HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 82-03; Jefferson Senior Housing; Redevelopment Permits (RP)s
1) Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 28,000 sg. ft.
2) Zone (Residential-Professional Zone)
3) General Plan Land Use Designation Included'in "The Village Design
Carlsbad General Plan, RMH Residential Medium High
4) The Present Use of the Subject Property vacant •
5) By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain
facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts
carefully and explain how the proposed pro.iect meets each of
these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary:
a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable
for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony
with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan,
and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically
permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located:
Housinq for Seniors is an imperative need throughout San Diego Opunty.
The project will be consistent with surrounding uses, which consist
of apartment buildinq(s) commercial, and a communitv center, making
this an especially attractive location. Transportation routes
are closely accessible.
b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate in
size and shape to accomodate the use: ronstrnrtion area onrnpifi.c,
only 8,640 sq. ft. of the 28,000 sq. ft. site area.
c) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls,
fences, landscapinq, etc., will be adequate to adjust the
requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the
neighborhood: Adequate setbacks are provided. Fences along
the northern and western property lines will provide vianal privacy
both to the apartment residents as well as existinq surroundinq
users. Landscapinq will provide visual relief for presidents and
onlookers. Setbacks are consistent'/burrent R-P zone standards.
d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the
proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic gener-
ated by the proposed use: Traffic qenerated by this project will
be minimal. Community Public transportation, commercial facilities
and the Seniors Community Center are all within walkinq distance^
Therefore it will not be necessary for many of them to own cars.
** If you need more space to answer the above, please use
reverse side of this form or separate sheets and attach
to this form.
FORM Planning 22 Date of Planning Commission Approval
1) Gross Acres (or square footage if less than acre) 28,000 sg. ft.
2) Zone R~P (Residential-Professional Zone)
3) General Plan Land Use Designation Included'in "The Village Design
Carlsbad General Plan, RMH Residential Medium High
4) The Present Use of the Subject Property vacant •
5) By law a Conditional Use Permit may be approved only if certain
facts are found to exist. Please read these required facts
carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of
these facts. Use additional sheets if necessary:
a) Explain why the requested use is necessary or desirable
for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony
with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan,
and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically
permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located:
Housinq for Seniors is an imperative need throughout San Diego County.
The project will be consistent with surrounding uses, which consist
of apartment building(s) commercial, and a community center, making
this an especially attractive location. Transportation routes
are closely accessible.
b) Explain why the site for the intended use is adequate in
size and shape to accomodate the use: constrnntion ar^a onrnpipa
only 8r64Q sq, ft. of the 28,000 sq. ft. site area.
c) Explain why you believe the proposed yards, setbacks, walls,
fences, landscaping, etc., will be adequate to adjust the
requested use to existinq or permitted future uses in the
neighborhood: Adequate setbacks are provided. Fences along
the northern and western property lines will provide visual privacy
both to the apartment residents as well as existing surrounding
users. Landscapinq will provide visual relief for presidents and
onlookers. Setbacks are consistent"^current R-P zone standards.
d) Explain why you believe the street system serving the
proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic gener-
ated by the proposed use: Traffic qenerated by this project will
be minimal. Community Public transportation, commercial facilities
and the Seniors Community Center are all within walkinq distance^
Therefore it will not be necessary for many of them to own cars.
** If you need more space to answer the above, please use
reverse side of this form or separate sheets and attach
to this form.
FORM Planning 22 Date of Planning Commission Approval
>.Li: aftar the infermation you hava submitted has been Xt^iewed, it is de.terniine<i
'"'that furthar inf orma tic^j^s r<5quired, you v.^ill be so ^^^ised.
APPLlC?ijN5T: _Glenn A. Rick Engineering & Development Corporation
Name (individus;!, partnership, jo5,nt venture, corporat5.on, syndicatioPi)
DBA Rick Engineering Company
3088 Pio Pico Dr. Carlsbad, CA -92008
Business AddrGss
Te 1 ephon a 1^ umbe.r
Businass Addres.s
Telephone Wiii2i-)er
frEMBEKS: Robert C. Ladwig
F.ame -(individual, partxiar, joint
ventin^s, corporation, syndication)
IPi.^J'^.Z^£*^^^-' Carlsbad, CA 92008
Busine.ss Addrass
Ko!ii& ^.ddress
Telephone N>-LDiDer ' Telephonfe Numbe:
3'isLness Aaaress
Tej.ephon?? Ni^har Telephone Numbetr
William B. Rick
Wallace A. Rick
Houshmand Aftahi
Lyle F. Gabrielson
Richard M. Slayer
Robert C. Ladwig
Jerald Van Ert
Barry C. Bender
(Attach more sheets if necessary)
I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the infonr.ation contained in this di.s-
closure is trut:- and corx-ect and that it will remain true and correct and inay be-
relied upon as beiag true and correct until aniended.
Glenn A. Rick Engineering &
_Peyelopment Corporation