HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP 90-04; Roosevelt Center; Redevelopment Permits (RP)APPSP^TION COMPLETE DATE: August 3. 1990 STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 3, 1990 TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: RP 90-4 - ROOSEVELT CENTER - Request for approval of a Minor Redevelopment Permit to aliove a use intensification to a retail suite in the existing Roosevelt Center located between Roosevelt and Madison Streets and north of Grand Avenue. The project is in the Village Redevelopment (VR) zone. The General Plan designation is Central Business District and the Local FaciUties Management Zone is Zone 1. 1. RECOMMENDATION That the Design Review Board ADOPT Design Review Board Resolution No. 161 APPROVING RP 90-4, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project involves a use intensification at the Roosevelt Center which is an existing complex that was constructed before the City's Redevelopment Agency was estabUshed. As such, no Redevelopment Permit for this project exists. Some of the current uses in this center include: Jazzercise, a restaurant and various retail uses. Adjacent to the Madison Street frontage are some vacant suites. These suites are designated for retail uses which require one space for every 300 square feet of retail area. This proposal involves the introduction of a medical office use (chiropractor) into one of the existing retail suites; specificaUy, 2793 Madison Street. A medical use requires paridng at one space for every 200 square feet, and therefore would be an intensification of an aUowed use. Parking for the Roosevelt Center is provided by 167 spaces onsite and 14 spaces in a parking lot on the northeast comer of Madison Street and Grand Avenue for a total of 181 spaces. The appUcant is proposing to justify this use intensification by exceeding the parking requirements and making onsite improvements. IIL ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Can the proposed use intensification be justified? a) Can zoning requirements be satisfied? b) WiU the proposed use be detrimental to the center or existing uses? 2. Is the project consistent with the Local FaciUties Management Plan for Zone 1? (9 RP 90-4 - ROOSEVELT CE OCTOBER 3, 1990 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION Zoning Requirements The proposed project can satisfy, and in fact exceed, zoning requirements. The subject retail suite is 1300 square feet and therefore requires 4.3 spaces using the 1:300 ratio. A medical use would require 6.5 spaces using the 1:200 ratio. The proposed medical use, therefore, would require an additional 2.2 or 3 spaces beyond what currently exists (rounding up as required by the Code). Exhibit "A" shows the existing parking layout for the Roosevelt Center. The appUcant is proposing to create more parking spaces by combining two parking islands and converting standard spaces to compact spaces. SpecificaUy, a total of nine additional spaces are proposed as shown on Exhibit "B", which would exceed the zoning requirement by six additional spaces. The proposed additional spaces wiU create a total of 176 spaces onsite. Combined v^th the 14 spaces on the lot on the northeast comer of Grand Avenue and Madison Street, a new total of 190 spaces wiU serve Roosevelt Center. Twenty-five percent of the total spaces can be compact size as aUowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The appUcant is proposing 43 compacts which would be 23% of the total spaces. As such, the proposed parking lot modifications meet or exceed zoning requirements. Evaluation of Roosevelt Center Due to the combination of existing uses and existing conditions, the Roosevelt Center experiences periods of parking congestion. There are several factors causing this episodic occurrence. Primarily, the Jazzercise use involves scheduled dance/exercise classes which are very popular. The overlap period between the end of one class and the start of another experiences the most parking congestion. The Roosevelt Center parking lot itself lacks red painted curbs and signage to prohibit iUegal parking and several existing spaces are not clearly striped. In addition. Post Office users park in the Roosevelt Center parking lot when the Post Office's lot is fuU and the majority of Post Office employees park almost exclusively on Roosevelt and Madison Streets. The combined effects of these factors causes the parking congestion. SpecificaUy, during peak periods of congestion, cars are parked iUegaUy in driving aisles and along the aUey on the north side of the center. The appUcant wiU initiate several measures to eliminate the magnitude of the periodic parking congestion to justify the proposed use intensification. First of aU, the appUcant had a parking/traffic study completed in June 1990. The primary conclusion of this study was that the most parking congestion occurred between the weekday moming Jazzercise classes. It was recommended to space the classes so that there is a minimum of 30 minutes between the end of one class and the start of another. The appUcant, being the Roosevelt Center property owner, is willing to ensure the modification of Jazzercise's class schedule to create this expanded time buffer. In addition, parking lot improvements are being proposed which include repairing and resurfacing to improve drainage conditions to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department, restriping of parking staUs and the painting of red curbs to indicate iUegal parking areas. As discussed earUer, the parking lot improvements v^ also involve the creation of nine additional parking spaces; six beyond what is required by the Zoning Ordinance. RP 90-4 - ROOSEVELT CEl^R OCTOBER 3, 1990 PAGE 3 Zone 1 Local FaciUties Management Plan The project is located in Local FaciUties Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant. AU pubUc UtiUties and services wUl be avaUable to serve the project. The impacts on pubUc faciUties created by the proposed project and compUance with adopted performance standards are summarized below: COMPLIANCE FACILITY IMPACTS WITH STANDARD City Administration FaciUty N/A Yes Library N/A Yes Wastewater Treatment Capacity N/A Yes Parks N/A Yes Drainage N/A Yes Circulation 1700 ADT Yes Fire Station #1 Yes Schools N/A Yes Sewer CoUection System 19 EDU'S Yes Water Distribution System 4,200 GPD Yes Open Space N/A Yes IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categoricaUy exempt from environmental review per categorical exemption Class 1 (a) as outUned by the Califomia Enviroimiental QuaUty Act, which aUows for minor interior and exterior alterations to existing stmctures. A Notice of Exemption wiU be fUed. V. SUMMARY In conclusion, staff can support the proposed use intensification by incorporating aU proposed improvements and modifications as conditions of approval. In addition, performance criteria wiU be estabUshed to ensure the adequate functioning of the center. Non-compUance with the performance criteria wiU cause this Redevelopment Permit to come back before the Design Review Board for review and resolution of non-compUance issues. The performance criteria wUl include: 1) the monitoring and modification of the Jazzercise class schedule to aUow for adequate time between classes; 2) provide red painted curbs and corresponding towing signage to clearly mark non-parking areas including the northem aUey; 3) no parking in the northem aUey; RP 90-4 - ROOSEVELT CE OCTOBER 3, 1990 PAGE 4 4) no iUegal parking or parking in the aisles of Roosevelt Center; and 5) the modification and repair of the parking lot and elimination of drainage problems onsite to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department. Based on the compUance with zoning requirements and the justification for the proposed use intensification, staff recommends approval of RP 90-4. ATTACHMENTS 1. Design Review Board Resolution No. 161 2. General Location Map 3. Specific Location Map 4. Notice of Exemption 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Disclosure Form 7. Local FaciUties Impacts Assessment Form 8. Parking Study for Roosevelt Center (previously distributed) 9. Exhibits "A" - "C", dated October 3, 1990 September 12, 1990 ENM:rvo MAGNOLIA" Gity of Garlsbad ROOSEVELT CENTER RP 90-4 TJUtH A ILICTWCAL iMCLOtUM J—S —<3 i T U I—J^ <3 If ^i, SITE PLAN ^ ROOSEVELT CENTER lb o Co