HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 85-16; Gilbert's Auto Body; Redevelopment Permits (RP)APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE AUGUST iaJfcl985 STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 22, 198 6 TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: RP 85-16 - GILBERT'S AUTO BODY - Request for a major redevelopment permit to develop an auto body and paint shop at 3293 Roosevelt Street in Sub-area 4 of the V-R zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution No. 061 DENYING RP 85-16, based on the findings contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a major redevelopment permit to develop an auto body and paint shop located as described above. The proposal would entail the development of a 1,668 square foot structure which would accommodate three auto body work bays. Nine onsite parking spaces will be provided in the front of the lot. The three parallel parking spaces shown along the southern side of the proposed project driveway (Exhibit "A") are not adequate in width (the required width of 8.5 feet) and, therefore, cannot be utilized for parking. Since the width of the lot is only 50 feet and 44 feet is required for perpendicular parking and driveway, it is concluded that no additional parking spaces can be accommodated onsite. The subject property is currently vacant and level, and is periodically used as an illegal parking lot for adjacent industrial uses located along Tyler Street. The properties to the north and south of the site are zoned V-R and developed with older, rundown, single faraily residences. The property to the east is zoned V-R and contains a commercial structure which is in the process of being rehabilitated. The property to the west along Tyler Street is zoned V-R and is developed with Andre's Towing and Jobe Gay Concrete and Asphalt Sawing. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Does the proposed project conform with the goals of the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street within Sub-area 4 of the Village Redevelopment area? 2. Does the project comply with the development standards of the Village Design Manual? Discussion V-R Area Goals The proposed project is located on the southern end of Sub-area 4 in the Village Redevelopment area. It falls within the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street. This Special Treatment Area covers properties along the east side of Tyler Street which front along the west side of Roosevelt Street. The direction for the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, relative to this Special Treatment Area, is to consider for approval only those uses deemed to be of lesser intensity than C-M zone uses. Since the proposed auto body and paint shop is a use permitted within the C-M zone, it is staff's opinion that the proposed use would not be permitted within this Special Treatment Area. Village Design Manual Standards In that the proposed project would not be allowed on the subject property, consistency of the project with the development standards of the Village Design Manual is a moot point. It is, however, noted here that the project as proposed does not conform to the required parking standards for this use, of four parking spaces per work bay, plus one space for every 500 square feet of display area. Based upon these standards, the project would require a minimum of 13 spaces. The project as proposed includes only nine parking spaces. In view of the size of the site, as discussed earlier, it is not likely that the required number of parking spaces could be accommodated on the subject property. In summary, because the proposed use would not be permitted on the property per the direction of the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street, and since the proposed project does not comply with the development standards of the Village Design Manual with regard to parking, staff is recommending denial of RP 85-16. ATTACHMENTS 1. Design Review Board Resolution No. 061 2. Location Map 3. Vicinity Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Form 6. Exhibits "A" - "B", dated January 15, 1986 CDD:ad 11/25/85 -2- LOCATION MAP H -< r- m 30 PINE WALNUT o o CO m < m r- A VE it SITE CO H AVE GILBERTS AUTO BODY RP 85-16 SINGLE FAMILY COMMERCiAL V/I VACANT • • • VICINITY MAP GILBERTS AUTO BODY • • • • • • RP 85-16 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: RP 85-16 APPLICANT: Gilbert's Auto Body REQUEST AND lOCATION: Request for an auto body & paint shop at 3293 Roosevelt Street. LEGAL INSCRIPTION: Lots 30 & 31 in Block 31 of the Town of Carlsbad, State of California, Map Nb. 535, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San 204-081-11 Diego County, May 2, 1888 APN: 204-081-12 Acres 7,OOOsq.ft. Proposed Nb. of Lots/Units — — GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation CBD Density Allowed • . Density Proposed Existing Zone (C-2) V-R Proposed Zone (C-2) Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site V-R Vacant, graded North V-R SF Residential South V-R SF Residential East V-R Conroercial Andre's Towing West V-R Jobe Gay Concrete & Asphalt Sawing PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued . ^E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, It arcat tn« ii»i.»jA.u»»wiw*» j^w- ^ ^ that furthar informati^\s required, you will be so advised. .,5,^^ •:'-,^^•^••••.•^-':'^?^;?^*•iV5^* Business Addr e(3 . x., TelepHon* Number ^ - AGENT:. (7 m-^ Name Business Address Telephone Number MEMBERS; Name (individtial, partner, joint: venture, corporation, syndication) Home Address Business Address Telephone Number Telephone Number Eome Address Business Address Teleohone Nuaber Telephone iiumber (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be* relied uoon as being true and correct until amended. APPLI AUGUST CATION^MITTAL DATE: ^ T 19, 1^ CJI ITEM 2 STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 8, 1986 TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: RP 85-16 - GILBERT'S AUTO BODY - Request for a major redevelopment permit to develop an auto body and paint shop at 3293 Roosevelt Street in Sub-area 4 of the V-R zone. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution No. 061 DENYING RP 85-16, based on the findings contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a major redevelopment permit to develop an auto body and paint shop located as described above. The proposal would entail the development of a 2,148 square foot structure which would accommodate four auto body work bays and one auto paint bay. Five onsite parking spaces will be provided in the front of the lot. The subject property is currently vacant and level, and is periodically used as an illegal parking lot for adjacent industrial uses located along Tyler Street. The properties to the north and south of the site are zoned V-R and developed with older, rundown, single family residences. The property to the east is zoned V-R and contains a commercial structure which is in the process of being rehabilitated. The property to the west along Tyler Street is zoned V-R and is developed with Andre's Towing and Jobe Gay Concrete and Asphalt Sawing. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Does the proposed project conform with the goals of the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street within Sub-area 4 of the Village Redevelopment area? 2. Does the project comply with the development standards of the Village Design Manual? DISCUSSION V-R Area Goals The proposed project is located on the southern end of Sub-area 4 in the Village Redevelopment area. It falls within the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street. This Special Treatment Area covers properties along the east side of Tyler Street which front along the west side of Roosevelt Street. The direction for the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, relative to this Special Treatment Area, is to consider for approval only those uses deemed to be of lesser intensity than C-M zone uses. Since the proposed auto body and paint shop is a use permitted within the C-M zone, it is staff's opinion that the proposed use would not be permitted within this Special Treatment Area. Village Design Manual Standards In that the proposed project would not be allowed on the subject property, consistency of the project with the development standards of the Village Design Manual is a moot point. It is, however, noted here that the project as proposed does not conform to the required parking standards for this use, of three parking spaces per work bay, plus one space per employee. Based upon these standards, the project would require a minimum of 15 spaces plus one space per each employee. The project as proposed includes only five parking spaces. In view of the size of the site, 7,000 square feet, it is not likely that the required number of parking spaces could be accommodated on the subject property. In summary, because the proposed use would not be permitted on the property per the direction of the Special Treatment Area for the east side of Tyler Street, and since the proposed project does not comply with the development standards of the Village Design Manual with regard to parking, staff is recommending denial of RP 85-16. ATTACHMENTS 1. Design Review Board Resolution No. 061 2. Location Map 3. Vicinity Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Form 6. Exhibits "A" - "B", dated September 12, 1985 CDD:ad 11/25/85 -2- 1^ LOCATION MAP PINE m CO H fei'i'i'I'ri'iTl;!'!'!'! WALNUT 13 O O CO m < m AVE SITE CO AVE GILBERTS AUTO BODY RP 85-16 SINQLE FAMILY G.I COMMERCIAL El VACANT • • • VICINITY MAP LAGOOH GILBERTS AUTO BODY • • • • • • RP 85-16 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: RP 85-16 APPLICANT: Gilbert's Auto Body REQUEST MD LOCATION: Request for an auto bcx3y & paint shop at 3293 Roosevelt Street. LEGAL CESCRIPTION: Lots 30 & 31 in Block 31 of the Town of Carlsbad, State of California, Map Nb. 535, filed in the Office of the County Rec:order of San 204-081-11 Diego County, May 2, 1888 APN; 204-081-12 Acres 7,OOOsq.ft. Proposed No. of Lots/tJnits GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation CBD Density Allowed __ZZZIIZZZZZZ Density Proposed ___ZIIIIIIIIZ Existing Zone (C-2) V-R Proposed Zone (C-2) Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site V-R Vacant, graded North V-R SF Residential South V-R SF Residential East V-R Conroercial Andre's Towing West V-R Jobe Gay Concrete & Asphalt Sawing PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMEWFAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued ^E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, If after tme xncormacion jr that furthar inf orma tion^As requiredr you will be so ied. Nam^(individual1fe'partnership;^ Jointlven Business Address MEMBEBS: Telephone Nuaber Name '(individual, partner* joint venture, corporationr syndication) Homft Address Business Address Telephone Nuaber Telephone Clumber Name Bome Address Business Address Telephone Nuaber Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure is trus and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be* relied upon as being trus and correct until amended. Applicant STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1985 TO: Design Review Board FROM: Redevelopment Office SUBJECT: RP 85-8 - CARLSBAD AUTO SERVICE, INC. - Request for a Minor Redevelopment Permit to establish an auto repair facility at 3163 Roosevelt Street. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution No. 048 APPROVING RP 85-8. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting a permit to establish an auto repair facility at 3163 Roosevelt Street. This 2400 square foot building has been vacant for sometime. It had previously been used as a commercial warehouse for a flower wholesaler. The applicant proposes to clean up the site and do some interior modifications. The site will be used for auto mechanical repairs only, no bodywork will be performeed on the premises. The proposed project is located in Subarea 4 of the Village Redevelopment area. The goal of this subarea is to create a light manufacturing/heavy commercial area that will serve the project area. Among the encouraged uses are: auto related services, laundry and dry cleaning plants, cabinet and futurniture manufacturing, glass studios, electronic assembly and bakeries. As such, the proposed renovation and use change would be consistent with the goals and compatible with the uses designated for this area. Staff believes this proposal to be a significant improvement to a vacant structure. It is a step toward developing commercial activity south of Oak Avenue in Subarea 4. This area has experienced little commercial development in a decade. It is hoped that the applicants' efforts will encourage future spin-off development there. The parking for the site is accessed off of both Tyler Street and Roosevelt. Seven spaces are provided to the rear of the structure. Additional spaces will be provided in work stalls in the interior of the building. Equipment and auto storage will be prohibited in the parking area. Screening will be installed on the Tyler side of the lot. Hours of operation will be conditioned. Ill. ARCHITECTURE/DESIGN The building will remain basically unchanged. Landscaping will be upgraded on Roosevelt Street frontage. Screening will be provided in fencing to rear of lot on Tyler Street. Building is metal frame construction, pale green with white roof. ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 048 Location Map -2- TOCATION MAP WOOD lAotoo^veJT b SlOi STAFF REPORT DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 19 84 TO: Design Review Board FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: RP 84-2 CARCOA, INC. - Request for a use permit to allow an auto body repair service and upholstery shop at 2586-2598 State Street. I. RECOMJIENDATIQN It is recommended that the Design Review Board ADOPT Resolution No. 02 9 APPROVING RP 84-2. II. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting approval to allow an auto body and upholstery shop in an existing single-story, 9424 square foot building, located as described above. The building is on a through lot which is located between State and Roosevelt Streets. The Village Redevelopment Manual shows that State Street half of the lot as subarea 3 and the Roosevelt half as subarea 6. Subarea 3 encourages coramercial uses and the auto body shop would be an appropriate use. Subarea 6 is designated for office type uses. The existing structure is located along the State Street frontage and, as.a result, the property is oriented toward this road. The Roosevelt side of the property is primarily paved storage and to protect the surrounding properties on the Roosevelt side of the lot, the applicant has agreed to conduct all repair and storage inside the building and will landscape along the Roosevelt and south side frontages. For these reasons and because the property is raore oriented toward the coramercial uses on State Street staff is recommending approval. III. ARCHITECTUAL/DESIGN No raajor exterior changes will be raade to the existing building. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project is categorically exerapt per section 19.04.070(9) and has therefore issued a Notice of Exeraption. ATTACHMENTS 1. Design Review Board Resolution No. 029 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet ER/al LOCATION MAP BUENA VISTA LAGOON LA6UNA t>k SITE CARCOA, INC. I RP 84-2 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: RP 84-2 APPLICANT: CARCOA, INC. REQUEST AND LOCATION: Iirport car repair service and upholstery shop 2586 - 2598 State Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The southeasterly half of Lot 22 of Seaside Lands, according to Map No. 1722 filed July 28, 1971 APN: 203-101-25,26 Acres 20,227 sq/ft Prqposed tto. of Lots/Units N/A GEMmL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RS Density Allowed N/A Density Proposed N/A Existing Zone V-R Prcposed Zone N/A Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site (R-P)(C-M) vacant building llorth C-M R-P industrial South C-M R-P industrial East R-P professional bldg. VJest C-M industrial RTBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU' s Public Facilities Fee Agreenent, dated N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, exaipt aa