HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 88-03; Carlsbad Inn Tennis Courts; Redevelopment Permits (RP) (2)COASTAL DBVBLOPMBHT PERMIT
This Supplemental Application is to be filed for:
A. Any development requiring a Coastal Development
Permit issued by the City of Carlsbad, or
B. Any development which requires a California Coastal
Commission Coastal Development Permit.
Please answer all questions. Where questions do not apply,
please indicate "not applicable" or "N/A".
1. General Background
A. Has any application for a development on this site been
submitted previously to the California Coastal
( ) Yes (X) No
If yes, state previous California Coastal Commission
Coastal Development Permit application number
B. Do yo wish to apply for:
1 . An Administrative Coastal Development Permit
2. A Regular Coastal Development Permit x
3, A California Coastal Commission Coastal Development
C. Please provide the street address of this proposed
developraent NOHP - T?pi1rnaH T^ight- nf W^^y
D. Please provide the Assessor's Parcel Number of this
proposed development
E. Pleaae identify that the proposed development is
located on the (N/S/@'W - Cirlce One) side of jjiaahiii^iLiiL-St
between Qp^k Strt^^st and Pin^ Strppt
F. Please describe the present land uses (i.e. Vacant
land, single family homes, apartments, offices, etc.)
surrounding the proposed development to the:
North: Vacant
South: Vacant
East: Railroad Right of Way
West: Apartments
Form: PD:LCP #5 1 of 5
2. Present Uae of Property
A) Are there existing structures on the property?
( ) Yea (X) NO
If yes,, please describe.
B) Will any existing structure be demolished? ( ) Yes (X) No
Will any existing structures be removed? ( ) Yes (X) No
If yes to either question, describe the type of development
to be demolished or removed, including the relocation site,
if applicable.
3. Development Description:
A) Estimated cost of development: Land leased
Improvements $150,000
B) Project height: Maximum height of structure ~ Q"
Maximum height of structure as mea^urec^,
from centeriine of frontage road ~ ^
C) Total number of floors in structure, including
subterranean floors, lofts, and mezzanines Q^^^
D) Gross floor area including covered parking and accessory
buildings ^^2 sq^ ft.
Gross floor area excluding parking
sq. ft.
E) Lot area (within property lines) ^^,600
f t. ^E—ao-j?e-s
2 of 5
Building Coverage
Paved Area
Lemdscaped Area
Unimproved Area
Existing New Proposed
252 sq.ft.
26,508 ^sq.ft.
^sq. ft,
17,840 sq.ft
(left natural) 44,600 sq.ft. 0 sq.ft. ^ sq.ft.
21,600 is tennis courts
F) Parking: number of existing spaces 0
number of new spaces proposed
number of covered spaces 0
number of uncovered spaces 13
number of standard spaces i? size 10'-0"x20'-
number of compact spaces n size NA
Is tandem parking existing ( )
proposed ( )
Yes *
Yes »
( X) No
( X) No
G) If land
Lot Symbol
is to be subdivided, number of lots to be
and size: NA
No. of Lots Lot Size
4 .
H) If the development is residential, please state:
number of dwelling units
number of bedrooms per dwelling unit
type of occupancy proposed: ( )
( )
( )
( )
stock cooperative
time share
Grade Alteration:
Is any grading proposed? (x) Yes
( ) No
If yes, please complete the
600 cu. yds.
600 cu.yds.
maximum height of fill slope i ft.
maximum height of cut slope i ft.
amount of cut
amount of fill
amount of import or export ^
location of borrow or disposal site NA
3 of 5
Grading and drainage plans must be included with this
application. In certain areas, an engineering geology report
must also be included. Consult the City Engineering
Department representative for a determination.
5. utility Extensions:
Are utility extensions for the following, proposed to serve
the project?
a) water ( h Yes ( ) No
b) gas ( X) Yes ( ) No
c) electric (x ) Yes ( ) No.
Above Ground Extensions
d) sewer ( ) Yes ( X) No
e) telephone ( ) Yes (X ) No
If yes, to any of the above, would extensions be above
( ) Yes ( X) No
6. Development on Public Trust Lands:
Does the development involve diking, filling, dredging or
placing any structures in open coastal waters, wetlands,
estuaries, or lakes?
a) diking ( ) Yes ( x) No
b) filling ( ) Yes (X) No
c) dredging ( ) Yes (X) No
d) placement of structures ( ) Yes (X) No
e) Amount of material to be dredged or filled
NA cu. yds .
f) Location of dredged material disposal site NA
g) Has a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers' permit been applied
for? ( ) Yes ( X) No
h) Will the development extend onto or adjoin any beach,
tidelands, submerged lands or public trust lands? (See
Definitions section) ( ) Yes (X) No
For projects on State-owned lands, additional
information may be required. Consult the staff
representative in the Planning Department.
7. Sensitive Resources;
Does the proposed development contain:
a) a sensitive habitat area ( ) Yes ( X) No (a biological
survey may be required)
b) a 100-year floodplain ( ) Yes (X) No (hydrologic mapping
may be required)
c) a park or recreation area ij) Yes ( ) No
d) Historic resources ( ) Yes (^) No
4 of 5
e) archaeological resources ( ) Yes ( x) No
f) paieontological resources ( ) Yes (X) No
If yes to any of the above, please explain on an attached
g) Would the development in any way alter or divert a stream
bed or drainage course? NO
If yes, please describe on a separate sheet of paper.
Coastal Access:
a) Will the development protect existing lower-cost visitor
and recreation facilities? (^) Yes ( ) No
If yes, explain TI- HOPS nnt interfere with existing facilities
b) Will the development provide public or private
recreational opportunities? (X") Yes ( ) No
If yes, explain tennis courts will be available to the
public at a nominal fee
Is the proposed development:
a) Visible from any park, beach, or recreation area
(x) Yes ( ) No (A viewshed analysis may be required)
b) Within the viewshed from any public or quasi public
place (i.e. public roads, (X) Yes ( ) No
commercial sites, public or private recreation areas,
etc.) to a visual coastal resource.
If the development is between the first public road and the
sea, is public access to the shoreline and along the coast
currently available near the site? ( ) Yes ( ) No NA
If yes, indicate the location of the nearby access, including
the distance from the site.
Under certain circumstances, additional material or
documents may be required prior to issuance of a Coastal
Development Permit.
Bate' Signature of Applicant hr Signature of Applicant
Authorized Agent
bm^ %\WN^, OKAh^h li'i.
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