HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 14-04; Tuscan Office Suites; Redevelopment Permits (RP) The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: April 7, 2014 P.C. AGENDA OF: August 6, 2014 Project Planner: Greg Fisher Project Engineer: David Rick SUBJECT: RP 14-04- TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES – Request for a recommendation of approval of a Major Review Permit to allow for the construction of a 2-story, 3,939 square foot commercial office building on property located at 2753 Jefferson Street in Land Use District 7 of the Village Review Zone and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The project qualifies as a CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7066 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Major Review Permit (RP 14-04), to the City Council, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Site/Setting The subject site measures 55.5 feet wide by 100 feet deep, totaling 5,550 square feet and is currently vacant. The property is addressed as 2753 Jefferson Street and is located on the west side of Jefferson Street between Arbuckle Place and Laguna Drive. The site is bordered by a two-story office building to the north, a single-family residence to the south, a single family residence to the west, and residential units across Jefferson Street to the east. The remainder of the block is comprised of a mixture of uses of various sizes including office buildings, apartment projects, and single-family homes. The project site is located within Land Use District 7 of the Village Master Plan and is outside the coastal zone. Proposed Construction The proposed development consists of the construction of a two-story, 3,939 square foot commercial office building comprised of two levels of office space and surface level parking. The ground floor includes two commercial office suites for a total of 862 square feet with their own restroom facilities, an elevator, two stairways, a storage room, and an elevator machine room. Also on the ground floor within the footprint of the building are five parking spaces, including one handicap van accessible stall, and an enclosed trash enclosure. The second floor of the building consists of four office suites for a total of 3,077 square feet, two private balconies, one covered breezeway, an atrium, and individual restroom facilities for each office suite. Access to the site is proposed to be provided by a 20-foot-wide driveway located off of Jefferson Street. Grading for the proposed project includes 8 cubic yards of cut and 75 cubic yards of fill. As a result, a total of 67 cubic yards of material is proposed to be imported onto the site. The building takes on a Spanish architectural style and has been designed specifically for this location in accordance with the Village design guidelines and is not a generic copy of other buildings. Surface ornamentation on the front, sides, and rear of the building and balconies on the second floor serve to 1 RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 2 provide sufficient articulation on the upper levels. The building has been designed with simple lines and forms but allows for representation of the Village character desired for the area. Hip roofs and roof features with the minimum required pitch of 5:12 have been provided within the project. The building has a decorative clay tile roof which is consistent with the architectural design intended for the project as well as other projects in the area. The design of the building incorporates design elements into all four building facades, thereby creating visual interest in the building. The project makes good use of various sized multi-paned windows with decorative trim, decorative columns, built-up cornice eaves, accent ventilation grills, decorative window and door trim, and concrete baluster column railings along the balconies incorporating visual interest into all sides of the building. A six-foot high, split-face CMU wall with decorative columns will surround the trash enclosure and the sides and rear perimeter of the lot. The property owner intends to occupy the two suites on the first floor of the building and lease out the remaining office space to separate tenants. Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site V (Village) V-R (Village Review) Vacant North V V-R Office Building South V V-R Single-Family Residential East V V-R Multi-Family Residential West V V-R Single-Family Residential The proposed project is located in the Village (V) Review zone and requires the approval of a Major (Village) Review Permit by the City Council as it is new construction which has a building permit valuation which is equal to or greater than $150,000. There are no unresolved issues and staff’s recommendation of approval with conditions is supported by the following analysis. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards and policies: A. Village (V) General Plan Land Use designation; B. Consistency with Village Area Vision, Goals, and Objectives; C. Village Review (V-R) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Land Use District 7 (Office Support Area/Village Master Plan and Design Manual); and D. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Zone 1 Local facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. A. Village (V) General Plan Land Use designation The General Plan Land Use designation for the subject site is Village (V). The Carlsbad General Plan includes the following goals for the Village: 1) a City which preserves, enhances and maintains the Village as a place for living, working, shopping, recreation, civic and cultural functions while retaining the Village RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 3 atmosphere and pedestrian scale; 2) a City which creates a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging activities that traditionally locate in a pedestrian-oriented downtown area, including offices, restaurants, and specialty shops; 3) a City which encourages new economic development in the Village and near transportation corridors to retain and increase resident-serving uses; and 4) a City that encourages a variety of complementary uses to generate pedestrian activity and create a lively, interesting social environment and a profitable business setting. The proposed project is consistent with the goals for the Village, as outlined within the General Plan, because it provides a commercial office building use in an appropriate location (Office Support Area Land Use District 7) within the Village. This in turn serves to enhance the area as a professional work district by providing greater employment opportunities. The project reinforces the pedestrian-orientation desired for the downtown area and retains the Village character and pedestrian scale through adherence to the land use regulations and design guidelines set forth for the area. The projects proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit will help to further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Furthermore, the project will provide a strong street presence with extensive architectural relief, landscaping and visually subordinate parking. Overall, the new office building will enhance the Village as a place for working. B. CONSISTENCY WITH VILLAGE AREA VISION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The proposed project will be able to address a variety of objectives as outlined within the Village Master Plan and Design Manual as follows: Goal 1: Establish Carlsbad Village as a Quality Shopping, Working and Living Environment. The proposed project will result in the development of a new office facility which will have a positive visual impact on the area. The positive visual appeal assists in the effort to create a quality shopping, working and living environment. In addition, the project will increase the amount of new office space in the area which will improve the overall working environment. Goal 2: Improve the Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation in the Village Area. The proposed project has a strong street presence and promotes greater pedestrian activity by providing enhanced landscaping and design along Jefferson Street. Goal 3: Stimulate Property Improvements and New Development in the Village. The Master Plan and Design Manual was developed in an effort to stimulate new development and/or improvements to existing buildings in the Village. The intent is that new development or rehabilitation of existing facilities will then stimulate other property improvements and additional new development. One of the objectives of this goal is to increase the intensity of development within the Village. The proposed project will assist in the continued effort to improve the Village Area, specifically in the Office Support District (District 7) by providing for an appropriate intensity of development that is compatible with the surrounding area. Goal 4: Improve the Physical Appearance of the Village Area. The proposed project converts an underutilized, blighted site into a physically attractive project. The proposed project promotes the following objectives: RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 4  It creates a sense of design unity and character while also encouraging design diversity;  It establishes a commercial building whose scale and character are compatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods;  It minimizes the land area required to accommodate additional parking in the Village by participating in the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program; and  It results in a design which is sensitive to surrounding development within the area. C. Village Review Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Land Use District 7 (Office Support Area/Village Master Plan and Design Manual) The subject property is located within Land Use District 7, Office Support Area, of the Village Master Plan. The overall vision for the development of District 7 (Office Support) is to accommodate professional and medical offices contained in new structures and converted residences. The development standards promote individual buildings set back from the street and surrounded by landscaping intended to provide a quality office environment within easy and pleasant walking distance to shops and restaurants. Permitted land uses in District 7 include all office uses, parks, and parking lots. Provisional uses include the following: multi-family dwelling units; bed and breakfast inns; child care centers; churches; youth facilities; and some commercial services, such as blueprint and copying services, word processing services, and office equipment rentals. The allowable land uses for District 7 encourage the phasing out of existing single-family residential uses over time. The development standards for District 7 also encourage any new non-residential development to be designed in a manner that respects the area's residential character. Staff believes that the proposed commercial office project assists in satisfying the goals and objectives set forth for Land Use District 7 through the following actions: 1) the project stimulates property investments and new development in the Village by constructing a new permitted professional office building in an area with dated buildings; 2) it establishes Carlsbad Village as a quality shopping, working and living environment by providing employment opportunities, 3) the building is designed in a manner that compliments nearby residential uses by incorporating many of the same architectural elements found in residential projects; and 4) improves the physical appearance of the Village by developing an unimproved (vacant) lot with an attractive commercial building. The proposed project meets or exceeds the development standards of the Village Review Zone and District 7. The specific development standards for new development within Land Use District 7 are discussed below and summarized within Table B: Building Setbacks: The Village Master Plan and Design Manual establishes the front, rear and side yard setbacks for the property. In Land Use District 7, the front yard setback is 5-20 feet and the side and rear yard setbacks are 5-10 feet. All setbacks are measured from property lines. In addition to these setback standards, parking is not permitted in either the front or the rear yard setback areas. The front yard setback of the proposed building is 5 feet from front property line. On the south side of the building, the setback is 5 feet from side property line. On the north side of the building, the setback is 5 feet from side property line. The rear yard setback of the proposed building is 5 feet from the rear property line. Approximately half of the ground floor is devoted to required parking, however, there is no parking located within either the required front, side, or rear yard setbacks. As set forth in the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, the top of the range is considered to be the desired setback standard. However, a reduction in the standard to the minimum, or anywhere within the range, may be allowed if the project warrants such a reduction due to good project design and/or the provision of other projects features which benefit the Village Area. The benefits realized from the reduced standards are discussed below. Allowing a reduction of the front, rear, and side yard setbacks to the minimum of the range are justified as follows: 1) The proposed project is in a location which has varying setbacks and will, therefore, not have RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 5 an adverse impact on surrounding properties; 2) The subject property is only 55.5 feet wide, therefore the reduced setback standards are necessary in order to allow the applicant to provide as much on-site parking as possible with adequate screening from public view; and 3) The proposed project is consistent with the design guidelines for the Village Area and the reduced setbacks include great articulation on all sides of the building, therefore, making the project design interesting and visually appealing. Building Coverage: The range of building footprint coverage permitted for all projects in Land Use District 7 is 60% to 80%. For the proposed project, the building coverage is 74%, which is near the middle of the established range. Therefore, the building coverage is in compliance with the established standard. Building Height: The height limit for Land Use District 7 is 35 feet with a minimum 5:12 roof pitch for 50% of the total roof structure. The maximum building height of the proposed project is 33’-6” as measured from existing grade and therefore meets the building height requirements. The proposed roof pitch is 5:12 for a minimum of 50% of the total roof structure and therefore meets the minimum required roof pitch. Open Space: A minimum of 20% of the property must be maintained as open space. The open space must be devoted to landscaped pedestrian amenities in accordance with the City of Carlsbad’s Landscape Manual. Open space may be dedicated to landscaped planters, open space pockets and/or connections, roof gardens, balconies, patios and/or outdoor eating areas. No parking spaces or aisles are permitted in the open space. Qualified open space for the proposed project includes: landscape and hardscape on the ground floor of the front, rear, and sides of the building, two (2) balconies and a covered breezeway on the second floor, and an atrium located in the center of the building. The amount of open space for the proposed project accounts for 21% of the site, which is consistent with the open space requirement. Parking: Please note that parking in the Village is based upon net square footage rather than gross square footage. Net square footage means that area which remains after square footage of spaces that do not generate parking demand are removed from the calculation of total square footage of floor space of a building. Spaces which do not generate parking demand include, but are not limited to, restrooms, stairwells, elevators, walkways, and similar space. The parking requirement for office space is one parking space per 350 square feet of net floor space. The parking standards set forth in the Village Master Plan and Design Manual also permit a maximum of 40% of the total number of parking spaces provided on-site to be constructed to meet the requirements of a small or compact vehicle. The parking requirement for the 3,273 square feet of net leasable office space is nine spaces. The applicant is proposing to provide five spaces on-site and four spaces off-site through participation in the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program. The on-site parking spaces include four standard parking stalls and one disabled accessible stall. The fees collected from the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program are deposited into an earmarked, interest bearing fund to be used for construction of new, or maintenance of existing, public parking facilities within the Village Area. For the purposes of determining participation in the program, the Village has been divided into two parking zones - Zone 1 and Zone 2. A property/business owner is eligible to participate in the in-lieu fee program according to the parking zone in which a given property is located and its proximity to an existing or future public parking lot. The subject property is located within Zone 2. In accordance with the standards set forth in the Village Master Plan, developers/property owners within this zone may be allowed to make an In-Lieu Fee payment for up to one hundred percent (100%) of the on-site parking requirement for proposed new development. The applicant is requesting participation in the Program for four (4) parking spaces or 44% of the total required parking for the project. As a condition of project approval, the applicant shall be required to enter into an agreement to pay the Parking In-Lieu Fee prior to the issuance of building permits for the project. The RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 6 current fee is $11,803 per required parking space to be provided off-site. In order to participate in the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program the following findings must be made by the appropriate decision-making authority: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual; 2. The proposed use is consistent with the land use district in which the property is located; 3. Adequate parking is available within the Village to accommodate the project’s parking demands; and 4. The In-Lieu Fee Program has not been suspended or terminated by the City Council. Justification for the above referenced findings is as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the Carlsbad General Plan because it provides for a commercial office use in an appropriate location within the Village. The project provides greater employment opportunities, enhances the pedestrian orientation of the area, and retains the Village character and pedestrian scale through adherence to the land use regulations and design guidelines set forth for the area; 2. The project is consistent with Village Review Master Plan and Design Manual in that the project assists in satisfying the goals and objectives set forth for Land Use District 7 through the following actions: 1) the project stimulates property investments and new development in the Village by constructing a new permitted professional office building in an area with dated buildings; 2) it establishes Carlsbad Village as a quality shopping, working and living environment by providing employment opportunities, 3) the building is designed in a manner that compliments nearby residential uses by incorporating many of the same architectural elements found in residential projects; and 4) improves the physical appearance of the Village by developing an unimproved (vacant) lot with an attractive commercial building; 3. Adequate parking is available within the Village to accommodate the project's parking demands. Based on the most recent parking study dated August 2012, the average occupancy for all public parking lots is 63%. This utilization ratio allows for continued implementation of the parking in- lieu fee program because it is less than the 85% threshold for maximum utilization set by the City Council; and 4. The In-Lieu Fee Program has not been suspended or terminated by the City Council. Based on these findings, it is staffs position that the proposed project warrants granting participation in the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program for a maximum of four (4) parking spaces. If the City Council grants participation in the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program the project will satisfy its parking requirement as set forth in the Village Review Master Plan. RP 14-04 – TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES August 6, 2014 Page 7 TABLE B – VILLAGE REVIEW – DISTRICT 7 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUMMARY STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROPOSED Front Yard Setback 5-20 feet 5 feet Side Yard Setback 5-10 feet 5 feet (North) & 5 feet (South) Rear Yard Setback 5-10 feet 5 feet Max Building Height 35 feet w/5:12 roof pitch 33.6 feet w/5:12 roof pitch Lot Coverage 60-80% 74% Parking 1 space per 350 sq. ft. of net floor space (3,273 sq. ft. of net floor space) or 9 spaces required 5 spaces on-site 4 in-lieu fee payments Open Space 20% 21% D. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table C below. TABLE C – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration N/A N/A Library N/A N/A Waste Water Treatment 2.35 EDU Yes Parks N/A N/A Drainage 1 CFS Yes Circulation 85 ADT Yes Fire Station No. 1 Yes Open Space N/A N/A Schools N/A N/A Sewer Collection System 2.35 EDU Yes Water 973 GPD Yes IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies as a CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Village Master Plan and Design Manual, the project site is within the City limits, is less than 5 acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses; there is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project is exempt from further environmental documentation pursuant to Section 15332 of the State CEQA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7066 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Reduced Exhibits 5. Full Size Exhibits “A” – “H” dated August 6, 2014 S T A T E S T GRAND AVH A R D I N G S TCABRILLO PLDAVIS AVKREMEYER CRH O P E A V LAGUNA DR ARBUCKLE PLBEECH AVHOME AVR O O S E V E L T S T M A D I S O N S T JE F F E R S O N S T RP 14-04Tuscan Office Suites SITE MAP J EL C A M REALCARLSBAD VILL A GE D R C A R L S B A D B L LA COSTA AV PALOM AR AIRP ORT R D MELRO S E DRA VIARA P Y RANCHO S ANTA FE RDC OLL E GE BLEL CAMI NO REAL SITE «~~ W CITY OF DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Corp/Part ____ -:----,------ Title __ ,:_.~:.._::_.:..:~___::::..:.· -=----Title ____ ?U:-=-:;'-'-'-iflr-'--'~=~--- Address. _________ _ Address ___________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person'-.,---------- Title. _ __,~"-"~-"'--'-'~c:.:.:..:c=.:=""----- Address _________ _ Corp/Part _____ --,-_____ _ Title __ --"~"'-"-__,_,.l?!f!=-~_,·="--"------ Address ___________ _ Page 1 of2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2} above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Non Profit!Trust. __ -t-------- Title ____ --~.b\"-'l""k._____ Title ____ ----'-'~'-'\:J.Jk'------ Address___________ Address. ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Oves ~0 If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signa SigU~~e Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of2 Revised 07110 APPLICANTS Person Title Address Person Title Address Person Title Address OWNERS Person Title Address Person Title Address Person Title Address DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) ATTACHMENT William V. Daly Managing Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 Rosa C. Daly Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 Raymond R. Mendez Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 William V. Daly Managing Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 Rosa C. Daly Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 Raymond R. Mendez Partner P.O. Box 260, Carlsbad, CA 92018 EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING SHED EXISTING SHED JEFFERSON STREETCL45'-6"14'-10 1/2"8'-3 1/2"20'-0"2'-4"5'-0"100'-0" 5'-0"90'-0"5'-0" DRAINAGE INFORMATION SEE CONCEPTUAL CIVIL PLAN SHEET #6 1 1 1 2 2 3 15 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 9'-0"8'-6"9'-0"10'-0"8'-6"8'-6"8'-2"6'-0" MAX. HEIGHT 5'-0"17'-1 1/2"2'-4"28'-0"28'-4 1/2" 40'-0" 10'-6"5'-0"6"24'-0" 1 20'-0"5'-0"8'-1"6'-1"5'-0"40'-0" CARLSBAD, CA 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198 Scale CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN JUNE 20, 2014 ARCHITECTURE 0 8 16 24 N HOME S T HOPEAVE J E F F ER SON STMADI SON ST PACIFIC OCEAN GRAND A V ECARL SBAD BLVD CARLSBA D V I L L A G E D R ARBUCK L E PL PROJECT SITE S T A T E S T LAGUNA DR SAN D IEGO FRWY ( I-5) OAK AV E PINE AV E VICINITY MAP 1. PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 2. SETBACK LINE (TYP.) 3. CENTERLINE (TYP.) 4. 6" CONCRETE CURB 5. DRIVEWAY 6. ENTRY WALK 7. SIDE WALK 8. GARAGE GATE 9. PERIMETER CMU WALL (EXISTING) 6' HIGH 10. LANDSCAPED AREA 11. EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN 12. TRASH ENCLOSURE W/ CMU WALL 6' HIGH 13. FIRE RISER ROOM 14. ELECTRIC PANEL / METER 15. EXISTING CURB & SIDEWALK KEYNOTES SITE PLAN PERIMETER & TRASH ENCLOSURE CMU DECORATIVE WALL SCALE : 2/3" = 1'-0"A-DT-CVL-FN-0001 PRECAST CONC. COLUMN & WALL CAP DAVIS COLORS "OUTBACK" NO. 677, OAE MULTI-CLASSIC SLATE VENEER O/ 8X8 SMOOTH FACE CMU BLOCK @ COLUMNS SPLIT FACE 6" X 8" X 16"CMU BLOCK WALL COLOR TO MATCH BENAVENTO NO. 224 BY EXPO STUCCO PRODUCTS COLUMNS TO OCCUR @ 8'-0" TO 10'-0" O.C. TYP., UON = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS OWNER TELEPHONE PROJECT ADDRESS PROJECT NAME A.P.N. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION OCCUPANCY CONSTRUCTION TYPE ZONE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION EXISTING LAND USE PROPOSED LAND USE LOT AREA BUILDING AREAS OFFICE SUITE 1 SUITE 2 SUITE 3 SUITE 4 SUITE 5 SUITE 6 TOTAL OFFICE SUPPORT ELEVATOR & MACHINE ROOM TOTAL SUPPORT BALCONIES BALCONY STE. 3 BALCONY STE. 4 COVERED BREEZEWAY ATRIUM TOTAL BALCONY TOTAL AREA LANDSCAPE AREA OPEN SPACE AREA SETBACKS FRONT SIDE REAR LOT COVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT PARKING (1/350) FIRE SPRINKLERS GOVERNING CODES TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES, LLC P.O. BOX 260 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 2753 JEFFERSON ST CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES 203-110-14-00 PORTION LOT 47, SEASIDE LANDS, MAP NO. 1722 TWO STORY OFFICE BUILDING B - OFFICES U - GARAGE VB LAND USE DISTRICT 7, VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA V - VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT VACANT OFFICE 5550 SQ. FT. (.1274 ACRES) (NET)GROSS 350 SQ. FT.455 SQ. FT. 270 SQ. FT. 360 SQ. FT. 525 SQ. FT.634 SQ. FT 705 SQ. FT.818 SQ. FT. 739 SQ. FT.860 SQ.FT. 643 SQ. FT.767 SQ. FT. 3,232 SQ. FT.3,894 SQ. FT. 86 SQ. FT.113 SQ. FT. 86 SQ. FT.113 SQ. FT. 76 SQ. FT. 95 SQ. FT. 113 SQ. FT.139 SQ. FT. 334 SQ. FT.290 SQ. FT. 435 SQ. FT.512 SQ. FT. 958 SQ. FT.1,036 SQ. FT. (NET)(GROSS) 4,276 SQ. FT.5,043 SQ. FT. 968 SQ. FT. (ON SITE) PROPOSED REQUIRED 21% 20.0% PROPOSED REQUIRED 5.0' 5.0' TO 20.0' 5.0' 5.0' T0 10.0' 5.0' 5.0' TO 10.0' PROPOSED REQUIRED 74% 60.0 TO 80.0% PROPOSED REQUIRED 35.0' (SKYLIGHT) 35.0' REQUIRED (3,273/350) = 9 SPACES PROPOSED:(6) ON-SITE PARKING SPACES, (3) IN-LIEU FEE PARKING SPACES. YES THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (TITLE 24) AND THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. PROJECT DATA SCHOOL: CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 729-9291 SEWER: CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 602-2722 WATER: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5950 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 438-2722 UTILITIES: SDGE 571 ENTERPRISE STREET ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 1 (800) 660-7343 REFUSE: WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 5960 EL CAMINO REAL P.O. BOX 947 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 929-9400 TELEPHONE: SBC 570 RANCHEROS DRIVE #210 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 1 (800) 750-2355 TELEVISION: TIME WARNER 5720 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 931-7000 FIRE DEPARTMENT: CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 931-2141 JURISDICTIONS 1.AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR REQUIRED FIRE PROTECTION AT PROPERTY LINES. 2.IN GROUP B OCCUPANCIES NO OPENINGS ARE ALLOWED WITHIN 5' OF PROPERTY LINES. ALL OPENINGS BETWEEN 5' AND 10' FROM PROPERTY LINES SHALL BE PROTECTED OPENINGS. 3.AN APPROVED KNOX ENTRY ACCESS DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE FIRE RISER ROOM. IF VEHICULAR AND/OR PEDESTRIAN GATES ARE INSTALLED THEY SHALL ALSO UTILIZE AN APPROVED KNOX ENTRY ACCESS DEVICE. A KNOX ENTRY BOX SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING. 4.SURFACE WATER WILL DRAIN AWAY FROM THE BUILDING AND THE SITE PLAN SHALL SHOW THE DRAINAGE PATTERN. CBC SECTION 1804.7 5.EXTERIOR EXIT SIGNS AND BATTERIES WILL HAVE AN EXTERIOR RATING. 6.FIRE SPRINKLER WATER FLOW WILL BE MONITORED. NOTES ARCHITECT NAME: SUMMA ARCHITECTS DE, INC. ADDRESS: 5256 S. MISSION RD., STE. 404, BONSALL, CA 92003 PHONE #: (760) 724-1198 CONTACT(S): DAMIAN TAITANO EMAIL: DAMIAN@SUMMARCH.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NAME: SWANSON ASSOCIATES ADDRESS: 17055 VIA DEL CAMPO, SUITE !00, SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 PHONE #: (858) 487-7600 FAX: (858) 487-7604 CONTACT(S): MARK SWANSON EMAIL: MS@SWANSON-ENGR.COM CIVIL ENGINEER/ SURVEYOR NAME: COASTAL LAND SOLUTIONS ADDRESS: 577 SECOND ST., ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PHONE #: (760) 230-6025 EXT. 202 FAX: (760) 230-6026 CONTACT: SEAN ENGLERT, L.S. EMAIL: SEAN@COASTAL-LAND-SOLUTIONS.COM SOILS ENGINEER NAME: GEOSOILS, INC. ADDRESS: 5741 PALMER WAY, CARLSBAD, CA PHONE #: (760) 438-3155 FAX #: (760) 931-0915 CONTACT: ROBERT CHRISMAN EMAIL: RCRISMAN@GEOSOILSINC.COM MECHANICAL, PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER NAME: TOFT WOLFF FARROW, INC. ADDRESS: 1300 DOVE ST., SUITE 200, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 PHONE #: (949) 752-4400 EXT. 131 FAX #: (949) 752-4404 CONTACT: TIEN LEE EMAIL: TLEE@TWFNB.COM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT NAME: GILLESPIE MOODY PATTERSON, INC. ADDRESS: 4125 SORRENTO VALLEY BLVD., SUITE D, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PHONE #: (858) 558-8977 FAX #: (858) 558-9188 CONTACT(S): JOHN PATTERSON EMAIL: JOHN@GMPLANDARCH.COM FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN/ INSTALL NAME: ASI FIRE PROTECTION ADDRESS: 168 HILL DR., VISTA, CA 92083 PHONE #: (760) 208-4888 FAX #: (760) 650-7217 CONTACT: KEVIN MCDERMIT EMAIL: KEVIN@ASIFP.COM FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORING NAME: CITYWIDE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ADDRESS: 440 HIGHLAND AVE., EL CAJON, CA 92020 PHONE #: (619) 444-0219 FAX #: (619) 444-9130 CONTACT: KYLE MILLS / CARLOS TORRES EMAIL: KMILLS@CWESI.COM / CTORRES@CWESI.COM PROJECT TEAM TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES, LLC P.O. BOX 260 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 1 PROJECT NUMBER (RP 14-04) !"#$%#&'()*#+,#&' !"#$%#&'()*#+,#&' !"#$%#&' $-!, !"#$%#&' $-!,.!//!0$1&($%0!!%2+34567893569:(9;<8=56>(9;<8<:56:8<5638456:89::56:8 456:8 ?:56:8 456:8 ,0@#&@'!(#&/10A@%#1& $!!(21&2!B%*@+(2#C#+(B+@& $-!!%(D7 9 9 9 < < > 94 4 7 E = ? ? 9:9: 9: 99 99 9< 9> 93 ?56:8=5678?56:89:56:8=5678=5678=56<8756:8(A@"F -!#'-% 456:8 9E569(9;<8 <5638 <=56:8 <=563(9;<8 3:56:8 9:5678 456:8 78 <356:8 9 <:56:8 456:8=5698 75698 456:8 3:56:8 2@0+$)@,G(2@ 4<47($F(AHIIHJK(0JLMG($NO(3:3 )JKILPPG(2@(?<::> E7:FE<3F99?= $QLPO 21&2!B%*@+($#%!(B+@& .*&!(<:G(<:93 !"#$%&'#&("' :(=(97 ((<3 & -1A!((( $ %-1B!@C! . ! / /!0 $1& ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( $%A@,# $1& ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( $% B@2#/#2 12!@&'0@&,((( ( @ C !2@0+ $)@, ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ()+C, 2@0+$)@ , (( (( ( C # + + @ ' ! (( , 0 @0)*2R + ! (((((B+ B01.!2%($#%! $ % @ % ! ( ( ( ( $ % +@'*&@((((,0 $@&(((, #!'1( ((((/0ST( ((((( (((U #64V 1@R((((@C ! B#&!(((@C ! 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BOX 260 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198ARCHITECTURE 2 PROJECT NUMBER (RP 14-04) POLICE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: - USE MANAGED ACCESS ON GARAGE ENTRANCES, COMMON DOORS AND ELEVATORS. - ELEVATOR CABS WITH INTERIORS THAT ARE NOT COMPLETELY VISIBLE WHEN THE DOOR IS OPEN FROM A POINT CENTERED ON AND 36 INCHES AWAY FROM THE DOOR, SHALL HAVE SHATTER RESISTANT MIRRORS OR OTHER EQUALLY REFLECTIVE MATERIAL SO PLACED AS TO MAKE VISIBLE THE ENTIRE ELEVATOR CAB FROM THIS POINT. - ALL SKYLIGHTS ON THE ROOF OF ANY BUILDING SHOULD BE PROVIDED WITH RATED BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING MATERIAL SECURELY FASTENED WITH BOLTS THAT ARE NON-REMOVABLE FROM THE EXTERIOR. - WHEN CONSIDERING AN ALARM SYSTEM, THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDS A "VERIFIED SYSTEM" IN AN EFFORT TO ELIMINATE FALSE ALARM ACTIVATIONS AND INCREASE BREACH DETECTION. A VERIFIED SYSTEM IS VERIFIED THROUGH AUDIO OR VISUAL COMPONENTS. - IF USING ELECTRONIC ASSESS AS A SECURITY FEATURE, CONSIDER MANAGED ELECTRONIC ACCESS. - ALL TYPES OF EXTERIOR DOORS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS. WITH A MINIMUM MAINTAINED ONE (1) FOOT-CANDLE OF LIGHT, MEASURED WITHIN A FIVE-FOOT RADIUS ON EACH SIDE OF THE DOOR AT GROUND LEVEL. - RECESSED AREAS OF BUILDINGS OR FENCES, WHICH HAVE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2 FEET, A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 5 FEET, AND DO NOT EXCEED 6 FEET IN WIDTH AND ARE CAPABLE OF HUMAN CONCEALMENT, SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED WITH A MINIMUM MAINTAINED 0.25 FOOT-CANDLES OF LIGHT AT GROUND LEVEL DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS. - ALL EXTERIOR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS, INTERIOR COMMON CORRIDORS, OPEN PARKING AND INTERIOR GARAGE LOTS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED WITH A MINIMUM MAINTAINED 1 FOOT-CANDLE OF LIGHT ON THE WALKING OR DRIVING SURFACE DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS. - THE PARKING AND DRIVE SURFACE LIGHTING SHOULD HAVE A RATED AVERAGE BULB LIFE OF NOT LESS THAN 10,000 HOURS. - ACCESSIBLE LUMINARIES SHOULD HAVE VANDAL RESISTANT LIGHT FIXTURES AND BE NOT LESS THAN THREE FEET IN HEIGHT FROM GROUND LEVEL WHEN USED TO ILLUMINATE WALKWAYS AND A MINIMUM OF 8 FEET IN HEIGHT FROM GROUND LEVEL WHEN ILLUMINATING SURFACES ASSOCIATED WITH VEHICLES. - NUMERALS SHOULD BE LOCATED WHERE THEY ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM THE STREET ON WHICH THEY ARE ADDRESSED. THEY SHOULD BE OF A COLOR CONTRASTING TO THE BACKGROUND TO WHICH THEY ARE AFFIXED. - NUMERALS SHOULD BE NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES IN HEIGHT, IF LOCATED LESS THAN 100 FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE ADDRESSED STREET - THE NUMERALS SHOULD BE ILLUMINATED DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS. - THE REAR DOORS OF ALL BUILDINGS SHOULD HAVE ADDRESS NUMBERS NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES HIGH AND BE OF CONTRASTING COLOR TO AFFIXED BACKGROUND. CARLSBAD, CA Scale SECOND FLOOR PLAN JUNE 20, 2014 0 4 8 12 N TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES, LLC P.O. BOX 260 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198ARCHITECTURE 3 PROJECT NUMBER (RP 14-04) POLICE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: - USE HOLLOW STEEL DOORS THAT ARE A MINIMUM 16 U.S. GAUGE AND HAVE SUFFICIENT REINFORCEMENT TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGNED THICKNESS OF THE DOOR WHEN A LOCKING DEVICE IS INSTALLED. - USE ONLY GLASS DOORS WITH FULLY TEMPERED GLASS OR BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING. PROTECT ALL EXTERIOR DOORS WITH SECURITY HARDWARE. - EQUIP MOVABLE WINDOWS WITH SECURITY HARDWARE AND BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING. - COVER OTHER VULNERABLE NON-MOVABLE WINDOWS WITH BURGLAR RESISTANT GLAZING WINDOWS OF COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ARE VULNERABLE TO BREAKAGE DURING THE HOURS OF DARKNESS WHEN THE BUSINESS IS NON-OPERATIONAL ESPECIALLY WINDOWS WITHIN 40 INCHES OF ANY DOOR LOCKING MECHANISM. - GLAZE SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED OF EITHER 2 PART LAMINATED GLAZING WITH A 0.60 INCH INNER LAYER OR BURGLARY RESISTANT GLAZING. - INTERIOR DOORS SHOULD HAVE GLAZING PANELS A MINIMUM OF 5 INCHES WIDE AND 20 INCHES IN HEIGHT AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CBC. - AREAS BENEATH STAIRWAYS AT OR BELOW GROUND LEVEL SHALL BE FULLY ENCLOSED OR ACCESS TO THEM RESTRICTED. - STAIR TOWERS AND ELEVATORS HAVE BEEN THE HIGHEST RISK FOR PERSONAL INJURY AS THEY ARE TYPICALLY ENCLOSED. STAIRWAYS SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO BE COMPLETELY VISIBLE FROM EITHER THE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR OR BOTH, UNLESS MANDATED BY THE CBC TO BE ENCLOSED. CARLSBAD, CA Scale ROOF PLAN JUNE 20, 2014 0 4 8 12 N TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES, LLC P.O. BOX 260 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198ARCHITECTURE 4 PROJECT NUMBER (RP 14-04) EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION TUSCAN OFFICE SUITESCARLSBAD, CA TUSCAN OFFICE SUITES, LLC P.O. BOX 260 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (619) 977-0600 Scale ELEVATIONS JUNE 20, 2014 0 4 8 12 5256 S. Mission Road, Ste 404 Bonsall, CA 92003 760.724.1198ARCHITECTURE 5 PROJECT NUMBER (RP 14-04) 2753 !"#$%&"'()!" %*+,- ./#%0).$11#)2$"3 4536)78()789: 8 ):);))97 3 05%!"3)1../!6)%5/06% 05%!"3)1../!6)%5/06%()$$! 2<1<)&1=)7>8 !+?,@A+B()!"))C789; D>9CE)CFFG8>88 H7H>)%<)IJ@@JKL)#K+B()%M-):8: &KL@+,,()!")C788N F>8<F7:<99C;!"#$%&'#&("'7 2#146!0)35I&6#)D#2)9:G8:E 21$/!6)'62"#0I630)#6!1II63'"0/13%O G)5%6)I"3"P6')"!!6%%)13)P"#"P6)630#"3!6%( !1II13)'11#%)"3')6$6Q"01#%< G)6$6Q"01#)!"&%)R/0S)/306#/1#%)0S"0)"#6 310)!1I2$606$T)Q/%/&$6)RS63)0S6)'11#)/%)1263 .#1I)")21/30)!6306#6')13)"3')N>)/3!S6%)"R"T .#1I)0S6)'11#()%S"$$)S"Q6)%S"006#)#6%/%0"30 I/##1#%)1#)10S6#)6U5"$$T)#6.$6!0/Q6)I"06#/"$)%1 2$"!6')"%)01)I"V6)Q/%/&$6)0S6)630/#6)6$6Q"01#)!"& .#1I)0S/%)21/30< G)"$$)%VT$/PS0%)13)0S6)#11.)1.)"3T)&5/$'/3P %S15$')&6)2#1Q/'6')R/0S)#"06')&5#P$"#T #6%/%0"30)P$"W/3P)I"06#/"$)%6!5#6$T ."%0636')R/0S)&1$0%)0S"0)"#6)313G#6I1Q"&$6 .#1I)0S6)6=06#/1#< G)RS63)!13%/'6#/3P)"3)"$"#I)%T%06I()0S6 21$/!6)'62"#0I630)#6!1II63'%)")XQ6#/./6')%T%06IX /3)"3)6..1#0)01)6$/I/3"06)."$%6)"$"#I)"!0/Q"0/13% "3')/3!#6"%6)&#6"!S)'606!0/13<))")Q6#/./6')%T%06I /%)Q6#/./6')0S#15PS)"5'/1)1#)Q/%5"$)!1I213630%< G)/.)5%/3P)6$6!0#13/!)"%%6%%)"%)")%6!5#/0T .6"05#6()!13%/'6#)I"3"P6')6$6!0#13/!)"!!6%%< G)"$$)0T26%)1.)6=06#/1#)'11#%)%S15$')&6 /$$5I/3"06')'5#/3P)0S6)S15#%)1.)'"#V36%%<)R/0S)" I/3/I5I)I"/30"/36')136)D9E).110G!"3'$6)1.)$/PS0( I6"%5#6')R/0S/3)")./Q6G.110)#"'/5%)13)6"!S)%/'6 1.)0S6)'11#)"0)P#153')$6Q6$< G)#6!6%%6')"#6"%)1.)&5/$'/3P%)1#).63!6%( RS/!S)S"Q6)")I/3/I5I)'620S)1.)7).660()")I/3/I5I S6/PS0)1.)H).660()"3')'1)310)6=!66')>).660)/3 R/'0S)"3')"#6)!"2"&$6)1.)S5I"3)!13!6"$I630( %S15$')&6)/$$5I/3"06')R/0S)")I/3/I5I)I"/30"/36' 8<7H).110G!"3'$6%)1.)$/PS0)"0)P#153')$6Q6$ '5#/3P)0S6)S15#%)1.)'"#V36%%< G)"$$)6=06#/1#)26'6%0#/"3)R"$VR"T%( /306#/1#)!1II13)!1##/'1#%()1263)2"#V/3P)"3' /306#/1#)P"#"P6)$10%)%S15$')&6)/$$5I/3"06')R/0S ")I/3/I5I)I"/30"/36')9).110G!"3'$6)1.)$/PS0)13 0S6)R"$V/3P)1#)'#/Q/3P)%5#."!6)'5#/3P)0S6)S15#% 1.)'"#V36%%< G)0S6)2"#V/3P)"3')'#/Q6)%5#."!6)$/PS0/3P %S15$')S"Q6)")#"06')"Q6#"P6)&5$&)$/.6)1.)310)$6%% 0S"3)98(888)S15#%< G)"!!6%%/&$6)$5I/3"#/6%)%S15$')S"Q6)Q"3'"$ #6%/%0"30)$/PS0)./=05#6%)"3')&6)310)$6%%)0S"3 0S#66).660)/3)S6/PS0).#1I)P#153')$6Q6$)RS63)5%6' 01)/$$5I/3"06)R"$VR"T%)"3')")I/3/I5I)1.);).660 /3)S6/PS0).#1I))P#153')$6Q6$)RS63)/$$5I/3"0/3P %5#."!6%)"%%1!/"06')R/0S)Q6S/!$6%< G)35I6#"$%)%S15$')&6)$1!"06')RS6#6)0S6T "#6)!$6"#$T)Q/%/&$6).#1I)0S6)%0#660)13)RS/!S)0S6T "#6)"''#6%%6'<)0S6T)%S15$')&6)1.)")!1$1# !130#"%0/3P)01)0S6)&"!VP#153')01)RS/!S)0S6T "#6)"../=6'< G)35I6#"$%)%S15$')&6)31)$6%%)0S"3)>)/3!S6% /3)S6/PS0()/.)$1!"06')$6%%)0S"3)988).660).#1I)0S6 !6306#$/36)1.)0S6)"''#6%%6')%0#660 G)0S6)35I6#"$%)%S15$')&6)/$$5I/3"06' '5#/3P)0S6)S15#%)1.)'"#V36%%< G)0S6)#6"#)'11#%)1.)"$$)&5/$'/3P%)%S15$' S"Q6)"''#6%%)35I&6#%)310)$6%%)0S"3)>)/3!S6%)S/PS "3')&6)1.)!130#"%0/3P)!1$1#)01)"../=6' &"!VP#153'< !"#$%&"'()!" %*+,- %.!/0')1$//#)2$"0 340.)56()5678 6 )8 )9 ))75 0 :4%!"0)/11;!.)%4;:.% :4%!"0)/11;!.)%4;:.%()$$! 2</<)&/=)5>6 !+?,@A+B()!"))C5679 D>7CE)CFFG6>66 H5H>)%<)IJ@@JKL)#K+B()%M-)868 &KL@+,,()!")C566N F>6<F58<77C9!"#$%&'#&("'N 2#/3.!:)04I&.#)D#2)78G68E 2/$;!.)'.2"#:I.0:)#.!/II.0'":;/0%O G)4%.)P/$$/Q)%:..$)'//#%):P":)"#.)" 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