 years. For project types that demonstrate market barriers to the definition of preferred parking closest to the main entrance, alternatives maybe considered on a case-by-case basis. OR OPTION 2 Install alternative-fuel fueling stations for 3% of the total vehicle parking capacity of the site. Liquid or gaseous fueling facilities must be separately ventilated or located outdoors. Potential Technologies & Strategies Provide transportation amenities such as alternative-fuel refueling stations. Consider sharing the costs and benefits of refueling stations with neighbors. For the purposes oMhis credit ''preferred parking'" reiers to the parks ng spots thai: are closest 1:0 the main en trance of the project (exclusive of spaces desigriHLcd for handicapped persons) orpurking passes provided n.l. a discounted price. For the purposes ofihis credit, tow-emittm" and fuel-efficientvehicles are defined as vehicles drat are either classified as Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board or have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for nn Energy Efficient Economy (AGEEE) annual vehicle rating ^uide. SS Credit 4.4: Alternative Transportation—Parking Capacity 2 Points Intent To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. Requirements CASE 1. Non-Residential Projects OPTION 1 Size parking capacity to meet but not exceed minimum local zoning requirements. OR OPTION 2 For projects that provide parkingfor less than 3% of full-time equivalent (FTE) building occupants: Provide preferred parking1 for carpools or vanpools, marked as such, for 3% of total parking spaces. Providing a discou nted parking rate is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking for carpool or vanpool vehicles. To establish a meaningful incentive in all potential markets, the parking rate must be discounted at least 20%. The discounted rate must be available to all customers (i.e. not limited to the number of customers equal to 5% of the vehicle parking capacity), publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area, and available for a minimum of ayears. OR OPTION 3 Provide no new parking. OR OPTION 4 For projects that have no minimum local zoning requirements, provide 25% fewer parking spaces than the applicable standard listed in the 2003 Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) "Parking Generation" study at http://www.ite.Qrg. CASE 2. Residential Projects OPTION 1 Size parking capacity to meet but not exceed minimum local zoning requirements. Provide infrastructure and support programs to facilitate shared vehicle use, such as carpool drop-off areas, designated parkingfor vanpools, or car-share services, ride boards and shuttle services to mass transit. LEED 2009 FOR CORE & SHELL DEVELOPMENT * * OR OPTION 2 Provide no new parking. CASE 3. Mixed Use (Residential with Commercial/Retail) Projects OPTION 1 Mixed-use buildings with less than 10% commercial area must be considered residential and adhere to the residential requirements in Case 2. For mixed-use buildings with more than 10% commercial area, the commercial space must adhere to non-residential requirements in Case i and the residential component must adhere to residential requirements in Case 2. OR OPTION 2 Provide no new parking. See Appendix i. Default Occupancy Counts for occupancy count requirements and guidance. ALL CASES See Appendix i—Default Occupancy Counts for occupancy count requirements and guidance. Potential Technologies & Strategies Minimize parking Jlot/garage size. Consider sharing parking facilities with adjacent buildings. Consider alternatives that will limit the use of single-occupancyvehicles. LEED 2009 FOR CORE & SHELL DEVELOPMENT 10 LYONS WARREN engineers + architects 9455 Ridgehaven Court Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92123-1649 858.573.899S 858.573.8998 fax December 8, 2010 www.lyonswarren.com Mr. Austin Silva Carlsbad Housing & Redevelopment 2965 Roosevelt Street, Ste. B Carlsbad, CA 92008-2397 RE: LEED Certification Letter & Checklist, Preliminary Review for 880 Carlsbad Village Drive - PRE 10-05 (APN: 203-354-16-00) Dear Mr. Silva, Bureck Capital and Lyons Warren Engineers + Architects are intent on achieving a LEED Silver or better rating for our mixed use project at 880 Carlsbad Village Drive, in the historical Village of Carlsbad, CA. We will be acquiring points from the LEED 2009 for Core & Shell Development sections as follows: 1. Sustainable Sites 23 Points 2. Water Efficiency 5 Points 3. Energy & Atmosphere 13 Points 4. Materials & Resources 5 Points 5. Indoor Environmental Quality 4 Points 6. Innovation & Design Process 2 Points 7. Regional Priority Credits 3 Points Total Points to be attempted: 55 Points Certified Silver points required: 50-59 Points Sustainable Sites The unique combination of available public transportation and a brown field site ready for development, allows the 880 Carlsbad Village Drive Mixed-Use Project to achieve 23 out of 28 possible LEED points for Sustainable Sites. The development is located on a property that was previously developed as a ConocoPhillips gasoline station. The site has been remediated and is ready for re-development. Our development is within a 1/z mile of a residential area with an average density of 10 units per acre. In addition, our development is within a 1/2 mile of 21 basic services (only 10 are required), and we have pedestrian access between the building and these services. The site has easy access to public transportation, including multiple bus stops and a commuter rail. In order to promote alternative transportation methods, we will provide amenities such as secure bicycle racks, a showering/changing facility, and preferred parking for low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles. Our project is utilizing the City of Carlsbad incentives for achieving LEED Silver status, which allows for a 15 percent reduction in parking requirements in order to encourage the use of public transportation and reduce infrastructure demands. In regard to the 2 year 24 hour storm, the project will implement a storm water management plan, which will result in a post-development peak discharge rate and quantity that is less than the pre-development discharge rate and quantity. We will achieve this by reducing the impervious cover, promoting infiltration, and treating 90% of the average annual rainfall using acceptable BMP's. To reduce the heat island effects of this development, a combination of shade, hardscape materials with an SRI of at least 20, and an open grid pavement system for at least 50 percent of the site hardscape will be provided. Roofing materials will also provide the required solar reflectance to achieve the desired LEED credits. To reduce light pollution, lighting controls will be installed to reduce visible over night lighting by fifty percent. Security lighting will be shielded and limited to LZ3, medium density, requirements. Water Efficiency We anticipate achieving 5 of 10 available points for water efficiency by utilizing water efficient landscaping and low flow water fixtures. Energy & Atmosphere We anticipate achieving 13 of 37 possible points for energy and atmosphere, by optimizing energy performance by 26 percent and providing a measurement and verification program. Materials and Resources We anticipate achieving 5 of 13 available points for materials and resources by controlling construction waste by means of salvaging or recycling 50% of the waste. We have set a goal of including at least 20% recycled content in the construction materials, and will specify a minimum of 10% of the total construction materials to be regional. Indoor Environmental Quality We anticipate achieving 4 of 12 points for indoor environment, by utilizing low VOC emitting materials within the building envelope. Innovation and Design We anticipate achieving 2 of 6 points for innovation and design by utilizing higher than normal recycled content in the structural elements. We also achieve 1 point by having LEED accredited professionals on the design team. Regional Priority Credits We will achieve 3 priority credits for this project by achieving points for public transportation access, reduced heat island effects, and water efficient landscaping. For additional information, please find the enclosed project check list and break down below for a detailed ao?6lint of how we plan to achieve these points. Should you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate \p contact us. Sincen Glenn Mduritzert, SE, LEED AP Principal^7 LEED 2009 for Core and Shell Development Project Checklist Project Name: 880 Carlsbad Village Drive - Mixed-Use Building Date: August 20th, 2010 Sustainable Sites Possible Points: 28 Prereq 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Credit 1 Site Selection Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation-Public Transportation Access Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation-Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation—Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation—Parking Capacity Credit 5.1 Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat Credit 5.2 Site Development—Maximize Open Space Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design—Quantity Control Credit 6.2 Stormwater Design—Quality Control Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect-Non-roof credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect-Roof Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction credit 9 Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines Y Y 2 Y N 3 Prereq 1 Water Use Reduction-20% Reduction Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50% No Potable Water Use or Irrigation credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies credit 3 Water Use Reduction Reduce by 30% Reduce by 35% Reduce by 40% 13 Energy and Atmosphere Prereq 1 Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance Prereq 3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance Improve by 12% for New Buildings or 8% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 14% for New Buildings or 10% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 16% for New Buildings or 12% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 18% for New Buildings or 14% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 20% for New Buildings or 16% for Existing Building Renovations Possible Points: 10 2 to 4 2 4 2 2 to 4 2 3 4 Possible Points: 37 3 to 21 3 4 5 6 7 LEED 2009 for Core and Shell Development 1 of 3 Y N N N N N 3 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit A Credit 5. Credit 5. Credit 6 Improve by 22% for New Buildings or 18% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 24% for New Buildings or 20% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 26% for New Buildings or 22% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 28% for New Buildings or 24% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 30% for New Buildings or 26% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 32% for New Buildings or 28% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 34% for New Buildings or 30% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 36% for New Buildings or 32% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 38% for New Buildings or 34% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 40% for New Buildings or 36% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 42% for New Buildings or 38% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 44% for New Buildings or 40% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 46% for New Buildings or 42% for Existing Building Renovations Improve by 48%+ for New Buildings or 44%+ for Existing Building Renovations Prereq 1 Credit 1 On-Site Renewable Energy Enhanced Commissioning Enhanced Refrigerant Management Credit 5.1 Measurement and Verification-Base Building Credit 5.2 Measurement and Verification-Tenant Submetering Green Power Materials and Resources Storage and Collection of Recyclables Building Reuse—Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof Reuse 25% Reuse 33% Reuse 42% Reuse 50% Reuse 75% Construction Waste Management 50% Recycled or Salvaged 75% Recycled or Salvaged Materials Reuse Recycled Content 10% of Content 20% of Content Regional Materials 10% of Materials 20% of Materials Credit 6 Certified Wood 0 0 4 Indoor Environmental Quality 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 2 2 3 3 2 Possible Points: 13 1 to 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 to 2 1 2 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 Possible Points: 12 Y Y Y 1 Prereq 1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control 1 credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring LEED 2009 for Core and Shell Development 2 of 3 Increased Ventilation Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan-During Construction Low-Emitting Materials-Adhesives and Sealants Low-Emitting Materials-Paints and Coatings Low-Emitting Materials—Flooring Systems Low-Emitting Materials-Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control Controllability of Systems-Thermal Comfort Thermal Comfort—Design Daylight and Views-Daylight Daylight and Views—Views credit 1.1 Innovation in Design: Specific Title Credit 1.2 Innovation in Design: Specific Title credit 1.3 Innovation in Design: Specific Title Credit 1.4 Innovation in Design: Specific Title Credit 1.5 Innovation in Design: Specific Title Credit 2 LEED Accredited Professional credit 1.1 Regional Priority: Specific Credit Credit 1.2 Regional Priority: Specific Credit credit 1.3 Regional Priority: Specific Credit Credit 1.4 Regional Priority: Specific Credit Possible Points: 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Possible Points: 4 1 1 1 1 Possible Points: 110 Certified 40 to 49 points Silver 50 to 59 points Gold 60 to 79 points Platinum 80 to 110 LEED 2009 for Core and Shell Development 3 of 3 880 Carlsbad Village Drive Mixed-Use Retail & Office Building CARLSBAD, CA FORMS, APPLICATIONS & REPORTS HAZARDOUS MUSE * SUBSTANCE STATDEMT aSTK. DEiajFICn PtHfT WUCATHN 0 CB-ES BWTIC irACT STUDY SHEET INDEX <*>•«• Perspective - CONCEPT PLAN LEVEL 2 WATER COMSERVATIOH PLAN H atVAlMMS - FOR REFERENCE PROJECT INFORMATION SUMMARY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No: arc AREA BUUMC SETBACKS DOSTMC ZONE: LAND USE DESOUTHN: PROPOSED USE LOISAUSSFKATKtt BULDMC/STE RATH BULOMC ARE* BURECK CAPrTAL. LUC 1BZ3 CENTRO DC LOUAS BOKSA1L, CA 92003 RU-354-W-00 O.MS ACRES / 13JB9 SH FT. tf FRONT, ff SIDE * REAR 2ND LEVU - 10" AVG. ON C/ V-R CV1UGE REDEVELOPMENT ZDNQ DFFtt SUPPORT AREA. DSTRCT I MSB-USE: OFFKX ft OMERQAL (ETAL BUUMC 1 IDT. OFHZ ft lETAL 5^24 SF / 11S» SF - 3B.13X =Sc OPEN AREA CALCULATIONS REQOWEDt OPpJ AREA F1EODSITE SO FT ._ . SO FT HEQTJ - 2.740 S PROVIDED: NET BUHDtNC - 0.777 ST. TOTAL NET LEASE OPEN AREA - 24* E"" :lfl8S fiS°5o,TreRrr TOTAL - 2J91 SF rmu fffti ARFA - 3.344 SF / 13,699 SF - 24X LEVEL 2 SETBACKS PARKING CALCULATIONS K COUHT Eft IBSTAtiSRE IEED SlWt (1SO.1.SOO FT FltGIl MASS THAMSTPMON M-UE1I FEE ^ LDD.1 - TDTAL LEvaz - OFFICES IfVQl- TDTAL TOIAL tET LEASAOI IBQ.1 COFFEE HOUR / CWE ijes SF / no air • IDEl 1 RTTAL ft l£\€L 2 OFFICES IUIAI.BASE PARONC NS APPUED IEED SUEK (1SJ) MASS TWNSTT (15Q M-ICU FE£{2SS) IOTN. REDUCTION >U9 - 19.W 6 PARHNC STMUS REOLCED | CODE INFORMATION TYPE v-e. FULLY SPRMKHRED BUVMMC SETBACKS: ff FRONT, ff SOE ft REAR (NOT SUBJETI TO YARDR£QUtflD«£NT5.) Iff AVC. SETBACK OH LEVEL 2 ALONGCARLSBAD VKLACC DRIVE. SEPARATICKS RCDtk NONE (TABU 900.3.3. 1014.S: EXCEPTION) LEGAL JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLS3AD, CCUMTY OF SAN DIEGO LEGAL OCSCRSTm LOTS 33, S3, 31. AM) 51 * BLOCK SB OF AMENDED MAPOF THE TOW OF CARLSBAD. COUNTY OF SAN DCCO, STATE OF CALJFORMA. ACCORDING TD UAP THEREOF NO. 775.FUD M THE GFFKC OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SANDECO COUNTY. FEBRUARY 15, 1694. EttXPTfrt; FROM SAID LOT 3Z THAT PORTION THEREOF CCtWrED TO THE Cm OF CARLSBAD BY DEEDS RECORDEDOCTOBER 2, 1990 AS FILE NOS. BO-538MO AND 90-53841 BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID SAN OIF-CO COUNTY MUMOPAL CODES: COOES ARE AS FOLLOW 2010 CAUFORMA BUHJXNC CODE (OSC) BASED ON THE 2009 BC AND WCLUDMG NUUEROUS STATE OF CALJFORMAAMENDMENTS 2010 CALFORNIA UECHAMCAL CODE (CMC] IS BA£ THE 2000 UyC «TH THE STATE OF CAUFORMAAUEKMENTS. THE 2010 CALFORMA ENERGY CODE FIRE SPRWKLER PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITYiLSBAD FHE DEFT. FOR REVIEW A' - -- -UITTAL SCOPE OF WORK NEW HXUMJS-. OfFCE AND COMMERCIAL RETA1. i-STORY BUUMG. M THE CARLSBADMLLACE REDCKLOPICNT ZCK. CFFtt SUPPORT AREA. SHE TO MCLUDE PMHNG. LAHOSCAPj IFROglCKTS. AS mil AS BCTaf RACKS. A PEDCSTHUW BENCH AND IFUEL OTTOENT WHCLE PREFERRED PAROtt SPACES. LEW. 1 TO BE RETAL WTHFJTltS A COFFEE/TEA SHOP, SMALL NEnCORHDOD SROCERY/DEU OR A CASUAL 9T-OOW RESTAURANT. LEWI I SHALL SE CFFKXS. MS PROJECT mi BE LEED 9LWS CERTFED. THE UNHUE COEMAKM Of AVAUBLE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATKM AW A BROW FELD SHE READY FDR DEVELOPMENT. ALUMSM 680 CARLSBAD VtLACE DRIVE HOT-USE PROJECT TO ACHEVE 23 OUT OF MPOSSBLE LEED POMTS FOR SJSTAMABLE STES. THE DEVELOPMENT B LOCATED ON APROPERTY THAT MS PREMOUSLT DEVELOPED AS A CONQCO-PHLLF5 CASOUC SIAIKM. PERCENT OPEN SPACE: ON-DEVELOPABLE SHE AREA: PARWMC COUKT: AVERMC DAIY TRAFFIC •ATER/SEWt SCHOOL DETIBCT: TDTAL BROSS SF - 1ILB2I SF n «THM PROPERTY UE, 101 TDTAL XOZS SF. OX OF PROPERTY AREA OMNC ORDNANCE SECTKN 21^1230 B HOT APPUCABLE 1C SPACES REOUKED/PROVKD SB2 TRPS LI COFFEE HOUSE / RESTAURANT: - 1.081 SF X A U)T - 32B ADT LI RETAL SUnE3 - 1901 SF X Jg ADT - MO ADT L2 OFFICES - S.7W SF X A ADT - m MT (BS) Sheet Contents; TITLE SHEET R DSHKTCAOSBAD IUMCFAL WT MM a CAMNO REAL CARLSBAD. CA 93008 CARLSBAD UNFED SCHOOL DSTRJCT901 PME AVENUE CARLSBAD. CAfZn VICINITY MAP CONSULTANT INFORMATION \xy x ^ \ • < '.Q^qRA.LROAD* P: (BM) I73-fl»M F: (KB) 573-BMB SAN DCBiCA W12J IMtXUK WCWTECT: Date: LW job No.I Scale: j 05/16/11 BUR1001 TS1.0 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE HP 10-46 / COP 10-32 •::MORRISON ENGINEERING INC. GRADING PLAN FOR 880 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE cITY OF CARLSBAD PLANTING SCHEME _ _ lhl» Landacapa Daalgn broad haadad traaa ara aalacted to provlda abode, and all axtatlng traaa fat/oat tree*.) to ba ratalnad. Shrube provide foundation planting, and floiuara add color and fragrance. All plant material la drought tolarant. Ulatar conaarvatlon ' ~ ' -.acral part OF thla doa qn. PROPOSED 2 STORY RETAIL-OFFICE EHJILDING LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS RLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE |alEA«EA»lM» LANDSCAPE AREA PROPER MTMN P f LINE - «OP UMt - S.6SB SO.FT. 880 SO-FT. LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL - 1,381 SQ.FT. .^M^tCVtD 1 7 PERCENT 10 PERCENT X OF TOTAL LAND LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE AREA SCAPE Ftjm s 1,311 S » EACH PlAI F. orv. er ^ ;. Oiv. BY P -. DCV. BY P T1NC ZONE JU<r ZONE 1 AREA 0 S.F. -ANT ZONE 3 AREA 700 S.f. .ANT ZONE * AREA 330 Sf. * MCA H* ZOIC 0 SLUSH 51 X NATURAL ATtVE All landscape and Irrigation ahalt ba Inatallod and untamed In accordanca with tha City of Carl«bad'« Landacap* Manual, and all other landtcapa ralatad City and Roglonal Standarda aa or tha approved date or thsae plane. r 11*10 ahall a»auma .__r ..g _. ,., , including tha landacapkig In tha adjoining public right of way. Tha atraot tree* m tha public right of uiau ahall ba mamtaineoTby tha City oF Carlabad. Tha landftcape araaa shall ba Fraa oF debria and llttar and all plant material •hall ba maintained m a healthy grouting condition. 1. Cna ttreet traa par 40 Faat oF propartu frontaga with In tha public ROW. 2. MINIMUM TREE/ IMPROVEMENT SEPARATION DISTANCE. a. Fraremtd outalda public ROM. * mlrv 3 R. b. From paving Including drlvauay antrla* - 5 ft, c. From underground utility lm«a - 5 Ft. (1 ft. for aatuarJ d. From above ground utility line* - 5 ft. I'lO ft. prefarradJ a. From atraat comara From bvg Inning/and of curve - 26 Fl. . Not allowed wtthm alta llnaa. Rojpt F3arriarn 'Sio-SaiTiar' root bairlora for ao^ial approved by ClujJ •hall ba provided for all nauilkj Inatallad treea ulthln & Ft. oF any hard*capa, pavamant, wall, building or curb. Root bamara mill not ba urappad around the rootoafl and ahall ba 24' deep and 10' In length Length to be centered on rootbalL f-jujchj All required planting «raae •hall be covered uilth mulch to a minimum depth of 3 mchea, excluding »kope» requiring revegotatlon and aroaa plantad ufth groundcovar or atona. All axpo»ed *oll areda ulthout vegetation ahall alao ba mulched to thfa nlrhnum depth. _6,U5 50JT. | LANDSCAPE AREA KTHN P IMNG LOT- B05 SOFT. U0300 Xow05IDra H t "»•»9 o'RRl-lw s i ir j ISIH S 818 DRAW CHECKED BURECK CAPITAL MIXED-USE BLDG LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN L-l LEVtL 2 - LANDSCAPE PLAN POTTED PLANT/ WINDOW BOX NOTES If Itve plant* u*ed contatn 1. Pottad plant* nay baTiand uiat«r«d by tialntonanca on a ragutar uwakkj •dn«dultt or may b* iuator*d uiftln automatic drip Irrigation »y»t«n. 7. UJIndow box planUra to ba Irrigated gj!th automatic drip Irrigation ALTERNATE TUJO- ARTFICIAL PLAHTfc If artificial plant. u**d, artificialplant* mu*t to» outdoor rated of high grade matwlal* uilth uwathar and Uv protection. Tri*y mu*t b* ••cured to pr«v«nt uiind damage and mu»t bo maintainecl at loa»t one* a y«ar uith cleaning and UV protective *pr«y. Artificial plant* to be replaced a* n*»d»d to give appearance of live plant m a KwlU-y growing condition PLANTING SCHEME - LEVEL 2 Pealgn lotant: All plant natsrial I* drought tolarant. Waterla an Integral part of this de»1gn. l,SVp.17 .LBVEl PL*NDHQ(SEE - BOTANICAL NAME /COMMON NAME BEDUMMORQANIWUM; DONKEYT* S3§ss|<%"£uu DH Oco03 W K CO DAVID N. KEKP ASU DRAWN CHECKED BURECK CAPITAL MIXED-USE BLDG LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN-LEVEL DATE S/13/U2 «fu™re'™m"1 L-2 r~ -«^*» ~~\ r" — — i | '-I-1-' ) ----- ZONE 3 -X- •" I-vI-i •-' ' I///94SF 1* ' ',,&.- ---- --- . --r^-ws \yy * I I ~*~~ ; • " '' •" '»c- •"•' j<- •*_ ^ -*' 1f - i -iasf -• , - ;li i . I '*• i, .*•;,.. • •».«!" 1x4 . •••=-7*S1K|E-0--' s- <i| i * Z.UINC: o = 100 SF* 1 1 | i | 1 - 1 '• !, - ::™\V:; '•:••-. , „ . _ ^ ;„ --•' f!-;;f !> ''- L'| <- • ' | ! ,'<<_,_ ZONE 2 '" I 1 1 ! 1 58^2 ^^ , * f - **\V/ 1 . 1 I ; ^^0y "' 1 I 1 ZONE 2;|{ 1 •/// 1 j 1 18 5F M\\/// 1 1 1 , '-"-'- "- ' II %* '• |"(V r _ ^/i ZPSIJ| | ^ ZONE 2^ ^ | L ZONE 2 . 36. SF _[ -- q^ ' - ' ~£ ^. ?d L .s ST. A ~ MAX. APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS ^^ r- A5-4 PERCENTAGES V/^ V (M.OX0.6Z) ((0.7 " 1.M1) * (0.3 " O) - 19.776 »dkin. per ,eor a. SITE AREA WTWN PROPERTY UNE - 13.690 SOFT. f Hft uwracAPffi HiJrslM 1S.77B gd p«r ^r/ 7« - Z6.4 huo**) wbfc t«t per y«r LANDSCAPE *REA WTWN PROP UNE - TOD SO.FT. 7 PERCENT 6CALEJ/B -1 -C W|W u . r J W 1 All. LANDSCAPE ABEA TOTAL - l,»l SQJT. 10 PERCENT fw«.cimis.wQter.eQ.flovl Corlrtad - zone 1 = ^ O b. X OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE OR EACH PLANTING ZONE . MCA ro. zac 0 69 . Conversion Fnctor f ID oalla»l LANDSCAPE *HEA 1.381 F. D1V. BY PLANT ZONE 1 AREA O S.F. O * LUSH 0.7" ET Ad^stment Factor LANDSCAPE AREA 1,381 F. 01V. BY PLANT ZONE ^ AREA 351 S.F. 2S « REFWED <a A - qperiol i ondscnpe Area (,quorB ferf) - non, ™ 1h;« «lt. LANDSCAPE AREA 1.381 F. OIV. 8r PLANT ZONE * AREA 330 S.F, 2* X NATIVE C. TOTAL PARKING LOT AREA - 6,145 SQ.FT. « *AtA IAOSCATO LANDSCAPE AREA WTHIH PARKINC LOT. SOS SO.FT. 13 PERCENT ^\ WATER CONSERVATION NOTES 1. Irrigation: EfTlclant Irrigation By»t«n shall b« mjnagod to r«ducatrw amount of additional Irrigation required.*•' a. An automatic, alaetrlcatly controll«d Irrigation s<jst«n shall beprovided a* raqulrod for propw Irrigation, d«v*lopviant. andnaintttnanc« or Ihs vagatatlon In a r«altKj. c"»«as«-r«*l»tant condition.Th« design of tha sustwn shall provide adoquata support for tHav«gtttatl0n *s!actod.b. Irrigation *u»twn to mcluda an automatic controllw ujllh rain loosingovarrlda dsvlca.c. All planting aroa* *hall t>» Irrigated by an automatic baloui gradsMj*t^m rsMturlng a combination of drip h*ad*. and bubblers. 2. Drought toiaront plant nat*ria> »hsl) b« )n»tall«d iurw« approprlata.And plants shall fcws groupad tog«tKar according to trwlr uatcrlng 3. No laun to ba totalled. A. Mulch shall b» Tnataltod to rwdocat evaporation thsr«by cc*w«rvlngwator. 5. All landscape ar«a* ar* d«»ign»d for futur* reciahn«d iuat*r.Potabl« wator will na«d to ba u*«d for landftcapa areas until r*=Laim»duiatar b«com** available. b. Halntananca: Irrigation *uatam to b« adjusted materially and a*uioaUw and plant conditions warrant,a. Plant* to too oto*arvwd for signs of *tre»* on a ragular basis »othat n*1d adJuatnonU can b* mada to uiatarlng »cK»dul«*.b. Regular Irrigation lnsp«ctlons assure propar functioning of Irrigationaqulpmant and and won watw distribution. Repair* to ba nadahmnndlataJu.c. Trw landscap* ar«as shall b* free or debris and litter and all plantnaterlal *ha11 be maintained In a healthy growing condition. 1 am familiar with th* requirement* for landscape and irrigationplans contained In the City of Carlsbad's Ulster EfficientLandscape Regulations. 1 understand that construction drawing*" are to ba prepared In compliance uilth those regulations and tnaLandscape Manual. 1 certify that the plans mill be preparedimplementing those regulation* to provide efficient use of uiator. Nane: David Kemp, Landscape Architect Date: 2/24/11 RECLAIMED WATER VS. POTABLE WATER USE LANDSCAPE AREAS ,, _ ~ - c^r- 1J J JpJE-V \_ RECLAMED -(^ J-V^NO em | < /!!%-. r*^"* ~* Y ^Es" recuwreni ' j?" /Y^*3 V - * ri"" ' ^g^^^Jk^^^i^^^ fi§ "*~ ». *"* M NORTH Ngite: All landscape area* are designed for future reclaimed uiator. Potableuater will need to be u*od for landscape areas until reclaimed mater becomesavailable. BURECK CAPITAL MIXED -USE BLDG WATER CONSERVATION PLAN "-urn™,*™™. t CHECKED ^="^^ PROJECT TITLE A ADDRESS~^» BURECK CAPITAL MIXED-USE BLDGVj 880 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR.-$/ CARLSBAD, CA 92008THE KEMP COMPANIES, INC. ^CALIFORNIA NEVADA MAUUUI wulunpoovfMnlMnM \jtfl 1COIfiULTMa LATOSATE ANCMITBCTft TUI STJft TALDOT ATWEET R\!r$ 1ANCMITECTURAL AEI»V)CC9 BUITE 1 F %&.d£NEJ«AL CCNTRACTOItt *«*4*4 bAN OIKOO. CA Ml** ' ^CTK^-CCMaTTCJCTICN I-IANAOEMENT rH fkftlJ 724 MM ^L*EHVinCM^ENTAl. ftCIENCEB PAX ttl*) 114 S**« ^^3 OF J ^ L-3 EXISTING BUILDING PROPOSED MIXED-USE RETAIL & OFFICE BUILDING. 2-STORY/8-UNIT COMPLEX SUITE 3 10.822 SF Gross Area Proposed RetaJ 9.777 SF Net Area y; Proposed Coffee Shop / Gate 1,085 SF-Interior 195 SF-Exterior Patio GENERAL MOTES: I. KMK CRDMANCE SEK* ZI^UK B NOT 3. HI WTOUIX: FKE TRMOJER STS1E1I ISREtTD R* MS PROJECT. FKE SftMOBt Pl/HS TO BE DEFERRED SJBiTOL SITE PLAN INORTH neuc KncAiu UE SjnEOM9BlM oax puna *w arv STUWJWOS UUCSCWt AHA. PKFO11-1 OHECTMU «V«MG SIF.UC ^ =3 eg? m : Sheet Come nu: SITE PLAN Revisions: «W10 Date: LWJob No. Scale: 05/16/11 BUR1D01 AS 1.0 fwuc OEHCAHW i> sun fMTi> uc cw wu. •oconuic wu. =0©=° 5 LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN SCALE; 1/8" «= 1 -0 LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN @U 8 Sheet Content*: FLOOR PLANS ^Revisions: _ 08/2B/10 job No. Scale: Al.O COOL ROOF COMING TDACWEVE MOUIRED SRI VALUE. AKD REDUCE HEATSL*NO EFFECT. FAUX >;ED*R ENVIROSHAXES WflH F!£CYCl£D CONTENT AND REQ'D SB VALUE TO REDUCEHEAT ISLAND EFFECT. FABRIC AWNMC BELOW,ENCROACHING BEVOND PROPCSTY UNE. m s Sheet Contents: ROOF PLAN NOTE: ALL ROOF MOWTED E SHALL BE INSTALLED H ACCORDANCE W/ BLOC. DEM. POUCY BO-6. ROOF PLAN SCALE 1/8" - I'-O" Date: LWJob No. Sule; A2.0 DATUM OfftOtf B ST AT IOP OF SU«. STC I • (t.W. KTO ID CM. WET2 1 Ail FKA2EE PANTS W K LD> WC. i AIL AUMMLM raw Hwrr wo moat twgs, f* TO HAW r StAll CCMH.Y •/ CAHJBAD RUNG «KKT ttnfW* GENERAL NOTES KEYED NOTES (T) SO CD FAflBC AMNG. TIP. (T) M1MMJM SIWE fKffld SWIQI 101-C OJBS <T) SDME VTH KXD OUW rm «D nSI-COKSUDI ®STOC 1DGJI LOCM1T (WMtfACIURSl MO »/ POST-OSS nciaa CDNIENT. ©™««.,»»r (T) ICUL nous MB UUB •/ ottfiww sru LOCK. (V) awTstuw snu SCOKE EHEW* mun *i r-<r at (V) mm. Kxinci uwr reiut HOLKT « »«•-<• *//. TW . © ""M"""* (j£) azMtsnnMDCK (2) raofww (7) «U (F nn»E ETM. TEMMTT 9CNMZ © -- H EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE •351=5 01 GO t&Q STOCOMJSHT SAM) FMSM. NIEDtAl COM SIDE, tfALMMAM FHD ST»C - HOORTFMB COM «xr 9wm i/ tama canonVAUE. HATCH (HAZEL Of 1I7X - CA*T!»UnKuaw nas; ax IITM - swro nuat a nm - •<Sheet Content*: ELEVATIONS » Revisions: et/wo \fKM n SSSW*1 \ \ ^™ r , r « I/*' *«£ - -1 \ COKU6A10 i—PUWT we EM003JC FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION Date: LW Job No. Sale: SCALE: 1/6" = T-0" TRASH ENCLOSURE SCALE: 3/16" - 1'~0" A3.0 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. NORTH ELEVATION SCALE; N-T.S. O Sheet Contents: ELEVATIONS FOR REFERENCE Revisions. ot/M/10 Date: LWJob No. Scale: A3.1 • m •• ; SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. WEST ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. NORTH ELEVATION D |: EAST ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. =!)[•=, s° ELEVATIONS FOR REFERENCE OS/26/10 Job No. Scale: A3.1